The Schumann Resonance

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Sep 27, 2009 5:36 pm

I noticed that the link to the article on "Dogon and Zulu High Science" is no longer working, so I will attach the entire creation myth. I copied this from the cache: ... clnk&gl=us
Dogon and Zulu Cosmology.


The Dogon dwell in a mountainous terrain near the border of Mali and Upper Volta in West Africa. The Dogon revealed some of their cosmological science through their interaction with two French anthropologists: Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen. Most of Griaule and Dieterlen's work has been translated into English in the two books, Conversations with Ogotemmeli and The Pale Fox. The Dogon have been the center of anthropological debate, for they have knowledge of the Sirius Star system that Western Scientist was able to confirm only by using high powered telescopes.

The debate has centered on the fact that the Dogon know details about the dwarf companion of Sirius A, whom they call Sigi Tolo. The Dogon priests can detail the rapid rotation, 50 year orbital cycle, small size, and immense power of Po Tolo - Sirius B - with great accuracy. However, Western science's debate often focuses on Dogon knowledge of the Sirius system outside of the whole Dogon cosmological scheme of creation. Therefore, the fact is often overlooked that the Dogon have described in great detail and accuracy the structure and nature of our entire galaxy and how we Earthlings fit into it.

A breakdown of the key cosmological and astrophysical truths expressed in Dogon High Science is as follows:

· Amma is the Dogon name for Amen. Amma is described as the intelligent consciousness behind all of creation and the awareness within all beings. Amma is 'He Who Rests Upon Nothing'.

· The Po is the Black Hole that is the core of our galaxy. The Po is 'The Egg of the World', the first principle of the seed. Po means seeds in the Dogon language. The Dogon describe the Po as the smallest thing in the world, alluding to the fact that the matter of a Black Hole is the densest, most compact form of matter in creation. They say that it is 'invisible, at the center'. It spins and scatters all particles of matter in a sonorous and luminous motion, yet remains inaudible and invisible. The Dogon say that Amma placed his word in the Po, thus making it the 'image of the creator' and 'the womb of Amma'.

· The Clavicles of Amma refer to the spiral nebula arms that define the shape of the galaxy. The clavicle is the 1st bone to appear in the skeletal system of developing embryos. It grows in a sickle-type arch very similar to the shape of the arms of our spiral galaxy.

· Po Tolo is 'The Star of the Deep Beginning'. This is what the Dogon call the Black dwarf Star that astronomers call Sirius B. Po Tolo is the 1st of all stars; it was born after the Po (galactic core) had finished its task. Po Tolo is seen as a double of the Po, meaning that Black stars such as Sirius B act very similar to Black Holes; it appears as if it has the same effect on space and time as Blacks Holes, only on a much lesser scale of manifestation. Po Tolo is the 'image of the womb of Amma' and is seen as a reservoir of source of renewing life force for this realm of creation (Po Tolo is the 2nd closest star system to our solar system; being only eight light years away). Po Tolo is also made of the smallest and heaviest of things, which the Dogon describe as a metal called Sagala. One pebble of Sagala would weigh several tons. Because Po Tolo is so massive it shapes and moulds the structure of space and time in our realm.

· Sigi Tolo is the youngest star to come out of Amma's womb. This is the star astronomers refer to as Sirius A. Sigi Tolo is 'The Star of the Sacrificed Fish'. The Dogon say that Amma, in an effort to thwart the transgressions of a rebellious being named Ogo sacrificed the Celestial Fish Man Nommo Semi. Sigi Tolo is the star seed of Nommo Semi, which makes Sigi Tolo the celestial testament of the sacrificed fish. The Dogon say that the sacrificial blood of Sigi Tolo spills onto the womb of Amma, and is renewing, impregnating, and purifying this realm of creation.

As stated, the debate among the Western-minded concerning the Dogon has centered on the fact that the Dogon know details about the dwarf companion of Sirius A. Men such as Robert Temple and his book The Sirius Mystery pose all sorts of bizarre and overtly racist notions as to how a 'primitive' African nation could possibly have detailed astronomical knowledge of neighboring star systems. However, in this brief survey of Dogon descriptions of celestial objects, it can be seen that they have knowledge as to how the entire galaxy is structured, not just the closest star system.

Dogon cosmology and Kemetic sacred science are very similar in concepts and symbolism. In fact, Dogon cosmology appears to be the exact cosmology of the Kemetic priesthood at Annu (ancient Hermopolis). The Dogon know Ra as Amma, 'He Who Rests Upon Nothing'. The Universe is considered 'Amma's Egg'. Within his egg, Amma began spinning around, forming the po seed (the Black Hole at the Galactic Core). The po is 'the smallest [heaviest and densest] thing that was made invisible, at the center'.

Amma then placed seven 'words' in the po, which began to vibrate strongly within the seed. The spiraling vibrations caused four clavicles to grow forth from the po. In hue-mans, clavicles are the first bones to form in a hue-man embryo. They grow in the form of an exaggerated 'S'. The celestial clavicles that grow from the Po are the spiral nebulae arms that extend from the galactic core and define the shape of our spiral galaxy.

Suddenly, the Po burst forth, and eight new seeds were created. Amma planted these seeds in his egg near the clavicles of the Po. With these eight seeds, Amma intended to create eight celestial beings - four male and four female. The Dogon called these beings the Nommo Anagonno, best translated as 'The Word (Nommo) that Became the Fish-Man' (Anagonno). The Nommo are the first beings created by Amma, and they are amphibious celestial creatures. The Nommo correspond to the Kemetic Khem-Anu.

These eight beings were going to be Amma's perfect creation. As sister & brother yet husband & wife, the four fish-twins were going to make each other fertile, complete, and blessed with heavenly happiness and fulfillment. However, one of the male twins - Ogo (the Kemetic Set) - grew impatient as he waited for his female twin to gestate. Ogo decided to rebel from Amma. He jumped out of his celestial womb and stole parts of his own placenta. He then began creating and pro-creating with his own placenta in an attempt to re-create his own little world. His stolen placenta became impure, and his actions greatly threw off the divine order Amma had intended. The Dogon say that our Sun - whom they call Nay - is the stolen placenta, and that planet Earth is the rebel-world established by Ogo.

To re-establish order and purify creation of Ogo's transgression, Amma decided to sacrifice one of the completed Nommo twins - Nommo Semi. Nommo Semi was composed of both a male and female Nommo Anagonno, and was a complete and perfect Being onto itself. Amma lifted Nommo Semi out of the celestial waters and tied the androgynous fish to the Kilena (Mother of charcoal) tree. In one swift cut, Amma sliced the umbilical cord and genitals of Nommo Semi. The sacrificed Nommo's blood & life force - nyama - emptied from its naval and groin. Semi died a suffering and painful death. The Dogon say that Sirius 'A' - the visible star of Sirius whom the Dogon call Sigi Tolo - is the celestial embodiment of the sacrifice.

Amma then took the nyama of the sacrificed Nommo and dripped it on the former placenta of the celestial fish (the Sirius system) and the stolen placenta of its brother Ogo (our Sun Nay). Amma's goal was to purify his creation from the transgressions of Ogo. It required him taking a pure and perfected being (Nommo Semi) and sacrificing it. Amma intended for the spirit of Nommo Semi to heal Ogo's torn placenta and become one with the Impure Earth Ogo created. When Amma sprinkled the sacrificed nyama, it did several things:

- It caused the resurrection of the sacrificed Nommo. When Nommo Semi's nyama dripped on its former placenta, it caused it to be reborn. Its re-birth however, multiplied Semi's forms and transformed its nature. Nommo Semi resurrected in three simultaneous forms:

1. Kora Na - The Great Ark of Pure Earth, the force that Amma intended to carry hue-manity and the seeds (po) of agriculture to the 'Impure Earth'. The Kora-Na is depicted as a step-pyramid with an antennae-looking rod at the apex.

2. 0 Nommo - 'Nommo of the Pond', the purifying force of fresh water on Earth.

3. Unum - The once androgynous Nommo Semi now manifested as the eight original ancestors of Hue-manity - four males and four females. The male and female souls of Nommo Semi now had their own separate forms. They were paired in four couples united in the image of the original eight Nommo.

-The sacrificial Nyama prepared the heavens for the Kora-Na to travel from the Sirius System to Planet Earth. The Kora-Na traveled from Sirius to our planet Earth on the sprinkles of Nyama. It carried as its occupants the Unum of Hue-manity and the seeds of eight celestial grains. Also, the shape, design, and proportions of the Ark express all of the principles and science hue-manity would need for the reorganization and atonement of Ogo's earth.

-The Sirius System became the Ever-Living Placenta of the Resurrected Nommo. Even though the Kora-Na, O Nommo, and the Unum were going to travel to 'The Impure Earth' of Ogo, they were to forever remain connected to a lifeline that connected them straight to Amma's womb. This ever-living placenta is the Sirius system, and as long as the connection with Sirius was maintained, the Resurrected Nommo would never die. The Sirius system floods the Impure Earth with rejuvenating and nourishing Nyama every sixty years, at which time the Dogon perform the Sigui ceremony to reaffirm the Earth-Sirius connection.

The sacrificial Nyama created parallel structures in celestial sphere and on Ogo's earth. In heaven, it reorganized space and the cycles of time in our solar system. It also synchronized our system's cycles with the cycles of the Sirius system. The Sirius System and this planetary system thus became twin placentas of a pair of the 8 ancestral Nommo.

On earth, it organized hue-man culture and set the order for hue-man interaction. This is the celestial foundation of the Earthly sciences of astrology, astronomy, and agriculture.

Lastly, the sacrificial Nyama set the stage for the day of total purification and renewal for planet Earth. This day is called 'Izubay Minne' - "Earth of the Day of the Fish", which occurs when "the fish is sacrificed" (the termination of the Piscean Age) and "His blood falls to Earth as cords of rain" (when the celestial waters pour down to initiate the Age of Aquarius). One day during the transition of these ages, Taba Tolo - the reuniting of the two placentas - will occur. Taba Tolo is when the Sun and Sirius come together in a grand conjunction. My guess is that this grand conjunction will probably occur on the first helical rising of Sirius after the equinox sunrise occurs with Aquarius as the celestial backdrop. In other words, Taba Tolo will occur on the first helical rising of Sirius in the Aquarian Age. The Dogon depict Taba Tolo as the day a strong purifying stream of Nyama will pour down on the Sun and Earth from Sirius. This stream will wash away the corrupt order of Ogo and immortalize the sons and daughters of the Nommo.

As stated, Ogo's self-willed actions really threw off the universal balance Amma had intended. Beyond creating the principle and act of theft, when Ogo took his own placenta and recreated his own world, it amounted to an act of incest. Amma felt that Ogo must be stopped from creating more chaos, as well as punished for his misdeeds.

Amma ordered one of the other Nommo - Nommo Titeyanye - to punish Ogo. Nommo Titeyanye smashed Ogo's genitalia, making him infertile. Ogo fled from the heavens down to Earth. Once on Earth, Amma wanted to bind Ogo to this planet so that he could not disrupt the celestial order anymore. He transformed Ogo, who up until this point was in the form of an amphibious Reptilian (the Kemetic Apap), into Yurugu, the Pale Fox. The Pale Fox corresponds to the Kemetic Set-Anup the rebellious Black Jackal.

Once on Earth, the Pale Fox Yurugu continued his disruptive and chaotic behaviors. He attempted to create an artificial world outside of the divine order of Amma. That was what he was doing when the Ark Kora Na landed upon Earth. When it landed, the force of impact almost killed Yurugu, but he survived by fleeing underground. The impact of the landing threw the moon into the sky, which is part Kora-Na/Part Earth.

Out of the Kora Na emerged the eight ancestors of hue-manity. They came forth with eight grains, including millet, black rice, chickpea, and sorghum. Their mission is to cultivate the land and grow the celestial grains so that everyone could live in abundance. They were also supposed to reproduce and spread throughout the world bringing the spiritual technologies contained within the Kora-Na with them. The eight ancestors and their offspring were charged with conducting important ceremonies such as the Sigui ceremony. The Sigui is performed every 60 year when the planets Jupiter and Saturn are aligned. The Sigui re-establishes the bond of the Fish-people who sacrificed their divine self to their homeland across the waters - Sirius. The ultimate purpose the Dogon say they have is to maintain this extra-terrestrial connection by establishing sacred sites and celestial granaries throughout the world in an effort to prepare Earth for Izubay Minne 'The Day of the Earth of the Fish'. This is the day that the re-uniting of the Twin-Placentas - Earth & Sirius - will be complete.

Dogon Cosmology, Sirius, and Hydrogen Astrophysics

There are some profound astrophysical truths contained in this summary of Dogon star science, a few of which have already been alluded to. Some of the most profound is the nature of the Sirius star system and its importance in establishing and maintaining celestial order for our solar system.

The Dogon actually say that there are three major stars in the Sirius system:
Po Tolo, Sigi Tolo, and Emma Ya Tolo.

Po Tolo (Sirius B) is the oldest of stars, and its name means 'deep beginning'. It is a twin of the Po - the Black hole at the center of the galaxy. The Dogon consider Po Tolo the reservoir and source of all things in this realm, and the germ of creation for our Solar System. They say it is the smallest, yet heaviest of celestial objects, and that it ejects it essence out into creation by its fast spinning. The particles of its essence are 'infinitely small'.

Moreover, Griaule says in the Pale Fox:

The movement of Po Tolo keeps all other stars in their respective places: in fact, one says that without this movement none of them would "stay in place". Po Tolo forces them to keep their trajectory…One calls it the "pillar of the stars"…. Po Tolo is the axis of the entire world…

Modern astrophysics shows that indeed, Sirius B is a very old green dwarf star that has completed the cycle of regular star life. Sirius B ejected its outer atmosphere into space ages ago. Its interior has transformed from gaseous hydrogen plasma to a solid ionized hydrogen crystal. Once about the size of the Sun, it is now condensed to the size of the earth. As a twin of the Po, Po Tolo is a star that has many of the qualities of a Black Hole. Dwarfs are 'Black stars' in that they have low luminosity (they do not shine bright). They do emit considerable UV radiation, however. Their primary energy is not nuclear-thermal, but piezo electric (ionic energy due to gravitational pressure). Dwarfs have electromagnetic fields that are stronger and a billion times larger than regular stars. They rotate incredibly fast, and circulate their particles for several thousand light-years.

Dwarfs are very heavy and their weight bends (warps) time and space considerable. Thus, dwarf stars have great influence on the organization of orbits and cycles of neighboring stars and planetary systems. Without a doubt, the cycles, orbits, and rotations of our Solar system is defined and governed by Sirius B.

Emma Ya Tolo is the female twin of the Po. The Dogon say that she is the 'Mother of Cereal Grains' and the 'Guardian of the Feminine Essence'. She appears to correspond to the Kemetic Goddess Auset. The Dogon say the Emma Ya Tolo is invisible and undetectable. She is the Great Mystery, the sacred seed of the feminine principle of womanhood and motherhood that Amma placed totally out of the reach of Ogo. To date, modern astronomers have not been able to observe or confirm the presence of Sirius C.

To the Dogon, Sigi Tolo is the youngest star to come out of Amma's womb. The Dogon consider it is the celestial testament of the sacrifice of the Nommo Semi. They say the life force of the emasculated Nommo Semi drains through Sigi Tolo. However, the life force of Sigi Tolo impregnated P0 Tolo, giving it the force needed to reorganize heaven and earth. Also, the life force falls on Ogo's placenta (our Sun and Earth), purifying it as well.

Modern astrophysics shows that indeed, Sigi Tolo - Sirius A - is a young, type A blue star. It is 'emasculated' in that it is not burning its own hydrogen. It is 'sacrificing' its hydrogen by feeding it to Sirius B. In a binary star system of a dwarf and regular star, the gravitational pull of the dwarf often siphons off the hydrogen essence of the regular star. The hydrogen is sucked into the dwarf and then ejected out into space by the fast rotation. This is the relationship between Sirius A & B. The hydrogen essence of Sirius A is feeding Sirius B. Po Tolo is taking the hydrogen essence of Sigi Tolo and using the energy to renew the Sirius system and our own planetary system.

Sirius and the Celestial Waters

The Dogon also say that the hydrogen essence (Nyama) of Sigi Tolo falls like 'cords of rain' to purify the earth. In other words, the hydrogen essence of Sirius A:

· Is ciphoned off from Sirius A by the gravitational pull of Sirius B;

· As it falls toward Sirius B, the hydrogen essence of Sirius A is thrown off of Po Tolo because of its incredibly fast rotation.

· The hydrogen essence of Sirius A gets hurled into space. It streams into the heavens following the celestial landscape created by the strong gravitational fields of Sirius B.

· The gravitational fields of Sirius B lead a stream of Sigi Tolo's nyama to our planetary system.

The Dogon say that this stream of ionized hydrogen from the Sirius system is purifying to the Sun and planet Earth. This force is the 'Reorganizer of the World', that will bring about a New Order in the world established by Amma and not by Ogo. This sacred energy is Eloptic Black Light. It is the 'Electric light' that associates with gravitational fields (it follows Sirius B's gravitational fields to Earth) and resonates in affinity with Hue-man alpha-wave thoughts. Earth is about to encounter this stream, the question is when.

As stated, the Sirius star system and the constellation Aquarius are on the same plane of heaven - about 15 degrees below the celestial equator. As the Earth moves into the Aquarian age, she will also come into alignment with the Sirius star system. When the Earth and Sirius align, the great conjunction Taba Tolo - The Re-uniting of the Twin Placentas -is going to occur. The Black Light of the Sirius system will cascade down upon the planet. For the children of the Nommo, it will be like Menat the big-bosomed lioness suckling her young lion-kings and Princesses. For the children of Ogo the Pale Fox, it will be like Sekmet raining down a fiery judgement to the point that she becomes intoxicated with the blood of countless wicked. She becomes so consumed with the taste of death that she does not stop until all of the rebellious souls are slaughtered. This is Iu-su the Water Born Saviour opening up the Heavens to bring the celestial daughter out of the chaos and drown out the light of the self-willed One.

For those Hue-mans who are harmoniously in tune with the heavens and earth, this 'sky juice' of Menat will nourish their mind/body/spirit complex, giving them the strength they need to healthfully transform into citizens of the Aquarian age. To those who are not in tune with the divine order established by Amma through Po Tolo, this cosmic radiation will be like brimstone and fire falling from the sky, burning up the wicked and unrighteous. There will be no where to run, no where to hide. THE JUDGEMENT OF CELESTIAL FIRE IS AT HAND!!!


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Sep 27, 2009 7:14 pm

Another interpretation of the myth:

Dogon and Zulu Cosmology ... clnk&gl=us
Ogo (Saturn) breaks apart (rebels) from the Sirius star system. Sirius B and C remain (the twins). Sirius B is sacrificed (explodes) and becomes a white dwarf. The explosion gives birth to Sirius A. As a result Earth suffers a global cataclysm. The Nommo decide to travel to Earth to help humanity.

To re-establish order and purify the creation of Ogo's transgression, Amma decided to sacrifice one of the completed Nommo twins - Nommo Semi. Nommo Semi was composed of both a male and female Nommo Anagonno, and was a complete and perfect Being onto itself. Amma lifted Nommo Semi out of the celestial waters and tied the androgynous fish to the Kilena (Mother of charcoal) tree. In one swift cut, Amma sliced the umbilical cord and genitals of Nommo Semi. The sacrificed Nommo's blood & life force - nyama - emptied from its naval and groin. Semi died a suffering and painful death. The Dogon say that Sirius 'A' - the visible star of Sirius whom the Dogon call Sigi Tolo - is the celestial embodiment of the sacrifice.

The Twins:

Sirius B - Nommo Semi the Celestial Fish-man (male) Sirius C (female – “Sun of Women”)

The Sacrifice:

Sirius B separated (moved into a new orbit) from Sirius C. Sirius A is the embodiment of the sacrifice – the Star of the Sacrificed Fish.

Amma intended for the spirit of Nommo Semi (Sirius B) to heal Ogo's (Saturn’s) torn placenta (electrical instability) and (reunite) become one with the Impure Earth Ogo had created. When Amma sprinkled the sacrificed nyama (cosmic energy), it did several things:

- It caused the resurrection of the sacrificed Nommo (Sirius B). When Nommo Semi's nyama (cosmic energy) dripped on its former placenta, it caused it to be reborn. Its re-birth however, multiplied Semi's forms and transformed its nature. (Sirius B became a white dwarf.) Nommo Semi resurrected in three simultaneous forms:

1. Kora Na - The Great Ark of Pure Earth, the force that Amma intended to carry hue-manity and the seeds (po) of agriculture to the 'Impure Earth'. The Kora-Na is depicted as a step-pyramid with an antennae-looking rod at the apex (a meteorite?)

2. 0 Nommo - 'Nommo of the Pond', the purifying force of fresh water on Earth. (Earth’s waters had turned salty; the Nommo purified the brackish waters.)

3. Unum - The once androgynous Nommo Semi now manifested as the eight original ancestors (planets?) of Hue-manity - four males and four females. The male and female souls of Nommo Semi now had their own separate forms. They were paired in four couples united in the image of the original eight Nommo.

