The dirty little secrets of mainstream solar physics....

Plasma and electricity in space. Failure of gravity-only cosmology. Exposing the myths of dark matter, dark energy, black holes, neutron stars, and other mathematical constructs. The electric model of stars. Predictions and confirmations of the electric comet.

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Michael Mozina
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The dirty little secrets of mainstream solar physics....

Unread post by Michael Mozina » Mon Mar 05, 2018 8:12 pm

Anyone who's been been following the SAFIRE experiments, and anyone who has studied Birkeland's lab experiments knows that EU/PC solar models (plural) *easily* explain and *experimentally* demonstrate a sustained full sphere hot corona of the sun. EU/PC solar models explain why the inner electrode surface is 'cooler' than the outer atmosphere, and they replicate this layered atmospheric heating process in real experiments. While the heat source of the sun's upper solar atmosphere still remains a 'mystery' to the mainstream, it's actually been "explained" in EU/PC theory, as well as simulated in a lab for more than a century, and it has *nothing* to do with "magnetic reconnection", and everything to do with sustained electrical current.

The mainstream's primary model of solar flares and hot atmospheric plasma today all revolve around 'magnetic reconnection", a concept that Alfven called pseudoscience till the day that he died. To this very day, mainstream solar physicists are still incapable of replicating something as simple as a sustained, full sphere hot corona in a lab experiment based on magnetic reconnection. This is one of the dirty little secrets of astronomy, and it brings us to the mainstream solar model of 'magnetic reconnection" and it's supposed power source inside of the sun.

The first serious problem with "reconnection" as a reliable heat source of the corona, is that it unlike electrical processes in EU/PC solar models, reconnection is a highly "localized' process that would need to be replicated billions of times all around the whole solar atmosphere at essentially the same intensity to result in a uniformly hot full sphere corona. Unlike electrical current, 'reconnection' is also a "time limited" phenomenon that is typically associated with time variable moving magnetic fields in a very limited region. Such a localized process would have to be replicated countless times around the whole solar atmosphere, over and over and over again at nearly the same intensity and the same frequency to generate and sustain a relatively uniform hot corona. What are the odds?

Even when it comes to explaining a single sustained million degree coronal loop, the mainstream has *serious* problems, and they have no laboratory evidence whatsoever to support their claim. It's been demonstrated repeatedly in a lab that current flowing through plasma easily generates sustained hot plasma filaments, but there really is no model of a single sustained hot thread of plasma created and sustained at high temperatures based on "reconnection". There's certainly no lab experiment that has ever created and sustained one high temperature filament, like a single coronal loop, based on reconnection and in the absence of sustained electric fields. This is a serious problem for the mainstream and one of their dirty little secrets that they don't want to talk about or discuss.

The biggest dirty little solar secret however is that the presumed power source of the required strong magnetic fields in the mainstream solar model. That power source was/is the fast solar convection process in their model, a process that was actually *falsified* by SDO measurements in 2012.

In the mainstream model, the supposed source of the sun's powerful magnetic fields in the upper atmosphere is generated by jet speed convection processes underneath of the surface of the photosphere. A fast convection process supposedly generates strong magnetic fields which in turn "reconnect" themselves somewhere above the surface of the photosphere, mostly in the "transition region" of the mainstream model.

For more than five years however the standard solar physics convection model, along with their presumed power source of hot atmospheric plasma has been *falsified* by SDO data. The mainstream is incapable of fixing it, nor will they even address or discuss that problem. Instead of jet speed convection to provide strong magnetic fields to power their reconnection models, SDO measured solar convection to be only about 1 percent of their "predicted" value. Every single time that mainstream models fail a "predictive test", the mainstream just sweeps that failed "test" right under the rug. Typically they later quietly revise their models and "predictions", but in this particular case, they've never fixed the problem or even addressed the problem. Apparently they're just burying their collective heads in the sand and hoping the problem goes away. Five years after SDO falsified their solar model, they're still peddling a model that is *known to be broken*!

In short, the mainstream solar model is based on a ridiculously unlikely pseudoscientific process which would have to be replicated over the whole sun, at about the same intensity and frequency over the whole atmosphere, and it's presumed power source has long since been falsified by SDO heliosiesmology data. They won't touch that massive problem with a 10 foot pole because there is no logical or easy fix for it. It is just another one of those dirty little secrets that the mainstream doesn't wish to discuss.

