Recovered:Elec Theory, Maxwells Formula, Tesla Scalar Vortex

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Recovered:Elec Theory, Maxwells Formula, Tesla Scalar Vortex

Post by junglelord » Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:25 pm

Few people in history have truly understood Electricity like Maxwell, Faraday, Birkeland and Tesla.

What if the theory of electricity we are all taught in school is not the full equation? What if the work by Maxwell and understood by him was not imparted to us correctly or in its original form? Are the formulas we learn in electronic college really Maxwells Theorum in all its slendor? Are we playing with a full deck so to speak! How many have actually read the original work and not someone's interpertation of the original work. We will not understand anything in total without some independent research into the original work....not relying on the interpertation of the work!
The bedrock of much of modern science is Classical Electromagnetic Theory (CEM). James Clark Maxwell developed this 136 years ago in an exotic algebra known as quaternions. In order to render it more assimilable for use by working electrodynamicists, it was deliberately re-written in much simpler language by Oliver Heaviside (and Gibbs) in 1903. This simplification (and truncation) eliminated a whole subset of the equations including the scalar electromagnetics and the gravitational aspects that were contained in the original theory. At last count, there are at least thirty-four known flaws in Oliver Heaviside (and Gibbs) hoary old theory, which is what is still taught in today’s classrooms. Some of the world’s leading scientists, such as Wheeler, Feynman, Bunge, Margenau, Barrett, Cornille, Evans, Vigier, and Lehnert have all written about CEM’s deficiencies.

When this missing "Heaviside subset" of Classical Electromagnetic Theory is restored and full EM Theory is viewed in Quaternions, and the brilliant 1903 and 1904 work of a Cambridge University mathematician, E.T. Whittaker introduced, but correct his work by factored in general and special relativity, all of a sudden one has the supposedly elusive Holy Grail of Science – a true Unified Field Theory that unites General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Classical EM Quaternion Theory and Tesla Scalar Longitudinal Waves.

For it is this "scalar potential" that stresses local space-time, i.e. the 3 spatial dimensions AND time, which allows the "bleed-through" of additional electromagnetic energy to create overunity electromagnetic systems. Indeed, the restoration of this missing subset also shows that Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity was also only a subset of the real theory that he was trying to write. Even though Einstein has been lionized for his theory of General Relativity (Time Magazine "Man of the Century"), he himself is on record as saying that the so-called foundations of physics need constant review, and that his Relativity Theory was not necessarily cast in concrete.

A further impediment to the theoretical extraction of "free" energy was also imposed on what was left of Maxwell’s already diluted EM Theory by H.A. Lorentz around 1902. He simply arbitrarily threw away the monstrous amount of current outside the circuit that was not intercepted by the circuit, and that he could not theoretically account for. This he termed "of no physical significance!" – even though it is approximately 1013 times greater than the intercepted current in our everyday electrical circuits! He thus perpetually locked EM systems in a theoretical and figurative iron box that would never allow them to go overunity and bleed in and capture additional energy.


In discarding the scalar component of the quaternion, Heaviside and Gibbs unwittingly discarded the unified EM/G portion of Maxwell's theory that arises when the translational/directional components of two interacting quaternions reduce to zero, but the scalar resultant remains and infolds a deterministic, dynamic structure that is a function of oppositive directional/translational components. In the infolding of EM energy inside a scalar potential, a structured scalar potential results, almost precisely as later shown by Whittaker but unnoticed by the scientific community. The simple vector equations produced by Heaviside and Gibbs captured only that subset of Maxwell's theory where EM and gravitation are mutually exclusive. In that subset, electromagnetic circuits and equipment will not ever, and cannot ever, produce gravitational or inertial effects in materials and equipments. Not a single one of those Heaviside/Gibbs equations ever appeared in a paper or book by James Clerk Maxwell, even though the severely restricted Heaviside/Gibbs interpretation is universally and erroneously taught in all Western universities as Maxwell's theory.

More surpression lies in the work of Tesla the master of electricity.
Scalar wave technology is another missing piece of the electric universe paradigm in all its glory. Tesla and his understanding of the EU is unsurpassed by any living human being.

Four Quadrant Theory of Electricity
Eric Dollard
(from Functional Thinking)
E:If we take Tesla's three phase electricity, or rotating magnetic field, we find that it is based on the archetypal form known as the Solar cross or by various other names.
T: Mandalas, medicine wheels?
E: ...these are four quadrant types of forms, a balanced cross as opposed to an unbalanced cross.
T: This is where you get the Four quadrant Theory of Electricity?
E: Electricity has to be viewed from a four quadrant type of situation. The right angle plays an extremely fundamental role in electricity. It is generally a right angle phenomenon.

(from Tesla's Longitudinal Electricity video):
Tesla experimented with impulse current and oscillating current.
our electricity is direct current and alternating current.
The Four Quadrant Theory of Electricity is
alternating current + direct current are transverse electromagnetic
impulse and oscillating current are longitudinal di-electric
If we do not include space time curve and the fluctations of the vaccum then our electric theorums are also still defunked therefore Einstein and Quantum effects must be added to the equation.

A full understanding of Electric Theory must include Maxwells Original Theorum and the Subsets and must include Tesla Scalar Wave Modulation with curved spacetime of general and special relativity to understand the Supersystem.

Nikola Tesla's June, 1919 article in the Electrical Experimenter. The article outlines the differences between his wireless technology and that of academic convention. "The True Wireless" is one of the most important of Tesla's articles in that he explains in great detail HIS system of wireless. Also, this document, in his own words, smashes currently held beliefs about so-called "Tesla Technology". Written some years after his Wardencliff Project, Tesla explains the inefficiency and limitations of the Hertzian method of electromagnetic propagation (through the air) with great clarity -- and that his system of wireless which was vastly more effective, utilised the ground itself for propagation. Tesla states, "Properly constructed, my system [of wireless] is safe against static and other interference, and the amount of energy which may be transmitted is billions of times greater than with the Hertzian which has none of these virtues..." He explains in particular, with several analogs in diagrammatic representation, his single-wire-without-return system -- the heart of Tesla's radio and wireless power systems.

Early elemental radio devices like Tesla’s are fascinating and worthy of study because they remind us that powerful radio technologies can be so simple and accessible. Tesla’s transmitters produced high-voltage, sudden-pulse disturbances conducted through the earth at low frequencies. His radio is as taboo in official science as his wireless power, which works on the very same principals. Tesla said the radio physics of Hertz, still in vogue, was an "aberration," a "fiction." Modern radio took a lot from Tesla, but what did it ignore? ... re=related ... re=related ... re=related ... re=related ... re=related ... re=related ... sublevel=0 ... read=38963

I find Kaluza Klein to be a very fundamental way to unite the above ideas in a 5d space

I also like the ECE Einstein-Cartan-Evans field theory model and find it to be very interesting. No black holes, no dark matter, no dark energy, accounts for Arps redshift anomalies.

Such a theory describes all of physics in a purely geometrical fashion. In ECE, gravity is the curvature- and electromagnetism is the torsion of spacetime. Indeed we live in a Geometric Universe with virtual flux and curved spacetime of scalar waves.

"All the wave equations of physics, and first order differential equations of physics, come from the tetrad postulate, and the field equations from the Bianchi identity."

- Prof. Myron. W. Evans, AIAS Director (member of the Aberystwyth group)

"Physics is geometry - objective and deterministic. After a century of scientific uncertainty and void, the new ECE theory of Myron Evans establishes that there is no Higgs mechanism or boson, no strings or superstrings, no need for renormalization, no need for gauge theory, no missing mass or dark matter in the universe, no exotic new particles, and no singularities in nature (that is Big Bang and Black Holes)."

- Prof. Gareth J. Evans, AIAS fellow, former doctoral student of Myron W. Evans and member of the Aberystwyth group

"Finally, over half a century after Einstein made his contributions of general and special relativity, Myron Evans, following in the tradition of Einstein, accomplished the impossible. Instead of trying to quantify gravity in terms of discrete packets of energy (quanta) to make it comply with the standard model, Evans took the opposite approach, He succeeded in describing the standard model in terms of geometry. In the Evans Grand Unified Field Theory (now called Einstein Cartan Evans (ECE) Theory - MWE), particle exchange is not the fundamental unifying factor. Instead, for each force there is a specific curvature of spacetime or spacetime geometry. The resulting equations can be applied to any area of science and engineering. The impact on the computer, transportation, medical, power, and manufacturing industries will ultimately be as profound as the discovery of fire."