-The sacrificial Nyama (cosmic energy) prepared the heavens for the Kora-Na to travel from the Sirius System to Planet Earth. The Kora-Na (meteorite) traveled from Sirius to our planet Earth on the sprinkles (cosmic rays) of Nyama. It carried as its occupants the Unum of Hue-manity and the seeds of eight celestial grains (eight planets). Also, the shape, design, and proportions of the Ark (meteorite) express all of the principles and science (sacred geometry) hue-manity would need for the reorganization and atonement of Ogo's (Saturn's) earth.

-The Sirius System became the Ever-Living Placenta of the Resurrected Nommo (Sirius B white dwarf). Even though the Kora-Na, O Nommo, and the Unum were going to travel to 'The Impure Earth' of Ogo (Saturn), they were to forever remain connected to a lifeline that connected them straight to Amma's womb. This ever-living placenta is the Sirius system; and as long as the connection with Sirius was maintained, the Resurrected Nommo would never die. The Sirius system floods the Impure Earth with rejuvenating and nourishing Nyama (cosmic energy) every sixty years, at which time the Dogon perform the Sigui ceremony to reaffirm the Earth-Sirius connection.

The sacrificial Nyama created parallel structures in celestial sphere (Sirius A, B & C) and on Ogo's earth (Sun, Saturn & Jupiter). In heaven, it reorganized space and the cycles of time in our solar system. It also synchronized our system's cycles with the cycles of the Sirius system. The Sirius System and this planetary system thus became twin placentas of a pair of the 8 ancestral Nommo.

Lastly, the sacrificial Nyama (cosmic energy) set the stage for the day of total purification and renewal for planet Earth. This day is called 'Izubay Minne' - "Earth of the Day of the Fish", which occurs when "the fish is sacrificed" (the termination of the Piscean Age) and "His blood (cosmic energy) falls to Earth as cords of rain" (when the celestial waters pour down to initiate the Age of Aquarius). One day during the transition of these ages, Taba Tolo - the reuniting of the two placentas (Saturn and Sirius A, B & C) - will occur. Taba Tolo is when the Sun and Sirius come together in a grand conjunction.

As stated, Ogo's (Saturn’s nova) self-willed actions really threw off the universal balance Amma had intended. Beyond creating the principle and act of theft, when Ogo took his own placenta (separated from the Sirius system) and recreated his own world, it amounted to an act of incest. Amma felt that Ogo must be stopped from creating more chaos, as well as punished for his misdeeds.

Amma ordered one of the other Nommo - Nommo Titeyanye (Jupiter) - to punish Ogo. Nommo Titeyanye smashed (brown dwarf) Ogo's genitalia (“radiant energy” source), making him infertile (a "cold" planet). Ogo fled from the heavens down to Earth. Once on Earth, Amma wanted to bind Ogo to this planet so that he could not disrupt the celestial order anymore. He transformed Ogo, who up until this point was in the form of an amphibious Reptilian into the Pale Fox (a mere ghost of its former self).

Once on Earth, the Pale Fox Yurugu continued his disruptive and chaotic behaviors. He attempted to create an artificial world (planetary system) outside of the divine order of Amma (the Sirius system). That was what Ogo was doing when the Ark Kora Na landed upon Earth. When it landed, the force of impact almost killed Yurugu, but he survived by fleeing underground (to become Saturn the Dark God). The impact of the landing threw the moon into the sky, which is part Kora-Na/Part Earth. (Our moon is composed of material from Earth and the Sirian meteorite.)

The Sirius system floods the Impure Earth with rejuvenating and nourishing Nyama (cosmic energy) every sixty years (when Jupiter and Saturn are aligned.) At this time the Dogon perform the Sigui ceremony to reaffirm the Earth-Sirius connection.

The eight ancestors and their offspring were charged with conducting important ceremonies such as the Sigui ceremony. The Sigui is performed every 60 year when the planets Jupiter and Saturn are aligned. The Sigui re-establishes the bond of the Fish-people who sacrificed their divine self to their homeland across the waters - Sirius.


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Mon Sep 28, 2009 7:56 am

The Three Cosmic Streams (The Great Bear, Sirius and the Pleiades) and Masonic Enlightment

The Aquarian - A Spiritual Adult ... id=2502609
ry of Masonry tells us that just as the Candidate for initiation enters into the Lodge from outside the Lodge, mankind entered into Planet Earth from outside this planet. Man, a spiritual entity symbolized by a circle, descended from his high estate into Earth, symbolized by the square. Spiritual man entered into the Lodge of Earth to unfold his full divinity while in flesh. This is what has been referred to as the "squaring of the circle."

In the Lodge, as on Planet Earth, the candidate subjects himself to graded, disciplined training with definite objectives. The primary objective is self-knowledge and with this knowledge, he has an obligation to be in service to all Life.

In principle, all religions in all cultures have at their core the Masonic blueprint. The form in which it is practiced might be slightly different from culture to culture and reflect the level of consciousness thus far evolved.

An examination of the Masonic ritual gives us some clues to the meaning of our life here and helps us answer the great philosophical questions of Life. When the candidate enters the Lodge, he is placed in the Southwest corner, the place of greatest darkness and ignorance. This was also the placement of the Planet in the solar System. The goal then is to move through and around the Lodge to the East by way of the North, where the veiled knowledge, the unknown or mysteries, resides. As the candidate increases in knowledge, wisdom and understanding, he is able to part the veils of illusion and this illumination duly places him in the East of the Lodge, the place of knowledge and Light.

This story of the candidate's journey is analogous to that of man's journey into form, from a place of high estate. It is similarly the story of the prodigal son spoken of in the Bible. He left home and went on a journey into the far country to gain a knowledge he could not acquire if he had stayed at home. Planet Earth is on a similar journey in the Solar System.

Man's journey into this human experience is the combined effort of three Great constellations: the Great Bear, Sirius and the Pleiades. They represent the Supernal Triangle of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Mother aspect respectively. Qabalistically, they represent Kether, Chokmah and Binah on the Tree of Life. These three forces have influenced our experiment and adventure. Humanity is here to discover how far from the center of light he can travel and still make his way back home safely without losing all memory of his origin and his oneness with his fellow beings and all life. These three energies in a step down process express themselves through the three centers closest to humanity: Shamballah, the Hierarchy and Humanity.

The impulse for this experiment came out of the constellation of the Great Bear, which represents the Primal Will or Divine intent for mankind. It is the center from which the idea for creative manifestation originated. It is the lower level of this Will that humanity calls self-will and it is through the medium of the zodiacal sign of Aries that this experiment was initiated. The seven leading Stars of the Great Bear are said to be that of seven constellations from which the seven planetary influences impact our Earth. These make up the seven Rishis or seven brothers of the Great Bear.

Sirius the "dog star" is said to be the "Great instructor of mankind" from which the governance of this planet is orchestrated by the Lord of Action and Reaction commonly known as Karma. The goal of its leadership is the development of cosmic consciousness on the mental plane. Sirius impacts our planet through the influences of Uranus, Neptune and Saturn to provide the conditions for the reaping of souls that is now taking place.

The consciousness of Love-wisdom is the focus of this second member of the great supernal triangle. It is from the great White Lodge on Sirius that the work of the Seventh Ray of Ceremonial Law and Order issues. This energy will produce the conditions that will permit the re-appearance on Earth of the Mysteries of Initiation. It is in this context that Masonry will be reformed, understood and become open. The Sun has veiled the hidden planet Uranus (Sirius C/Nibiru?) but now employs it as the agent through which it focuses its influence like a lens to externalize the arcane mysteries in this Aquarian Age.

The sign of Gemini, the sign of relationships, has provided a portal through which humanity came to experiment with relationships between all pairs of opposites. It is under this sign, and from Sirius that the Masonic tradition was given to mankind. Its distinctive symbols of the two pillars of the temple, one white and one black, offers for our meditation the extremes of relationships.

The Pleiades, the third aspect of the triangle, is referred to as the seven sisters and the brides of the seven brothers of the Great Bear. It is this union of the seven brides and the seven brothers that the book of Genesis speaks of when it refers to "the sons of God who are gone down to lie with the daughters of men." We place the seven sisters of the Pleiades in the sphere of Binah, the Great Mother and in union with the seven brothers of the Great Bear in the sphere of Chokmah.

They gave birth to the Sons of men we call the seven planets: Jupiter, Mars, the physical Sun, Venus, Mercury, the Moon and the Earth. These seven planets express their seven vibrational frequencies or Rays through the seven chakras along the spine to support and nurture physical, emotional, mental and spiritual life on this planet.

The Pleiades is situated in the constellation of Taurus, the sign of dense matter and of eventual illumination. Through the influence of Taurus, the aspirant presses on and finally develops the ability to "see".

These three forces of the Great Bear, Sirius and the Pleiades, working through the Monad or Spirit, Soul and Personality centers, distribute their energies through the twelve signs of the zodiac under the influence of the seven planets. These twelve signs fall into two categories. Seven of these influence the evolution of planetary consciousness on our planet. The other five: Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces, directly influence the development of the five continents of Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and America.

The twelve signs can be configured to form three crosses expressing the triplicity and quadruplicity of the zodiac for every perfected soul that must pass through the metamorphosis of the Cross. The elements of Air, Earth, Fire and Water make up the four arms of the Mutable, Fixed and Cardinal crosses. The four arms of the Mutable Cross are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

When the soul has grown in maturity, it mounts the Fixed Cross known as the Cross of the Crucified Christ. The four arms of the Fixed cross are Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio. Having experienced the deaths of the personality and the Soul on the two previous Crosses, the aspirant now ascends the Cross of Spiritual Death upon the four arms of the Cardinal Cross. Libra, Capricorn, Aries and Cancer takes the now Initiate on to the Endless Way of Revelation.

When the influence of all four arms of each of the three crosses has produced an effect in the disciple, a transition in consciousness is made from one cross to another. Each transition marks a point of crisis in the life of the individual on his Path of Return. The Seven Rays or streams of force conditioned by the seven energies of the Great Bear and the Pleiades give us the astrological framework within which to work out our own salvation.


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Sep 30, 2009 7:12 pm

The Black Sun, the Grail Stone and the Ark of the Covenant


The Sacrifice of Nommo Seme: The explosion of Sirius B

A huge remnant from the meteorite also crashed into the Earth and became embedded in its core. This “prima materia” from Sirius B became the Earth’s interior (central sun) – the Black Sun. The Black Sun emits heat and light through piezeoelectric fusion.

Pyroelectric Fusion ... 885#p22882

The Punishment of Ogo by Amma: The destruction of Maldek by a meteorite from Sirius B? The destruction of Atlantis.

The meteorite from Sirius B destroyed Maldek. The survivors from Maldek fled to the Earth. The survivors from Maldek became the “god kings” of Atlantis. Amma destroyed Atlantis during the “Great Flood.” The Maldekian “god kings” and their human “counterparts (elites) took refuge underground (the “bottomless pit” or the “center of the Earth”); and there they remain to this very day. They are referred to as angles and demons, the “olden ones” or the Elders.

Maldek was also called Mulge, the “Black Star. After it was destroyed by its encounter with Jupiter (Jupiter/Nibiru/Vulcan/meteorite, etc.), its moon “Mulge-Tab” became the comet Venus, which was seen by the ancients as the “new sun” (Horus). Mostly likely this “cosmic event” accounted not only for the destruction of Maldek/Mulge, but also for the destruction of the kingdom of Atlantis on Earth.

This “cosmic event” could have caused the final breakup of the Saturnian system. Maldek, like the Earth, was a planet of Saturn. Saturn’s “central sun” was extinguished. Formerly it was a brown dwarf star; now it became a planet; it was banished into the “far regions of space.” Jupiter became the “new ruler.”

Both the “god-king” rules from Maldek and their human “counterparts” (elite) from Atlantis sought refuge at the center of the Earth). Hence we have all these myths about emasculation, entombment, death and resurrection that involve Saturn. He awaits rebirth (resurrection) as a new star and reunion with One Source (Sirius) at the beginning of the “New Age.” (Saturn’s central sun will be reignited; he will become a brown dwarf star once again and he, along with the “New Sun” and “New Earth” will rejoin the Sirian star in a new Golden Age.

What is the Black Stone that fell from heaven?

The Kora-Na is depicted as a step-pyramid with an antennae-looking rod at the apex

The Black Meteorite (Sagala) and the Ark (spaceship) of Sirius

Dogon and Zulu Cosmology ... clnk&gl=us
Po Tolo is also made of the smallest and heaviest of things, which the Dogon describe as a metal called Sagala. One pebble of Sagala would weigh several tons. Because Po Tolo is so massive it shapes and moulds the structure of space and time in our

It caused the resurrection of the sacrificed Nommo. When Nommo Semi's nyama dripped on its former placenta, it caused it to be reborn (as a white dwarf). Nommo Semi resurrected in three simultaneous forms:

-The sacrificial Nyama prepared the heavens for the Kora-Na (spaceship made of the black meteorite material Sagala) to travel from the Sirius System to Planet Earth. Also, the shape, design, and proportions of the Ark express all of the principles and science (sacred geometry) humanity would need for the reorganization and atonement of Ogo's earth.

Lastly, the sacrificial Nyama set the stage for the day of total purification and renewal for planet Earth which occurs when "the fish is sacrificed" (the termination of the Piscean Age). One day during the transition of these ages, Taba Tolo - the reuniting of the two placentas - will occur. Taba Tolo is when the Sun and Sirius come together in a grand conjunction.

Amma ordered one of the other Nommo to punish Ogo (Maldek). Nommo Titeyanye (Jupiter/Nibiru/meteorite) smashed Ogo's genitalia, making him infertile. Ogo fled from the heavens down to Earth. (Maldek survivors took refuge on Earth.).

Amma transformed Ogo (Maldek), who up until this point was in the form of an amphibious Reptilian into Yurugu, the Pale Fox (DNA genetic changes – Ogo became a pale remnant of his former self; or Saturn‘s “central sun” was extinguished; it became a planet). The Pale Fox corresponds to the rebellious Black Jackal (Satan, the Black or Hidden God).

Once on Earth, the Pale Fox Yurugu continued his disruptive and chaotic behaviors. That was what he was doing when the Ark Kora Na (Sirian spaceship) landed upon Earth. When it landed, the force of impact almost killed Yurugu, but he survived by fleeing underground. (The “god-kind” descendants from Maldek and the “human” counterparts (elites) from Atlantis take refuge underground.)

The impact of the landing threw the moon into the sky, which is part Kora-Na/Part Earth. (The creation of our moon resulted from this.)
The Black Sun – the “Prima Materia” from Sirius

Sirius C and the Black Sun
Sothis (Sirius B) is connected to Emme Ya (Sirius C), a bizarre star that constitutes the closest astronomical match to the concept of Black Sun, and from which Atlantean Lore says that many of the entities and intelligences today known in Pantheons sprang from. So, Sothis stands as the stellar, pulsating centre of the Draconian Current and of the energies that move the opposite side of creation - Sothis as 'Astrum Nigrum' (Black Star), soul of Black Isis and cosmic vehicle of Set.
Lucifer of the Black Sun ... black-sun/
Lucifer is the goddess of the Black Sun which is truly the great dragon Typhon (Ursa Major) the mother of all creation and of humanity. Typhon’s self begotten son was Sut the ancient Egyptian god which was Sothis or Sirius; in later reckonings Sut was then named after the planet Saturn which it was called in earlier times in history concerning Christianity Satan, or Lucifer.
Star Majik
In Hecate's Fountain, Kenneth Grant speaks of the planet Emme Ya (Sirius C) in the Sirius star-system as the origin of the Loa—Voudoo goddesses and gods, the Orisha in Yoruba tradition. The Dogon know Emme Ya—Star of Women—as the planet of the primal goddess, the Orisha Yemoja. Mother of all African goddesses and gods, Her name—Mother of Fish—recalls ancient tales of the amphibious Nommos, powerful beings of god-like stature who brought civilization to earth from the star system of Sirius, and whom the Babylonians knew as the Musari.
The Black Sun
The Vril Force or Vril Energy (scalar energy) was said to be derived from the Black Sun, a big ball of "Prima Materia" which supposedly exists in the center of the Earth, giving light to the Vril-ya and putting out radiation (infrared spectrum – “black light”?) in the form of Vril.

This force was known to the ancients under many names, and it has been called Chi, Ojas, Vril, Astral Light, Odin Forces and Orgone. In a discussion of the 28th degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry—called Knight of the Sun or Prince Adept— Albert Pike said, "There is in nature one most potent force, by means whereof a single man, who could possess himself of it, and should know how to direct it, could revolutionize and change the face of the world."
The Ark of Sirius
But there is another possibility I'd like to mention here. It's 'emme ya'/'Sirius C' - claimed by the Dogon to exist. According to the Dogon tradition, this star "throws out two pairs of radii (beams)" and it's "the only star which emits these beams which have the quality of solar rays." These descriptions remarkably match the characteristics of a pulsar! Furthermore, 'emme ya/Sirius C is called the 'sun of women', 'a little sun', and it is said to be accompanied by a satellite called the 'star of Women'. And this 'star of women' is represented by the sign of a 'cross', which correlates with the astrological 'grand cross' of Aug. 18, '99 and the cross of Christianity, the Knights Templar, etc. - all relevant to Sirius. So it seems possible that the 'light display' refers to the discovery/appearance of another star in the Sirius system (emme ya/Sirius C) which may be a pulsar.
Is the Earth’s inner sun the missing twelfth planet; is the “inner sun” a solid ionized hydrogen crystal. Is the “inner sun” function as a diode crystal? Is it capable of communicating with Nibiru or another “spaceship” in “outer space”?

Is Earth's Inner Sun the missing Twelfth Planet?
If you thought the hollow earth was a shocker, you're in for an even greater shock; Earth's reddish inner central sun is also hollow and inhabited within and without! Does this make it a planet? Perhaps it’s our twelfth planet? If so, where does this put Nibiru or Planet X?

There is every indication that the once great planet Nibiru, Maldek, or Planet X, was blown up causing the inner and outer asteroid belts. The remaining spiritual core of this planet, along with its astral inhabitants may have wandered to and possessed our planet Earth!

There have been plenty of stories circling around in the metaphysical world about a new planet or world now forming or being born that is in all liklihood hiding behind our sun, and that it will fully materialize or become visible by 2012 AD, and that this birthing process is causing all the flares and disturbances in our solar system.

They described this body as being almost as huge as the sun, in an etheric or plasmic state, and between the orbits of Mercury and the Sun, and the reason we cannot see it is because it is in synchronous orbit to the Earth. This golden solar body was also described as being covered by slipper like shapes that seemed to move somewhat. At first I thought they were describing the Earth's inner sun (it too is covered by these shapes) but they insisted this was outside the Earth. They also told me that Earth has a counter Earth on the opposite side of its orbit.

In Revelation, in the bible, the hollow Earth is referred to as "the bottomless pit", probably in reference to the polar openings. After a host of other woes, including World War III, comes the great Day of the Lord, when Earth's inner sun, or a component of it (spaceship?), rises out of one of the polar openings to execute judgment on surface humanity. The troublemakers are defeated and the Millennium begins.

In "The Smoky God" by Willis George Emerson, Norwegian Olaf Jansen and his father see a "dull-red, false sun" just over the horizon, as they sail across and into the lip of the Earth's northern polar opening. They both conclude that this "sun" is "a PLANET of some sort -a reality". When inside the Earth's hollow they learn from the natives that the luminous white cloud which appears to orbit the inner sun and enhances its brightness for twelve hours at a time (when it is in front of it), giving them kind of night and day, is worshipped by them as their Lord Jehovah (could this be a huge UFO hidden in a cloud? -"and they shall see Him coming in a cloud.

The base of this "electrical cloud" or "seat of the gods" is even described in detail, being dark with countless small openings through which lights shine through(the ship's windows or portals?) giving the appearance of stars during the darker half of the day when this "cloud" is behind the inner sun. This cloud or ship is stationary so that the Earth's rotation makes it appear to rise in the east and set in the west. The people Jansen and his father met truly believe this "Smoky God" to be the throne of their Jehovah.

The interior surface of our inner sun is called Mirror Earth because it is an exact, although more concentrated, replica or copy of the Earth. Doubles of every person on the Earth live here, except they are twelve years older or ahead of you. Mirror Earth has no polar openings and those who end up going there usually don't come back, which is what happened to the characters.

Diode Crystals
A diode, or "rectifier," is any device through which electricity can flow in only one direction. The first diodes were crystals used as rectifiers in home radio kits. A crystal diode is made of two different types of semiconductors right next to each other. One side is easy for electrons to travel through; one side is much tougher. This boundary has turned out to be crucial for our daily lives. Diodes change the alternating current that comes from your wall outlet into the direct current that most appliances need. And transistors need two such boundaries to work. As charge injection is a distinguishing feature of diode lasers as compared to all other lasers, diode lasers are traditionally and more formally called "injection lasers.
What “evidence” do we have that would suggests such a catastrophe occurred and that it involved the destruction of another planetary body such as Maldek?