Michael Mozina
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I messed up the convection link....

Unread post by Michael Mozina » Tue Mar 06, 2018 10:28 am

The third link related to the speed of convection should be: ... projected/

I also see some spelling and grammatical mistakes, but you get the gist. :)

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Re: The dirty little secrets of mainstream solar physics....

Unread post by kiwi » Tue Mar 06, 2018 3:03 pm

Hi Michael :)
They won't touch that massive problem with a 10 foot pole because there is no logical or easy fix for it
Right back at you with Robitailles practical Laboratory reality of CDH stucture(s) and the demonstable process-chain shown therein, why are there Neutal Atoms etc in the same region that is said to be 1-2millions of degrees? Why are they not being ionized?

This could be addressed in the other thread of course (Saphire) but the subject seems to have a "McBeth" component associated with it for whatever reason.Maybe you missed that post? So I try again for an explanation here. Private correspondance has been attempted but again all I get is "he doesnt understand the E Model" ... which does not in any way make a valid Scientific argument to the case.

Am I being unreasonable? ... I only wish to find answers.Irrespective of the ACTUAL process's involved I believe the Sun should be classified as an electrical entity, and I believe the Standard Model to be well proven flase.

Cheers :)

Michael Mozina
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Re: The dirty little secrets of mainstream solar physics....

Unread post by Michael Mozina » Wed Mar 07, 2018 11:46 am

kiwi wrote:Hi Michael :)
They won't touch that massive problem with a 10 foot pole because there is no logical or easy fix for it
Right back at you with Robitailles practical Laboratory reality of CDH stucture(s) and the demonstable process-chain shown therein, why are there Neutal Atoms etc in the same region that is said to be 1-2millions of degrees? Why are they not being ionized?
Keep in mind that I personally prefer Birkeland's cathode solar model rather than an anode model.

While coronal loops themselves are likely to reach millions of degrees, I would not expect the entire corona to necessarily reach such temperatures.


The discharge channels (coronal loops) in that black/white side of this image from Birkeland's experiments are clearly "hotter' than the surrounding atmospheric plasma. Filaments tend to form in current carrying plasma and such filaments carry the bulk of the current, while areas around the filaments carry no current or less current than the filaments themselves. An ordinary plasma ball will demonstrate the same effect. The current carrying filaments are "brighter", and more ionized than the surrounding gas.

I must have missed your post in the SAFIRE thread. I certainly don't think you're being unreasonable to ask such questions. In fact I'd say that they are important questions that deserve an explanation.

I personally believe that the sun has an actual solid cathode crust that sits about 4800KM under the surface of the photosphere. I believe the sun's crust experiences volcanic activity. During such volcanic events, I believe that non-ionized particles are being spewed into the atmosphere on a regular basis. Some elements are also likely to be harder to ionize than others as well, and the current isn't necessarily going to flow through each element or each molecule at once. In fact the current will naturally seek the path of least resistance through the corona, and it won't be likely to ionize all the elements in the corona. Materials from under the surface and from the sun's lower atmosphere are also being constantly tossed into the corona.

Sceptical lefty
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Re: The dirty little secrets of mainstream solar physics....

Unread post by Sceptical lefty » Sun Mar 25, 2018 2:03 pm

Of course, you realise that the problem isn't science, which can can be promoted, ignored or manipulated if one has the numbers. The problem is that if the E.U. Theory becomes widely accepted then the foundations of nearly all modern astrophysical careers will be destroyed. This is a matter of no small consequence to those who would be exposed as either defective thinkers or charlatans.

As most of these people help to form the minds of new entrants into their profession, the problem is self-sustaining. The E.U. Theory won't prevail because of its evident merits. It will win when it is simply no longer possible to deny the fatal deficiencies of the Standard Model. As the Standard Model advocates currently have all the power within scientific institutions, plus a useful boost from the mental inertia of the scientifically illiterate, there is no way that anything short of a major undeniable demonstration of solar electrical activity will cause this Model to collapse. It may be objectively dead, but it's a zombie, staggering on and eating the brains of all who fall afoul of it.

For what it's worth, I believe that Wal Thornhill (or any number of prominent E.U. advocates) will be a modern-day Copernicus -- mostly ignored during his lifetime and eventually vindicated long after his death. That's how science really works.