- A. D. DeBruhl, "The Ultimate Truth" (2006), page 120

"As a result of the theory by Evans, an axial magnetic field component B(3) will exist in the direction of propagation of an individual photon. Regarding such a photon as an axisymmetric wave packet of limited transverse section, it is inevitable that the packet should possess a three-dimensional magnetic field pattern, having an axial field component B(3) and an associated angular momentum (spin). This fundamental contribution by Evans leads to a better understanding of the enigma of the photon than can be offered by conventional theory. Accordingly the results by Evans have inspired a number of scientists and research groups to perform further investigations along this line of approach. The research by Evans is thus of great importance to the scientific community and to the further development of modern physics and chemistry." ... dard_Model

The evidence of the ECE model and geometry being the holy grail of the universe I believe that the E8 model is fundamentally correct in its premis as described by Antony Garrett Lisi. His theory claims to unify all fields of the Standard Model with gravity using a 248-point lattice of E8 geometry.
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
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Re: Electric Theory, Maxwells Formula, Tesla Scalar Vortex

Post by junglelord » Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:26 pm

this video is endorsed by the ECE link. ... 4720&hl=en

I think the whole exercise of stretching the mind and trying to understand Electricity is the main thing here. There is more to the theory of electricity then I was taught in Electronics College. I do not expect each stretch of the mind to be correct. Now maybe Kalauza Klein or ECE is not correct but I do think it important to understand electricity in quaternions and to use the subsets of Maxwell and to understand and to think about Scalar Waves and how Curved Spacetime and possibly Torsioned Spacetime can give us a better grasp of the EU.

Birkeland Currents and the Relativistic Speeds of the Plasma Universe are only properly understood in the larger context of Vaccum Flux and Curved Space. The Geometry of the Electric Potential is a good thought experiment. The musings of Tom Bearden above on Scalar Waves is another good thought experiment. I believe that the Universe is only four forces. I do not buy dark matter or dark energy. I will look at any theory that is complete with the known forces. I think its very important to see that a Archetype is building from these different views of Electricity. Electricity itself is Rotating. If it is Torsioned Spacetime this would lend a lot of credence to the ideas of Tom Bearden.

If you think about the exotic vehicles that are caught on NASA Video and personal video then it becomes apparent that the ability to couple electromagnatism with gravity is not a impossible process. Especially with rotating Birkeland Currents and Scalar Waves. What if the Klauza Klein musings of a 5d Universe where the topography of Maxwells Quaternions and His Subset were Married to Tesla's Scalar Waves? Does this not corralate with a ECE Geometry of Torsioned Spacetime Electromagnatism?

The model might not be perfect but it might be more accurate then what I learned in College. A full understanding of Electric Theory must include Maxwells Original Theorum and the Subsets and must include Tesla Scalar Wave Modulation with curved spacetime of general and special relativity and possibly the Torsion of Spacetime by Electricity to understand the Supersystem. Geometry is fundamental to the truth and the knowledge I truly believe. I still marvel at how much about the EU we probably know but are not looking at when we consider lost information of the Fathers of Electricity. I also marvel at how much the learned man considers his teaching crediable and therefore it becomes a dogma. I hope to never be that man. ... unify.html
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
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Re: Electric Theory, Maxwells Formula, Tesla Scalar Vortex

Post by junglelord » Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:26 pm

ECE definatly makes a EU impossible to refute. Evans says spacetime is electric...and thats a fundamental point he begins with. Spacetime is Electric. It is everywhere and like a river. You cannot have spacetime without electricity. Just the way Einstein envinsioned gravity and spacetime. They are fundamentally tied together. They are not seperate things. Lets put that in the EU Pipe and smoke it.

Where does the electric field of an electron come from ?

Short Answer: Since physics is geometry, the electric field is geometric and therefore part of spacetime - just like gravity. Therefore, no source is needed. Electromagetism is the torsion- and gravity the curvature of spacetime. (Actually, in terms of differential geometry, torsion is really a kind of curvature as well).

Long Answer: The Coulomb law is the most precise law in classical electrodynamics (Jackson third edition) and in ECE is the law is obtained from the Bianchi identity of geometry. The static field is a limit of the dynamic field when source charges move very slowly. Neglecting the vector potential the electric field in ECE is:

E = - (∇ + ω) φ

where ω is the spin connection and φ the scalar potential (time-like part of the tetrad). The electric field is therefore geometrical in origin, and part of space-time itself. Space-time itself does not have an origin, and so the electric field is due entirely to the primordial voltage cA(0), which is ever present and proportional to the charge on the electron, -e. Is the quantity -e created at some point? This is what the so called source charge problem comes down to. -e is always present and time independent. The field in ECE propagates at c in the vacuum, but the phase velocity of a wave may be v in a medium. The static electric field may be considered as the limit of a plane wave when:

ω (t - Z / c) → 0

This means either that the angular frequency is infinitely low, or t = Z / c. So one may regard the static electric field as being defined by:

Z = tc

or by

c = Z / t

So in this sense it is moving , as in the flow of a river, the water is moving but the river seems to be always there. The electric field is moving at c, even though it is phase free ("static"). Its energy is

En = ∫ ε0 E2 dV

What is the B(3) field ?

Easy answer: The B(3) field (pronounced "bee three") is always present in an electromagnetic wave. This is because all electromagnetic waves are actually circularly polarized. Linearly polarized waves involve two circular polarizations which cancel out making the B(3) field undetectable. The Inverse Faraday Effect (IFE) is how one detects the B(3) field. Another way to think about this is to consider the concepts of linear- and angular momentum. Photons can impart linear momentum onto atoms and electrons e.g. the Compton effect. However, photons can also impart angular momentum if they are circularly polarised. When talking about B(3) one is referring to the wave nature of light rather than its particle nature. Also bear in mind that we are also talking about a single photon, not a beam of light. A circularly-polarized laser beam, used in the IFE experiment will have millions of individual B(3) fields, one per photon. ... _questions
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
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Re: Electric Theory, Maxwells Formula, Tesla Scalar Vortex

Post by junglelord » Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:27 pm

In a quest to understand electricity in its entirity I came across this today. Eric Dollard is said to be the successor to Tesla. In our quest to understand electricity and the electric universe we need to consider do we actually understand charge! What is lacking as it is now currently taught? Is the concept of charge also in need of some fundamental rethinking? It stands to reason that is the case. Hopefully this is another step towards a better and more complete understanding of Electricity, Charge and therefore the EU

Quote-Eric Dollard is the only man known to be able to accurately reproduce many of Tesla's experiments with Radiant Energy and wireless transmission of power.

This is because he understands that conventional electrical theory only includes half of the story.

The typical Hertzian, electromagnetic field of Transverse Waves is the gross by-product of a much more powerful, but hidden, energy envelope which is manifested as Longitudinal Standing Waves in a scalar nodal matrix, not propagated in the up and down, ocean wave fashion of Transverse Waves.

Eric Dollard is the most knowledgeable authority on Tesla technology. Many egotistical, self-appointed authorities talk about Tesla, but Eric Dollard is different in that he replicates Tesla’s devices - a big difference! Erick has the Temerity and intelligence to perfect this technology into faculty institutions and has made educational tapes in 1988 and these represent the only successful demonstration of Tesla's Longitudinal Dielectricty ever made available to the public. - End quote


A collection of research and research materials for advance research in understanding the true nature of Tesla's discoveries.

Introduction to
by Eric Dollard

The phenomena of capacitance is a type of electrical energy storage in the form of a field in an enclosed space. This space is typically bounded by two parallel metallic plates or two metallic foils on an intervening insulator or dielectric. A nearly infinite variety of more complex structures can exhibit capacity, as long as a difference in electric potential exists between various areas of the structure. The oscillating coil represents one possibility as to a capacitor of more complex form, and will be presented here.

