Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

Moderators: MGmirkin, bboyer


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Mar 26, 2011 8:48 pm

Tracking the Alien Engineers ... irio06.htm
Some time ago the present author suggested the idea of astroengineering interference by a cosmic supercivilization in the evolution of the Sirius system. This assumption was based on the Indo-European myth of the heavenly blacksmiths, who are fighting and chaining up the monstrous Dog, dangerous for the Universe, as well as on some astrophysical data from the history of Sirius.

It is known in astronomy that a white dwarf arises from a red giant as this loses its mass. This process is usually accompanied by a slow ejection of a planetary nebula which eventually dissipates into space. But sometimes the remaining core of the red giant can retain a mass exceeding the so-called Chandrasekhar limit (about 1.3 Sun masses). This leads inevitably to disastrous self-compression of the core and its explosion as a Supernova. As a result, powerful streams of matter and radiation are ejected into the surrounding space.

If such an event had ever happened in the Sirius system, at a small (on the cosmic scale) distance from the Solar system, it might have been fatal for the terrestrial biosphere. My idea was that some highly developed supercivilization could have tried to remove the excess of stellar matter from Sirius B, thus saving life and civilization on Earth.

Really, the only thing we know for sure about the evolution of the Sirius system is the fact that Sirius B was once a red giant whose mass exceeded that of Sirius A (that's why the former evolved more rapidly). The initial orbit of Sirius B was, most likely, circular; now it is a highly elongated ellipse. This suggests that the mass loss was accompanied by some considerable disturbances. Some part of the "lost" matter probably contaminated the atmosphere of Sirius A. But the real course of events is still very unclear. The situation will seem even more involved if we bear in mind the possible presence of the second satellite in this system, as is asserted by the Dogon and confirmed by recent astrophysical data.
Dyson Spheres ... =habitat03
The most famous space habitat plan was created by Freeman Dyson, an astronomer who currently holds a position at the Institute for Advanced Study. Freeman Dyson is a prolific writer and a celebrated scientist who is the president of the Space Studies Institute (SSI). He came up with the concept of a Dyson sphere?. A Dyson sphere is an enormous artificial sphere that surrounds a star. The sphere consists of a patchwork of solar collectors facing the star with hum an habitats on the exterior (or interior) of this sphere. The idea is that by creating a huge surface surrounding the star, the maximum amount of energy radiating from a star can be collected and exploited.

There are two types of Dyson spheres. Type I spheres consist of independently orbiting structures that don’t form a continuous shell, but nevertheless absorb all the starlight emanating from the star. Type II spheres, however, are Dyson spheres that are solid shells.
Are there Dyson Spheres within Saturn’s rings? Are Phoebe and Iapetus Dyson Spheres?

Dyson Sphere ... ON_SPHERE/ ... 180#p49379
Originally, before Nibiru came to our solar system, there were already 9 planets, without the asteroid belt. When Nibiru came, it became the 10th planet. However, Nibiru destroyed one of the original planets with its moon creating the asteroid belt. Now we have 9 planets with 1 planet destroyed.

I believe the 10th planet Nibiru is already amongst our planets. It has been with us ever since. It is carefully disguised until it crosses near the path of Earth. It does this every 3,600 years for a specific purpose.

I believe Nibiru is an artificial planet including its moon which obliterated a former member of our solar system which is now debris floating about as our asteroid belt. I believe Nibiru's moon that obliterated our former planet to be still in orbit around Nibiru, but split into two.

