Simple theory of everything - using layman's terms

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Simple theory of everything - using layman's terms

Unread post by lw1990 » Fri Oct 14, 2016 4:23 pm

I will attempt to explain a theory of everything and explain each step along the way. I won't use any confusing math and will try to limit my vocabulary and use simple analogies to make this accessible to everyone. This theory is somewhat complete, but its practical implications are beyond what my mind can grasp at this time. I'm hoping that experts or enthusiasts in the scientific fields such as yourselves can comprehend the theory quickly and find supporting or contradicting evidence from your experiences.

--- Part 1, What is Volume? ---

Volume cannot exist without substance.
Substance cannot exist without volume.
Volume cannot exist within non-existence.

Conclusions from the above laws:
The universe is infinite in volume.
The universe is infinite in substance.

Substance must have a variable density in order to be used as a building material.
Substance must have a force which causes some form of interaction for events to happen.

Conclusion from the above laws:
Substance has a direct-contact attraction towards substance of greater density.

An illustration of the original state of the universe; brightness indicates the amount of substance in that finite region.

The mechanics of this substance govern the formational processes composing all aspects of the universe. Collectively, these mechanics describe the behavior and formation of force, motion, particles/matter, energy, gravity, magnetism, and every aspect of the universe. There are no other formational mechanics in nature; everything is a derivative of this substance and its attraction towards greater density.

Greater density is just more substance in a finite volume - quantity of volume and quantity of substance define the density of a finite volume.

Substance mechanics:
A volume of substance with a density value of 1 is attractive to a density value of 2.
2 is neutral to 1.
2 is neutral to 2.
2 is neutral to 4; a gradient of density must form between 2 and 4 which includes 3. If a density of 10 was neighbor to a density of 1, a gradient field of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 would have to form before attraction to 10 could happen. Only 9 would be attracted to 10, and 8 would be attracted to 9, and 7 would be attracted to 8, and so on, to move the entire gradient down to 1.
There is no repulsion, momentum, inertia, or any other mechanic of motion for substance; just attraction toward greater density.
Increased density does not increase force; the attraction of 1 to 2 is stronger than 2 to 3. Force is finite in strength.
As density increases, force decreases until it becomes insufficient to absorb greater density.
Because of this, there is a maximum density due to attraction.
Substance must have a physical connection to that which it is attracted to have an attraction.
Once maximum density has been reached, increase in density stops - there is insufficient attraction for it to happen.

Substance always has a gradient diffusion between differential densities, it is a fluidic density gradient that cannot break its structure. It can congeal to maximum density or diffuse to minimum density but it maintains a gradient density to do this, such as in the following illustration.


Just as temperature, acceleration, and pressure must have gradients from one value to another, so must density of substance. When density diffuses to 1, it is because it is attracting towards a greater density outside of itself.

These mechanics of substance govern the physical behavior of density differentiation. They are absolute without variance. The universe is one substance with one attractive force, with no behavioral tolerance or viscosity.

This substance is self quantifying if you apple one rule: that volume, matter, energy, and gravity must be absolutely physical and quantifiable in every way, shape, and form.

Deciphering the physical volume composing the universe is the first task before anything else. Volume is the most abundant aspect of the universe, its existence is the most paramount issue in understanding the nature of the universe. Volume must be physically quantified before any comprehension of the material universe can occur.

--- End of part 1 ---

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Re: Simple theory of everything - using layman's terms

Unread post by lw1990 » Fri Oct 14, 2016 5:02 pm

--- Part 2 - From fluidic substance to particles ---

From the below illustration I will define the center point as the 'core', and everything outside it as the density field. Both the core and the density field are composed of the same substance in different densities.


Substance attracts toward the core. The core's density increases until it reaches maximum density. When it reaches maximum density the movement of substance directly outside the core's surface stops because it lacks sufficient attraction to move into the core. This surface-volume outside the core where substance temporarily stops moving is called the particle-formation-zone.

Substance from the density field is still attracted to the maximum density core, but cannot absorb into the core, instead it is piled into the particle-formation-zone, which is a band of substance wrapped around the surface of the core. As this happens, the particle-formation-zone reaches maximum density itself in some places, but it is fragmented as the gradient structure of substance must maintain a smooth gradient transition from the core outwards.

Since the core is spherical, so too is the particle-formation-zone, it has a curve to its volume. The first places that solidify to maximum density in this zone also have a curvature, and substance bombards it and moves along the curvature as if it was an obstacle. As this happens, solidification to maximum density happens in a curved way extrapolating on the curvature over and over again until finally the curvature becomes so wide that it touches an adjacent curve - at which point it begins curving inwards, ultimately resulting in a sphere of maximum-density with a slightly less dense interior. The entire surface of the partizle-formation-zone is covered in these spheres, which would be like seeing a bowling ball without finger holes covered by BB-gun ammo.

The interior of these spheres begins attracting toward the shell, leaving a density of 1 mm at the center. Eventually, because it is a closed system of finite volume inside the sphere with no where to escape, the density field attracts toward the shell and solidies to maximum density itself, collapsing the volume of the sphere from the inside out. Since density is a function of volume and substance, and the volume is decreasing from collapsation, the density increases even past maximum density. This is because density is not increasing due to attraction, but instead due to collapsation. When this happens, a subparticle has formed because it exceeds maximum density and breaks the gradient structure of the ambient density field. Normally, the ambient density field would try to create a gradient density field toward this object, but since it lacks the force to exceed maximum density on its own, it cannot do so. The subparticle resolves to function as an obstacle in the path of the density field. Substance trying to reach the core now has to navigate around the subparticles as if they were not there. There is no resistance or classical mechanics going on here, but the subparticles do occupy volume and the substance trying to reach the core have to go around it, they cannot go through it because they lack the force to go through such a high density plus they have no attraction to that density since they cannot form a gradient field toward it.