Champollion (1790-1832) unravelled the secrets of Egyptian writing but so far nobody has demystified Egyptian beliefs. Astrophysics is the key. 11,650 year ago, a supernova (Sirius C/Saturn) exploded close to Earth in the direction of Orion's Belt. It became the god Osiris who donated metals and resembled a scarab beetle (expanding nova). Twenty-eight years later the binary star Sirius B (the god Horus) exploded, sending a plasma tongue looking like a fiery dragon or winged serpent (Seth) speeding towards Earth.
Primordial Light
At one point in the narrative Dr Velikovsky hints that Jupiter must have previously wreaked havoc in our Solar System and that much of the confusion between Jupiter and Venus in the myths could be attributed to just this cause. It is his opinion that Venus was born from Jupiter; thus Jupiter would have been in collision with another of the major planets to cause the disturbances in the Solar System.

Sieff sees Jupiter as an invader of our System (then a double star system) - moreover, he sees Jupiter as having caused the disintegration of Saturn, the one-time companion to the sun. Dr Velikovsky has similar views: "Also, some dark star, like Jupiter or Saturn, may be in the path of the sun, and may be attracted to the system and cause havoc in it."
David Icke on Nibiru
What they believe as the result of their research is that the planet that we now call Jupiter came into this solar system not that long ago remarkably – 7,000 years ago maybe; something like that. 4,800 BC was the date I was given as the window of time that it happened; and it (Jupiter) collided with a planet that was in that area. Devastation unfolded and the Asteroid Belt was the result.

They also suggested that a great chunk of Jupiter, which is a colossal planet, broke off and careened through the solar system and devastated Mars. Interestingly the probes to Mars have suggested that the landscape of Mars is no more than 10,000 years old so something happened there that devastated it. It (Venus) came close enough to the Earth and was caught in the Earth’s field for awhile and did a couple of orbits; and that orbit when you look at the scientific suggestion of what that would have caused starts to confirm some incredible legends, traditions, and oral and written evidence from the ancient world from all over the planet that resulted in the Great Flood. One of the things that this “pass by” by Venus would have created is a 10,000 foot tidal wave.
The Maldek Files
The pull of the gigantic gas planet, Jupiter, pulled the comet (Sirius B meteorite?) off course. The comet then headed directly for Maldek. The comet came so close to Maldek that the planet got caught between the gravitational pull of Jupiter, Mars, and the comet. This caused the planet to explode, leaving an asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. The explosion pushed the ice comet close enough to Mars to rip the atmosphere off that planet, leaving only an extremely thin atmosphere. The explosion also pulled Mars further away from the sun. The comet then continued on toward the Earth....."

Interestingly, Earth does not form from half of Maldek's remains, as Zecharia Sitchin postulated. Instead, Earth is already in existence, and the Maldek incident brings about the creation of Venus instead.... and interestingly, the portion of the "Enuma Elish" Epic of Creation that deals with what was created out of the intact half of Maldek/Tiamat is vague enough to suggest it could have been either Earth or Venus, or perhaps even a third alternative that has yet to be rediscovered.
The Destruction of Maldek
“The destruction of Maldek, Malona, Nibiru, The Twelfth Planet, Lucifer, Phaeton, Tiamat, The Original Atlantis, between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, was the single greatest catastrophic event to occur in the history of this solar system.

From all the sources I've read it appears the great planet Maldek either destroyed itself in a nuclear detonation or was destroyed by huge planet-sized enemy ship (one of which may have been the famed Nibiru).
Neb-Heru, the Morning Star
Parks examines a number of singular documents that confirm, in part, the proposals of Velikovsky involving the "astre" Mulge-Tab (companion of Mulge).

He explores the sacrificial tradition of the Dogons which recounts the death of Nommo, the "Christ" of Mali. In consequence of this sacrifice, the universe was disrupted, along with the positions of the stars. All of this gives for the first time the opportunity to assimilate the sacrificed celestial Nommo to a celestial body, whose destruction produced the birth of the planet Venus.

In Ádam Genisiš Parks designates this building as the first cenotaph in all of Mesopotamia erected in the honor of Osiris-Enki. Its construction of cyclopean stones using the same technique employed in building the Sphinx dates it to the time of the final engulfment of Atlantis and the death of Osiris, almost 12,000 years ago. And this puts it at the epoch of the explosion of Mulge (the "black star") and the ejection of its satellite that brushed the Earth.

The planet Venus, as the Morning Star, was also considered as the new sun by the ancient Egyptians, and was none other than Horus, the Egyptian "Christ".
The Wormhole of Daath
Zecharia Sitchin’s study of Babylonian mythology indicates that there is a massive planet, (Nibiru), on an elliptical orbit, which returns to this solar system every, 3,600 years, causing exactly the kind of havoc described in Revelation.

Murry Hope concluded from her study of Egyptian mythology that Sirius was responsible for a change in the Earth’s orbit, resulting in the 5 extra ("epagomenal") days and also, possibly, the axis tilt which causes the four seasons. She also concluded that Sirius would be somehow involved with an imminent "evolutionary quantum leap" for mankind.

Immanuel Velikovsky’s studies indicate that in the cosmic collision, or near collision, a comet’s path was altered so that it took up a near circular orbit, becoming the planet Venus. Velikovsky also pointed out that Venus is associated with the Egyptian Isis and the Babylonian Ishtar, both of whom have Sirius connections.

Astronomical knowledge which the Dogon, of Mali in West Africa, have, concerning the binary star system of Sirius, they say was given to their ancestors by visitors from Sirius. Their "spaceship" looked "like a new star". The visitors - the Nommo – will return one day, when "a certain star will reappear". The Dogon also state that Sirius A and B "were once where the Sun now is."

Barbara Hand Clow’s information depicts Nibiru as a transmitter of messages from Sirius to Earth (like Isis). Nibiru’s 3,600-year orbit takes it near Sirius, where information is received concerning Earth evolution, which is then transmitted to Earth.

I have suggested the possibility that the planet known as Nibiru, Marduk, Persephone, Patras, and Isis, may have originated in the Sirius system, and that it might travel from this system to Sirius and back through a space-time by-pass, or wormhole, which exists somewhere near Uranus, or between Uranus and Pluto.
Whale Dreamers
The Arcturus Probe describes the story of how the probe attempts to sound the 'fifth force' - the 'Xymox range’ (the “lost chord”) which allows the destroyed Maldek planet (now the asteroid belt) to “ascend”. Maldek was the planet of wizards and serpents until it was destroyed by a jet of plasma from Saturn; one from Jupiter wiped out the Mars colony. The 12 (1 Jovian year) - 60 year (Jupiter and Saturn conjunct) timing frequency is the clock or mechanical time in the technosphere.
What is the “hidden stone”? Is it the same as the “Grail Stone”, the “Ark of the Covenant” or the “Emerald Tablet”?

The Real Tomb of God: The Grail, the Ark, the Emerald Tablet, and the Forgotten Father of Mankind
And this is precisely why the Elixir of Life is called "The Hidden Stone" because it is hidden in the midst of this dross or base matter, the Black Sun, which, once dissolved, reveals the shining brilliance within. This dross matter is called the Prima Materia, the Original Matter from which all other forms were made. Yet the Black Sun has also been said to represent this Prima Materia, the Great Void from whence the Universe came.

Moreover, as we have previously noted, the "Black Sun" stage of alchemy is attributed to the powers of Saturn, where his "element," sulfur, is mixed with the "element" of Hermes, mercury. Hermes, of course, was representative of the light-bearing aspects of Lucifer, whereas Saturn represented more of the "Dark Lord" aspects of what we would now call the Devil, as ruler over the Underworld and the Abyss.
NEWS: Vendyl Jones to uncover the Ark of the Covenant by Aug. 14
From my research the Ark of the Covenant is/was a giant capacitor. Ancient Egyptians made something similar and I personally think the main pyramid "Kings Chamber"- layer/box made of granite was the place the Egyptions placed their Arks for recharging.

I think it would be fascinating if the ark was an electrical conductor, or had a meteorite in it like some suppose. If they do find the ark, and they discover it's just a box from an ancient people, would that shake the faith of judeo-christian believers? Or would they cling to thiner beliefs and superstitions?

Alien Intervention in Our Ancient History
The Ark of the Covenant was an ornate golden chest that was both a means of communicating with another civilization and a terrible weapon used against the enemies of the Israelites. It was placed in King Solomon temple in 900 BC and for 300 years the Ark of the Covenant was never used in battle again, disappearing suddenty around 600 BC.

In order to operate it, the high priest from the family of Kohath (of the tribe of Levi) knew the secrets and had to wear a breastplate with twelve sacred gemstones called the Stones of Fire for protection.

We found that the tenth stone on the breastplate was the only stone of extraterrestrial origin and was called the “gem of the sun”, tarshish and several other names, all of which seem to be the same gemstone. On one of the two cherubims mounted on the Ark of the Covenant was another stone like this "tenth gemstone" and was used for a head

With the intermittent appearance of a “cloud” between the cherubim, the Ark was considered to be dangerous so that even Moses would not approach it.

References tell us that the “fire” which emerged from the Ark of the testimony was preceded by a “glow” which the Bible describes as the “glory of the Lord”. It appears that when the Ark of the Covenant was in this state, it was dangerous; no one was able to control.

Joshua judged as a safe distance from the Ark Two thousand cubits distance, some 1388 yards or close to a mile ensuring that anyone carrying a metal weapon should not be too close to the Ark and even at this distance should never raise a weapon. The Ark of the Covenant was known to levitate and charge the enemy making moaning death sounds.

Most common Names used for The Ark Of The Covenant, and the Ark of the Testimony.

This unusual sacred gem, called the "Stone of Fire" was mounted on the breastplate of the high priests from the tribe of Levi for protection when operating the "Ark Of The Covenant". The interstellar device which came into this solar system in the ancient past is extremely rare because the nickel-iron metal, olivine-tarshish gemstone is very distinctive. It is not of this earth and is probably not a meteorite as 99% of the same kind are burnt severely by the extremely high temperature in the outer space when the meteorite was traveling through the space and falling down to the earth. When it reached the earth the emerald color of olivine would turn black.
The Real Meaning of “Et in Arcadia Ego” and the Underground Stream ... page_id=30
“Et in Arcadia Ego” – These words first appeared, to my knowledge, in a painting by Il Guercino (c.1618) of the same name. Throughout the Renaissance, this phrase was used as a sort of code word for “the underground stream”, an invisible college of kindred souls who secretly shared their esoteric knowledge with one another, passing it around Europe via a network of secret societies and mystery schools, often utilizing its arcane symbolism in works of art and literature.

Certainly there was no historically acknowledged civilization at that time capable of the mathematical formulation necessary to create such a perfect pentagram, or the technology to move five huge mountains into place. However, there is such a civilization acknowledged in legend, and that is the global kingdom of Atlantis, ruled over directly by the gods – Kronos or Saturn, the horned “fish-man-god” being one of them. In Sumeria, the oldest civilization recognized by historians, Kronos was known as Enki, and according to some experts, another name for Enki in Sumeria was Ia, the Lord of the Deep Waters, the father of the Atlantean dynasty of god-kings.

So this is the true significance of the blood: it comes directly from the god-kings of Atlantis, the beings who, according to legend, created us, then intermarried with us to create a hybrid race of partially human god-kings, passing onto these offspring the secret doctrine of their sacred knowledge. According to those same legends, they were cast down from heaven for this indiscretion, which was against the rules of the divine hierarchy, and were imprisoned in the underworld, in the bowels of the Earth. Such a tradition is preserved in the Greek story of Kronos (obviously the prototype of the Biblical Satan) being cast down from Heaven and landing in the center of the Earth.

This legend even exists in the East, where the “Lord of the Earth” (another title shared by Kronos, Ia, and Satan) is believed to be in a death-like sleep in a magical city in the center of the Earth. There is even scientific evidence that this story is rooted in the historical occurrence of a “falling star”, or meteorite that plunged into the Earth, cracking its crust and disfiguring its face, then buried itself deep within the center of the Earth where it remains as our planet’s inner core. This is, perhaps, the “12th Planet” that Zecharia Sitchin is always referring to. And it must also be the “stone that fell from Heaven”, supposedly chipped from Lucifer’s crown, which according to legend is called the Grail Stone..

Could the Ark of the Covenant or the Ark of God also have been, literally, the tomb of God? Jehovah or Jah is often referred to in the scriptures as literally being inside the Ark. But the traditionally accepted contents of the Ark, the Tablets of Moses, have long been regarded in esoteric circles as having been made from some radioactive substance, like a meteorite. Likewise the Tablets inside the ark have long been speculated to have actually been the Emerald Tablets of Hermes, which bear instructions on how to create the Philosopher’s Stone, or the Holy Grail. And the Ark of the Covenant has long been associated with the Holy Grail. Could they then have been the remains of this meteorite, which plunged to Earth as a meteorite and was buried in the underworld, later becoming known to occultists as the Grail? And could this meteoric fall have been the inspiration for the legend of Saturn or Kronos, the Atlantean priest-king from which the Grail bloodline sprung, whose life-story included a similar meteoric fall from heavenly grace?
Ruled by the Gods ... trix03.htm
The Illuminati symbolism of three - the trinity - appears to be related, at least in part, to these three stars of the Sirius system. The constant reference to the number 50 in ancient myth could relate to these 50-year orbits, Temple suggests, and they also symbolized Sirius B and C as "the twins" using their combined orbit periods of 100 years as a code for them, he says. Certainly there is endless reference to "twin" symbolism throughout the ancient world. The Dogon call Sirius B, Digitaria, and Sirius C, Sorghun, or the "female star".

Others speculate that this could create a "star gate" connection between the two systems, a sort of interdimensional (inter-density) portal. This moment was the beginning of the calendar for the New Year in many cultures. It is said that the eyes of the Sphinx (the dog?) line up with the exact period on the horizon where Sirius rises on July 23rd and that the pyramids are also lined up to that point on the horizon.

Stony-iron meteorites, the rarest type, are a combination of stone and metal. They make up a mere 1.5% of all recovered specimens. While the outside looks like an iron meteorite, the inside is quite unique. There are two types of stony-iron meteorites, pallasites that display crystals of olivine, and mesosiderites that show irregular grains of nickel-iron in a stone matrix.
So what is the “Grail Stone”?

Is it Magnetite? ... 885#p22897

Is it Tourmaline? ... 915#p23180

Or is it Moldavite? ... 080#p26524

Moldavite is a very rare gemstone with magnetic properties of extraterrestrial origins. It is one of, if not the rarest gemstone on the planet Earth. It is believed to have fallen to earth in a meteor shower some 15 million years ago what is now the Czech Republic. It is the only gemstone on this planet whose origins are not indigenous.

Moldavite has its origins in human use going back to ancient times when it was thought to be used in making tools and as Talismans, even used for bartering of goods. In Talismans it was used because of the energy field of the stone and was used as good luck and protection among others. It has been used by mystics to accelerate the awakening of consciousness and awareness as well as for healing. Moldavite was rumored to be the stone of the Holy Grail (an emerald that fell from the sky) and in many religious and spiritual artifacts. Moldavite was also given as a stone of royalty between royal families and this is still the case today.
Moldavite ... 613ba71e80
At one time, Roerich had possession of a “magical stone from another world” which was known as the Chintamani Stone.

According to David Hatcher Childress, it was purported in ancient Asian chronicles to have come from the Sirius star system, and is said it been given to Tazlavoo, the one-time Emperor of Atlantis, by an angelic messenger from the skies. Legend has it that this same stone was sent to King Solomon in Israel, from Tibet via a Vimana airship (one of which he was also believed to have personally owned). The stone, which is said to have had magical properties, is believed to have been Moldavite, a magnetic meteoric stone which is sold in many crystal shops, and is thought to have fallen in a shower of meteors some 15 million years ago. The great sacred black stone inside the Kabah at Mecca, which all Muslims venerate, is also a large fragment of meteorite, and could well be of the same Moldavite stone.
In Search of Moldavite ... moldavite/
But for now, I will continue with my search for Moldavite and the amazing power of synchronicity that exists within it, and within a universe that is alive and totally intelligent.

One such speaker at the convention was eminent local Canberra physicist, Wal Thornhill, who changed my life when he presented his groundbreaking discovery of an Electric Universe (from his current book of the same name). That is to say, that gravity is not the major controlling force of the universe, more powerful than that, is Plasma (electricity). The universe and earth is alive with the stuff. The sun is made of it, reflects it and the rivers and marks on Mars (and other planets) bear testament to it, as does Mythology and Thors Thunder, which is painted as a scientific replica of the absolute shape of plasma spirals when discharging?

Ever seen one of those new electrical party plasma balls, which emit a series of charges from their centre, and change when you put your hand on the outside of them? Well, there you have it in a nut shell (or ball). Exactly what the earth looks like, with vortexes of electrical Plasma (like whirling DNA strands). Revolutionary in many ways, because it means (for one thing) that meteorites dont crash into the planet as previously thought. Instead, the (living) earth sends out a charge to destroy them before they collide, treating them like our bodies treat free radicals.

The craters we *see* are created by the discharge of enormous energy, not impact compression, the former simply vaporising meteoric material and earthly rock into a gas, propelling it high into the atmosphere. This gaseous material cools and condenses into a liquid glass, which rains down on the crater and surrounding areas. A cool green silicon and oxide mixture, which in this case is ... you guessed it, my Moldavite.

A fusion of cooled meteorite, ancient raw cosmic plasma blast and earthly rock, now almost as valuable as gold, and quite soon to be extinct by sheer virtue of the fact that meteorites dont happen past our planet every day.

Moldavite is a part of the family of Tektites, all formed by exploding/vapourised meteorites, and also rather rare and expensive. These busted up bits of space rock (Tecktites) are said to carry the energies of a number of extraterrestrial streams of communication and information in them.
Or is it something else?


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Oct 02, 2009 6:08 pm

The Stone that Fell from Heaven, the Illuminati and Free Masonry

Chintamani Stone ... ahla11.htm
Between 1923-1928 this stone, which first manifested on Earth many thousands of years before the Cup of Christ, was taken by the great Russian artist and mystic Nicholas Roerich into the heartland of the Far East in order to reunite it with the mother stone it had been separated from, a massive jewel that resided in Shambhala, the Land of the Immortals.

This Chintamani Stone, which is of extra-terrestrial origin, had supposedly been brought to Earth by emissaries from a planet orbiting the star Sirius and then handed over to Shambhala’s principal resident, the elusive “King of the World,” a monarch known by many mystics in the East but only by a handful of occultists in the West. In regards to its identity in the Holy Grail legends, the Chintamani Stone appears to be synonymous with the “Stone of Heaven,” the Holy Grail manifestation mentioned by Wolfram von Eschenbach in his famous Grail rendition known as Parzival, which is regarded by most Grail scholars to be the most complete and authoritative of the Grail legends.

Information is scant concerning the Chintamani Stone, but supposedly the extra-terrestrial stone is stronger than penetrating Radium and its dynamic rays can instantly increase a person’s own vibratory frequency while bestowing upon him or her the ability to see into the past and future, evolve into an immortal human being, or even secure world dominion. It has also been suggested that the stone can never be adequately tested scientifically because much of it exists in a higher dimensional frequency than the one we exist within.

Other pertinent data regarding the Chintamani Stone maintains that it was brought to Earth by Sirian missionaries during a remote era in order to eventually help precipitate a one-world civilization based upon mutual support, love, and equality. In order to effectuate this lofty goal, the Sirians are believed to have, throughout history, made sure that the stone remained in the possession of certain planetary rulers or organizations that have been in the position of influencing the world on a grand scale.

Could the Chintamani Stone have really come from Sirius? Did humans have contact with the Sirians in the distant past? Perhaps. In the last century anthropologists in Mali discovered that some of the African country’s tribes, such as the Dogon and Bozo tribes, claimed to have once had visitations from Sirian missionaries who acted as their teachers. To prove their claims these tribes revealed some of the obscure information transmitted to them from their mentors, which included a knowledge of the Sirian grouping of three stars, as well as a knowledge of the moons surrounding certain distant planets in our Solar System. Such information could only be acquired through observation with very high-powered telescopes, a luxury these primitive tribes were never in the position to possess.

Robert Temple, author of The Sirius Mystery, which records the history of the Dogon people and their encounters with the Sirians, found another possible Earth link with Sirius soon after his book was published. Members of Freemasonry, who had long known of Sirius as the Great White Lodge in the Galaxy and commonly depicted it in their lodges as the Blazing Star, contacted Temple and invited him to become an initiate of their organization.

Although Temple could not subsequently find explicit indications that Freemasonry had been in direct contact with Sirian missionaries in the past, he did find intriguing clues connecting them to the star Sirius, including the eye within the triangle symbol which currently surmounts the pyramid on the US seal.

This triangle, an ancient Freemasonic symbol, depicts the Grand Architect of the Universe and is closely associated with what the Dogon refer to as the “Eye” of the universe, the dwarf star Digitaria, that is part of the trinitized Sirian grouping of stars and recognized by the tribe as the Creator of the Universe.

The US seal eventually became featured on the back of the US dollar bill during the administration of Franklin Roosevelt, who was himself a high-ranking Freemason and Shriner, and before that it was the symbol of the eighteenth century Illuminati, who sought to achieve the Sirian goal of a one-world civilization although it is believed they did so with less than purely altruistic intentions.