To find Nibiru and its counterpart, we have to find artificiality on a planet or on a moon.
A candidate for this is Saturn's moon, Iapetus. Iapetus is just one of the candidates; perhaps one of Nibiru's moons is hiding among Saturn's moons. We still have to search for Nibiru.
The Dogon call Saturn the "star of limiting the place" and say that when the Nommo left they became the "star of the 10th moon" - Phoebe is the 10th moon of Saturn and although little is known about it, what is known about it is quite odd. It is about 200 Km in diameter and has an orbit that is unlike the other moons of Saturn. It is much further out, goes round the other way and at a much different angle. It is black as soot and appears to be made of rock - but if it was made of rock it would be about 5 times heavier than it actually is. It is also much more spherical than you would expect for an object with almost no gravity.
Phoebe apparently stayed behind, trapped in orbit about the young Saturn. Cassini has unveiled that Phoebe's surface is heavily potholed with large and small craters. Images reveal bright streaks in the ramparts of the largest craters, bright rays which emanate from smaller craters, and uninterrupted grooves across the face of the body. Its surface is made of water ice, water-bearing minerals, carbon dioxide, possible clays and primitive organic chemicals in patches at different locations on the surface.
According to Sumerian records, the Annunaki claimed that as their planet approached our system they would arrive from their world on ships, each containing fifty occupants, materials and supplies. These ships would then enter our solar system, assuming an orbit passing between Jupiter and Mars. As they completed operations, their ship would leave its orbit and approach Saturn. Using Saturn's enormous gravitational pull to assist their acceleration they would then 'slingshot', returning to their own system which would be completing the nearest part of its 4,000 year orbit and heading back out into deep space.

Saturn's enormous gravitational and electromagnetic fields were regarded with great fear and awe by the Annunaki - they called it 'the great destroyer'.

Apparently this was because of an incident in their distant past when a ship with fifty occupants was lost on a mission to the inner solar system. Possibly through trajectory or flight path miscalculations, the story describes a craft becoming trapped in a large orbit around Saturn, hopelessly dooming its occupants from any timely rescue.

The 2004/2005 Cassini/Huygens probe's flyby of Saturn revealed unprecedented photos of many bodies in the region, including close-ups of Saturn's moon Titan and its gaseous atmosphere and only briefly mentioned in the media and in the official NASA releases.

However, was the fact that a correction in the flight path of the probe had sent it within photographic range of Iapetus, a body that orbits Saturn in a very large and unusually inclined orbit- far wider than any other object circling Saturn? Scientists believe this extremely remote orbiting object was most likely 'trapped' or pulled into orbit instead of originating as part of Saturn's moon and ring system.
Saturn's Satelittes ... moons.html
Iapetus is the seventeenth of Saturn's known satellites and the third largest. In Greek mythology Iapetus was a Titan, the son of Uranus, the father of Prometheus and Atlas and an ancestor of the human race.

The leading and trailing hemispheres of Iapetus are radically different. The albedo of the leading hemisphere is between .03 and .05, as dark as lampblack, whereas the trailing hemisphere's albedo is .5, almost as bright as Europa. This difference is so striking that Cassini noted that he could see Iapetus only on one side of Saturn and not on the other.

One explanation of this is that the leading hemisphere is dusted with a coating of material knocked off of Phoebe. However, the color of the leading half of Iapetus and that of Phoebe don't quite match. Another possibility is that some active process within Iapetus is responsible. The puzzle is compounded by the fact that the dividing line between the two sides is inexplicably sharp.

All of Saturn's moons except for Iapetus and Phoebe are very nearly in the plane of Saturn's equator. Iapetus is inclined almost 15 degrees.

Phoebe is the outermost of Saturn's known satellites. Phoebe is almost 4 times more distant from Saturn than its nearest neighbor (Iapetus).

Phoebe (Artemis) was the goddess of the hunt and the Moon; twin sister of Apollo.

Most of Saturn's moons are bright but Phoebe's albedo is very low (.05), as dark as lampblack.

All of Saturn's moons except for Phoebe and Iapetus orbit very nearly in the plane of Saturn's equator. Phoebe's orbit is inclined almost 175° (its north pole is in the opposite direction to Saturn's).

Phoebe's eccentric, retrograde orbit and unusual albedo indicates that it may be a captured asteroid or Kuiper Belt object.

Phoebe is also unusual in that it does not rotate synchronously as do all the other moons of Saturn except Hyperion.

Material knocked off of Phoebe's surface by microscopic meteor impacts may be responsible for the dark surfaces of Hyperion and the leading hemisphere of Iapetus.

Saturn’s Iapetus
Since “Moon with a View” was originally posted, reaction has been varied – to say the least!

Fundamental to many criticisms of this theory is the scale of the construction we’re proposing. These critics see the entire idea of an “artificial moon” – and one almost a thousand miles across -- as totally preposterous, mainly because of the size of such an undertaking. What they forget is that some of these (artificial world) ideas are actually quite old … and increasingly achievable – even within the constraints of current technology and physics!