The perception of capacitance as used today is wholly inadequate for the proper understanding of this effect. Steinmetz mentions this in his introductory book Electric Discharges, Waves and Impulses. To quote, "Unfortunately, to large extent in dealing with dielectric fields the prehistoric conception of the electrostatic charge (electron) on the conductor still exists, and by its use destroys the analogy between the two components of the electric field, the magnetic and the dielectric, and makes the consideration of dielectric fields unnecessarily complicated."

Steinmetz continues, "There is obviously no more sense in thinking of the capacity current as current which charges the conductor with a quantity of electricity, than there is of speaking of the inductance voltage as charging the conductor with a quantity of magnetism. But the latter conception, together with the notion of a quantity of magnetism, etc., has vanished since Faraday's representation of the magnetic field by lines of force."

All the lines of magnetic force are closed upon themselves, all dielectric lines of force terminate on conductors, but may form closed loops in electromagnetic radiation. These represent the basic laws of lines of force. It can be seen from these laws that any line of force cannot just end in space.

Farady felt strongly that action at a distance is not possible thru empty space, or in other words, "matter cannot act where it is not." He considered space pervaded with lines of force. Almost everyone is familiar with the patterns formed by iron filings around a magnet. These filings act as numerous tiny compasses and orientate themselves along the lines of force existing around the poles of the magnet. Experiment has indicated that a magnetic field does possess a fibrous construct. By passing a coil of wire thru a strong magnetic field and listening to the coil output in headphones, the experimenter will notice a scraping noise. J. J. Thompson performed further experiments involving the ionization of gases that indicate the field is not continuous but fibrous (electricity and matter, 1906).

The misconception that capacitance is the result of accumulating electrons has seriously distorted our view of dielectric phenomena. Also the theory of the velocity of light as a limit of energy flow, while adequate for magnetic force and material velocity, limits our ability to visualize or understand certain possibilities in electric phenomena. The true workings of free space capacitance can be best illustrated by the following example. It has been previously stated that dielectric lines of force must terminate on conductors. No line of force can end in space. If we take any conductor and remove it to the most remote portion of the universe, no lines of force can extend from this electrode to other conductors. It can have no free space capacity, regardless of the size of the electrode, therefore it can store no energy. This indicates that the free space capacitance of an object is the sum mutual capacity of it to all the conducting objects of the universe.

(from Tesla's Longitudinal Electricity video):
Tesla experimented with impulse current and oscillating current.
our electricity is direct current and alternating current.
The Four Quadrant Theory of Electricity is
alternating current + direct current are transverse electromagnetic
impulse and oscillating current are longitudinal di-electric

It has been stated that all magnetic lines of force must be closed upon themselves, and that all dielectric lines of force must terminate upon a conducting surface. It can be inferred from these two basic laws that no line of force can terminate in free space. This created an interesting question as to the state of dielectric flux lines before the field has had time to propagate to the neutral conductor. During this time it would seem that the lines of force, not having reached the distant neutral conductor would end in space at their advancing wave front. It could be concluded that either the lines of force propagate instantly or always exists and are modified or conjugate space exists within the same boundaries as ordinary space. The properties of lines of force within this conjugate space may not obey the laws of normally conceived space.

It certainly destroys any thought of magnetic reconnection theory as we can see above.

And gives us a detailed reason for Birkeland Currents as you look at the dielectric theory below.

Unlike magnetism the energy is forced or compressed inwards rather than outwards. Dielectric lines of force push inward into internal space and along axis, rather than pushed outward broadside to axis as in the magnetic field. Because the lines are mutually repellent certain amounts of broadside or transverse motion can be expected but the phenomena is basically longitudinal. This gives rise to an interesting paradox that will be noticed with capacity. This is that the smaller the space bounded by the conducting structure the more energy that can be stored. This is the exact opposite of magnetism. With magnetism, the units volumes of energy can be though of as working in parallel but the unit volumes of energy in association with dielectricity can be thought of as working in series.

hopefully some interesting points to ponder. When questions like magnetic reconnection comes up the more basic question is truly how well do we understand electricity>

When we speak of Birkeland Currents do we really understand why they exist as they do. Today I feel like I understand a little bit more then I did yesterday and I hope someone else out there feels the same.

more musings on charge

Since 99.999% of the universe is in the plasma state. Can we understand Plasmas without Longitutinal Waves or Scalar Waves>

Faraday VS Maxwell ... axwell.pdf ... sublevel=0

From Maxwell's field equations only the well-known (transverse) Hertzian waves can be derived, whereas the calculation of longitudinal scalar waves gives zero as a result. This is a flaw of the field theory, since scalar waves exist for all particle waves, like e.g. as plasma wave, as photon- or neutrino radiation. Starting from Faraday's discovery, instead of the formulation of the law of induction according to Maxwell, an extended field theory is derived, which goes beyond the Maxwell theory with the description of potential vortices (noise vortices) and their propagation as a scalar wave, but contains the Maxwell theory as a special case. With that the extension is allowed and doesn't contradict textbook physics. Besides the mathematical calculation of scalar waves this book contains a voluminous material collection concerning the information technical use of scalar waves, if the useful signal and the usually interfering noise signal change their places, if a separate modulation of frequency and wavelength makes a parallel image transmission possible

This video is called "Power Enginieering Scalar Field Theory - Faraday vs. Maxwell and Demonstration of Longitudinal waves Transmission (Konstantin Meyl) (2003)". After he expounds on the same details that are included his written works he gives the demonstration with the apparatus discussed in same written works.

First he shows, at 7+ MHZ he is transmitting Longitudinal, or Scalar,or Standing Wave (the three names are synonimous with the same phenomena), and then by reducing the frequency to 4+ MHZ he is transmitting Hertzian Waves. The difference being that the resonant frequency of the coils and capacitive impedance is tuned to the 7+ MHZ frequency, and not to the 4+ MHZ frequency. ... 6714&hl=de
Last edited by junglelord on Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
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Re: Electric Theory, Maxwells Formula, Tesla Scalar Vortex

Post by junglelord » Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:30 pm

I was kindly granted permission to read the works of Meyl on Scalar Waves from fellow member stefanr.

I would like to share them with the EU members and staff for their consideration but the link does not work for others

I bought the Electric Universe and loved it. I will order the Electric Sky and the Dollard Books.

But I think the book by Meyl is very important to have in a Electric Library.

thanks again Stefanr.

I promise to give a full review after I have read the ebook.

but it looks good up front Quote:

The theme encloses the electromagnetic compatibility of both technical and biological systems. Only part of the electromagnetic wave can be considered for function troubles, namely the part that was absorbed and has rolled up to a vortex. The activity depends on the number of created vortices and of their lifetime, their decay.

The eddy current only manifests in conducting materials. In the air and in dielectric materials on the other hand the vortex of the electric field will form, also called the potential vortex. To calculate and to measure this vortex is our goal.

First we'll carry out a survey of the problems and the usual methods. From the analysis of unsolved problems the need for the introduction of the new vortex phenomena is deducted and an adequate field-theoretical approach will be chosen. Afterwards the potential vortices are calculated and their properties are discussed and interpreted.

For the purpose of proving their existence, on the one hand the Schrodinger equation will be derived and on the other hand the quantum properties of the most important elementary particles will be calculated and compared with the well-known measured values.

Measurement and calculation are in excellent agreement for weight, charge, magnetic moment and spin. So the theory not only proofs it's correctness, in addition it demonstrates it can achieve much more. The theory takes us to the unification of the wellknown interactions and physical phenomena and shows itself as an unified theory.

In the practical conversion and usage of the theory there will not only be informed but by all means also be provoked as an entrance in a fruitfully discussion. Fundamental questions will be taken up like: What is information, energy, temperature or smell? The connection to the theme of the electromagnetic environmental compatibility is formed by the technical and the biological usage of the potential vortices, the energy transmission of Nikola Tesla exactly like the in a similar way functioning nerve conduction. Here we already can expect biological reactions. ... sublevel=0

No wonder the work of Viktor Schauberger keeps haunting me....its the vortex. The Scalar is a Vortex.