Temple also discovered another clue indicating a close connection between the Freemasons and Sirius: the day of US independence by the Freemasonic fathers, July 4th, is one of the days of the year when our Sun is in its closest alignment with Sirius.
Does Free Masonic Hollywood really know what’s going on? The themes and symbolism they use in their movies would indicate that they do.

Pan’s Labyrinth ... th_21.html
The direction of this article is heavily influenced by the work of Jake Kotze at “The Brave New World Order” and “The Blob”. If you are not already familiar with the "9-11 Mega Ritual," then please view some of Jake's videos here. (I advise starting with the older videos first) In his videos, Jake uses the ego-free, expanded consciousness method of research called Synchromysticism. From The Cryptic Cosmology of Synchromysticism:

Jake Kotze in August of 2006 for an article posted on his website Brave New World Order, who defined it as: "The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

"My idea about the significance of meaningful coincidences in movies with mystical connotation is not that it points towards real truths, but that they point towards possible realities that might emerge from the collective psyche into consensus reality."

Many threads of reality have been connected in Jake's work, all centered around the World Trade Center and 9-11. This is not a "conspiracy theory" about “whodunit”; it's an exercise in peeking behind the veil of Maya. This event was the most consciousness-impacting event in world history. At no time in history had there been so many conscious individuals, with so many ways to communicate and connect, during a mega event which shaped the future for every person on the planet.

Previous mega-ritual or consciousness focusing events may have been the sinking of Atlantis, the fall of the Tower of Babel, the Great Flood, and the destruction of Solomons Temple. More recent events include the World Wars, the first detonation of an atomic bomb in a populated region, and the assassination of J.F.K. But at no time had there been such a connection, a meta-mind of people, than when the World Trade towers collapsed. If you suscribe to theories of the universe involving non-locality, such as the holographic model, then you can accept that such an event would have reverberations into the past as well as the future.


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Oct 02, 2009 7:11 pm

Dogon and Zulu Cosmology ... clnk&gl=us
Modern astrophysics shows that indeed, Sirius B is a very old green dwarf star that has completed the cycle of regular star life. Sirius B ejected its outer atmosphere into space ages ago. Its interior has transformed from gaseous hydrogen plasma to a solid ionized hydrogen crystal. Once about the size of the Sun, it is now condensed to the size of the earth.

As a male twin of the Po, Po Tolo (Sirius B) is a star that has many of the qualities of a Black Hole (magnetic vortex?). Dwarfs are 'Black stars' in that they have low luminosity. They do emit considerable UV radiation, however. Their primary energy is not nuclear-thermal, but piezoelectric (ionic energy due to gravitational pressure) (pyroelectric fusion). Dwarfs have electromagnetic fields that are stronger and a billion times larger than regular stars. They rotate incredibly fast, and circulate their particles for several thousand light-years.
The Mysteries of Sirius
According to Temple, the Dogon knew that Sirius had an invisible companion (the white dwarf star Sirius B). "The Dogon name for Sirius B consists of the word for star, tolo, and po, the name of the smallest seed known to them. By this name they describe the star's smallness - it is, they say, 'the smallest thing there is.' They also claim that it is 'the heaviest star' (since in it the element earth is replaced by an immensely heavy metal called sagala), so heavy 'that all earthly beings combined cannot lift it.' And the color of the star is white. The Dogon thus attribute to Sirius B its three principal qualities as a white dwarf: its smallness, heaviness, and whiteness. They go on to say that the start's orbit is elliptical, with Sirius A at one focus of the ellipse, that the orbital period is 50 years (the actual figure is 50.04 plus or minus .09 years), and that the star rotates on its own axis. The Dogon also describe a third star in the Sirius system, called Emme Ya ('sorghum female'). In orbit around this star, they say, is a single satellite.
While it passed through the red giant stage, Sirius B may have enriched the metallicity of its companion. For this reason Sirius A now has a higher than normal abundance of elements heavier than helium, such as iron. The Sirius star system also emits a higher than expected level of infrared radiation, as measured by IRAS. This may be an indication of dust in the system, and is considered somewhat unusual for a binary star.
What kind of a star is Sirius B? Is it a Magnetar?

Magnetars–A Computer's Dream World ... gnetar.htm
Plasma cosmologists, whose training is in electric circuits in plasma, do not ask their computers the questions asked by astronomers. Since 99% of the universe is composed of plasma, could the electrical behavior of plasma in the laboratory and in nearby space explain the observations of a magnetar? Plasma cosmologists know that magnetic fields don't stand alone, but are induced by electric currents. There must be an intense electric current feeding the magnetar, and this feeder current must be part of a circuit, since every electric circuit must close.

The electric model has no need for “super-fast rotation” of a collapsed star. Observed pulsations are the effect of resonances arising within the circuit. The occasional high-energy explosion is the release of stored electrical energy in a “double layer.” Double layers are capacitor-like structures that form wherever current flows in plasma. They are regions where the magnetohydrodynamic model used by astronomers breaks down because they have almost no magnetic properties. And since the exploding double layer draws energy from the entire circuit, the explosion can be far more energetic than expected from the energy locally present in the star.

The electric universe explanation rests on recognition of the electrical properties of plasma and on the scalability of plasma phenomena. It implies that electric discharge behavior observed on Earth and in the solar system has analogies on a macrocosmic scale, a prediction now confirmed by the pervasive signature of electric currents in deep space: magnetic fields, pulsations and explosive flares.

Since gravity is trivially weak in comparison to the electric force, it can only account for observed high-energy electrical effects through such mathematical conjectures as “collapsed super-dense matter” and “magnetic reconnection”.
Electric Magnetars ... etars.html
All magnetic fields are produced electrically, also the field of magnetars.

The supernova implosion produces neutrons but only from proton-electron pairs. The protons in overbalance will be fixed on the surface of the neutron body and create a magnetic field and a synchrotron-radiation via rotation. The enclosed proton-bubbles swim upwards. The biggest proton-bubble surfaces at first and explodes into space. This "proton-volcano" kicks the neutron star from the center of the SNR. The later proton-explosions produce only proton-jets.

Why does a neutron star have a magnetic field?

The electric model of the neutron stars: the neutron body is covered by a mono-proton-layer which has a simply calculable charge if the protons have the maximal density. The star-surface must be divided by the area of one proton. No electric current flows in this star. The rotation of the charge of this proton-skin gives the magnetar´s field and its synchrotron radiation. A second proton layer is inhibited by the first one. This mono-proton layer also inhibits many black holes e.g. the total-collapse of the implosion of 20 sunmasses. It repulses the inner positive star-masses of the implosion after its birth.

The electric model of the neutron stars: the neutron body is covered by a mono-proton-layer which has a simply calculable charge if the protons have the maximal density. The star-surface must be divided by the area of one proton. No electric current flows in this star. The rotation of the charge of this proton-skin creates the magnetar´s field and its synchrotron radiation. A second proton layer is inhibited by the first one.

The proton has a 1836 times larger mass than the electron. Because of this asymmetry, the protons have a 43 times lower velocity than the electrons in the same temperature due to the Boltzmann-equation. The core will be positively charged, since more electrons than protons leave the core. During the forming of the neutron body, already 1 cm³ of protons in overbalance form a "proton-skin". This mono-proton-layer is fixed to the neutron body by the strong nuclear force.

The electric current of a neutron star is in order of 1020 A which does not flow in the body but it rotates with the body in this model! Therefore, this star does not need power for the sustaining of its magnetic field. Only the rotation of the protons emits synchrotron radiation which calculably consumes the rotational energy very slowly and very evenly. This spin down due to the synchrotron radiation has been known for decades. This positive star produces the cosmic ray particles by its high voltage of +1025 V. This highest voltage of the Universe strips the electrons from falling atoms and attracts and fixes them. It repulses the positive atomic nuclei electrostatically along lightyears to relativistic velocities. These are the cosmic ray particles.

The neutron body contains not only 1 cm³ of free protons on the surface, but often many m³ of them in the depth. These are partly fixed to the neutrons and to each other, but the strong electrostatic repulsion somewhat expands their volume; therefore they swim slowly upwards. I name them "proton bubbles". They arrive at the surface one after another after thousands of years. Naturally, such "proton bubbles" elevate more quickly if they are larger or during a star-quake. A surfaced "proton bubble" explodes into the empty space. The erupted protons form a filament and fly parallel in it. The proton filament will be repulsed by the proton skin along lightyears. The result of the strong acceleration is the emission of hard X-rays. The rotation of the magnetar shows this proton volcano repeatedly. (Solar proton bubbles explode as X-ray bright points into coronal filaments.)
Could Sirius B’s core be a ferromagnetic cube-centric crystal that produces “hydrogen fusion” through pyroelectricity?

Was the black meteorite, the “stone that “fell from heaven”, also a cube-centric ferromagnetic crystal?

The Gnostic Science of Alchemy
From the Sepher Yetzirah, we learn of the Cube of Space (the twelve edges of the Cube are formed from the twelve double letters of the Hebrew alphabet which are attributed to the signs of the zodiac) within which the jewel-like Tree of Life forms. This astrological concept is attributed to Abraham just as the building of the physical Cube, the Kaaba of Meccah with its sacred Black Stone, is also claimed as his work. According to Moslem tradition, the Kaaba, or cube (from the same root), has been rebuilt ten times, completing the number of spheres on the Tree of Life. The Kether, or crown, Cube was built by the angels in heaven, we are told. It this Cube that is described in the Sepher Yetzirah and The Bahir.

Within the Cube is the sacred Black Stone, a piece of purplish-red tektite, the stone which fell from heaven. Embedded in the wall of the southeastern corner about five feet from the floor -- at just the right height for kissing -- The Black Stone has been a part of the Cube since at least the version attributed to Abraham. Tradition states that the Stone represents the new, post-catastrophe covenant between God and the family of Abraham.
Could the Earth’s core be a ferromagnetic cube-centric crystal as well?

Simulations Suggests Earth’s Iron Core Assumed to be the so-called Body-Centered Cubic Crystal Structure
However, seismic observations have shown that elastic waves pass more rapidly through this core in directions that are parallel to the earth’s axis of rotation than in directions parallel to the equator -- a phenomenon that has not been previously explained. At the high temperatures that prevail in the core of the earth, these waves should pass at the same speed regardless of their direction.

In the present study, scientists from Uppsala University and KTH present an explanation for this puzzling characteristic. The publication is part of a series of articles published by the same research team in Nature and Science. Initially, in 2003, they published strong theoretical proof that the earth’s core assumes the so-called body-centered cubic crystal structure at high temperatures-a structure that despite its high degree of symmetry evinces a surprisingly high level of elastic anisotropy, that is, its elastic properties are contingent on direction. This theory about the crystal structure directly contradicted the then prevailing view, but since then the theory has found both experimental and theoretical support.

The body-centered cubic crystal structure forms a cube with atoms in each corner and a further atom in the middle of this cube. It is oriented in such a way that its great diagonal is directed along the earth’s axis of rotation, which makes it possible.
What about the Sun?

The Surface of the Sun
The sun's photosphere is often mistakenly referred to as the surface of the sun. In reality however, the sun's photosphere is only a "liquid-like" plasma layer made of neon that covers the actual surface of the sun. That visible layer we see with our eyes is composed of penumbral filaments that are several hundred kilometers deep. This visible neon plasma layer that we call the photosphere, and a thicker, denser atmospheric layer composed of silicon plasma, entirely covers the actual rocky, calcium ferrite surface layer of the sun.

The running difference imaging techniques used by both NASA and Lockheed Martin have revealed to us for the first time that the sun is not simply a ball of hydrogen gas; it has a hard and rigid ferrite surface below the visible photosphere.

While mostly composed of iron, surface composition and iron content varies from one area of the surface to another. Just like the crust of the earth, the crust and surface layer of the sun is not homogenous.
Unification Theory ... lanet.html
Metals use electronic flows to communicate temporal energy, organizing their networks through crystalline forms. Most of those crystals have also the dominant cubic form, better suited to a 4-dimensional Universe. So all the processes described for light atoms and 'transparent crystals', happen also in the world of metallic, electronic crystals that either form static clouds of ‘informative images’ or energetic flows that travel through huge metallic networks. Thus crystals organize, transform and perceive information in the 2 main atomic families we know: the light atoms and the electronic worlds of metal. So we think there are also in the radioactive family, crystal-like formal structures crossed by flows of neutrons, its communicative particles, creating ‘radioactive minds’, maybe in planets like ours or in neutron stars, Fractal Organisms, which seem to have a cover of solid iron, an intermediate space of super fluid neutrons and a central crystal of super-symmetric matter. Since a crystal is a Quantic Spaces-Times illogic, symmetric, fractal geometry that can be adapted to any form.

‘The Earth is an organic, molecular system with a central crystal, which acts as a knot of informative flows of gravitation and a hard membrane that evolves life ecosystems, based on light’.
Unified Theory Foundations
It is highly probable that our naturally occurring free energy converter (the sun) is made up of highly radioactive, long half life heavy elements, and whose iron seems to be its main stable by-product, which guarantees its long life time. The sun is actually producing energy down-converted from the highest electromagnetic frequency range, we call gravity, and not from hot fusion!
Do all the stars and planets have cores that are ferromagnetic cube crystals?


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Oct 02, 2009 7:56 pm

Dogon and Zulu High Science ... clnk&gl=us
Modern astrophysics shows that indeed, Sirius B is a very old green dwarf star that has completed the cycle of regular star life. Sirius B ejected its outer atmosphere into space ages ago. Its interior has transformed from gaseous hydrogen plasma to a solid ionized hydrogen crystal. Once about the size of the Sun, it is now condensed to the size of the earth.

As a male twin of the Po, Po Tolo (Sirius B) is a star that has many of the qualities of a Black Hole (magnetic vortex?). Dwarfs are 'Black stars' in that they have low luminosity. They do emit considerable UV radiation, however. Their primary energy is not nuclear-thermal, but piezoelectric (ionic energy due to gravitational pressure) (pyroelectric fusion). Dwarfs have electromagnetic fields that are stronger and a billion times larger than regular stars. They rotate incredibly fast, and circulate their particles for several thousand light-years.
Dogons Could Hold the Answer to the Mysteries of Our Past
The Dogan tradition was involved with the Sirius star system - Sirius, and Sirius B and Sirius C. The three Sirius suns collectively make up a solar system unique in the universe

The full Sirius system is important to the Dogon. Ironically it is the unseen portion of the system that is linked to the essence of their religion. Sirius C, translated from the Dogon language into English is called the "Sun of Women"

Sirius C (the Sun of Women) is described by the Dogan as "the seat of the female souls of living or future beings". Its symbol contains two pair of lines that are relevant features of a Dogan legend. They believe that Sirius C "sends out two pairs of beams" - and that the beams represent "a feminine figure". "It is the only star which emits these beams".

I must step out of context to share some most relevant examples. A great many of the most ancient of Egyptian temples, such as the temple of Isis at Denerah, were created so that the light of the helical rising of Sirius would travel down the main corridor to place its red glow upon the altar in the inner sanctum of the temple - when that light reached the altar, the beam of light from Sirius was transformed into Sothis, the Star Goddess. In a manner of speaking, the same belief system was involved in the Greek Temples, such as the Parthenon, which were oriented to receive the beams of light from the Pleiades into their inner sanctums, where the beams were then transformed into seven women

Research is currently in progress to validate a similar transformation. The beams from the Pleiades entered Egyptian temples of Hathor and became the seven Hathors/Kittikas, female judges of mankind. All of this was researched and recorded (from Mali, to Egypt, to Greece) decades, even centuries, prior to the first utterance of that classic phrase, "Beam me up Scotty".

Within the Dogon tradition, those pairs of feminine figures beamed down from the star/sun/planet of Women to their original home near the Hoggar mountains , bringing many aspects of civilization to the ancestors of their tribes.
Sirius B’s interior has transformed from gaseous hydrogen plasma to a solid ionized hydrogen crystal.

Sirius B’s primary energy is not nuclear-thermal, but piezoelectric (ionic energy due to gravitational pressure)

Sirius C "sends out two pairs of beams" (light) and the beams represent "a feminine figure". Sirius C is the only star which emits these beams (special light)

Does Sirius B gave a solid ionized hydrogen ferromagnetic crystal core? Does Sirius C emit a special kind of light (energy?) Is this why they are invisible? Do they produce an energy that travels faster than the speed of light – a dark energy or a “black light”? Does this energy produce “superdense” matter?

The Wonderful World of Advanced Materials
( Making Things, by Assembling One Atom At A Time. )

What is SuperLight – (Scalar) Magneto-electric Energy – Vril, the Aether, Radiant Energy
I have a lab in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where I grow crystals. They are called "Whiskers", (Whisker Crystals) a technical slang word for Single Crystal Fibers

These are the strongest and most perfect materials in the World! They are 10 times stronger than piano wire, fiberglass and carbon or boron, the aerospace materials. I will describe how I grow these crystals and what I am doing in the lab a little further into this paper and how this technology will fit into converting the energy of SuperLight into useful energy source for every day.

Regular electro–magnetic radiation or light is formed when electric monopoles give off energy. The electron in orbit about our atoms is an electric monopole — as it changes its' orbit it either gives off or absorbs energy in the form of electro– magnetic radiation. Sunlight is converted into electricity by this process in a solar cell. Just the opposite occurs in optical diodes, which convert electricity into light.

So, electro magnetic radiation or visible light is produced when an electron (an electric monopole) lowers its orbit and releases its energy in the form of light.

Now, I believe a similar event occurs in the extremely dense and hot matter found in black holes. It is theorized that black holes contain magnetic monopoles and when these extremely dense, extremely small, extremely energetic magnetic monopoles release energy by lowering their orbit they radiate magneto–electric radiation, our SuperLight. So black holes really are not so black. They are radiant beings of SuperLight. Of course SuperLight escapes the strong gravitation forces of the black holes because its velocity is the square of the velocity of light and it therefore, can easily escape

The current scientific thinking is that in the center of every galaxy in the universe is a black hole. There are billions and billions of galaxies all around us, and they all are producing SuperLight. We are literally bathed in a three-dimensional dynamic energy field, or an "Ether" of SuperLight — a Dynamic Ether.
Black Light Power
BlackLight Power, Inc. is the inventor of a new primary energy source with applications to heating, distributed and central power generation, and motive power. It is based on a new chemical process of releasing the latent energy of the hydrogen atom, the BlackLight Process, with the formation of a prior undiscovered form of hydrogen called "hydrino". In principle, green power plants can be operated continuously as power reactions are maintained in conjunction with regeneration of the solid fuel using known industrial processes. The only consumable, hydrogen, can be obtained ultimately from water due to the two-hundred fold energy gain relative to breaking water into hydrogen and oxygen.

Recently, the Company achieved a breakthrough solid fuel that it is very efficient at liberating energy from forming "hydrinos" and requires essentially no energy to reverse the chemical product back into the initial solid fuel. Regeneration was achieved simply with heat. This enables simplistic and efficient systems that use heat liberated by forming "hydrinos" resulting in a significant decrease in the time to commercialization.
Does our Sun act as a “cosmic transformer or transducer” of SuperLight?

Aetheric Coronal Elements: ACE
Orgone is a term coined by Wilhelm Reich to define aetheric or fourth dimensional matter. From Hermetic teachings there are one hundred elements making up the aetheric periodic table of elements, slightly more than the ninety-two naturally occurring elements of the third dimension. The attraction between the aetheric proton and electron is magnetic.

Ionizing aetheric material strips electrons off physical material when the aetheric material moves at right angles to the motion of the electrons. Electric current strips off aetheric electrons, magnetically ionizing orgone and creating a magnetic field.

The particle or magnetic monopole behind ferromagnetism is the fourth dimensional electron. A fourth dimensional electron is about a thousand times the volume of the third dimensional electron. The fourth dimensional electron is behind the phenomena of "spin" in atomic physics.

The special elements which make up the corona are permanently ionized orgone. In the same way that iron, cobalt and nickel are the three physical elements which are ferromagnetic, the elements in the Aether may be their orgone equivalents.

The unpaired electron which imparts the ferromagnetic characteristic is held in position by an unpaired aetheric electron. The ferromagnetic elements create aetheric ionization. As iron, cobalt and nickel are elements number, 26, 27 and 28, the size of these atoms is similar and size has something to do with holding of the aetheric electron. Possibly the physical atom size matches the aetheric electron size.

Aetheric Coronal Elements likewise are a match to the next higher dimension's electron. As the attraction between the fifth dimensional electron and proton is not defined by physical science someone will have to give that bonding energy a name. Maxwell's intuition was that there had to be another density or dimension surrounding and containing the fourth dimension as the fourth dimension forms and shapes the third dimension. The creation of undefined atoms in Bose-Einstein Condensates near absolute zero indicates the separation of fourth dimensional constraints on the condensate atoms. Still there is something holding the atoms from flying apart and that is possibly the fifth dimension.