Michael Mozina
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Re: The dirty little secrets of mainstream solar physics....

Unread post by Michael Mozina » Sun Mar 25, 2018 9:10 pm

Sceptical lefty wrote:Of course, you realise that the problem isn't science, which can can be promoted, ignored or manipulated if one has the numbers. The problem is that if the E.U. Theory becomes widely accepted then the foundations of nearly all modern astrophysical careers will be destroyed.

I believe that's the primary problem at this point in time, which is why we see such a hostile knee-jerk reaction to EU/PC models (plural) at all mainstream websites. I've been banned from the Astronomy forum on Reddit for merely mentioning Peratt's work there. There's a palpable fear in astronomy these days as it relates to EU/PC theory, which is why boards like Cosmoquest hold the modern day equivalent of public witch hunts (complete with virtual executions) on their "against the mainstream" forum. It's also why we see such a hostile response from the mainstream on astronomy websites at the mere mention of the work by Birkeland, Bruce, Alfven, Peratt, Scott, etc. Even the discussion of published work on EU/PC theory is pretty much forbidden on mainstream websites. The fear factor is palpable.

I'm personally hoping that the Webb telescope deep field images start to change the tide a bit. I suspect they will show "mature" galaxies for as far back in time as JWST can see, and return images that simply defy the concept of galaxy evolution over time.

If you look at what Birkeland went through during his lifetime, it's pretty easy to demonstrate that astronomers tend to reject even working models of aurora and coronas and such only because such ideas to not jive with their preconceived ideas. Birkeland was long dead before satellites in space *forced* the mainstream to embrace his aurora models over Chapman's ideas, and they still refuse to even discuss electric fields with respect to the solar corona.

In fact, Aristarchus of Samos (and others before him) actually beat Copernicus to the solar-centric model by well over fifteen hundred years, and Aristarchus even put the planets in their correct order. The mainstream doesn't like to admit being wrong over generations, so they made a big deal about Copernicus when he reintroduced the idea. They made a big deal about Copernicus mostly because they didn't want to be seen as being stubborn and ignorant for so bloody long. :) It was far easier to hail the work and model of Copernicus as 'new and revolutionary' and use the Church as a scapegoat, than to admit that "scientists" and bad scientific dogma had been the real problem all along. :)

Even now, if you watch the pilot episode of the Tyson reboot of Cosmos, they pulled Bruno out of a hat, and framed the Church as the "bad guy" while pretending that it wasn't really other "scientists" that were the real culprit for their own ignorance for over *1500 years*! Gah.

Astronomers are more than a little "loose with the facts' when it comes to historical accuracy, and they never take responsibility for their own errors, as that first Cosmos episode so clearly demonstrated.

Sceptical lefty
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Re: The dirty little secrets of mainstream solar physics....

Unread post by Sceptical lefty » Thu Mar 29, 2018 2:21 pm

Even now, if you watch the pilot episode of the Tyson reboot of Cosmos ...
Sorry -- I can't stomach Mr Tyson, so I won't be watching this. However, I get your point.

I believe that the Norwegians have given Birkeland some recognition (Local lad makes good!), but his seminal contributions to Plasma Cosmology are mostly ignored.

Rant commences.

Whenever humans are sufficiently organised to form a controlling clique (Establishment), then the interests of the clique take precedence over all other considerations. This applies in nearly all fields of Science, too -- in spite of protestations from scientists about 'facts' and 'objectivity'. The Engineering sciences are relatively uncorrupted, but only because they are strictly empirical and people die when engineers 'get it wrong'. This, like Plasma Cosmology, is a scalable phenomenon and applies from multinational entities down to the local amateur theatrical society.

The only occasions, of which I am aware, when a practical meritocracy has been sustained have been during periods of severe social stress. This is something like a hard war, with an uncertain outcome and scarce resources. When the very existence of a society is threatened, then (unfortunately) people of ability have to be put in charge. Even in relatively short periods of peace and comfort, corruption flourishes. The big problem is that while corruption can take hold by degrees, disaster can strike suddenly and it is very difficult -- if not impossible -- for a corrupt social organism to pluck able men from obscurity and bestow upon them the power and resources to deal effectively with the emergency.

Rant now over.

I still believe that Plasma Cosmology will prevail, but I will count myself very fortunate if I see this before I die.


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