Their most famous incarnation is, in major part, due to Princeton University’s Institute for Advanced Studies’ professor, Dr. Freeman Dyson. Almost half a century ago, Dyson published a remarkable idea in the prestigious mainstream journal, Science [Dyson, F. J. "Search for Artificial Sources of Infrared Radiation," Science, 131, 1667 (1959)] – which described something termed a “Dyson Sphere.” Dyson ended his Science paper with the following conclusion.

In Dyson’s 1950’s calculations, he envisioned huge, artificial planets -- built from the “disassembly” of a star’s natural planetary system, and its subsequent reassembly into a vast number of smaller, precisely engineered artificial worlds. The resulting “Dyson Sphere,” in Dyson’s speculations, seemed the largest artificial structures that an advanced civilization could probably ever technologically create. And as such, he believed, they might even be observable light years away, with our “primitive” technology from Earth.

In one of the Universe’s greatest “irony of ironies” -- considering what we now believe the three-dimensional shape of Iapetus to be – the material that will allow the construction of the world’s first practical Space Elevator … and a host of other “impossible” things … turns out to be based on a simple tetrahedral molecule … composed of carbon: the “carbon nanotube.”

Carbon nanotubes are extremely tiny (the prefix “nano” comes from their dimensions, about a billionth of a meter -- one nanometer -- wide), rolled-up, three dimensional carbon tubes, made of a hexagonal graphite lattice -- first cousin to two other forms (“allotropes”) of carbon (below): the well-known diamond … and something relatively new, called a “Buckminsterfullerene.”

The latter -- also known as “buckyballs” – are C60 molecules discovered serendipitously by a team at Rice University, led by Dr. Richard Smalley (Nature 318, 162) in 1985 (below). Named after R. Buckminster Fuller, inventor of the geodesic dome (discussed in “Moon with a View” - Part 2), the “fullerene’s” 60 carbon atoms (!) are arranged spherically, as 12 pentagons and 20 hexagons (below), in the most symmetrical molecular form known.

In addition to being an elegant solution to the technology of how Iapetus was formed, the choice of carbon nanotubes and buckyballs for its construction would immediately address (and answer!) a variety of classic problems that have baffled the astronomical community regarding Iapetus’ appearance for the last three hundred years – starting with the unique “light/dark dichotomy” of those opposing hemispheres (below).

In addition, the use of such ultra-high-strength carbon would forthrightly address the startling and baffling new questions raised by Cassini’s recent fly-by, beginning with–

The “moon” has an amazing geometric form.

If Iapetus is a “tetrahedral message” – a message redundantly communicated by the specific placement of key features on its surface (the “ring basins,” etc.), compounded by its very strange orbit around Saturn, at ~ 60 radii away and 15-degree inclination to the rest of the Saturnian moons (which, as George Haas reminded me, when divided into 60, is another numerical code for the four vertices of a tetrahedron!) -- then what better means to underscore that message, once again ... than to create the “moon” in the very shape of the carbon molecule used in its construction.

The implications of a deliberately stealthy Iapetus – constructed with both the precise geometry required for reflecting radar waves away, as well as a dead black, iron-based coating for absorbing the remaining visible and radio electromagnetic energy are definitely non-trivial in this context including the possibility that Iapetus was not a “rescue ark” at all, but in actuality a world-size warship!


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Mar 26, 2011 10:39 pm

The Black Sun Prophecy
Recently Louis Farrakhan, leader of the nation of Islam delivered a speech that sounded like it was from a Hollywood blockbuster film about aliens and the end of the world. The speech included references to a mother ship or space plane about a half a mile long carrying 1500 smaller flying machines coming to earth. He also stated that in a vision Elijah Mohammed saw that in the future the arrival of the UFO would take place upon the discovery of a second star or companion to our sun. He mentions a blue star or darker star appearing next to a red fiery star.

Perhaps the problems on earth are being caused by something out in space? There are plenty of people in places of power that are now acknowledging that something out there is waiting for us. We may now start to wonder if the extra-terrestrial reality is far more complex than just UFO’s, aliens and free energy machines.

We are all being programmed for death and catastrophe in our future from science fiction and now I am beginning see a pattern. History will demonstrate that all of this death obsession and disaster is all part of the galactic cycle. The cycle of life includes death. When the collective consciousness is aware of its mass death, we begin to see the earth change and global catastrophes occur everywhere.