Superconductivity is also an absence of aetheric constraints on the flow of electrons.
Unified Theory Foundations
It is highly probable that our naturally occurring free energy converter (the sun) is made up of highly radioactive, long half life heavy elements, and whose iron seems to be its main stable by-product, which guarantees its long life time. The sun is actually producing energy down-converted from the highest electromagnetic frequency range, we call gravity, and not from hot fusion! The concept presented here is a much better theory than the classic one proposing a sun being made up of an inexhaustable hydrogen mass. The fantastic thing about energy of free space, is that anyone can tap a non zero value of power from every point in space!
Unification Theory ... lanet.html
Metals use electronic flows to communicate temporal energy, organizing their networks through crystalline forms. Most of those crystals have also the dominant cubic form, better suited to a 4-dimensional Universe. So all the processes described for light atoms and 'transparent crystals', happen also in the world of metallic, electronic crystals that either form static clouds of ‘informative images’ or energetic flows that travel through huge metallic networks. Thus crystals organize transform and perceive information in the 2 main atomic families we know: the light atoms and the electronic worlds of metal. So we think there are also in the radioactive family, crystal-like formal structures crossed by flows of neutrons, its communicative particles, creating ‘radioactive minds’, maybe in planets like ours or in neutron stars, Fractal Organisms, which seem to have a cover of solid iron, an intermediate space of super fluid neutrons and a central crystal of super-symmetric matter. Since a crystal is a Quantic Spaces-Times illogic, symmetric, fractal geometry that can be adapted to any form.

Yet as we change scales from micro-atoms to macro-atoms, the spatial size of the crystals also change in the same way that a machine that substitutes a human organ changes in scale (so a crane that substitutes an arm is far bigger and stronger). Thus celestial bodies have in their core crystals of planetary scale. While the size of the ‘electromagnetic waves’ those celestial bodies perceive also changes from electromagnetic microwaves to gravitational macro-waves.


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Oct 02, 2009 10:46 pm

The Rising of 'Serpent's Tooth' ... tery08.htm
Concerning this star-metal it is as well to take notice that in 'Isis and Osiris' (376 B), Plutarch says of the Egyptians:13 'Moreover, they call the lodestone the bone of Horus, and iron the bone of Typhon, as Manetho records' (Manetho fragment 77.) Recall that 'the bones of Earth' in ancient tradition are stones. It is interesting that a heavy metal is 'the bone' of Typhon which we have earlier determined as a description of Sirius B. And magnetized iron or lodestone is 'the bone' of Horus, the son of Isis and Osiris. This is exactly the sort of tradition one would expect.
Dogon and Zulu High Science ... clnk&gl=us
Its (Sirius B’s) interior has transformed from gaseous hydrogen plasma to a solid ionized hydrogen crystal. Once about the size of the Sun, it is now condensed to the size of the earth.

Dwarfs are 'Black stars' in that they have low luminosity. They do emit considerable UV radiation, however. Their primary energy is not nuclear-thermal, but piezoelectric (ionic energy due to gravitational pressure) (pyroelectric fusion).
Is the Sirius B meteorite a superdense ionized solid hydrogen cube crystal that uses pyroelectricity to produce dark energy (hydrogen fusion)? Does our Sun do the same?

What is this alchemical process involving hydrogen and “dark energy”?

What does hydrogen fusion have to do with the explosion of the planet Maldek? What is a “true hydrogen bomb”?

Other Tongues – Maldek and Malona
In "The Saucers Speak" Zo said: "Your so-called Hydrogen Bomb could make an asteroid belt out of you. This happened many years ago to the planet of what you would call the fifth orbit. We knew what they were doing but we didn't interfere. We cannot stand by and see another waste. After their destruction there were terrible disasters on Masar (Mars). Great volcanic eruptions took place. Many of our people perished. We would have been thrown out of this Solar System and lost if we had not quickly constructed two artificial satellites. Some of you scientists have noticed that our so-called moons Phobos and Deimos reflect too much light to be made of earthy substance. They are right. They are metallic in nature. They readjusted our unstable condition and saved a planet."

Was the Prophet Isaiah was actually referring to a "fallen star" or a destroyed planet?

This means that Maldek was a world of iniquity that exploded and burned and was a planet in our solar system that defiled all the other planets because of its evil; and Maldek (the tongue) set on fire its vortex, the power of its birth and being, and therefore was set on fire of the unseen state . . . because Maldek released the terrible hydrogen power she broke her vortex and was thereby reduced to an unseen state.

It should be stated here that the word Marduk (Jupiter?) may have come from Maldek. Marduk was the chief god of the Babylonian pantheon . . . from his mouth issued flame. In the battle of Marduk with Tiamat, "he (Marduk) created the evil wind, and the tempest, and the hurricane, and the fourfold wind, and the sevenfold wind, and the whirlwind, and the wind which had no equal."

This description fits Maldek who created chaos with hydrogen devices or "the evil wind". Maldek, therefore, created "the wind which had no equal". Hydrogen detonations are without equal because they will completely destroy a planet if used. I must pause here for awhile in order to say that no true hydrogen bomb, as such, has ever been detonated on Earth!

Van Tassel has shown us that space intelligences are not particularly concerned with the explosion of plutonium and U325, the Uranium mother element, because this atom is an inert element. But they are concerned with the attempt to explode an actual hydrogen bomb. If we had set-off such a bomb we would now be nothing but a bunch of floating cinders . . . we would be as Maldek, an asteroid belt. Space friends vowed that they would never again allow a planet in this Solar System to destroy itself; therefore, no government on Earth will explode true hydrogen . . . it will not be allowed.
The element hydrogen is life-giving along with five other elements in the air we breathe, in the water we drink, and in the composition of our physical self. Explode a true H-bomb and all life on Earth will be extinguished. Van Tassel told us months and months ago that our scientists were "tinkering" with a formula they did not understand. The explosion of an atom of inert substance and that of a living substance are two different things.

Hydrogen "devices" have utilized deuterium and tritium, not hydrogen, as such. The elements exist in simplest form as atoms, and these atoms are composed of a nucleus about which electrons revolve. Elements are distinguished from each other by the number of electrons revolving about the central nucleus. Each electron carries a negative electrical charge which is off-set by a positively charged particle in the nucleus known as a proton. Elements may contain additional particles in the nucleus, which carry no electrical charge and are known as neutrons.

All of this basic explanation is to show why no true hydrogen bomb has been detonated. The simplest element is hydrogen which in its most common form consists of one electron and thus one proton in each atom. Two other forms of hydrogen are known which, in addition to the one electron and one proton, also have respectively one and two neutrons in their atomic structure. These two rare forms of hydrogen are known as deuterium and tritium. Deuterium exists in the proportion of one atom of deuterium to every sixty-four hundred atoms of ordinary hydrogen, in nature. Tritium is an artificial radioactive element. Because their masses are so greatly different in proportion to ordinary hydrogen, the differences in properties are quite marked.

Deuterium and tritium then, are isotopes of hydrogen, and because of their extreme rarity it is possible that they would not have the dangerous "chain-reaction" results that common or ordinary hydrogen would, for hydrogen of the common type is found in all living things on Earth. To create and detonate a true H-bomb would be to announce to the rest of the Universe that the planet Earth had suddenly come to an end like a flaming, exploding star in the corner of the Milky Way Galaxy. The history of Maldek would repeat itself: "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Earth . . ."
In getting back to Marduk (Jupiter?), we find that in his battle with Tiamat, mother of the gods, he killed her and when he became the most powerful of all things he set about to create order in the universe. He then split Tiamat's body in two. This sounds like Maldek battling the elements of nature and finally subduing the atomic power (mother of the gods or forces). Maldek became powerful because of this mastery and attempted to rule all other planets. Maldek split this hydrogen force of nature (Tiamat).
Superdense Metals
“Superdense” is the general name applied to the groups of “superheavy” elements. In all the universes I have visited, I have discovered there are island elements 118-122 and 135 to 146. The asteroids and stars were full of them.
Hydrogen is a chemical element that exists as a gas at room temperature. Hydrogen gas is odorless, tasteless, colorless, and highly flammable. When hydrogen gas burns in air, it forms water. French chemist Antoine Lavoisier named hydrogen from the Greek words for “water former.”

Hydrogen has the smallest atoms of any element. (Atoms are the smallest particles that have the characteristics of a chemical element.) A hydrogen atom contains one proton, a tiny particle with a positive electrical charge, and only one electron, an even smaller, negatively charged particle. The proton is the center, or nucleus, of the hydrogen atom, and the electron travels around the nucleus. Pure hydrogen exists as hydrogen gas, in which pairs of hydrogen atoms bond together to make larger particles called molecules. See also Atom.

Hydrogen atoms were among the first atoms to form in the early universe. The protons began to combine with electrons to form hydrogen atoms when the universe was about 300,000 years old. This process of combination continued until the universe was about one million years old. In stars, hydrogen nuclei combine with each other in nuclear reactions to build helium atoms. These high-energy reactions create the light and heat of the Sun and most other stars.

Hydrogen is the first element in the periodic table of the elements and is represented by the symbol H (see Periodic Law). The periodic table lists elements by their atomic number, which is the same as the number of protons in one atom of the element. Hydrogen, with only one proton, is the simplest element. It is usually placed in Period 1 (the first row) and Group 1 (the first column) of the periodic table. Hydrogen can combine chemically with almost every other element and forms more compounds (materials made of two or more different elements) than does any other element. These compounds include water, minerals, and hydrocarbons—compounds made of hydrogen and carbon—such as petroleum and natural gas.
Deuterium, also called heavy hydrogen, is a stable isotope of hydrogen with a natural abundance in the oceans of Earth of approximately one atom in 6,500 of hydrogen (~154 ppm). Deuterium thus accounts for approximately 0.015% (alternately, on a weight basis: 0.031%) of all naturally occurring hydrogen in the oceans on Earth (see VSMOW; the abundance changes slightly from one kind of natural water to another).

The nucleus of deuterium, called a deuteron, contains one proton and one neutron, whereas the far more common hydrogen nucleus contains no neutrons. The isotope name is formed from the Greek deuteros meaning "second", to denote the two particles composing the nucleus.
Cold Fusion
Cold fusion cannot be a chemical process because it consumes no chemical fuel and it produces no chemical ash. Cold fusion cells contain mostly water, which is inert material that cannot burn or undergo any other exothermic chemical reaction. Cells also contain metal hydrides, which can produce a small amounts of chemical heat, but cold fusion cells have produced hundreds of thousands of times more energy per unit of mass than any chemical cell could.

Cold fusion researchers have attempted to find theoretical models to explain the observed cold fusion effects: large thermal energy releases, low-level nuclear phenomena, and the absence of massive harmful radiation and other conventional nuclear effects. There is yet no single, generally accepted theory that explains all these phenomena. There is no doubt, however, that the phenomena exist and will eventually be explained. It is difficult to come up with a theory that fits all the data. The explanation might lie in nuclear reactions, exotic "super-chemistry" requiring some modifications to quantum mechanics, or something even more bizarre (such as tapping of the zero-point energy of space at the atomic level).

How do you put lots of hydrogen into metal?

It isn't easy! That is one of the reasons cold fusion remains difficult to replicate. The electrolyte, hydrogen or deuterium gas must be kept free of impurities. The metal must be carefully manufactured, cleaned, prepared and pre-treated. As the metal lattice fills up, tremendous pressure is created, which causes most metal samples to fracture. This prevents "high loading" which is a necessary condition for cold fusion. Here are some of the different methods have been used to achieve high loading:

The original Pons-Fleischmann electrochemical process: Heavy water solution with a current-carrying electrolyte such as lithium deuteroxide (LiOD); current is passed between a palladium or palladium-alloy cathode and a platinum anode.

The Randell Mills Process: Ordinary water solution with (typically) potassium carbonate (K2CO3) electrolyte. Electrodes: nickel cathode and platinum or even nickel anode.

Deuterium Gas Discharge Process: Low voltage electrical discharge onto various metals through a deuterium gas atmosphere.

Ultrasonic Activation: Using ultrasonic frequencies, acoustic energy bombards palladium or other metal submerged in heavy water, producing excess energy and helium-4.

Ceramic Proton Conductors: Certain ceramic materials such as strontium-cerium-oxide and aluminum-lanthanum-oxide, when very low current is passed through them in a deuterium gas atmosphere, give significant excess energy.

Piantelli-Habel-Focardi Process: A nickel substrate is subjected to high temperatures in a hydrogen atmosphere

About 0.02 percent of hydrogen atoms have one neutron and one proton in their nucleus. This isotope is called deuterium. Deuterium was the first isotope of any element that scientists discovered and isolated from a sample. It is used in a variety of scientific experiments. Deuterium is represented by the symbol 2H, or by the symbol D, and has an atomic mass of 2.

The third isotope of hydrogen is called tritium (3H). This isotope has two neutrons and one proton in each atom’s nucleus, and it has an atomic mass of 3. Tritium accounts for fewer than one in 10,000 atoms of hydrogen. It is radioactive, meaning its nucleus can decay, or spontaneously change, into other particles (see Radioactivity). The half-life of a radioactive substance, such as tritium, is the length of time necessary for half of a sample of the substance to decay into other particles. Tritium has a half-life of 12.4 years.

Scientists can make tritium in the laboratory in nuclear reactions. The names protium, deuterium, and tritium come from the Greek words for first, second, and third, respectively.
The Black Light Process
BlackLight Power has invented a novel chemical process of causing the latent energy stored in the hydrogen atom to be released as a new primary energy source. This allows the negatively charged electron that is otherwise in a stable orbit to move closer to the naturally attracting, positively charged nucleus to generate power as heat. BlackLight Power has recently achieved a breakthrough in power generation by the invention of a solid fuel that uses conventional chemical reactions to generate the catalyst and atomic hydrogen at high reactant densities that in turn achieves very high power densities. Plant designs utilize continuous regeneration of the solid fuel mixture using known industrial processes, and the only consumable, the hydrogen fuel, is obtained ultimately from water due to the enormous net energy release relative to combustion.
Super Dense Material Could be A Sustainable Alternative to Nuclear Power
The material is produced from heavy hydrogen, also known as deuterium, and is therefore known as "ultra-dense deuterium". It is believed that ultra-dense deuterium plays a role in the formation of stars, and that it is probably present in giant planets such as Jupiter.

Ultra-dense deuterium is a million times more dense than frozen deuterium, making it relatively easy to create a nuclear fusion reaction using high-power pulses of laser light. "If we can produce large quantities of ultra-dense deuterium, the fusion process may become the energy source of the future.

Deuterium is an isotope of hydrogen that is found in large quantities in water, more than one atom per ten thousand hydrogen atoms has a deuterium nucleus. The isotope is denoted "2H" or "D", and is normally known as "heavy hydrogen".
Cosmic Energy Stones
Cosmic Energy Stones are based on Laminar crystal energy technology. A very high concentration of the crystals is blended with high-end ceramic clay. One of the differences in the Original and others is the different charges applied during the process. When this blend is fired at a certain, very high temperature, an alchemical transformation occurs and the resulting Cosmic Energy Stones have properties that are greater than the sum of the ingredients that go into the creation of the Stones.

The Stones are about 1 inch in diameter and seem somewhat fragile. In truth, they are almost indestructible and even thrown against a concrete surface, probably would not break. When the Stones are placed in the presence of water, under specified conditions, a transformation of the water occurs and Cosmic Water is created. This water has properties most like the ancient, legendary waters of antiquity that supported and sustained life spans far beyond what is the present day norm.

The Original Cosmic Energy Stones consist of mineral oxides such as silica dioxide (SiO2), formed when the ceramic is heated above a certain temperature. Once it has cooled down, this material emits energy in the far-infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum just beyond the red part of visible light (600 – 1,400 nanometers, or 6 – 14 x 10-7 .m). Science has long known that bio-energetic infrared energy promotes the growth and health of living cells, especially in plants, animals and humans by ionizing and activating water molecules in our cells and blood, thus improving our blood circulation and general health.

The very high temperature to which the Original Cosmic Energy Stones are exposed in the kiln creates ceramic oxides. Japanese scientists studying ceramics as high-voltage insulators discovered that, because of electron tunneling, hydrogen atoms replace deuterium atoms when the latter are exposed to ceramic oxides, such as when the ceramic is immersed in water.

What Is Deuterium Oxide?

Deuterium is a naturally occurring stable isotope of hydrogen that consists of an electron orbiting a nucleus of a proton and a neutron, unlike hydrogen’s simple electron-proton pair. Thus it has the same atomic number but is twice as heavy as hydrogen. Deuterium combines with oxygen to form heavy water, which is used in some nuclear power plants to regulate the rate of fission, or nuclear reaction.

In nature, deuterium atoms range from 1 part in 4000 of hydrogen atoms (250 parts per million, or ppm) to 1 part in 7000 (140 ppm). Typically, the tap water you drink and bath in contains 1 drop of deuterium oxide (D2O) for every 6000 drops of H2O.

In a test conducted by one of our researchers, three Stones were immersed in purified water with 124 ppm of deuterium oxide. After 24 hours, the water had zero ppm of deuterium oxide. To discover why this is significant to your health, we must look at the effects of deuterium oxide on your body.

Now D20 tastes almost exactly like H20. However, seeds will not sprout in heavy water, and when rats are given heavy water exclusively, they die of thirst although glutted with water.

Heavy water present in ordinary water has been found to be extremely harmful to living organisms in many ways. For example, if a chemical reaction in a cell produces as much energy as it consumes, then the cells will become self-sustaining, neither growing nor dying. This level is referred to as critical mass and is analogous to the approximate age of 20 in human terms. This is the age when the body is most stable and physically perfected.

However, deuterium oxide causes cellular metabolism to operate at reduced rates because its higher atomic weight slows down chemical reactions. In our cells, this dampening effect is the equivalent of aging (and eventual death) and begins naturally after the age of about 20. Deuterium accelerates the effect, leading to cellular putrefaction.

Given that we absorb heavy water by drinking and bathing (two thirds of our bodily water is absorbed through the skin), in the ratio of 1 drop for every 6000 drops of ordinary water, we see that such an accumulation would cause definite negative effects in the body. And unlike short-lived laboratory test animals, our longevity makes us increasingly vulnerable to cellular aging.

In addition to dampening the chemistry of cell metabolism, heavy water also impacts cell division, or mitosis.

"Deuterium is essentially unlimited. There is ten times as much energy in a gallon of sea water, from the deuterium contained within it, than there is in a gallon of gasoline," he explained.

The palladium is placed in water containing deuterium and the third ingredient is an electric current.

The experiment is wrapped in insulation and instruments. They're looking for what they call "excess heat." In other words, is more energy coming out than the electric current puts in?

At the atomic level, palladium looks like a lattice and the electricity drives the deuterium to the palladium. "They sit on the surface and they pop inside the lattice," he explained, using an artist's rendition of the lattice.

McKubre believes there is a nuclear reaction - possibly a fusion process like what happens in the sun, but occurring inside the metal, at a slower rate, and without dangerous radiation.
What is a “true or hydrogen bomb”? What is “true hydrogen fusion”? It involves monatomic hydrogen.

Monatomic hydrogen as fuel needs a low bond energy to single hydrogen atoms ... 00049.html
Atomic hydrogen or monatomic (or monoatomic) hydrogen fuel isn't a type of nuclear engine. The terminology just means the hydrogen occurs as single atoms rather than the usual H2 seen in hydrogen gas. The specific impulse (ISP) of this fuel could be as high as 1500 s. The big problem with this fuel is keeping it stable against it's recombining into H2 when stored in its monatomic form. This still hasn't been solved:

Use of Atomic Fuels for Rocket-Powered Launch Vehicles Analyzed. ... ewski.html

Current research is focused in storing it as individual atoms within cryogenic liquid helium.

However, arcjet engines or arcjet torches that use hydrogen as the fuel can produce monatomic hydrogen by high electrical power. High power or temperature is needed to break the hydrogen bond of H2 at a bond energy of about 104 kcal/mol.

Are there molecules with bonds of hydrogen at much lower bond energies?

I thought of molecules that specifically had the type of bonds known in biochemistry as "hydrogen bonds". These are, in most cases, weaker than covalent bonds. However, the only cases I've seen had an H atom attached to another atom by a "hydrogen bond" but that H atom was also attached to a second atom by a covalent bond. "Hydrogen bonds" always have the H between two other atoms but is it possible for both of these bonds to be of the "hydrogen bond" type?

According to this page hydrogen iodide, HI, with a bond energy of 71 kcal/mole can be decomposed into H and I by uv light at a wavelength of 266 nm.
The Joe Cell and Hydrogen Gas ... ep04.shtml
I have read your article on the Joe cell Orgone accumulator where you describe the three different gases. The third gas, the one that burns with the loudest explosion, may be nascent hydrogen, a.k.a. monatomic hydrogen H1. Monatomic hydrogen was used for high temperature welding until the 1930's when it was replaced by acetylene gas. The high temperatures obtained by hydrogen welding were not due to normal combustion but by taking H2 gas and converting it to H1. An electrical spark in a current of pure H2 converts it to H1 gas which is then reconverted into H2 as it leaves the welding nozzle.

It is believed that the energy required to convert H2 into H1 is much lower than the energy released when H1 recombines into H2. A good explanation of that process seen in “Occult Ether Physics” by William Lynne.