A third factor can be considered, a field phenomenon until now stayed unnoticed by science: the vortex of the electric field, the so called potential vortex. A vortex is to be considered as an oscillation around a fixed point. Through that a permanent overlap is caused, like what happens at an antenna only that the vortex is not bound to the dimension of an antenna. The potential vortex is contracting and in this way reaches extremely high energy densities at very little spatial measurement, densities that lie far above those that field strength measurements are pretending to us ... sublevel=0

Which goes along with the ECE idea of Geometric Electricity and its B3 wave which creates Torsion of Spacetime explanation and why is is hidden so to speak.


The entire electromagnetic wave rotates and the B(1) and B(2) fields fluctuate (since it is a wave). Please do not confuse the B(3) field with the static magnetic field B. Also note that the B(3) field is very small compared to the other B fields. Finally, remember that we are dealing with a four dimensional spacetime phenomenon even though the diagram is three dimensional (well, a two dimensional representation).

The B(3) spin field is the magnetic flux density generated by the spin connection of a space-time with torsion. It signals the fact that electrodynamics is a sector of a generally covariant unified field theory. ... _questions

Scalar Technology. The USSR Woodpecker Scalar Radar Complex Duga-3 array outside Chernobyl. The array of pairs of cylindrical/conical cages on the right are the driven elements, fed at the facing points with a form of ladder line suspended from stand-off platforms at top right. A backplane reflector of small wires can just be seen left of center, most clearly at the bottom of the image. One look at the driven elements gives us a thought on twofold symmety and nebula in relation to a scalar wave function.


A Scalar Video with Longitudinal Light and its very different attributes compared to Hertzian 60Hz Light. Longitudinal Light shows the Impuse effects of the Tesla Scalar System. It has outward pressure on biological sytems and a blue tinge with attractive forces to metal! They say it resembles star light due to the outward pressure and attractive features to metal. Sounds like a good model of the EU Star Plasma Z Pinch having Scalar properties. They continue to show the different effects from vaccum tubes, plasma tubes, argon tube, as far as propagation methods of Longitudinal Waves. The same bulbs have totally different effects when they are powered by Longitudinal Waves. The difference which is quite startling compared to hertzian light from the same bulb. ... 0757457294 ... 0445596549

One goal I have is to read through Teslas complete patents. Another for the Electric Library
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
— Nikola Tesla
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Re: Electric Theory, Maxwells Formula, Tesla Scalar Vortex

Post by junglelord » Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:35 pm

I have had a Revelation!

What if the primary form of Electricity is not Transverse ElectroMagnetic Waves but Longitudinal Magneto Dielectric Waves.

Specificly a Tesla Scalar Longitudinal Wave (lets keep credit where credit belongs) a physical structure in spacetime representing what the wave really is, a torsion or vortex of spacetime. Something Dollard calls the Dielectric Wave of Impulse and Dynamic Oscillating Scalar Longitudinal Waves is a torsion of spacetime itself or the 4d vs the Transverse Wave of DC, AC/DC Transverse Hertz wave which are contained within it in the 3d. They also use the term Longitudinal Magneto Dielectric Wave vs Transvserse Electromagnetic Wave. In terms of Vortices a Scalar is a potenial vortices where the center is faster then the outside. Transverse Wave is a rigid body rotation like the milky way rotation is all the same speed and a In the Supersystem the Innear Dielectric Potenial Body Implosive Scalar Vortex Wave is surronded by the Outer Solid Body Vortex of Transverse Waves hence appears hidden.

If the knowledge from hydrodynamics is transferred to the area of electromagnetism, then the role of the viscosity is taken over by the electric conductivity. The well-known current eddy solid body rotation occurs in the conductor, whereas its counterpart, the postulated potential vortex, forms in the bad-conducting medium, with preference in the dielectric like a vaccum. The duality of both vortices is expressed by the fact that the electric conductivity of the medium decides whether current eddies or potential vortices can form and how fast they decay, i.e. convert
their energy into heat.

It can be assumed that until now there does not yet exist a technical application for the here presented potential vortex theory unless the phenomenon was used by chance and unconsciously. About this the transmission of optical light signals over fibre optic cable can be given as a typical example.

Compared to a transmission of energy impulses over a copper cable fibre optic cables show a considerable better degree of effectiveness. The derived potential vortex theory provides a conclusive explanation for this phenomenon and therefore is put here to discussion: If we cut through a fibre optic cable and look at the distribution of a light impulse over the cross-section, then we observe a concentration in the centre of the conductor (fig 4.1).

Herc the duality between the vortices of the magnetic and of the electric field comes to light. Whereas the current eddies in a copper conductor cause the "skin effect" as is wellknown, potential vortices show a "concentration effect" and align themselves with the vortex centre. The measurable and in fig. 4.1 shown distribution of the light intensity in a fibre optic cable may confirm this phenomenon, the orientation of the potential vortex on the vortex centre.

For instance the calculation of the resistance of a copper cable provides as an important result an apparent decrease of the resistance directed towards the conductor surface. There the associated better conductivity as a consequence causes an increased current density. In the reversed direction, towards the centre of the conductor, consequently a decrease of the effective conductivity would be present, and this result is independent of the used material. According to the rules of duality this is a condition for the formation of potential vortices. As already said the conductivity is responsible for it, if the expanding eddy current with its skin effect or the contracting potential vortex with its concentration effect is predominant.

Usual fibre optic materials possess not only a small conductivity, but in addition a high dieletricity. This additionally favours the formation of vortices of the electric field. Of course it can not be excluded that other effects, like e.g. reflections or the modes of the light are involved in the concentration effect. But it should be guaranteed that this actually concerns is causal phenomena and doesn't concern only alternative explanations out of ignorance of the active vortex phenomenon.

Now from what I am learning the Plasma and the Vaccum play a essential role in the propagation of the Tesla Scalar Longitudinal Wave or Longitudinal Magneto Dielectric Wave from the 4d into the 3d. In a Plasma Universe and a Electric Universe this type of Electricity would be primary because the Universe is 99,9999% Plasma and Vacuum and 100% Spacetime. Here on earth a Transverse Electromagnetic Wave might seem the standard, although on earth we are not 99.9999% Plasma or Vacuum and therefore poorly myopic when it comes to what we think is normal on the grand scale in Electricity I bet. We need to reconsider some fundamental ideas which will only strengthen our case for the EU.

If these Tesla Scalar Longitudinal Waves are the Primary form of Electricity in the Universe and are Torsion Vortexs of Spacetime and propagated by Plasma and Vacuum then what else would you get but Spiral Galaxies that are proof of a Scalar Vortex Standing Wave Function on a grand scale? Are we myopic due to the state of the earth vs the state of the Supersystem?

In watching the electric experiments from the video links above the Longitudinal Wave is not to be found in digital computers as it is hidden. Analog Computers allow us to see the light so to speak. Speaking of light, the light emitted by the Longitudinal Wave was not the same as Light emitted by Transverse Waves in the same vacuum bulb so The idea is just sort of a revelation to me as I have been pouring over this for a lifetime and the bulb just came on so to speak. The Light from the Longitudinal Wave powered bulb was different in several respects. It pushed out and could be felt as a push, and attracted tinfoil and was cool and bluish color which was the switch that clicked in my mind! Sonoluminesence and the blue light of implosion! Viktor Schauberger and his bluelight electric energy from vortex water implosion. The blue plasma discharge of the Implosive Z Pinch. While the coolness of the light reminded me of the "fifth state of matter" from the other EU site. ... atter.html

We are playing in a subset of electric theory and I think I see the light. The subset is theTransverse Electomagnetic Wave which has magnatism and dielectric energies in space opposition. The mainframe if you will is the Longitudinal Magneto Dielectric Wave which has Magnatism and Dielectric energies in space conjunction and is the Vortex of Spacetime itself as it is the physical structure of the wave in Spacetime. The Universe is Electric. Spacetime is Electric and Vortex Spacetime is a Scalar Magneto Dielectric Wave of Longitudinal direction that is propagated by Plasma and Vacuum from the 4d into the 3d. Being a geometric expression of Spacetime it is expressed geometricly in space in the shape of Spiral Galaxies.
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
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Re: Electric Theory, Maxwells Formula, Tesla Scalar Vortex

Post by junglelord » Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:37 pm

I am really enjoying the Meyl Scalar Book. I thought this bit of information was valid to contemplate as it asks some fundamental questions and tries to give some fundamental answers.

