EU theory and UFO questions

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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EU theory and UFO questions

Unread post by PlasmaPig » Tue Oct 18, 2016 10:34 pm

I am trying to write a movie script about some EU physicists who figure out how to build a flying saucer that can travel across the stars using EU ideas. I have some questions I need help answering, to help come up with dialogue.

1 – Form fits function. Why are UFOs shaped like discs, cylinders, or triangles?

2 – UFOs have been recorded rotating to accelerate in the direction of travel, so why would a disc shaped object need to face the direction of travel?

3 – Why does proximity to UFOs create disturbances in electrical equipment? What might this indicate about their propulsion systems?

4 – Assuming these craft use electro-magnetic propulsion, are these craft repelling themselves from the Earth, or attracting themselves towards something? The difference could be important.

5 – Why do the craft exhibit what looks like multi colored plasma discharged or a “corona” glow?

6 – Why do the discs show up on infrared, but remain optically invisible?

7 – Is there any natural example of why any of these type of observations on UFO could be happening, like aurora, plasma discharge, gravity negation (consider planetary or other celestial interactions as well.

8 – Many witnessed report these craft being ½ mile or more in size, but they move silently, and they make no sonic boom as they go from slow speeds to hyper sonic speeds.

9 – How could the pilots of these ships survive instant acceleration from 0 – 30,000 mph?

10 – How could inertia be negated?

11- Are there natural examples of any of these type of phenomenon?

12 - Does a UFO attract itself towards something, or repel itself away from something, or both?

13 – Does a UFO maybe control its own resonance to propel itself?

14 – What effects of the Earths gravity/EM fields have on the UFO?

15 – The vast Majority of UFO sightings occur at the 27th parallel. Why would this be? Might UFOs travel, or charge up, or have a reason to fly along certain routes?

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Re: EU theory and UFO questions

Unread post by Metryq » Wed Oct 19, 2016 1:29 am

The members of this forum are interested in EU as a practical model which dovetails with known, laboratory and technology tested physics. You appear to be taking UFO reports—many of them conflicting (e.g. discs, cylinders and triangles)—at face value and expecting EU to explain it.

If you want ad hoc rationalizations for griffins, unicorns and the like, you'd best turn to mainstream astronomy. EU has sprites and elves covered, but not imaginary dark matter, dark energy and UFOs. :P

By the way, "UFO" does not automatically mean "extraterrestrial spacecraft."

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Re: EU theory and UFO questions

Unread post by D_Archer » Wed Oct 19, 2016 3:22 am

You seem to have 2 separate issues (or a conflation), 1) natural plasma phenomena seen as UFOs, this indeed happens, Plasma can take many forms, spheres, cigars mostly. 2) actual spaceships and you want to know how EU would build them with the understanding of EM and electric gravity and how to best fit that information into a sci fi narrative. Cool.

I will try to answer your questions.
1 – Form fits function. Why are UFOs shaped like discs, cylinders, or triangles?
Discs ufo's, to be polarized with respect to the charge field of he earth, ie , inflow at the top and bottom and outflow at the sides, spin causes this field to emanate and it pushes against the field of the Earth.

Cylinders, NA, not real ships probably, probably plasma shimmer.