This little book gives an interesting overview of Tesla's aether theories and the suppression of technology that taps into the ZPE.
It is possible that orgone energy (which I believe shares some similarity with electricity) turns H2 into H1 and when ignited releases a tremendous "implosion" (as H1 occupies more room than H2).
The Joe Energy Cell
An Australian man, only identified by the name of Joe "X", has designed a remarkable water Energy Cell that only utilizes water for a "fuel" and develops substantially more power than gasoline. It was originally designed for use in cars, but it can be used with almost any engine that normally runs on gasoline such as motorcycles, outboard marine engines, lawn mowers, portable electric generators, etc. The Energy Cell alone provides all the power that the engine needs. After an Energy Cell is installed and functioning properly, the gasoline fuel lines can be completely disconnected.

An engine that operates on Joe's Energy Cell produces no exhaust by-products and no heat. Without any exhaust by-products, you eliminate the need for pollution control devices. Since the engine runs cold, there is no need for a cooling system per se; however, the water in the water jacket surrounding the cylinders may be playing a pivotal role in allowing this phenomena to take place.

Surprisingly, the Energy Cell does not deplete its water while in operation. The water is acting in the role of a catalyst in the transference of a special form of energy from the surrounding atmosphere into the engine and the water itself is not consumed in the process.

From all outward appearances, an engine operating with this cell seems to be functioning on the Implosion Principle,, a phenomena explored in the writings and patents of inventors Viktor Schauberger, John Keeley and others.

Keelys Dissociation of Water

Vibrations that Split Molecules Produce Energy
Seawater - or even dirty rainwater - could be transmuted into fuel through a new technique serendipitously discovered by a researcher in medical electronics.

Dr. Andrija Puharich has found a way to split water molecules by tuning in on the vibrations of their atoms and breaking the molecules into hydrogen, which could become fuel, and oxygen.

Alternating-current impulses augment naturally occurring vibrations in the H2O molecules. By boosting the vibrations out of control, Puharich makes the molecules fly apart into the component atoms.

He likens the water-splitting effect to the way soldiers marching in step across a bridge risk damaging the structure by making it vibrate at a critical, stress-producing rate.

Electrolysis by simple direct current would create hydrogen and oxygen with a net energy efficiency of only 54 percent, according to Puharich, a Virginia-based inventor. But he says his alternating-current system reaches better than 90 per cent efficiency.
"A Breakthrough to New Free Energy Sources"
A recent (1965) possible verification of the frequency Keely used to dissociate water into etheric force was related to me by a scientist when we were discussing certain aspects of free energy. He wishes to remain anonymous for obvious reasons, but his name is on file. I have no other verification of this experiment; however I believe it merits telling.

The scientist, I shall call him Dr. X, was doing experiments with ultrasonic sound in a column of water. The object of the experiments was to devise a means of separating various densities of materials by injecting them into a column of water which was subjected to an ultrasonic standing wave vibration. The experimental setup is sketched in Figure 3-3 (for BBS considerations a description follows).

A Barium Titanate ultrasonic transducer was fixed to the bottom of a quartz tube which was closed at the bottom and open at the top.

Pure water was poured into the tube and the water column was "tuned" so that a standing wave was produced at 40,000 CPS (cycles per second). The transducer was powered by a 700 Watt power amplifier which was driven by an ultrasonic frequency generator.

Because of the large amount of power put into the column of water a certain amount of evaporation took place at a constant rate when the transducer was energized. Therefore, to maintain a standing wave in the water column a feedback device caused the frequency to be raised as the water evaporated and the temperature changed.

As a test, Dr. X decided to run through the experiment with only water in the tube to insure that a standing wave was maintained as the water evaporated and the frequency rose higher and higher. When the experiment was started everything worked beautifully. Dr. X took periodic readings of his instrumentation and was assured that the standing wave was being maintained. Suddenly, with no warning whatever the water disappeared from the open quartz tube. He looked up thinking to see the water splashed on the ceiling when to his amazement a clean hole went right through the ceiling. The hole was the same size as the inside of the quartz tube. Further investigation showed the hole continued on through the roof also!
Dr. X checked his notebook and found the last frequency entry to be 41,300 CPS. It was shortly after this that the water disappeared.

Because of the time interval between the last reading and the disappearing water, the frequency sent to the transducer was higher than the last reading and Dr. X said it could well have been very close to 42,800 CPS, the Keely dissociation frequency. This obviously dangerous event caused Dr. X to dismantle the equipment and try some other approach to his problem. This experiment points the way to the use of our modern technology in conjunction with Keely's laws of dissociation to change matter into energy without the use of radioactive materials or extremely expensive atomic accelerators.
Pyroelectric Fusion ... 885#p22882


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Oct 03, 2009 11:44 am

The Fish Tradition
Please DO NOT get all over this document due to the debate over whether or not the Dogons knew any of this stuff about Sirius. It doesn't matter. The point is, someone invented the myth and we are dealing with mythology, here.

This is a compilation of notes serving to isolate that which is in the Fish Tradition or Sirius Mystery, from the other traditions that have more in common with the Dark Tradition.

The entire "twin sons Light and Dark" in some cultures is pure Fish Tradition and refers specifically to twins at odds with each other - dualism. This tradition is wholly unrelated to the Dark Tradition where you can see the Yin/Yang symbol which is actually a symbol of dark-becoming-light and light-becoming-dark in an ever flowing balance. The two are not related AT ALL. Both were esoteric traditions, too. With the idea/knowledge that all stars (and all cosmos) came out of the chaotic darkness, the stars become "sons" of the chaotic darkness or abyss or "the deeps" viewed as a Mother Goddess. Many people in the ancient world had names of gods and goddesses that were also names of planets and stars. (Why the name for the Sun was also the name for Saturn in many places is another mystery.) With the people having only the Light Tradition, dualism was easily mixed up with the Fish Tradition.

The mythopoetic method, especially in the esoteric schools, involves layers of meaning; the literal meaning being only for the fools. This can be seen with this example I'll use with Cadmus, a Dagon cultist who sets off for Greece. Getting there, he erects his fish temple and the myths are all abut his fifty warriors, fifty this and fifty that; the number fifty being important in all the Fish Traditions. That refers to the star Sirius, the orbit, 50 years.

This is a real KEY to mythopoetic forms: 50 is always Fish or Oceanic. 7 is always Light or Logos tradition. 5 is always Dark esoteric Tradition. 5 inside of 7 is the older pure Dark Tradition with the Light contained within it. 3 is the later trinity type cults. Dark versus Light are the dualistic Solar cults. When cults and cultures were usurped - wiped out more or less - the older traditions got co-opted and often inverted by the conquerors and altered to fit their own myth themes. There are almost no traces of the previous matriarchy - patriarchy wiped it out.

There is a recognizable pattern from the most ancient days on up to more familiar times that indicates to anyone familiar with this that cultural trends and groups of people replaced what was there. The Dark Tradition incorporates the Light Tradition within it, and the Light spoken of is the Vajra within, the inner Logos; but that got replaced by Sun Cults worshiping literal light and often condemning the darkness. The earliest people were matrilineal if not outright matriarchal; usually water played an important part and so did the literal earth (ground). The Solar cults were patriarchal and tended toward sky gods.

The Dogon priests have a subtle concept of matter. They say the universe is based on two principles; one a principle of the vibrations of matter, the other a principle of the general movement of the universe as a whole. At the same time this unfolding matter moves along a path which forms a spiral or helix. Two fundamental notions are thus expressed: on the one hand the perpetual helical movement signifies the conservation of matter; further, this movement is held to represent the perpetual alteration of opposites, right and left, high and low, odd and even, male and female, reflecting a principle of twinness.

Our solar system belongs to Ogo, but Sirius and its system belongs to Nommo. Nommos came to earth, amphibious fish-men, founding culture and civilization, teaching men astronomy, time keeping, agriculture, all arts and sciences. Sirius is called the "land of the fish." The matter in the Sirius system is called "pure earth" but in our solar system it is called "impure earth." The landing of the Nommo on earth is called the "day of the fish.".

In order to atone for our impurity, the Dogons say the Nommo dies and is resurrected, acting as a sacrifice for us, to cleanse and purify the earth. Nommo is crucified on a tree and forms a eucharistic meal for humanity and is then resurrected. So while humans are cosmic pariahs as is Ogo, there is hope to the Dogons, hope of redemption, not from some sort of sin or some sort of rules infraction, but more from a form of impurity such as Ogo represents.

The Dogons say Nommo will return. A certain star will appear in the sky once more as a testament to Nommo's resurrection. When Nommo originally landed on earth he crushed Ogo, thus marking Nommo's future domination over the earth, which Ogo had had prior to this. Mankind is envisioned as a mixture in which Nommo and Ogo battle and struggle. The Dogons are not talking about a spiritual thing here. They are saying that our FLESH is of Ogo and impure.
The Dogon say Venus and Jupiter emerged from the blood which fell on the placenta of our sun. Venus, they say, was red when she was created, her color fading progressively. Mars too is a coagulation of nebula blood or matter.
The god of the universe, the Dogon's chief god, is Amma (Egyptian “Ammon”). Amma dwells in original darkness! His son is Nommo (Christos), instructor of the new world. (Note Nommo: key syllable to Om - the Demiurge, loose, theoretical connection). Amma sent the amphibious Nommo to earth.

The Dogon associate a 60-year period with the creation of the world by Amma. A rite or celebration called Sigui is practiced every 60 years. The symbol of this rite is called the Kanaga sign: similar to Pisces the fishes.

The Dogon associate the number 60 with the cosmic placenta, the outer border of our solar system or major outer border which would be the orbits of Saturn and Jupiter. These two planets come together in orbit every 60 years. The Dogons associate the mutilation domination of circumcision with a victory over the femininity of Yasigni. Thus genital mutilation is symbolically associated with heavenly movements in the Sirius system.

The Dogon call Sirius B "digitaria" and believe a ray of this star or beam scans the earth periodically once a year.

Nommo and Ogo were created on twin placentas which were to give birth respectively to a pair of Nommo instructors. What happened, however, was that a single male being emerged from one of the placentas; in order to find his twin, this being tore off a piece of this placenta which became the earth. This intervention upset the order of creation: he was transformed into an animal, the pale fox, "Yurugg," and communicated his own impurity to the earth which rendered it dry and barren! But the remedy to this situation was the sacrifice, to the sky, of one of the Nommo instructors which had issued from the other placenta, and the descent of his twin to earth with life giving purifying rain. The destiny of Yurugg is to pursue his twin to the end of time.

Egyptians sometimes portrayed Isis (Sirius A) as traveling in a boat with two companions (Sirius B and C). One of them is Anubis (cf Annunaki in Sumerian section).

Egyptians believed in holy emanations from Sirius and Orion which vivify gods, men, cattle, and creeping things, both gods and men, and are a pouring out of the soul.

Tcham (sagala?) is a mysterious, potent stellar metal which is said to be the power of Anubis, the personification of the orbit of Sirius B. Tcham also means heavy and weight. Plutarch says Egyptians call the lodestone (magnetic pyrite stones) the bone of Horus and call iron the bone of Typhon.

Septit also means Sirius and septu means triangle: Sirius has a triangle shaped tooth-like symbol as its hieroglyph. This triangle was associated with teeth, especially serpent's teeth. In Egyptian geometry, the base of the triangle was thought of as its mouth or beginning.

The Egyptians also associated a 60 year period with Osiris. The Hymn to Osiris says "most terrible is his name of Asar. The duration of his existence is an eternal henti period in his name of Un-nefer." The henti period consisted of two periods, each containing 60 years.

Shu is symbolized by a lion walking, as previously mentioned. The domain of Osiris is surrounded by an iron enclosure. The Egyptians also called the star which was the domain of Osiris, "Osiris-Eloh" (as in Elohim). He came here to relieve man of trouble, encountered evil, was temporarily overcome by it, killed, buried and after 3 days arose and ascended to heaven and in this regard, is like Horus. This was written 4,000 years before the birth of Christ and the comparisons are all too obvious!

Horus is the son of Osiris, who kills Apap (Apophis) the Serpent of Evil. Horus is of the same substance as his father Osiris, an incarnation of him, but also identical to him. He is chaste, has no lovers. He is associated with the judgement of men and introduces souls to his father Osiris the judger of the dead. The Feast of Horus was December 21. At this time, a fish-like baby would be carried about in a carriage, representing Horus. This custom existed long after Egypt declined. An ancient Egyptian title of Horus was "Guardian of the Gates." Again, the comparison is too obvious.


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Oct 03, 2009 2:27 pm

The “Dark Tradition” is really all about how to use alchemy and the aether (black light, superlight or scalar energy) to breakdown (dissociate) 3D matter into its (monatomic-superconductive) “ground state”, and then transmute it into new “revivified 4th dimensional matter. According to Vincent Bridges, this involves a triple alchemical transformation: Cosmic (involving the solar system), planetary (creating a “New Earth”) and the “inner transmutation” or spiritual enlightenment of the human family and the return to the Golden Age.

World Tree
From this we can determine that the alchemical secret is three-fold, or rather three transformations in one. The inner transmutation involves the conscious refining of the psycho-sexual energies and fluids. The outer is the ability to use those energies to effect transmutations of physical states, including the elements. The third transmutation is that of time itself, from the darkness of the Iron Age to the splendor of the golden age. Remember, Isis could not begin the process.
The Seven Dimensions
There are 7 dimensions, ours being the densest of the 7, and 7 substates to each dimension. Our dimension is composed of the Solid, Liquid, Gas and the 4 ethers. The other dimensions have their equivalents. We have forms, vehicles, in all but the 1st. When I say “we” I mean us as Spirit, Soul and Personality. Our personalities being found in the 7th, 6th and lower 4 levels of the 5th dimension. All of them interpenetrate, that is, exist in the same space. What distinguishes one from the other is the tenuousness of the substance of which they are composed. An entity may have a form using substance of the next dimension, and living a satisfying life, but not have a physical form. Therefore we here, are unaware of its existence unless “Continuity of Consciousness” has been developed. The ability to function simultaneously in more than one dimension - i is also possible for an entity to have a physical body composed only of the 4 ethers and not possess the solid, liquid or gaseous aspects. Here again they will go unnoticed unless etheric vision has been developed.

The next dimension from ours, the 6th, is where our emotional natures are found. The lower 4 levels of the 5th, our minds. The higher three levels, our Souls. There are unique abilities associated with each form. Each of them must be developed, awakened. On the higher levels of the 6th and inherent to the 5th is the ability of extreme magnification. It can be directed out into space or down into matter.
Astrology and alchemy are in essence looking at the same thing functioning on different levels or different realms. To put it simply astrology deals with the celestial realm and alchemy with the sub-terrestrial realm of the same thing; the movement and manifestation of spirit.

The alchemical process begins and ends with the Materia Prima. It is both the origin and the fruit of the work. The Materia Prima is found everywhere in creation, it is the primary substance of the world and the basic substance of the soul. It contains all things and is contained in all things. In order to purify the Materia Prima, it must be broken down and opposites must unite, creating liquid fire, the embodied spirit, the volatile stable or air like earth. Two of the principle ingredients of alchemy are sulphur and quicksilver.
There are many ways to describe the alchemic process. These are the seven (7) steps to alchemy with the eighth step being lead to gold and then one starts over with another being or level.
There are four levels of dissociation to reduce 3D matter to its ground (monatomic) state?

Occult Chemistry
OCCULT CHEMISTRY finds that the gaseous is succeeded by the etheric state, as the solid is succeeded by the liquid. The etheric state is found to cover four substates, as distinct from each other as are solids, liquids and gases. All chemical elements have their four etheric substates, which, with the solid, liquid, and gaseous, give us seven substates of matter in the physical world.

The method by which these four etheric substates were studied consisted in taking what is called by chemists an atom of an element and breaking it up, time after time, until what proved to be the ultimate physical unit was reached.

The first chemical atom selected for examination was an atom of Hydrogen (H). On looking carefully at it, it was seen to consist of six small bodies, contained in an egg-like form. It rotated with great rapidity on it own axis, vibrating at the same time; the internal bodies performing similar gyrations. The whole atom spins and quivers and has to be steadied before exact observation is possible. The six little bodies are arranged in two sets of three, forming two triangles that are not interchangeable.

As we have seen a chemical atom may be dissociated into less complicated bodies; these again into still less complicated; these again into yet still less complicated. After the third dissociation only one more is possible: the fourth dissociation gives the ultimate physical atom on the atomic sub-plane, the Anu (the monatomic state?).

This may vanish from the plane but it can undergo no further dissociation on it. In this ultimate state of physical matter two types of units, or Anu, have been observed; they are alike in everything save the direction of their whorls and of the force which pours through them (counter-rotating)

In the one case force pours in from the "outside," from fourth-dimensional space, the Astral plane, and passing through the Anu, pours into the physical world. In the second it pours in from the physical world, and out through the Anu into the "outside" again, i.e., vanishes from the physical world. The one is like a spring, from which water bubbles out; the ocher is like a hole into which mater disappears. We call the Anu from which force comes out positive or male (centrifugal; those through which it disappears, negative or female (centripetal). All Anu, so far observed are from one or other of these two forms.
Ionization and Plasma ... ation.html
Atoms and molecules are electrically neutral in that the number of negatively charged electrons is exactly equal to the number of positively charged protons. Much of the "normal matter" that we find around us is in this form. However, particularly when there are energy sources available, atoms or molecules can gain or lose electrons and acquire a net electrical charge. This process is called ionization.
The Difference between Dissociation and Ionization ... 69933.html
Ionization is the process in which one or more electrons are removed from an atom or molecule and the charged particle that results in this process is called an ion.

The term ionization also has a second meaning when used in discussions of solutions. The way substances behave electrically in water solution is often very different from the way they behave as solids or gases. As an example, let us consider the compound known as acetic acid which is a liquid that does not conduct an electric current. Yet, when acetic acid is added to water, the solution that is formed does conduct an electric current.

The situation changes, however, when sodium chloride is added to water. Water molecules are able to tear apart sodium ions and chloride ions in much the same way they tear apart acetic acid molecules. Once the sodium ions and chloride ions are no longer bound tightly to each other, they are free to roam through the salt/water solution. The name given to this change is dissociation. The term means that ions already existed in the sodium chloride crystal before it was put into water. Water did not create the ions, it only set them free. It is this difference between creating ions and setting them free that distinguishes ionization from dissociation.
Keely's Physics
"Energy streams feeding matter again consist of three currents of force coded according to the triple vibratory scheme; where these triple currents meet they form a center of force and are maintained in a state of mutual attraction. This attractive force is gravity. The focal point of this force is defined as a "neutral center".

The total number of possible forms of atomic subdivision from the basic triple stream are found by simple combinatorial mathematics; namely, 1 x 2 x 3 = 6. Within each of these levels were even finer modes of energy vibration. His final energy liberator was able to dissociate 27 levels of matter. Dissociation does not take place until the atom reaches 2/3 of its diameter. This is done by controlling the radiating current (enharmonic (+)
Alchemy ... a_oro5.htm
The ORME -- related to Star Fire, and also known as The Philosopher’s Stone, the Elixir of Life, the White Powder of Gold, Ma-na or Manna -- is also an acronym for “Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements”.

The Chemistry and Physics of Monoatomic Elements, describes the characteristics of those elements which have come to be known as the “Precious Metals”. These eight metals include: ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, and silver (known as the “light platinum group”), osmium, iridium, platinum, and gold (known as the “heavy platinum group”).

These eight Transition Group elements, can in a monoatomic, superdeformed, high spin, and low energy state, lose their chemical reactivity and metallic nature -- thereby resulting in a state of Superconductivity -- a resonant condition complete with Meissner magnetic field(s), Cooper Pairs, and electrons which have literally changed into light (i.e. photons). These precious metals have the unique ability to remain stable in the monoatomic form, which can then lead to effects ranging from Levitation (weight losses) to Zero-Point Energy applications to fundamental biological and/or human physiological.
White Powder Gold
White powder gold, as well as monoatomic rhodium and monoatomic iridium, is unique in form and function. David Hudson theorized that the elongated nuclei of monoatomic elements allowing for a high spin state, along with "paired" electrons, makes them bio-superconductors. White powder gold together with white powder rhodium/iridium facilitate a flow of energy thru the body with little or no resistance: and that light continues to flow, even without additional external potential.
The Quest for the Philosopher's Stone
Since ancient Egyptian times, alchemists have worked in secret to produce something called the Philosopher's Stone, or the Elixir of Life. The materials that Hudson and other researchers have found are believed to be related to the Philosopher's Stone. The materials have been called ORMEs, monoatomic gold, white gold, white powder gold, ORMUS, m-state, AuM, microclusters, and manna.

These m-state elements have been observed to exhibit superconductivity, superfluidity, Josephson tunneling and magnetic levitation. It looks like these are an entirely new class of materials. These m-state elements are also present in many biological systems. They may enhance energy flow in the microtubules inside every living cell.

Physicists have recently created a new state of matter (which we believe is related to ORMUS) in the laboratory. This state of matter is called a Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC).

The Atomic ORME and S-ORME States
There is a group of elements found in the middle of the periodic table known as the "transition group elements": one category of these is called the precious elements; another category of these are the non precious elements.

These transition elements possess a unique property in that the electrons in the partially filled outer orbitals can interchange under the right conditions with electrons in the partially filled inner orbitals.