It appears to me more and more that at least a ECE View and possiblly a Kaluza Klein View of Electricity is the right way to go. Geometric!

Einstein and Pauli seemed to agree. We need to incorporate spacetime torsion geometry and scalar field theory to really understand the full theory of Electricity and its role in the Supersystem.

Leonardo da Vinci had observed at liquids that there exist two dual basic types of plane vortices: "Among the vortices one is slower at the centre than at the sides, another is faster at the centre than at the sides."

A vortex of the first type, also called "vortex with rigid-body rotation", is formed for instance by a liquid in a centrifuge that due to its inertia of mass is pressed to the edge because there the largest velocity exists. In an analogous way the electromagnetic vortex in electrically conductive material shows the well-known "skin effect" (Fig. 3.4a).

To explain the other vortex Newton describes the experiment where a rod is dipped into a liquid as viscous as possible and then is turned. In this potential vortex the velocity of the particle increases the closer to the rod it is (Fig. 3.4b).

The duality of both vortex phenomena becomes obvious when we make ourselves clear that in the experiment with the centrifuge the more liquid presses to the edge the less viscous the medium is. And that on the other hand the potential vortex forms the stronger the more viscous the medium is. As conclusion we read in text books that the viscosity of the liquid decides whether a vortex with rigid-body rotation or a potential vortex is formed.

Rankine vortex
When we, in a third experiment, immerse the centrifuge filled with water into a tough medium and let the centrifuge rotate, then inside the centrifuge a vortex with rigid-body rotation forms and outside the centrifuge a potential vortex forms (Fig. 3.5).

It is obvious that one vortex always causes the other vortex with the opposite properties and so the existence of one causes that of the other. So in the first case, that of the vortex with rigid-body rotation, outside the centrifuge potential vortices will form in the surrounding air, whereas in the second case, that of the potential vortices, the turning rod itself can be interpreted as a special case of a vortex with rigid-body rotation.
Hence in all conceivable experiments the condition always is fulfilled that in the centre of the vortex the same state of "peace", that we can fix as "zero", prevails as in infinity.

Duality of the vortex properties
The rules of duality dictate for the vortex of the electric and of the magnetic field the following characteristics:

1. Whereas currents and eddy currents demand a good conductivity, potentials and potential vortices can only form with bad conductivity, thus in a dielectric and best in the vacuum.

2. Eddy currents run apart, strive towards infinity and thus show the well-known "skin effect" with a spatially limited arrangement of the conductor. According to the rules of duality the potential vortex will strive towards the vortex centre and in this way will show a "concentration effect".

3. Another property of vortices is shown in fig. 4.2.
On the left side a plane eddy current is indicated. Since the discovery of Ampere's law it is well-known to us that such a circular current (I) forms a magnetic dipole standing perpendicular to the vortex plane.
On the right hand side the dual phenomenon is sketched. Here charges are piled up circularly to a planar potential vortex (U). Thereby an electric dipole forms, standing perpendicular to the vortex plane. This relation directly follows from the equations of the field-theoretical approach.

Whereas circular currents and current eddies produce magnetic dipoles, the postulated potential vortices will form electric dipoles.
With these three interesting properties some key questions of quantum physics, that until now have stayed a mystery to science (fig. 4.4), can be answered conclusively and without compulsion e.g.:

I.Why are there no magnetically charged particles?
The better the conductivity of a medium is, the higher as a consequence the number of free charge carriers is. the more strongly eddy currents are formed. The answer to question I is inferred from the opposite case:
In the ideal vacuum no charge carriers at all are present, why no currents, no current eddies and consequently no magnetic poles can exist.
With this well-known fact the first question already is answered. The question why in the microcosm there can not exist magnetically charged elementary particles, why the search for magnetic monopoles doesn't make any sense. Let's ask further:

II. Why are there only electrically charged particles?
Let us for that consider the dual conditions. The worse the conductivity of a medium is, the more the potential vortex -will be favoured that because of this property also can be understood as the vortex of the dielectric.
In the mentioned extreme case of the ideal vacuum, no electric conductivity is present for reason of the missing charge carriers. But this circumstance favours the potential vortex and that, according to fig. 4.2, forms electric poles and with this also the second question
would be answered clearly.

It can be traced back to the boundary conditions of the microcosm that without exception electricallv charged particles are entitled to exist; a realization derived from the field theoretical approach, that covers all experiences.

Derivation of the electron as an elementary vortex
The next key question necessarily has to be brought to a conclusive answer to save the principle of causality, so that we no longer have to postulate an own physics with its own laws for the microcosm:

III. Why do these particles show as monopoles?
More concrete the question has to read:
Where is the positive pole in a negatively charged electron, if it should be an electric dipole?

The only possible answer is: In the centre of the particle!

Thus in the centre of the electron its positive pole is hidden and in the centre of the positron its negative pole is hidden. But we only observe these particles from the outside and for reason of the field conditions of the electron we measure a negative charge and for its antiparticle, the positron, a positive charge. If in each case we wanted to measure the
electric fields included in the inside, we had to destroy the particle. Then a proof would not be possible anymore.

Here also a persistent mistake is eliminated by the for a long time known axiom that monopoles can not exist at all if one considers continuity! By means of technical-physical experiments this axiom is sufficiently secured.
The quantum physical approach is standing on uncertain ground if it is postulated that other laws of nature should apply to particle physics, if a second approach, the fieldtheoretical approach, is conceivable that does not know these problems! The discussed concentration effect gives the potential vortex a structure shaping property. With that also the fourth key question can be answered:

IV. Why do the particles have the form of spheres?
The potential vortex is favoured in the particle-free vacuum of the microcosm because of the missing conductivity. In connection with the concentration effect the following conclusion can be drawn:
The extremely mighty potential vortex exerts a high pressure on the microcosm and on each particle.

With that also the fourth key question, why stable elementary particles are spherical, can be answered by the potential vortex theory:
Only the sphere is able to withstand a high outside pressure.
All other forms, like e.g. dipoles formed like a rod or a club would be instable in the presence of the extremely concentrating potential vortex. They would be immediately destroyed by the pressure of the potential vortex.

I. Why are there no magnetically charged
(the vacuum has no conductivity!)

II. Why are there only electrically charged
(in the vacuum only potential vortices can exist!)

III. Why do these particles show as monopoles?
(the other pole is locked up in the inside of the vortex

IV. Why do the particles have the form of spheres?
(for reason of the outside pressure by the concentration

V. Why is the elementary quantum stable?
(without conductivity no decay of vortices takes place!)

VI. Why does for every particle of matter exist an antiparticle?
(there are two swirl directions with equal rights!)

VII. Why are particles and antiparticles incompatible?
(contrary swirl directions!)

If, according to the field-theoretical approach, there exist electric field vortices then they will not only form the elementary particles in the vacuum, but will also macroscopically form and have an effect in larger dimensions.

Assuming a wave that rolls up to a plane vortex it would be obvious if polarization and velocity of propagation are conserved in the process. But how does it stand about the frequency?

The wave now will walk round a stationary point, the vortex centre. The propagation with the speed of light c will remain existent as the swirl velocity. For a plane circular vortex, where the path for a revolution on the outside is very much longer than near the vortex centre, there arises a longer wave length and as a consequence a lower frequency on the
outside as more to the inside. With this property the vortex proves to be a changer of frequency: the vortex transforms the frequency of the causing wave in an evenly spectrum, that starts at low frequencies and stretches to very high frequencies (fig. 1.4).