Triangle, these are manmade for sure, it is black project, it is a plasma engine, i dont know how it works exactly, but likely the plasma flows, it would be a blocking action to the charge field of the Earth and thus this craft would experience a push upwards (from the Earth).
2 – UFOs have been recorded rotating to accelerate in the direction of travel, so why would a disc shaped object need to face the direction of travel?
See 1. the spin is outflow, it pushes against the Earth charge field.
3 – Why does proximity to UFOs create disturbances in electrical equipment? What might this indicate about their propulsion systems?
That they use charge mechanism, charge flowing in one direction is an E-Field, charge spin is magnetism. (EU has no physical charge, but Miles Mathis has his charge photons, they underlie the E/M field. These photons are real, have radius and spin and all matter recycles photons, from small atoms to large spheres like the Earth, in at the poles out at the equator (mostly).
4 – Assuming these craft use electro-magnetic propulsion, are these craft repelling themselves from the Earth, or attracting themselves towards something? The difference could be important.
Repelling against the Earth (or better, against the charge field of the earth, ie aether), Earth is charge dense.
5 – Why do the craft exhibit what looks like multi colored plasma discharged or a “corona” glow?
Any gas could be excited to glow by the ships charge.
6 – Why do the discs show up on infrared, but remain optically invisible?
I dont know about invisible, but charge photons sub infrared, that is their size, if a craft recycles a large amount of charge this would indeed show up, charge photons is heat (ie the denser the charge, the higher the heat)
7 – Is there any natural example of why any of these type of observations on UFO could be happening, like aurora, plasma discharge, gravity negation (consider planetary or other celestial interactions as well.
Yes, mostly plasma discharges.
8 – Many witnessed report these craft being ½ mile or more in size, but they move silently, and they make no sonic boom as they go from slow speeds to hyper sonic speeds.
No question.
9 – How could the pilots of these ships survive instant acceleration from 0 – 30,000 mph?
If inert, there is no gravity for the occupants and thus no g's.
10 – How could inertia be negated?
wrong questions, double negative.
11- Are there natural examples of any of these type of phenomenon?
Yes, plasma discharges.
12 - Does a UFO attract itself towards something, or repel itself away from something, or both?
See question 4.
13 – Does a UFO maybe control its own resonance to propel itself?
It would be resonant to its own field, but not resonant with the Earth. It could use cavity harmonics... but this is beyond me.
14 – What effects of the Earths gravity/EM fields have on the UFO?
15 – The vast Majority of UFO sightings occur at the 27th parallel. Why would this be? Might UFOs travel, or charge up, or have a reason to fly along certain routes?
Probably region with most charge of the photon kind (ie the opposite of anti-photon). The Earth recycles charge, photons enter the south pole and anti-photons the north pole.. the charge field at Earth is not balanced ie there more photons than anti-photons. See this picture Image, charge is heat is power, the Earth spins, the charge that enters the poles of the Earth goes out mostly at the equator, since the field is not balanced, the photons have the most density where they exist the Earth the most, ie the purple spots.

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Re: EU theory and UFO questions

Unread post by PlasmaPig » Wed Oct 19, 2016 10:37 am

Thanks for your replies.

Please understand that this is for a movie script. I know EU scientists must be concerning themselves with things they can prove, and getting wrapped up in UFO type stuff would be counter productive (unless someone made a functioning flying saucer lol)

So this is merely speculation, entertainment, and meant to be a story that the masses would watch and find interesting. To give an example, people watched interstellar and might have been more curious about science, even though interstellar was full of nonsense science.

So this movie idea is aimed at getting people interested in the ideas of the electric universe. To see things in another way, instead of the usual black hole -dark energy - gravity based way. Most people have never heard of the EU theories at all.

Your average person would not go see a movie about hard science with the EU, but they would watch a movie about people figuring out how to use electro-magnetism to propel flying saucers and what not. I just wanted to hear some responses from people who have their science jargon down better, so when I write dialogue for the characters it sounds more legit than what I would come up with.

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Re: EU theory and UFO questions

Unread post by D_Archer » Thu Oct 20, 2016 1:12 am

PlasmaPig wrote:Thanks for your replies.

Please understand that this is for a movie script. I know EU scientists must be concerning themselves with things they can prove, and getting wrapped up in UFO type stuff would be counter productive (unless someone made a functioning flying saucer lol)

So this is merely speculation, entertainment, and meant to be a story that the masses would watch and find interesting. To give an example, people watched interstellar and might have been more curious about science, even though interstellar was full of nonsense science.

So this movie idea is aimed at getting people interested in the ideas of the electric universe. To see things in another way, instead of the usual black hole -dark energy - gravity based way. Most people have never heard of the EU theories at all.