Most atoms cluster in groups of at least two or more atoms. However, the transition group elements, because of their unique properties, can be found already existing, or can be created and are able to remain, in a stable single atom state. This is achieved by having no nearest neighbor closer than four angstroms and, therefore, by not being able to chemically bind with other atoms. This is called a "monoatomic" state.

In metals, during the process of going from a many atom state to a monoatomic state, there is a disaggregation of the metal-metal bonds and a loss of the properties characteristically assigned to the description of a metal. These metal characteristic physical properties are lost at different rates depending on the element involved.

Two or more atoms, up to thirty-three, of the same transition group element, when clustered together, are called "metal-metal" bonded. In these cluster sizes, they cannot be called truly metallic. It takes a twelve atom cluster before they become electrically conductive. It takes thirteen atoms for their true metallic properties to begin to appear. It takes a cluster of thirty-three atoms before they become fully metallic, and will grow all by themselves. At thirty-three they form a "face center cubic", a first basic growth structure of three dimensions solidly formed like a cube. In all these quasi metallic and fully metallic states, the atoms interact in three dimensions. In the monoatomic state, they are referred to as non-metallic and they interact in two dimensions.

In the monoatomic state, the atoms of the transition group elements lose their chemical reactivity and change the configuration of the nucleus. This change in nuclear configuration seems to cause the electrical change that pacifies the chemical effect. It may be considered as the mono-atom internally compensating for the highly reactive chemical state.

The nuclear configuration changes because there is a correlation between the nuclear orbitals and the electron orbitals as to how full they are. In the nucleus, totally filled orbitals (harmonic) exclude the partially filled orbitals (enharmonic) by pushing them away.

The newly shaped nucleus is called "superdeformed". These atoms will change their proton and neutron configurations when they have no nearest neighbor to dipole and dipole react with.

The presence of a superdeformed nucleus is directly correlated to a change in its spin state; it passes from a low spin state to a high spin state. It has been found that the nuclei of these elements have a higher total energy in a low spin state (their internal temperature is higher) than when they are in a high spin state (their internal temperature is lower). This causes the mono-atom to seek the high spin state because that state has the total lowest energy. Furthermore, this high spin state will continue to exist until such time as a nearest neighbor atom is able to transfer energy into the nucleus and convert it back to the higher energy low spin state.

Metals when induced into a high spin state were capable of passing energy from one high spin atom to the next with no net loss of energy! This was the discovery of superconductivity.

Superconductivity allows the conduction of energy through a resonance phenomenon.

To create superconductivity in a potential superconductor, an external magnetic field must be applied to get the system going. Once the flow of energy is set in motion, however, it is only necessary to keep the conditions correct so that the material remains superconductive. Atoms could now be induced into a high spin state of low energy and be kept in that state without continuous applied energy boosts.

A transition group element in the monoatomic state is a Type I superconductor. It is unique in that it can be found to exist naturally and in a stable state, or it can be reduced from a full metallic state to this state by proper manipulation. Furthermore, once in the monoatomic state, it does not require any outside assistance to maintain its superconductive properties, it is superconductive at room temperatures.

Perfect superconductivity is allowed due to a phenomenon known as "Cooper Pairing" which creates a "Meisner Field". Researchers have theorized that when the nucleus of a transition group element is superdeformed and in the high spin state, a positive "screening potential" around the nucleus expands out and covers all of the electrons of the element. This screening of all of the electrons allows them to become uniquely paired as mirror images of each other, with spin up and spin down, and without annihilating each other. Instead, in pairing they become photons of one frequency. As photons, they lose their particle aspect. These are called "Cooper pairs".

Superconductive flow is made possible by Cooper pairs made up of photons flowing on the phonon wave of the superconductor. This occurs at room temperature!!

They enter into the high spin state. Since there is not sufficient repulsion between atoms, they naturally aggregate and can only interact with each other in the three dimensions of the metal-metal bonded states, and will eventually grow into the cubic cluster size of thirty-three atoms or more.

The Meisner field is a special magnetic field that is unique. It has no North or South polarity. The magnitude of the Meisner field is determined by the amount of initially applied external magnetic field to the superconductor. Once activated, it acts as a protective barrier and resists any further entry of applied magnetic field into the sample.

When a sample absorbs a magnetic field, it can react paramagnetically, i.e., it will assume the identical magnetic qualities, or it can react ferromagnetically, i.e. it will orient itself to the magnetic field and return to its former state once the magnetic field is removed. With the Meisner field, the sample becomes perfectly diamagnetic, i.e., it will expel all magnetic fields. Magnetic fields, no longer absorbed, are forced to go around the sample, and the sample will be unaffected and keep its unique superconductive qualities.

What is unique about the transition group elements in this state is that the Meisner field, once created, will not cease its response even if the external magnetic field is withdrawn. Now the superconductor is apparently superconducting on its own.

To resume, the transition group elements with their superdeformed "soft" nuclei all resonating to a single frequency, in their high spin low energy state, becoming a wave flow of light in a resonant unified entity, are a resonance coupled system of quantum oscillators, harmonically coupled in two dimensions. Once the Meisner field is activated, the transition group elements are unique in that they become a "quantal wave". Energy now flows on a quantal wave perpetually.

When two atoms or more are perfectly superconducting, they resonance-connect and expel external magnetic fields. However, there is a limit to a superconductor's capability to exclude external magnetic fields. This is referred to as HC 2. If that amount of magnetic field is applied to the sample, all resonance coupling collapses. This phenomenon is utilized as an electronic switch, called a Josephson Junction.

Applying sufficient external magnetic field will stop the flow of energy in the superconducting system and switch it off. Releasing the external magnetic field will turn the switch on.
The Ultimate Elements ... er_min.php
For instance, the Biochemistry Laboratory at the N.S. Naval Air Development Facility found that each of the body’s 70 trillion cells communicated with each other via a tremendously elaborate electromagnetic ‘superconductor’ field. They identified a unique substance, an atomic element, which appeared to be the basis of this cellular communication. In ‘healthy, happy’ individuals, this element was readily apparent, but in sick, diseased, or highly stressed individuals, the element was scarce or nonexistent. The element was isolated, concentrated, and analyzed and eventually found to be a white, powdery element with a ‘transition’ molecular chemistry very similar to iridium and rhodium. They called it ‘Element X.

The Russian physicist Sakarov declared in his many papers that any substance that, following transmutation, becomes stabilized and weighs less than 56% in relation to its beginning physical mass is a material that has successfully bent space and time. He called such material “exotic matter” in his papers. In other words, such ‘exotic matter’ is the perfect superconductor material.

In its pure state, Element X, or the transitional element in Ultimatium has virtually zero weight for its mass. In a nutshell, its molecular spin is so incredibly fast that it defies gravity and has virtually zero weight in proportion to its physical mass in this dimension of time/space. ‘Exotic Matter’ as defined by Sakarov also resonates at an extremely high frequency that does not respond to gravitational laws, because it is more of a ray of light than a gravitational mass. (This is also a very strong clue that the ‘string theory’ is indeed correct.) ‘Exotic Matter’ will also be a pure white powder that radiates all colors of the light spectrum, giving it an “other-worldly” bluish-silver ‘sheen’

During my doctoral dissertation research on the vibrational resonance fields of minerals as biological building blocks during the mid-90’s, I came across a number of incredible research studies that standing alone did not shake the earth. They found that each of the body’s 70 trillion cells communicated with each other via a tremendously elaborate electromagnetic ‘superconductor’ field. They identified a unique substance, an atomic element that appeared to be the basis of this cellular communication. In ‘healthy, happy’ individuals, this element was readily apparent, but in sick, diseased, or highly stressed individuals, the element was scarce or nonexistent. The element was isolated, concentrated, and analyzed and eventually found to be a white, powdery element with a ‘transition’ molecular chemistry very similar to iridium and rhodium. They called it ‘Element X’.

This element exhibits multidimensional characteristics – i.e. it defies gravity and the corresponding time/space continuum. It is literally a ‘flux capacitor’ (Puthoff, and his published paper, ‘Gravity as zero-point-fluctuation force’). 5. Any truly superconductor material performs its task via a single frequency of PURE LIGHT (Sakarov, Haisch,!

The Russian physicist Sakarov declared in his many papers that any substance that, following transmutation, becomes stabilized and weighs less than 56% in relation to its beginning physical mass is a material that has successfully bent space and time. He called such material “exotic matter” in his papers. In other words, such ‘exotic matter’ is the perfect superconductor material. In its pure state, Element X, or the transitional element in Ultimatium has virtually zero weight for its mass. In a nutshell, its molecular spin is so incredibly fast that it defies gravity and has virtually zero weight in proportion to its physical mass in this dimension of time/space. ‘Exotic Matter’ as defined by Sakarov also resonates at an extremely high frequency that does not respond to gravitational laws, because it is more of a ray of light than a gravitational mass. Exotic Matter’ will also be a pure white powder that radiates all colors of the light spectrum, giving it an other-worldly bluish-silver ‘sheen’.

Now lets shift gears and take a look at a few ancient texts and learn about something referred to in their pages concerning a mysterious ‘white powder’, or ‘Manna’. The Egyptian Book of the Dead referred to it many times. The ancient Hebrews, thanks to the great alchemist Moses, apparently had this white, weightless powder at one point in their history. It is supposedly what allowed the high priests to approach the Ark of the Covenant and not be physically destroyed.

By studying the Periodic Table of the Elements, we learn that Gold (AU) is only slightly different than the ‘transition elements’ known as the Platinum Group metals right next door. By subjecting Gold to certain alchemical processes, it is clear that the ancient Egyptians trans-mutated pure Gold, a fairly common and plentiful earth metal, into an even more valuable commodity – the basis of pure light and life both on a physical as well as spiritual plane – the Platinum Group ‘transition element’ of high-spin Iridium.

In the exact center of row 6 of the Periodic Table, in the very heart of the ‘transition elements’ sits element #77 – Iridium. Iridium is only found on the earth in deposits associated with impact craters of meteors. Meteors are composed primarily of Iron (Fe) and Nickel (NI), the base transition elements, but through interaction with the gravitational field of earth’s atmosphere, intense magnetic stimuli, and the incredible heat and light generated from its pre-impact flight, other ‘higher spin’ transition elements such as Rhodium and Iridium are produced. Iridium is truly an amazing element. It is named after the Greek word Iris – meaning ‘rainbow’. Rainbows are formed by light energy interacting with water. Rainbows reflect every color in the light spectrum, as does Iridium.

But, speaking of Element 77, there are even more ‘coincidences’. Is it just a coincidence that pure, high spin iridium powder has a trio of electron orbits – five around the nucleus, sixty in an inner ‘ring’ and twelve around an outer orbit for a total electron molecular ‘weight’ of 77? Are the ancient Egyptian texts giving us a coded, alchemical clue? Yes, of course, only pure coincidence that Iridium is primarily used today as a superconductor material to facilitate satellite communications and wireless transmissions.

A semi- retired master chemist, he presented me with an incredibly generous gift – the early chemist’s bible – the book first published in 1895 entitled ‘Occult (hidden) Chemistry’. The information was printed and apparently shared with only a select few ‘initiates’ however, – members of a group known as the ‘Theosophical Society’. In this text, reference was given to an element called ‘element x’ or specifically element #2674. It was clearly identified, catalogued, and referenced like any other element – yet the elitist ‘Theosophical Society’ chose to keep it off the periodical charts, even to this day. WHY? Why is Element X, (transitional Iridium) still relatively unknown today?

Platinum Group Metals (PGMs) are called transition elements because their atomic structure is easily broken via electromagnetic stimuli, and white light energy is often released in the process. This is the energy which appears to be concentrated in the TRANSITIONAL IRIDIUM powder. Such pure etheric energy may well stimulate the pineal and pituitary glands that govern over 30 different hormonal secretions, as well as brain wave enhancements. PGMs may possibly repair damaged DNA that is linked to over 100 disease states by enhancing the cellular ‘communication’ genes that are vitally important to healthy cell mitosis (division). I have personally recorded substantial increase and balancing of my own Meisnner Field (or aura).


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Oct 03, 2009 8:33 pm

The Origin of Life ... LIFE-5.PDF
In all three cases, Bechamp, Naessens, and Merkl their discovered tiny living units are
pleomorphic, meaning that they change their shape and morph into different organisms.
This ability to shape shift is hotly contested by main stream science, but there have been an enormous number of researchers confirm the fact. This also extends to the concept of alchemy i.e. changing base elements from one atomic structure to another without a chemical reaction – the famous conversion of lead into gold is one example.

George Merkl discovered cold fusion a very long time ago – at a time when nobody was interested in cheap energy. He noticed that the presence of light on the fusion reaction changed the reaction. And that different kinds of light, inside or outside, made different changes to the reaction. So, he decided to study light. Eventually he found that light would condense into a living thing he called chondriana, which was also indestructible, intelligent and immortal. The chondriana would morph into larger organisms with ability to attack disease in the human body and to intelligently do what the body needed most – including rebuilding organs – a fact that he proved on his own body.

I present to you the origin of life the ANU! ANU is the first name of GOD in the ancient scriptures – it is also a verifiable energy form. The human aura from kirlian photos is shaped like the Anu.

The origin of life is the Anu, which resides in the aether of space / darkness. All things are conceived in darkness – this is a fact – the first form of God is Space and Space is female.
New Energy Physics and the Discovery of Ambipolar Energy ... _Intro.pdf
The Aether is massfree energy, cosmic primordial energy that is free from the inertial and gravitational constraints of mass. It does not lack mass, it is not massless per se; rather, it is free from mass. This is a critical conceptual difference between the aetherometric concept of the Aether and all other concepts, save that of W. Reich.

Summarizing, then, the new system of energy linkages we are proposing - there is the massfree Aether, or Dark Energy, composed of electric and nonelectric manifestations; there is the world of Matter composed of discrete quanta of mass-energy; and there is the world of secondary massfree energy units, Planckian photons and non-Planckian gravitons.
The Aether
The word “aether” means “shine” in Greek, and the fundamental reality of such an unseen, fluidlike source of universal energy has long been a hallmark of the world’s secret mystery schools. The works of Greek philosophers Pythagoras and Plato discussed it at great length, as did the Vedic scriptures of ancient India, referring to it by several names such as “prana” and “Akasha.”

In the Orient, it is often known as “chi” or “ki,” and special emphasis is placed on its interactions with the human body, such as in the science of acupuncture. Masters and adepts who inherited the secret traditions could eventually learn to manipulate this energy to create miraculous results, such as levitation, teleportation, manifestation, instant healing, telepathy and the like.

The aether’s existence was widely accepted without question in scientific circles until the early 20th century, when the Michelson-Morley experiment of 1887 was co-opted to “prove” that no such hidden energy source existed.

However, more recent breakthroughs involving “dark matter,” “dark energy”, “virtual particles”, “vaccum flux” and “zero-point energy,” to name a few, have brought reluctant Western scientists to acknowledge that there must indeed be an unseen energy medium throughout the Universe.
Subtle Energy and the Cosmos
To explain this movement, it was necessary for scientists to assume that the cosmos must contain enormous amounts of an invisible substance, which interacts gravitationally but does not react with electromagnetic energy. But this invisible substance they named Dark Matter, was not detectable because it did not interact with electro-magnetic energy, and so could not be measured via light or radio waves.

It’s whistling by your ears but you can’t hear it. It is arguably the most important material in the Universe, but until recently scientists had no idea that it existed. It will decide the fate of the Universe, but we have no idea what it is. How can scientists, after so many centuries, still know so little about the workings of the cosmos?”

In their wisdom, the ancients discovered and developed entire health care systems based on their understanding of the energy system of the human body. Acupuncture meridians and Chakras refer to this energy system, but what is this energy?

This process of creating the substance or matter of our physical world originates from the two simplest Etheric particles called positive and negative Anu.
Anu combine with each other in different combinations in a step by step way to create more sophisticated combinations. These combinations are what we call sub-atomic particles. This process ends with the formation of the basic atomic particles, which make up the atoms of the Periodic Table of Elements i.e. Hydrogen, Iron, Lithium.

Subtle Energy is energy of the Etheric World and of the worlds preceding it. In their proper worlds, these subtle energies play a role analogous to the role played by electromagnetic energy in our world. Scientists refer to Subtle Energy as Dark Energy.

According to both ancient and modern sciences, the Subtle Energy of the Etheric World does not interact with physical matter directly. For this reason, we cannot directly measure Subtle Energy via electromagnetic devices.

The energy fields of the different worlds or layers of the Universe are connected with each other. In the same way, the substances of these worlds are products of the preceding world. Therefore, energetic processes in our world such as electric and magnetic vibrations and electromagnetic waves definitely influence vibrations in the energy fields of the Etheric World and of all preceding worlds. This phenomenon consequently influences the substances of these worlds.

The substance of the Etheric World, created from Anu, forms matter in the physical world. Our discussion supports the assumption of some scientists that Dark Matter is comprised of “basic” sub-atomic particles and that these sub-atomic particles form matter in the physical world.

Since Subtle Energy does not interact with matter of the physical world directly, the only conceivable way that Subtle Energy could have an influence on physical matter is through the process of dynamic creation of physical matter:

Subtle Energy influences the creation of primal particles of the Etheric World, called Anu. Combinations of Anu form sub-atomic particles.

These combinations form the three basic particles of the physical world, electrons, protons and neutrons, and consequently of all substances in the physical world as we know it.

Therefore, Subtle Energy can influence properties of substances in the physical world through the process described above. We will call this process Indirect Subtle Energy Effect on Matter (ISEEM).

Through ISEEM, Subtle Energy might influence our physical world, including the biochemistry of the human body.

An electro-magnetic field directly influences the body in a “normal,” physical way-through electrons, ions polar molecules, etc. And, an electro-magnetic field can also influence the Subtle Energy structure of the body through its connections to Subtle Energy. This is how an electro-magnetic field can be a “carrier” for Subtle Energy influence.

The subtle world of Dark Energy (Subtle Energy) and Dark Matter (Subtle Matter) comprises about 95% of the energy and mass of the Universe. In light of this fact, it is obvious that Subtle Energy has an immense impact on the processes of our physical world and, thus, our health. The ancients knew this very well.


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Oct 04, 2009 9:14 am

All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players – Shakespeare
Is our “reality” manipulated or staged by “the man behind the curtain”? If so, are there only humans involved or are there entities from other dimensions or “realms” who work in concert with them?

Children of the Matrix ... trix03.htm
Most people call these different frequency ranges "dimensions" and that's fine because people know what they mean. More accurately they are "densities" because the slower that energy vibrates the more dense and "solid" it appears. The faster it vibrates the more ethereal and non-physical it seems to be. Eventually it is vibrating so quickly that it leaves the frequency range - the density - of our physical senses and we cease to see it. The frequency range we can see I will call the Third Density or Third Dimension.

I can understand how difficult this will be to accept and comprehend from the conditioned view of reality. But first of all I am not asking anyone to accept anything that I say -it's just information, make of it what you will -and, second, the world is nothing like our conditioned view of reality.

Bloodlines that were once Egyptian pharaohs and European royalty are now presidents of the United States, and leading bankers and media owners.

A fundamental theme running from the "Golden Age" of Atlantis and Lemuria-Mu to the present day is that of the snake or serpent.

The Illuminati symbolism of three - the trinity - appears to be related, at least in part, to these three stars of the Sirius system. The constant reference to the number 50 in ancient myth could relate to these 50-year orbits, Temple suggests, and they also symbolized Sirius B and C as "the twins" using their combined orbit periods of 100 years as a code for them, he says. Certainly there is endless reference to "twin" symbolism throughout the ancient world. The Dogon call Sirius B, Digitaria, and Sirius C, Sorghun, or the "female star".

A focus on Sirius can be found at the heart of most ancient societies -and secret societies. The heat in the summer months was believed to be, in part, caused by Sirius and so they became known as "dog days". The Egyptian calendar was regulated by the movement of Sirius (Sothis to the Greeks) and the Sothic calendar was founded on the rising of Sirius one minute before the Sun, the so-called heliacal rising in the Summer. The number 23 was important to the Dogons, as it was to the Egyptians and the Babylonians. Some researchers say this was connected to the heliacal rising on July 23rd when Sirius, the Earth, and the Sun are in a straight line.

Others speculate that this could create a "star gate" connection between the two systems, a sort of inter-dimensional (inter-density) portal. This moment was the beginning of the calendar for the new year in many cultures. It is said that the eyes of the Sphinx (the dog?) line up with the exact period on the horizon where Sirius rises on July 23rd and that the pyramids are also lined up to that point on the horizon.

This, incidentally, is the time every year that the Illuminati elite gather at Bohemian Grove in Northern California wearing their hooded robes for their infamous rituals under a 40-foot stone owl, as detailed in The Biggest Secret. The Freemasons and other secret societies within the Illuminati web have Sirius as their focus. It is known as the Eastern Star - the very name for the Freemasonic organization that allows women to become initiates.

The pentagram is symbolized by the goat head known as the "Goat of Mendes" or "Baphomet", the image the Knights Templar secret society was accused of worshipping when it was purged in France after 1307.

The goat head is also associated with the Sirius system. The ancients designed massive temples to point directly at the spot on the horizon where Sirius appeared at the "rising" and their key rituals were focused on Sirius, just as many of the Illuminati’s are today..