Exactly this property we observe in "white noise". The consistent conclusion would be that this concerns the vortex of the electric field. Anyone can, without big expenses, convince himself or herself of the localization, of the property to change the frequency and of the circumstance that vortices can be very easily influenced, that they avoid or again whirl about a place of disturbance, for instance an antenna. For that one only needs to tune a radio receiver to a weak and noisy station and move oneself or some objects around, then one is able to directly study the influences from the manipulation of the receiving signal.
But already the fact that the using and measurability of signals is limited by noise makes clear which attention the potential vortex should be given.

These vortex phenomena, caused by time-varying fields, are not only found in ferromagnetic and conductive materials, but equally as dual phenomena in dielectrics and nonconductors.

We have to realize that in the biosphere we are staying in a relatively ideal dielectric.

The two "capacitor plates" are being formed by the ionosphere and the earth. The potential vortex will, as said, be favoured by a bad conductivity and by a high dielectricity. Consequently it will dominate and take effect in the biosphere. In which way it takes effect is the central theme of the electromagnetic environmental compatibility.[/b]

As examples of practical applications the induction welding or the microwave oven can be mentioned. The process can be described in other words as follows: in both examples the cause is posed by high-frequency alternating fields that are irradiated into a dielectric as an electromagnetic wave, there roll up to potential vortices and eventually decay in the vortex centre. The desired and used thermal effect arises during this diffusion process.

The striving in the direction of the vortex centre gives the potential vortex of the electric field a structure shaping property. As a consequence of this "concentration effect" circular vortex structures are to be expected, comparable to the visible vortices in flow dynamics (e.g. tornados and whirlwinds).

At the same time the dual anti-vortex arises, the diverging eddy current. It takes, as is well-known, the given structure of the conductor, so in the technical literature one correspondingly talks of a "skin effect".

Now if conductor and non-conductor meet as they do in a capacitor, then at the boundary area visible structures will form. Circles would be expected, if the eddy current in the inside and striving to the outside is equally powerful as the potential vortex that comes from the outside and concentrates.

Actually such circular structures are observed on the aluminium of high tension capacitors, when they were in operation for a longer period of time. The formation of these circles, the cause of which until now is considered to be unsolved, is already experimentally investigated and discussed on an international level by scientists.

These circular vortex structures can be seen as a visible proof for the existence of potential vortices of the electric field. It can be assumed that the vortex of the electric field is relevant with regard to the
electromagnetic environmental compatibility. This then holds not only for microcosmic and microscopic vortices, but also for macroscopic and larger dimensions. The individual vortices can join together to balls and lines. For the study of this process it is useful to again fall back upon experiences of flow dynamics.

Therefore, physically, one has to imagine this relation, which describes the transition of an electromagnetic wave into a vortex, in the way that the wave spontaneously can roll up to a vortex in case it is disturbed from the outside. The more vortices are generated, the larger consequently is the damping of the wave.

The life span of the vortices is limited and is determined by the electric conductivity. The at first stored vortices decay with their respective time constant This process is described by the diffusion equation. The final stage of the decaying vortices finally is described by the Poisson equation.

If the vortex falls apart, it converts the in the vortex stored energy in heat. These processes are known from the eddy current. We speak of heating losses, that the stationary currents cause in the conductor material.

But new is the concept that such vortex phenomena can occur as dielectric losses in capacitors or in the air. The microwave oven or induction welding are good examples of this.

Every specialist will be surprised to find the Poisson equation (a, e) again as a term in the wave equation. This circumstance forces a completely new interpretation of stationary fields upon us. The new damping term, that is formed by the potential vortices (d), is standing in between.

Let us start with a mathematical analysis. We have applied the curl to equation 5.4*, then inserted equation 5.1* and obtained a determining equation for the electric field strength E. Of course we could as well have applied the curl to equation 5.1* and inserted equation 5.4*. This would have resulted in the determining equation for the magnetic field strength
H. If we insert Ohm's law (5.2) and cancel down the specific conductivity, or we put in the relations of material (3.5) or (3.6) and cancel down by u respectively then the field equation can likewise be written down for the current density j, for the induction B or for the dielectric displacement D.

It just is phenomenal that at all events equation 5.7 doesn't change its form at all. The field vector is thus arbitrarily interchangeable! This circumstance is the foundation for the claim of this field equation to be called fundamental.

It does make sense to introduce a neutral descriptive vector as a substitute for the possible field factors E, H, j, B or D.

The fundamental field equation 5.7 consists of three different types of partial differential equations: a hyperbolic (b), a parabolic (c and d) and an elliptic (e) type. On the left-hand side each time the Laplace operator (a) is found which describes the spatial distribution of the field factor.

The potential equation of the elliptic type (e) is known as Poisson equation. It describes the stationary borderline case of a worn off temporal process ( resp. = O).

With this equation potentials and voltages can be calculated exactly like stationary electric currents.

The hyperbolic equation (b). known as wave equation, shows a second derivative to time. which expresses an invariance with regard to time reversal; or stated otherwise: the direction of the time axis can be reversed by a change of sign of t, without this having an influence on the course of frequency. Wave processes hence are reversible.

Equation 5.7 makes clear that a wave without damping by no means can exist in nature. For that both time constants would have to have an infinite value, which is not realizable in practice. Seen purely theoretical, undamped waves could withdraw themselves from our measuring technique (5.9).

Both vortex equations of the parabolic type (c and d) only show a first derivative to time. With that they are no longer invariant with regard to time reversal. The processes of the formation and the decay of vortices, the so-called diffusion, are as a consequence irreversible. Seen this way it is understandable that the process of falling apart of the vortex, where the vortex releases its stored energy as heat e.g. in form of eddy losses, can not take place in reverse.

This irreversible process of diffusion in the strict fhermodynamic sense increases the entropy of the system (5.10).

Because it poses an useful simplification for mathematical calculations, often the different types of equations are treated isolated from each other. But the physical reality looks different.

field vector: = E, H, j, B or D
1. Borderline case: no conductivity (vacuum)
(damping by potential vortices)

2. Borderline case: ideal conductivity (superconductor)
(damping by eddy currents)

3. Diffusion equation

Physical interpretation of the fundamental field equation. In nature the different types of equations always occur in a combined manner.

"Is it conceivable, that a field theory permits us to
understand the atomistic and quantum structure of
reality? This question by almost all is answered with
No. But I believe that at the moment nobody knows
anything reliable about it".

"The electric elementary quantum e is a stranger in
Maxwell-Lorentz' electrodynamics".

Fundamental Field Equation
We'll start from Ampere's law which provides a value for the current density at any point place and this value corresponds to the vortex density of the magnetic field strength

The new electric field vortices demand the introduction of a corresponding time constant tau2 tha t should describe the decay of the potential vortices, as an extension. The extended Faraday law of induction now provides a potential density, that at any point of space corresponds to the vortex density of the electric field strength:

With that the relation with the speed of light c simplifies to the sought-for field equation:

This equation describes the spatial (a) and temporal (b, c, d) distribution of a field vector. It describes the electromagnetic wave (a, b) with the influences that act damping. As dumping terms the well-known eddy current (c) and in addition the newly introduced potential vortex (d) appear.

This brings us to the subject of Light/Photon and I would refer you here for that discussion of the Scalar two particle electron-positron pair vortex theory of light that explains the Z Pinch. ... .php?t=792
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Re: Electric Theory, Maxwells Formula, Tesla Scalar Vortex

Post by junglelord » Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:39 pm

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 4:11 am Post subject: ECE Vortex / Electric theory
OP "SeaSmith"

Junglelord quoted and summerized:

Meyl, and the other "ECE" type proponents quoted above, do good work on the task of bringing together the Longitudinal and Spheroidal [vortice, spin, helix etc] topologies of the electrostatic-electromagnetic continuum ["'spacetime"].
And thank you J'lord, for your extensive and insightfull condensations.

It just seems they eventually get caught up in their own "potential votices" (guess this is the "virtual vortex" you mentioned the other day?),
in a flux field of circular logic@
For ex amp le:
IV. Why do the particles have the form of spheres?
The potential vortex is favoured in the particle-free vacuum of the microcosm because of the missing conductivity. In connection with the concentration effect the following conclusion can be drawn:
The extremely mighty potential vortex exerts a high pressure on the microcosm and on each particle.
? The micro-cosmic / potential vortex globulizes because the "mighty potential vortex" exerts a macro-cosmic "pressure" on or around it ??