Your average person would not go see a movie about hard science with the EU, but they would watch a movie about people figuring out how to use electro-magnetism to propel flying saucers and what not. I just wanted to hear some responses from people who have their science jargon down better, so when I write dialogue for the characters it sounds more legit than what I would come up with.
You could read the Guide for the EU (on, if you just keep the language to Maxwell and right hand rule and how E/M interacts etc, it should be sufficient. Or just only try to explain plasma and that we humans can now control it with E/M fields, only thing you need for that is a power source, so invent a magical power source and with that we control plasma or something, plasma weapons maybe...or we invent a spherical ship with some new nano metal and we learn to control plasma so we can completely envelope the sphere with a plasma, a glowing sphere and suddenly gravity has no hold of the ship and it can should out into space easily... a bit far out.

A simpler ship is a power source and a plasma engine that gives enormous thrust (instead of the low thrust of current plasma thrusters) it can take off from earth and fly into space and is fast enough to explore our solar system.

Edit: patent for EMdrive released > ... de-public/

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Re: EU theory and UFO questions

Unread post by kevin » Thu Oct 20, 2016 5:12 am ... brown.html

nikolai Kozyrev ... nd-torsion

My opinion......

Time flows.....tempus fugit.
Time flows in phase conjugate fashion in all directions at once.
Time is relative to the created field one is at rest with.
Time is therefore able to be manipulated.

Spin is critical, not of the mass, but of the field.
The field is a dual spin consequence of heart centred consciousness.
All electrical and plasma events are consciousness based.

The crafts displace in universe by slowing the speed of time in one direction, thus the craft and all within displace in time.
To an observer here upon the surface of this planet the craft will appear to move at impossible speed and alter direction impossibly.
The craft will switch differently to this planets normal time field, thus to those on the craft, the planet will be altering in direction and speed.

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Re: EU theory and UFO questions

Unread post by allynh » Thu Oct 20, 2016 10:43 am


Sorry that I'm late to the discussion.

Once you write the screenplay, turn it into a novel and self publish using Amazon Kindle and Createspace. You have a better chance of making money on a book than a screenplay. Plus, if your books are successful you have a better chance of having them made into movies. HA!

Don't worry about describing how UFOs work. That will only get the Space Cadets attacking your "nuts and bolts" rather than reading the story. That way you can focus on the story you want to tell without getting lost in some complex system of transport that the Space Cadets will only pick apart. Tell a good story and no one will argue with your "facts".

I base all on my stuff on the following Core concepts:

- Electric Universe
- Growing Earth Theory
- Fomenko alternate history
- The Omphalos Hypothesis

But I do not mention that in the books. I found that it is better to show what is happening rather than explain.

Basically, UFOs are atmospheric craft. They do not travel in the deep space between the stars. They follow the geometry between worlds. The worlds have to be similar enough to each other to have their geometries connected. You cannot travel from Earth to Mars direct. You would have to follow the incline to smaller and smaller worlds until you come back to Mars.

Following the geometry is how people walk from one world to another.

This is a classic way of getting from world to world without wasting time on the how. Stories like this have been told since novels began. From the Classic Romances of centuries ago to stuff that China Mieville is doing now. If I remember, Perdido Street Station mentions that all of the various people that are there, walked to that world. So it's an old concept that still has legs.

Some example books to read:

The Area 51 series and the Atlantis series by Bob Mayer are fun. He does a lot of things right, and the things he does wrong are obvious, so learn from him.

Another is The Rho Agenda series by Richard Phillips. The first three books are a little clunky, then the characters get more interesting in the second series.

Then, if you get the classic book Passport to Magonia: From Folklore to Flying Saucers by Jacques Vallee you can see all sides of the UFO question that lends itself to many kinds of story. Think of UFOs as concepts rather than "nuts and bolts" objects.