This is one of the most complex concepts of this theory, but it is the fundamental generative process of the universe. These subparticles are the only true particles in all of nature, complex organizations of them compose all higher particles, atoms, energy, everything.

Illustration showing subparticles forming on the surface of the core. Yellow circles indicate the forming shell, green circles indicate the finalized subparticle's volume. The gaps between the yellow circles are where substance from the density field continues to feed toward the core.

In the gaps between these spheres on the surface of the core, substance continues to flow toward the core and solidify on the surface of the core, adding to the cores volume/size. The core grows in volume forever, which allows it to form more and more smaller spheres on its surface at each repetition. The small spheres are a fixed size because they are a function of the curvature touching an adjacent forming sphere. In 3D, these spheres have approximate-diamond-like shaped gaps between them where substance flows through, adding to the cores volume.

This is the genesis of the material universe, but there are several more steps that happen before galaxies as we know them begin formulating.

-- End of part 2 ---

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Re: Simple theory of everything - using layman's terms

Unread post by lw1990 » Sat Oct 15, 2016 10:15 pm

--- Part 3 - from particles to particle clusters ---

Subparticles forming near the surface of the universal core in the particle-formation-zone act as objects as substance flows around them to move toward the universal core. As substance flows around these subparticles, a wake forms on the trailing side of each subparticle. This represents an area in the particle-formation-zone where a finite, moon-shaped region of substance is partially shielded from incoming flow of substance from the outer density field. The subparticle itself, being an obstacle, acts as the shield for this wake. The wake slowly loses density as part of it is attracted out toward the core and part remains, and is not replenished quickly due to the physical shielding effect of the subparticle in front of it. At some point the 'wake' loses enough density to be attracted to the density field outside of the particle-formation-zone, and moves toward this density-band (away from the universal core). The subparticle is in the way and does not cause resistance, it is pushed/compressed away from the core since it has nowhere else to go. The wake effectively pushes it outwards from the core, leaving room for more subparticles to form again in the particle-formation zone.

Over time, the wake slowly creeps around the subparticle and surrounds it, forming a subparticle-field. Lowest density is just outside the subparticle itself (density of 1), and it forms a density gradient out to ambient density of the universal core's density field (which is just a fluidic density gradient).

Illustration showing the forming 'wake' of lesser density behind a subparticle (green object in the illustration)

Illustration showing the resulting subparticle-field (the actual shape is like a walnut, not a perfect sphere, because the subparticle is always moving and always shielding a 'wake' behind it). The only perfect spheres in nature are the universal core and the subparticle itself (green sphere).

However, because subparticles are so densely packed just outside the particle-formation-zone, the 'wakes' and forming subparticle-fields are overlapping/interfacing one another. This causes groups of subparticles to move toward one another and form a shared density field, with least density surrounding the group of subparticles, with a gradient density field out to ambient density. This forms what will be called a subparticle cluster.

Illustration showing the core of a subparticle cluster. The illustration does not show the subparticle cluster's field, which forms outside the core and envelops it, just like a subparticle field envelops a subparticle. The cluster of subparticles function as a single core with a rough surface instead of smooth perfect spherical surface of just one subparticle.

Illustration showing the subparticle cluster field around the subparticle cluster core. The core and field together make a subparticle cluster. This field contains a density gradient out to ambient density.

--- End of part 3 ---

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Re: Simple theory of everything - using layman's terms

Unread post by lw1990 » Mon Oct 17, 2016 3:35 pm

Addendum to part 1:
Substance symmetry field mechanics

Previously I basically outlined how density has to change in gradients - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 instead of going directly from 1 to 5

However there is a mechanism for how this works/looks, explained below

you cannot go from a density of 1, for example, to ambient density of 10,000,000 without a density gradient between the two. The size/volume of each density band, as well as the total density gradient, is quantifiable.

If a spherical bubble of substance with a density of 5 existed within an ambient density of 1, and the 5-density bubble occupied a volume of 10, it would have an outer band (an outer spherical volume) encompassing it which also totaled a volume a 10, but its density would be 4. Then, both those bands would function as the source volume for the next band, which would have a volume of 20 and a density of 3. The next band would have a volume equal to all three previous bands (10+10+20 = 40) and would thus have a volume of 40, and a density of 2. This would be the last band in the system, since ambient density is 1, the symmetry gradient is complete. A finite gradient field always has 1 less density than whatever density it exists within. If a 10,000,000-density bubble existed within an ambient density of 1 it would have 9,999,999 density bands, each having a volume pattern as explained above (accumulative source volume times two).

Sorry if this math is confusing, it should be the only math required for a long time in this theory.

One final note, a subparticle, which has greater density than any density-gradient, functions as a void or obstacle, it's not taken into calculations in density gradients, because it is not part of the gradient (it can't be), since fluidic density (substance) cannot exceed maximum density on its own - it lacks the force to do so.

Substance velocity -
the velocity of fluidic substance such as outside the universal core is directly correlated to density. Substance with a density of 1 takes one unit of time to move through one unit of volume. Substance with a density of 10 takes 1 unit of time to move through 10 units of volume. The greater the density, the greater the velocity.


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