Sounds like aer's something else going on here...
I do completely concur with Tesla, that 'all energy comes from our enviornment' .
(quote from memory)

If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
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Re: Electric Theory, Maxwells Formula, Tesla Scalar Vortex

Post by junglelord » Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:40 pm

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 9:08 am Post subject: Re: Junglelord on ECE vortex / EU theory...
OP "davesmith_au"

I'm certainly not trying to be a smart alec here, but I see some assumptions and assertions I'm not sure are valid.
Leonardo da Vinci had observed at liquids that there exist two dual basic types of plane vortices: "Among the vortices one is slower at the centre than at the sides, another is faster at the centre than at the sides."

A vortex of the first type, also called "vortex with rigid-body rotation", is formed for instance by a liquid in a centrifuge that due to its inertia of mass is pressed to the edge because there the largest velocity exists. In an analogous way the electromagnetic vortex in electrically conductive material shows the well-known "skin effect" (Fig. 3.4a).
(Rigid-body vortex, centrifugal force). I'm not so sure vortices are the culprit for the "skin effect" of electrical conductivity, so this analogy may be flawed. It may seem appropriate with a circular cross-section conductor in mind, but much less so with a super-thin wide foil, for example, even if we are talking on a microscopic level.
To explain the other vortex Newton describes the experiment where a rod is dipped into a liquid as viscous as possible and then is turned. In this potential vortex the velocity of the particle increases the closer to the rod it is (Fig. 3.4b).
(Potential vortex, centripital force)
The duality of both vortex phenomena becomes obvious when we make ourselves clear that in the experiment with the centrifuge the more liquid presses to the edge the less viscous the medium is. And that on the other hand the potential vortex forms the stronger the more viscous the medium is. As conclusion we read in text books that the viscosity of the liquid decides whether a vortex with rigid-body rotation or a potential vortex is formed.
What 'duality'? One effect is caused by centrifugal force, the other by centripital, the viscosity of the fluid showing that the less-viscous are more easily influenced by the former, and more-viscous by the latter.
Rankine vortex
When we, in a third experiment, immerse the centrifuge filled with water into a tough medium and let the centrifuge rotate, then inside the centrifuge a vortex with rigid-body rotation forms [centrifugal force] and outside the centrifuge a potential vortex forms [centripital force, caused by the very stirring action of the centrifuge, in this case it acts as the rod above] (Fig. 3.5).

It is obvious that one vortex always causes the other vortex with the opposite properties and so the existence of one causes that of the other. So in the first case, that of the vortex with rigid-body rotation, outside the centrifuge potential vortices will form in the surrounding air, whereas in the second case, that of the potential vortices, the turning rod itself can be interpreted as a special case of a vortex with rigid-body rotation.
Hence in all conceivable experiments the condition always is fulfilled that in the centre of the vortex the same state of "peace", that we can fix as "zero", prevails as in infinity.
To what degree one causes the other is dependant, among other things, on the viscosity of the medium in which the vortices are vorticing...
Duality of the vortex properties
The rules of duality dictate for the vortex of the electric and of the magnetic field the following characteristics:
Who made these 'rules', what exactly do they say?
1. Whereas currents and eddy currents demand a good conductivity, potentials and potential vortices can only form with bad conductivity, thus in a dielectric and best in the vacuum.
How does one stir a vacuum?
2. Eddy currents run apart, strive towards infinity and thus show the well-known "skin effect" with a spatially limited arrangement of the conductor. According to the rules of duality the potential vortex will strive towards the vortex centre and in this way will show a "concentration effect".

3. Another property of vortices is shown in fig. 4.2.
It starts to get difficult here without the figures they're referring to, and I don't think the copying of the text has been exact either. What's more, I don't want this post to end up as long as my arm, so I'll drop it here. Suffice to say, I'm not convinced of the totality or validity of the argument.

Cheers, Dave Smith.
"If you are not prepared to think outside the square, you will always be confined within it..." Dave Smith.
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
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Re: Electric Theory, Maxwells Formula, Tesla Scalar Vortex

Post by junglelord » Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:41 pm

Point taken. The attempts to explain Scalar Technology may not be on track and that needs to be considered. What also needs to be considered is can we explain Tesla Scalar Technology with current electric theory. If not then why not? Any takers so we can learn together>

The proof is in the pudding so to speak. These videos clearly demonstrate that we do not fully understand electricity even fundamentaly I believe as the use and validity of Tesla Scalar Waves is clearly evident in actual experiments we can all try. Non of this was taught to me in college or in the field. So what will explain these field effects> ... 6714&hl=de ... 0757457294 ... 0445596549

The Russian Woodpecker Scalar Radar is a good example. Its not able to be correctly explained with current electric theory. Yet it was very ovbious to Ham Radio operators that it did not fall into current theory or public electric technology use as opposed to the Military who do have a proper understanding of said technology and keep it locked in National Security. HAARP is a Scalar Project. Unfortunatly we do not have access to National Security.

I think it is safe to say that after 45 years of trying to figure it out the function of a vortex is fundamental to the question. For the first time I have several leads on longitudinal electricity and they all lead to Torsion Vortex Spacetime. In my gut it feels right. Being an INFJ (1%) personality type I have to go with my instinct on this one even though all the datasets are not in, I am convinced I am moving in the right direction. I am sure the EU is moving in the right direction to. All its datasets are not in for the EU but in my gut it feels right.

No one can help me out unless they can explain to me Tesla Longitudinal Scalar Waves. Fundamentaly I believe the EU is in the same boat! Until then I respectfully conclude that no one really understands electricity nor are the majority of people aware of its primary longitudinal effects and interactions with Plasma and Vaccum. It is my belief that the EU is a step in that direction. I am forcing the next step. It behooves the EU to have a full theory of Electricity. By necessity this thread was started. The evidence is clear that Tesla Technology is way above AC and Radio. By his own admission Hertz Technology was a subset and second rate. We need to understand these fundamental electric phenomanom of longitudinal scalar magneto dielectric waves. Tesla would support the EU, but would the current EU with its "modern theory of electricity" understand Tesla?
Cheers. Dean W
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
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Re: Electric Theory, Maxwells Formula, Tesla Scalar Vortex

Post by junglelord » Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:42 pm

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 9:54 am Post subject: Scalar Tech...
OP "davesmith_au"

Giday Dean, as I mentioned to you on the other thread (I think we're cross-threading at the moment, a real no-no in the world of nuts and bolts... :lol: ) that I certainly can't help you with Scalar Waves or such.

And I do know what you mean about a 'gut feeling', just that my guts seem to lean towards an aether, and yours towards, er, space-time. But at least we can disagree without getting the gloves off .

I admire the gusto with which you follow your nose, and I'm not saying for a second that I'm right, and you're wrong. We all here are on a steep learning curve, and as long as we're on an honest search, and I'm sure most are, it's all good.

So keep on pluggin' away at it my friend, at least your mind is open and you're willing to 'think outside the square', and I'm sure in the end we'll all be better off for the experience.

Cheers, Dave.
"If you are not prepared to think outside the square, you will always be confined within it..." Dave Smith.
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
— Nikola Tesla
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Re: Electric Theory, Maxwells Formula, Tesla Scalar Vortex

Post by junglelord » Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:43 pm

Well it must have been you that gave me the Aether link!
I am sure it is fundamental to the answer and do not see it as exclusive to the evidence already presented. Maybe you can tell me why that would be. Or maybe I could convince you they are inclusive and not exclusive.

Actually I do believe the Aether and I do not see Spacetime as being exculsive from Aether. Infact I see them as inclusive. It is my fundamental belief that Einstein, Tesla and Maxwell were Aether minded.

Can you show me they were not?

Think about that!