The symbol of the dog or wolf is often found in cults that worship the serpent or reptilians. Credo Mutwa, the Zulu shaman, says that their legends call Sirius the "Star of the Wolf". The leader of the reptilian "gods" known as the Anunnaki is named in the Sumerian tablets as An (later Anu). He was represented by the jackal or dog. Associated with Sirius in Egyptian belief was Orion and, interestingly, modern UFO researchers connect the reptilians with both Sirius and Orion.

The eye was a symbol of Osiris in Egyptian myth. The bow and arrow is another symbol used by the ancients for Sirius and they knew it as the "bow star". The Egyptian word meaning Bowman also referred to a "heavy star metal" -Sirius B -and their word for heavy star metal was close to the words meaning dwarf and weight.

They are described as "semi-demons" (half human, half not human) and animals endowed with reason. Other legends say that they were superhuman in their knowledge and their length of life. They were "the immortals" and returned to "the gods" in a ship, taking with them examples of the Earth's fauna

The Babylonian priest Berossus wrote that the origin of humans in Babylonian belief could be traced to the "fish god" Oannes, who was known as Dagon to the Philistines. What they said about Oannes, the Sumerians said about "Enki", one of the key leaders of their reptilian Anunnaki. Enki was symbolized as closely connected with water and it was said that he rode in a ship that could go under the water or fly in the sky. He was described as a giant who had scales like a fish or reptile. In the Babylonian legend, Oannes was one of the "Annedoti" ("the repulsive ones") who had the heads and legs of men, but the body and tail of a fish.

There are skeptics who seek to discredit the stories of the Dogon, the Nommo, and their tales of Sirius. They say the French researchers who first published the information had simply invented everything.

But Credo Mutwa, the Zulu shaman and that nation's official historian, says that his people have the same traditions. He says they call Sirius the "Star of the Wolf" and their ancient accounts say that a "sea-dwelling fish people" from Sirius came to the Earth. They also speak of a "gigantic war" on Sirius in which the fish people drove out those who we now know as humans. Credo further confirms that the stories attributed to the Dogon are not the only ancient records of the Sirius system. The Zulu's knew Sirius B as the "pit" star long before it was identified by modern technology.

"Not only among the Zulu, but the Dogon, and many widespread African tribes, there are stories of the Nommo, who resemble the king of the Water People in our legend. They are said to be intelligent beings who have visited the Earth several times. They are usually described as somewhat like human beings, but with skins like reptiles. I have heard them described as a cross between a little demon and a dolphin."

Researcher Mark Amaru Pinkham says in his book, The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom, that the symbol of the Sirians in Atlantis was a triangle, sometimes with an eye in the middle. This pyramid with the capstone missing and/or the all-seeing eye is an ancient symbol used by the Illuminati and can be found today on the dollar bill, the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States, and on a stream of logos used by Illuminati companies.

As with the serpent cult or serpent brotherhood through the ages, the Lemurian initiated were worshippers of the Sun. But was it our Sun or was it Sirius, the brightest star in the sky?

Atlantis and Lemuria existed for hundreds of thousands of years and Atlantis broke up in stages over a long period before the final destruction. Both cultures expanded across the world with their priests and "royal" bloodlines or "Dragon Kings", founding colonies in all parts of the globe.

This explains how, after the cataclysm, when European races "discovered" the Americas, Australia, and other apparently unconnected regions of the world, they found the people telling the same stories and following the same basic religions as each other. The common origin was Atlantis-Lemuria. As they traveled and colonized the Americas and what became Egypt and the Middle East, Europe, Scandinavia, and China, the Atlantean and Lemurian initiates used their advanced techniques to build pyramids and other vast structures that we would struggle to build even today.

Researchers have established that these great structures were built in geometrical relationship to each other over fantastic distances in different parts of the planet. It appears to be a mystery how this could be done, but it's not. The sacred places of the ancients (and the Illuminati today) were invariably the vortex points on the global energy grid. This is a web of force lines, known as ley lines or meridians, which encircle and interpenetrate the planet.

When these lines cross it creates a spiraling vortex of energy and the more lines that cross, the bigger the vortex, obviously. It was at these multi-line vortexes, like Stonehenge, that the Atlanteans and Lemurians built their temples, pyramids, and so on. The grid is geometrical and the vortex points are in geometrical relationship to each other.

Therefore, anything built on those points also have the same geometrical relationship with other structures on other points once you have the knowledge to locate the vortexes, which the Atlanteans and Lemurians could. The famous ancient and modern "sacred sites" are invariably associated with the Atlanteans and Lemurians.

The Danaans left Atlantis to settle in Asia Minor, Greece, and the islands of the Aegean. They are claimed by some authors to descend from the Old Testament Tribe of Dan, but so much in the Bible is symbolic rather than literal or downright untrue. The name Danaans derived from their serpent Moon goddess, Dana or Diana. The Danaans made the headquarters of their serpent-worshipping culture on the island of Rhodes, a name that originates from a Syrian word for serpent. Rhodes was the home of the Danaan brotherhood of initiates and magicians known as the Telchines.

The Greek historians, Jane Harrison and Robert Graves, say that this deity was symbolized as a serpent, snake, sphinx, or goddess covered in snakes. There are some people who believe that the face on the Sphinx on the Giza plateau is a woman and not a man as officially claimed. Wherever the reptilian bloodlines have located, the worship of a serpent goddess has always been the centre of their rituals under names like Athene, Barati, Isis, Semiramis, El, Artemis, Diana, and Hecate.

The Greek historian, Diodorus, said these initiates had the ability to heal, change the weather, and "shape-shift" into any form. Thousands of years later one of the most important of the Illuminati secret societies, the Knights Hospitaller of St John of Jerusalem, now the Knights of Malta, located on Rhodes were known as the Knights of Rhodes. Ultimately, they came from the same source as the Knights Templar. The name Rhodes, which is connected to the German "Rot", meaning red, as with Rothschild ("Red-shield"), became a code name for the bloodlines. Red = Sirius?

The Knights Templar secret society was formed in the late 11th century to protect the reptilian bloodline or "Le Serpent Rouge", the red serpent or serpent blood, together with their associated order, the highly secretive Priory of Sion. The goals of the Knights Templar and the Illuminati were, and are, to place these serpent bloodlines in all positions of power worldwide and thus form a reptilian, centrally controlled, fascist state. We are now getting very close to that. The Danaans also settled on Cyprus (later controlled by the Knights Templar) and in ancient times it was known as la-Dan or the "Isle of Dan".
In their “public lives", the “global elites” claim to be members of mainstream religious institutions; but in private they indulge in “magic rituals” and practice “astral worship”? You have to wonder why.

The Illuminati / Freemason Signature ... on_sig.htm
In my research regarding the Freemason's, United States Presidents and The Masonic Power Structure I was constantly running into the number 13 and 33. This research confirmed that most of the founding fathers were Masons. It also confirmed that most of the Presidents were Masons. My first run in with 13 of course was the 13 colonies. Second was the great Seal.

Is it all a “conspiracy theory” or is it all just conincidental?

Presidents and Secret Societies
Here are Your Presidents that were involved in the Secret Societies, according to the links on this page and prior page. Ties to members are in italics.

It is said that only Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy, were not either Masons or elite members of affiliated bodies. They have that unusual links between them, and both were assassinated.
United States Presidents and the Masonic Power Structure.

The 13 Illuminati Bloodlines
Who really controls world events from behind-the-scene?
Do they think they have a “divine right to rule” because of their “extraterrestrial bloodlines”?

The Biological Basis of Elitism and the Divine Right to Rule ... rule01.htm
October 28th, 1998, a number of newspapers across the country ran an Associated Press article entitled "Presidential Hopefuls Share Blue Blood Lines." The article, based on information put forth by Burke’s Peerage, claims that every single President of the United States has had a notable amount of royal European ancestry, and in each Presidential race, the one with the most royal genes is the one who wins - every single time. This tendency has been noted in supposedly Democratic European politics as well, prompting some to charge that a global conspiracy exists to keep power within the hands of a specific gene pool.

This charge is not entirely baseless, and many books have been written tracing the modern aristocratic bloodlines back to the royal houses of Israel, Egypt, Sumer and beyond. The charge is further supported by the fact that many of the supposed conspirators proudly boast about the ancient origins of their ancestry. The traditional explanation for why power is passed down through the ages by blood has been the mystical Divine Right of Kings.

This dates back to the 17th century and states that a king is created by God, and kingly authority resides in the blood irrespective of anything else. Many have claimed that there is a genetic characteristic carried in the blood itself which makes this so, but what would it be? Is there a legitimate physiological reason behind the Divine Right of Kings?

The all-important element of the Divine Right is that it comes from God, or "the gods," alternately. And who were these gods? Authors such as Zecharia Sitchin, Sir Laurence Gardner and Nicolas de Vere are authoritatively convinced that kingship was created by an advanced race of beings called the Anunnaki, also called the Nephilim in the Old Testament. These were the ones who created the human race and interbred with a portion of it to create the kingly caste which until this day has still maintained control over the Earth.
The Secret Order of The Illuminati ... minati.htm
This whole thing with the Illuminati and a Shadow Government may be unreal to many people, but stay with me for a while and give it a chance. Most of us can agree that something is very wrong with this planet. Civil wars, diseases, famine, ethnic cleansing, religious wars, and violations of human rights ... the list is long and it just goes on. Are all those bad conditions totally separated from each other, or do they have a common source?

All I ask from you is to think for yourself. Throw away everything "you've been told", things "you've learnt in school", what you've "heard on the radio", what you've "seen on Television", what "politicians have told you" etc. - just for a moment. Let's start thinking for ourselves for just awhile. It's not too often we have that opportunity. We are constantly fed with propaganda, bad news, opinions, lies and there are tons of untold secrets. Life is hectic; we have to earn a living, and we are afraid to be laid off work. Our survival is threatened on a daily basis, and this is the direction in which much thinking goes these days. So what is it that causes so much fear and uncertainty in our lives? Is life really this threatening, or is somebody creating this condition on purpose? Much of the fear and terror is spread through Media, which is owned by a few people at the very top of the society. And those people have their very own agenda.
Could this be their “modus operandi?

Hegelian Dialectic
Why is it important for you to understand the subject of the Hegelian Dialectic? Because it is the process by which all change is being accomplished in society today. More importantly, it is the tool that the globalists are utilizing to manipulate the minds of the average American to accept that change, where ordinarily they would refuse it.

The Hegelian Dialectic is, in short, the critical process by which the ruling elite create a problem, anticipating in advance the reaction that the population will have to the given crisis, and thus conditioning the people that a change is needed. When the population is properly conditioned, the desired agenda of the ruling elite is presented as the solution. The solution isn't intended to solve the problem, but rather to serve as the basis for a new problem or exacerbate the existing one.

When the newly inflamed difficulty reaches the boiling point of a crisis, it becomes the foundation upon which arguments may again be made for change. Hence, the process is repeated, over and over, moving society toward whatever end the planners have in mind.

It's also important to understand that as this process is being driven, arguments are created both for and against certain measures of change. All arguments are controlled. The presented solutions — each with varying levels of unadornment — are "debated" publicly by the manipulators or their minions. This is done until a perceived compromise has been reached on the best measure to take in route to solving the crisis. Then, the outcome of the "debate" — which purportedly weighs the concerns of the public with the mandate to do something — is enacted as public policy.
Masonic Flag Buzz Aldrin took to the Moon.


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Oct 04, 2009 10:48 am

Is there an “alien agenda”? Could the angels and demons mentioned in the Bible be hyperdimensional entities? Do they live in the “underworld” (underground)?

There is far more to this world than taught in our schools, shown in the media, or proclaimed by the church and state. Most of mankind lives in a hypnotic trance, taking to be reality what is instead a twisted simulacrum of reality, a collective dream in which values are inverted, lies are taken as truth, and tyranny is accepted as security. They enjoy their ignorance and cling tightly to the misery that gives them identity.

Fortunately, some are born with spiritual immune systems that sooner or later give rejection to the illusory worldview grafted upon them from birth through social conditioning. They begin sensing that something is amiss, and start looking for answers. Inner knowledge and anomalous outer experiences show them a side of reality others are oblivious to, and so begins their journey of awakening. Each step of the journey is made by following the heart instead of following the crowd and by choosing knowledge over ignorance.

Knowledge is the key to unlocking our potential. It gives us the self-determination, responsibility, and power necessary to cast off the chains of covert oppression. Knowledge is therefore the greatest protector, for it also gives us foresight to impeccably handle the challenges of life and, most importantly, to sidestep the traps on the path to awakening. The more you know of higher truths and apply what you know, the more you begin operating under higher laws that transcend the limitations of the lower.
Alien - intro
What we call “aliens” are hyperdimensional beings. They hide behind the veil of our perceptions and can project themselves into our visible reality at will. They are not recent visitors to earth, but have been here for hundreds of thousands of years and continue to live here, mostly in underground bases. Some “aliens” helped genetically engineer the human race, while other factions later crippled human genetics in order to turn mankind into little more than a source of physical and etheric food. Today, those interacting with humanity via abductions have a negative orientation and intend to create a race of human-alien hybrids capable of ruling over humanity while having total allegiance to the interdimensional alien empire. Literature tends to identify these negative “aliens” as the reptilians, grays, mantids, and some hostile nordic factions. There exist positively oriented beings as well, notably the more positive nordics, but they respect the law of freewill and do not engage in physical abductions. Rather they exist as a spiritual brotherhood lending their service to protect and guide those of us who seek freedom from the limitations of this 3D matrix control system, prison/school earth.

They preside over lower (human) levels of the control system:

Every individual in an STS (service-to-self) hierarchy is both predator and prey. Predator to those below, prey to those above. Likewise, anyone who is predator or prey participates in the STS hierarchy.

Humans of strong STS orientation incarnate to heighten their negative polarity and carry out missions and agenda. They are of low spiritual frequency and tend to be born into positions of power. These form the elite of the world, who are ultimately directed by the alien powers heading the STS hierarchy.

They incarnate primarily into associated bloodlines because DNA and soul tend to correspond. So tracing bloodlines can show potentiality of destiny. Bloodlines like these arise via genetic modification by alien factions, or by mutation in response to the soul frequency of ancestors who made negative soul pacts with higher dark powers. These bloodlines have a physical and spiritual symbiotic relationship with their alien counterparts.

Their function is power and conquest, and right now we are in the final phase of their conquest. Negative hyperdimensional forces want total control over mankind. Their influence upon mankind at large can be termed the Hyperdimensional Control System.
Discerning Alien Disception ... ion-part-1
Historical, mythological, religious, and archeological records indicate aliens interacted openly with humans in ancient times. There were different warring alien factions, each faction had their respective human followers who saw them as gods and got caught up in their skirmishes. Some of this is evident in the Old Testament. Considering Biblical chronology, it appears that starting around 1,000 B.C. human-alien interactions became more covert, transitioning from “gods” openly walking the earth to private meetings with selected individuals, ambiguous sightings, and subjective visions.

While for society at large the alien presence faded from tangibility into myth, alien factions continued to advance their agendas covertly. This included the establishment of human secret brotherhoods who were entrusted with special knowledge and powers to shape the course of civilization and act according to the goals of their alien benefactors. Secret societies varied in their orientations, some bent on world domination and hoarding of knowledge, others charged with safeguarding esoteric knowledge from abuse and counterbalancing the forces of corruption.

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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by junglelord » Sun Oct 04, 2009 12:50 pm

Interdimensional beings, I do not doubt it...check this out.
In 1997 syndicated talk show host Art Bell received a frantic call from a man claiming to have worked in Area 51. The entire radio station was zapped off the air as soon as the caller began to reveal detailed plans concerning "aliens" the government, and the population....they were interdimensional, is what he claims at 1:40 into the audio replay.

Disasters are coming, safe areas could be moved too, they want the major populations centers wiped out, so the remain few will be more easily controllable....then the entire show is shut down...very weird.
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
— Nikola Tesla
Casting Out the Nines from PHI into Indigs reveals the Cosmic Harmonic Code.
— Junglelord.
Knowledge is Structured in Consciouness. Structure and Function Cannot Be Seperated.
— Junglelord


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Oct 04, 2009 1:13 pm

“Conspiracy theory”, disinformation or possibility?

What is the alien agenda? ... aster-plan
Mankind is being enslaved by non-human forces who are technologically, psychically, and dimensionally superior to us. They consist of multiple factions, spanning multiple dimensions and locations in spacetime, all here to take a slice of the human pie. Their ultimate goal is to assimilate us into their fascist empire and parasitically exploit us for our biological, etheric, and physical resources. Through covert manipulation and hyperdimensional tricks that utilize time travel, they have secretly manipulated and exploited humanity in every way conceivable for tens of thousands of years. We are now seeing their plans overtly manifest with the abduction and hybrid breeding program, and their imminent portrayal as saviors to a human race gone mad with world conflict. If the world accepts them as saviors, individual freedom as we know it will become snuffed like a blown candle, leaving only darkness.

For strategic reasons, their invasion is a drawn out process rather than a single spectacular blitzkrieg as one might expect, though the latter can be used to finalize the invasion once the first phase has spiritually tranquilized the target population. There are many problems with an overt invasion using physical force. History has shown that visible tyrants are also visible targets who quickly fall if they reveal themselves before total control has been established. Smarter tyrants stay hidden and cleverly manipulate the population into first defeating and enslaving itself.

Cosmic tyrants exist who seek to assimilate entire worlds into their empire. The premature invasion of those who have targeted us could lead to conflicts threatening the two resources they have come here to exploit: earth and its inhabitants. They prefer that we willingly hand over ourselves and the planet with the least amount of resistance. This can only happen under the condition that we are unaware of their true nature or agenda. Preparing such deception requires much groundwork. Thus, they have chosen to covertly and patiently manipulate human society toward that end.

Their preferred method of subversion is to create elite among the population who do the dirty work of enslaving the rest. What we know as the “secret government” is an occult technocracy comprised of these elite humans. The secret government is using problem-reaction-solution techniques to frame world conflicts as pretexts for the establishment of a “New World Order,” an overt global totalitarian regime that will lockdown any potential for resistance and secure earth for easy assimilation into the alien empire.

As mentioned, they prefer we willingly hand over our collective freewill. Only recently have we become technologically and politically advanced enough to create and support the infrastructure of the New World Order through which we are intended to enslave ourselves. They make their victims dig their own graves.

In a negative hierarchy, all subordinates are in some way duped by their superiors, as that is how superiority is maintained. It is the wishful nature of such individuals to think they share the top of the food chain. Other members are forced to uphold their allegiance due to blackmail, oath, or mind programming. While these factors keep the hierarchy together, they also serve as its undoing when the control system encounters unpredictable obstacles and becomes unstable. Pressured members will betray their superiors when given the chance, and ambitious members may take the opportunity to initiate a frenzied power grab that breaks loyalties and dissolves cohesion, thus weakening its structure to the point of implosion. This is more typical of human hierarchies than alien ones, as the latter are too refined to create such bumbling errors.

Primary reason is that the secret government is useful as the singular scapegoat upon whom to eventually pin all crimes against humanity of which hostile aliens themselves are the ultimate orchestrators. By disposing the scapegoat through a global catharsis, alien hands are washed clean, leaving them in safe position to be presented as saviors. Even now this agenda is visible. Through various personalities in the exopolitics field, the secret government is already being branded as a paranoid Cabal keeping mankind from open contact with alien benefactors, holding us back from our rightful destiny to enter into galactic citizenship. Like a good cop / bad cop routine, presenting the Cabal as the sole “bad guy” and aliens as the “good guys” is pushing two false choices, and therein lies the deception. To defeat the agenda, mankind must not choose between peaceful assimilation and ignorant xenophobia, but rather between peaceful assimilation and peaceful liberation, liberation from both the secret government and their alien overlords.

While the exploitation of human nature has afforded our alien manipulators easy success in what they have accomplished so far, human nature ultimately threatens to undermine the finalizations of their plan which requires total allegiance on our part to their empire. As long as we have an innate ability to empathize and tap into spiritual wisdom and as long as we can long for individuality and freedom, our loyalty and their security cannot be permanently guaranteed or enforced.

Once the New World Order is initiated, their solution is to place humanity under the leadership of a genetically engineered “master race” of alien-human hybrids. These hybrids surpass us in intellectual and psychic abilities, and they do not “suffer” from the “weaknesses” of human nature such as empathy and the longing for individual freedom. While maintaining control, they will then interbreed with the human population to infuse these genetic characteristics into humanity at large. Thus, in the end mankind will be biologically predisposed toward subservience to the alien empire, alleviating the empire of having to expend unnecessary resources enforcing their control. At that point, we will be locked into bondage and the alien agenda will have reached its conclusion.

Knowledge is the key, for it helps us see through deception and fuels our evolution. Because of knowledge, the alien agenda will be exposed. Because of knowledge, we will evolve new insights and metaphysical abilities that can prepare us to better counter an overt alien takeover. Divine forces are at work to help us learn – if we actively seek knowledge, the way will be shown. If we actively apply knowledge, the path will be cleared. And if we actively share knowledge, the path will be followed by others.


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