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Re: EU theory and UFO questions

Unread post by kell1990 » Thu Oct 20, 2016 8:36 pm

"[quote="PlasmaPig"]I am trying to write a movie script about some EU physicists who figure out how to build a flying saucer that can travel across the stars using EU ideas. I have some questions I need help answering, to help come up with dialogue.

1 – Form fits function. Why are UFOs shaped like discs, cylinders, or triangles?"

I don't remember where but I have very recently seen an image of a form which looked a lot like a "UFO" (disc-shaped with a bulging middle section, sorta like a pregnant Frisbee).

I'll continue to look for this, which I saw only a day or so ago. It was probably somewhere in my internet meanderings. In the meantime, maybe someone else who has a better recollection than I have can post that image here. As I recall it was a mathematical graph of some sort of object.

I remember thinking when I saw it, "Now that looks a lot like a typical UFO."

Not that members of the EU/PC community have bought into the UFO thing in the least, only that what I saw looked a lot like a UFO.

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Re: EU theory and UFO questions

Unread post by kevin » Sat Oct 22, 2016 9:41 am ... topic=17.0

I have high confidence in this.

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Re: EU theory and UFO questions

Unread post by tholden » Mon Oct 24, 2016 10:09 pm

MSL images do show NASA/USAF personnel on the ground on Mars and I do not have an easy time picturing human astronauts surviving a 1.5 year rocket-powered trip at that distance, something faster almost has to be involved and the something faster is most likely Biefeld/Brown propulsion.

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Re: EU theory and UFO questions

Unread post by PlasmaPig » Wed Oct 26, 2016 3:17 pm

Thank you so much for your replies, you have led me to some interesting information that will help me write a super interesting script.

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Re: EU theory and UFO questions

Unread post by PlasmaPig » Tue Nov 01, 2016 8:41 pm

So I keep running into this same problem for the script.

How can you generate sufficient energy on your UFO to ionize the disc and create a levitation effect? What would a UFO/Disc run on for power?

Doesnt being in the lower Atmosphere of Earth pretty much preclude the disc from being able to absorb ions from the upper atmosphere where the sun's energy is coming in?

Im just trying to figure how the Disc gets its energy to charge its surfaces. I liked this idea here... at about 4:00 he gives an idea about creating different charges on the leading and lagging edge of the craft to make the craft want to slip through the atmosphere. Is this BS or is this possible if you could generate enough -/+ charge??

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Re: EU theory and UFO questions

Unread post by D_Archer » Wed Nov 02, 2016 2:45 am

PlasmaPig wrote:So I keep running into this same problem for the script.

How can you generate sufficient energy on your UFO to ionize the disc and create a levitation effect? What would a UFO/Disc run on for power?

Doesnt being in the lower Atmosphere of Earth pretty much preclude the disc from being able to absorb ions from the upper atmosphere where the sun's energy is coming in?

Im just trying to figure how the Disc gets its energy to charge its surfaces. I liked this idea here... at about 4:00 he gives an idea about creating different charges on the leading and lagging edge of the craft to make the craft want to slip through the atmosphere. Is this BS or is this possible if you could generate enough -/+ charge??
You will like this > JL Naudin* >

Yes it is possible to use EM to influence air flows around crafts.

About the power, that is difficult, you would need resonance tech, like Tesla, where the craft receives power from the environment , not have it generate it itself, that would be too cumbersome.

Another possibility is the implosion engine, apparently the tech comes from the Wizard >


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Re: EU theory and UFO questions

Unread post by allynh » Wed Nov 02, 2016 6:38 pm

Here are two other threads that talk about EU fiction. I'll try to keep track of others since this subject will be coming up more and more as people discover how to Indy publish.

What would EU sci-fi be like? ... =10&t=5616

Faster than light travel limitations ... 10&t=16231

Plus, enter this string in Google search to find mentions of James P. Hogan and EU on the Forum.

"james p. hogan" site::

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Re: EU theory and UFO questions

Unread post by PlasmaPig » Fri Jan 06, 2017 6:13 pm

Would anyone like to read the script? It is 25% done


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