Cheers Dean W
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
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Re: Electric Theory, Maxwells Formula, Tesla Scalar Vortex

Post by junglelord » Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:43 pm

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 10:14 am Post subject: Aether vs Space-time...
OP "davesmith_au"
junglelord wrote: Well it must have been you that gave me the Aether link!
Not guilty, it may well have been Upriver, but don't quote me on it!
junglelord wrote: I am sure it is fundamental to the answer and do not see it as exclusive to the evidence already presented. Maybe you can tell me why that would be. Or maybe I could convince you they are inclusive and not exclusive and get your head around it.
I just can't get my head around any more than the three dimensions in which we live. Space-time seems to me to be counter-intuitive, but I gave my explanation for that (such as it was :lol: ) on another thread.

Should aether hold water, so to speak, I could have a box of it, and a box of space, but not a box of time nor indeed space-time.

Whilst my head likes to THINK outside the box, my feet are firmly planted on terra firma, as that's where I live. But, I'm willing to listen!

Cheers, Dave.
"If you are not prepared to think outside the square, you will always be confined within it..." Dave Smith.
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
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Re: Electric Theory, Maxwells Formula, Tesla Scalar Vortex

Post by junglelord » Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:44 pm

If Einstein, Tesla and Maxwell believed in the Aether and I am sure they did, then really they are inclusive. I suspect that the great men were correct. I suspect we do not even come close to understanding them. I also know that their minds and their discoveries are twisted at present day. I support the EU especially in its history lesson and introducing me to Birkeland.

The EU history lesson is too narrow in my view {no offence please as it is not a criticism} . The information I provided should be a additional part of the historical perspective and what we think we know about the whole facts at present and help uncover the true knowledge of the great men of the past who have truly explained the universe to us yet for some reason are being forgotten. Especially the Electric Universe.

We need to be fully aware of Tesla and his work. I do not see that in the EU History lesson on Electricity. I did not see that in college either. I am dismayed and excited at the same time. I can use my mind to figure it out. I just keep searching. National Security may not be open to me but my mind is and the internet has helped those like me come together and start to ask questions. Fundamental questions.

The EU is a wonderful gift to society and to science. I hope to help it along and also serve my own personal agenda, which is a full understanding of Electricity. This should serve the EU well. It would make a great addition to the second edition printing to have a much more inclusive review of the Fathers of Electricity including a indepth look at Maxwells Quaternions, Whittakers contributions and Tesla Scalar Longitudinal Magneto Dielectric Theory.

Now if we look at the time period of the men in question that I wish to explore then we already realize that the question of the Aether was not a question to these men. In those days of 1888 - 1930 the Aether was a standard model. I have been lead to believe that Einstein, Tesla, and of course Maxwell believed the Aether Model.

I do firmly believe the full story of electricity needs to be explored when we present the EU no matter now much it goes against the flow or intrudes on National Security. In the end I hate that last statement but I cannot get away from it and neither can the EU. But then again I am of a type 2 or type 3 civilization mindset. Sadly that cannot be said of the majority of society at present.

National Security rules the day at present and maybe thats best but I hope one day its been overcome. Until then some of the secrets of the EU are wrapped in National Security. Until that day comes we can be previy to National Security Technology, we can uncover much by reexamining the past.

The "current" state of denial (pun intended) is in itself perpetuated by National Security. So its very difficult to make progress. I do not believe it is impossible. We can find much of the truth by looking back. We will not find it in the present "current" state. National Security has made sure of that. So we look to the great men Tesla, Maxwell, Whittaker, Einstein and if nothing else we believe them! What they are saying does not jive with current theory. Yet they were not working with the reduced theorums of today. People are misinformed that we are working with evolved math. We are not. We are not even working in the original theorums. First step is to go back to the source and then we will see much more clearly. The present state of the model and the reduced theorums and digital technology hides much from the eye of the searcher. Sherlock Holmes would love me. I leave no stoned unturned.

A good place to start is with an Archetype of Electricity. I believe that Archetype should come from either Tesla, Birkeland or Maxwell.
Here is one from Tesla.

Four Quadrant Theory of Electricity

Eric Dollard
(from Functional Thinking)
E:If we take Tesla's three phase electricity, or rotating magnetic field, we find that it is based on the archetypal form known as the Solar cross or by various other names.
T: Mandalas, medicine wheels?
E: ...these are four quadrant types of forms, a balanced cross as opposed to an unbalanced cross.
T: This is where you get the Four quadrant Theory of Electricity?
E: Electricity has to be viewed from a four quadrant type of situation. The right angle plays an extremely fundamental role in electricity. It is generally a right angle phenomenon.

(from Tesla's Longitudinal Electricity video):
Tesla experimented with impulse current and oscillating current.
our electricity is direct current and alternating current.
The Four Quadrant Theory of Electricity is
alternating current + direct current are transverse electromagnetic
impulse and oscillating current are longitudinal di-electric
Some good stuff for the second editon of the EU.

First Science Officer reporting for duty Sir.
Cheers Dean W
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
— Nikola Tesla
Casting Out the Nines from PHI into Indigs reveals the Cosmic Harmonic Code.
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Re: Electric Theory, Maxwells Formula, Tesla Scalar Vortex

Post by junglelord » Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:47 pm

When it comes to Electricity, Vacuum, Plasma and history of these things it is hard to imagine Tesla would be overlooked!

You have got to admit that when we bat around talk of electricity, vacuum, plasma and electric theory that to speak of the History of Electricity and the History of Plasma Science without Tesla is totally incomplete and in my opinon lacks some foundational historical milestones. The awareness especially in the area of electricity, vacuum, plasma discoveries is historically Tesla's. Who has more patents then Tesla on these items in history as one single individual? How can you speak of these things and use history to your advantage and leave out Tesla?

A quick google search is conclusive that Einstein was fully Aether minded as was Tesla. It also shows that Tesla worked in Maxwell Quaternions and not the Heaviside Gibbs subset. Aether people are therefore welcome to the round table discussion. People with math skills in the area of Quaternions would be helpful. Tesla geeks more then welcome. When it comes to patents Einstein could not touch Tesla. Neither could any other father of electricity and plasma and vacuum tubes be better for the job then Tesla.

Tesla Patents
Below is a list of Tesla patents. Dr. Nikola Tesla was an inventor who obtained around 300 patents worldwide for his inventions. Some of Dr. Tesla's patents are not accounted for, and various sources have discovered some that have laid hidden in patent archives. There are a minimum of 272 patents issued to Dr. Tesla in 25 countries that have been accounted for. Many of Dr. Tesla's patents were in the United States, Britain, and Canada, but many other patents were approved in countries around the globe. Many inventions developed by Dr. Tesla were not put into patent protection

The Nikola Tesla patent lists on this site represent the result of meticulous research at a branch of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office by Jim Bieberich, Patent Historian. Bieberich's Tesla Patent Collection is considered a world standard of research accuracy .

I never heard of Tesla in Electronics College or my ten years in the field. I never saw a word of Tesla in the EU history. I still suspect that the sector of National Security Black Ops Industrial Military Complex is not so myopic in their understanding of historical facts as are the general population. Tesla truly is the Father of Electric Plasma Vacuum Science...yet for some reason, I suspect National Security and the Industrial Military Complex, very much surpressed.

When he died, January 7, 1943, in a world at war, the FBI showed up within hours to open his safe–though Tesla had become an American citizen in 1891, his many boxes and crates were put under seal and unaccountably turned over to the OAP (Office of Alien Property). Many were released in 1952 to the Tesla Museum in Belgrade, some have not resurfaced. His is a legacy of brilliance and enigma.

The drama of Twentieth Century Science and its intriguing relationship with financiers and governments unfold together in the remarkable life of Nikola Tesla. His is a biography replete with all the elements of tragedy. Tesla, a great discoverer of unsurpassed force, became the focal point of old insidious forces intent on destroying the future for the selfish sake of the status quo. Tesla remains a focal point of wonderment, of dream, and of worlds, which yet should be to those who are familiar with his biography. For them, Tesla stands astride the quaint past century and the gleaming future. He is a technological Colossus, pointing the way to a new dawn.
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
— Nikola Tesla
Casting Out the Nines from PHI into Indigs reveals the Cosmic Harmonic Code.
— Junglelord.
Knowledge is Structured in Consciouness. Structure and Function Cannot Be Seperated.
— Junglelord


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