The cosmic catastrophes that I wish to speak of have so many variables. In the 21st century we now pay attention to things like “long counts” developed by ancient astronomers and stone calendars that speak in metaphor and deliver due dates that indicate “super waves” or cosmic anomalies will somehow show “serpent ropes” of the Gods from the Galactic Center itself.

When I speak of serpent ropes I take the term form the ancient writings of the Maya and the biblical references to the arrival of a Black Sun. The Black Sun was originally thought to be a reference to an eclipsed sun.

Coming from the dark mass were coronal ejections that appeared to be like fiery ropes or snakes. These coronal storms would find their way to earth and create devastating earthquakes, tsunamis and weather changes. At the time of the Black Sun’s appearance it was believed that the earth was about to end its cycle and with that cyclical end would come the deluge of fire.

The Black Sun was and still is a symbol of power in many darker secret societies. The societies claimed that this sacred symbol created an infinite beam of light which though invisible to the human eye existed in anti–matter.

The Black Sun symbol had several other meanings as well. It represented the Dark star, the Death Star or the fallen star or the dark moon. Hitler became a member of the Black sun society a secret group within the Thule society. Thule beliefs were based in the writings of Theosophist Madame Blavatsky. Blavatsky wrote in her book Isis unveiled that the return of the Black Sun or death star would be evident when the 13th house of Mazzaroth is active from the core of Ophiuchus. The 13th house is the Serpent holder and from it will come the Black Sun.

Blavatsky wrote, “The sudden star, though seen by all of the Earth, does not elicit the fear it should even as fire begins to stain the Northern skies. But, when Mars retreats from Ophiuchus, and the blue light separates from the green, know that war and sudden destruction is at hand as the Black Sun rises once again.”

Ophiuchus is new to many people. I have mentioned it before in many of my shows because it is important to know about it when trying to figure out secret societal language. The accepted knowledge within the mainstream narrative is that our Sun travels through only 12 constellations in the Zodiac or Mazzaroth. They are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

However, it is a little known fact that the Sun spends only about nineteen days in this 13th house known as Serpentarius. As far as Astrologers were concerned, the Sun traveled from the constellation Scorpius and then proceeded directly into the sign of Sagittarius. The Sun, for 19 days of the year, travels through the star constellation ‘Ophiuchus’ before entering Sagittarius from Scorpius.

What is exactly in the area of Ophiuchus that is so secret? Many believe that the portal to God can be found there. Many say that it is the home of the Nemesis. The Nemesis of course is also reference to “Vulcan” the partner to a hypothetical binary star system idea, Nibiru the popular name of the 12th planet in the solar system and ‘Planet X” which is supposed to return from a wide elliptical orbit in 2012.

It is The Black Sun that will produce a whirlwind of fire or wormhole and it will create chaos and havoc upon the earth. Many have seen this anomaly and have called it Elijah’s vehicle, the shining vesture, the stairway to heaven, and the infernal maelstrom.

It was written in the old sacred texts that from the wormhole would come fiery rocks and comets.
According to the Mayans the end of the creation cycle commences on October 28th, 2011. It is a time where we move into an area of the Zodiac that at one time was devoted to a character who was known as the “serpent bearer” or the “serpent god”. Many others call this area of the zodiac the “dark rift.” The Dark rift is home to the Death Star. The dark rift is in Serpentarius (Ophiuchus), the home of the serpent gods it has also been called “zero point” or the point of creation.

The ancient Gods of the Maya and similar cultures were flying serpents or “dragons.” There are many who have speculated that these fiery serpents were not serpents at all but huge comets or meteors that hit the earth causing floods, climate changes, and extinction level events.

Ophiuchus and some of the fixed stars in it were sometimes used by astrologers in antiquity as extra-zodiacal indicators in determining the times for cataclysms. It is interesting to note that the meanings of the crossing of the “Dark rift” Dark Star, Black Sun, or zero point is often associated with “Judgment” or “day of Judgment.”
Also the day of Cataclysm, plague, death and the healing of the sick and raising of the dead. The serpent holder has been associated with the godlike power to judge the dead and heal the sick. When passing through Zero point the Earth is said to receive messages from the gods in the form of natural cataclysm.

From the cataclysm came the resurrection or renewal literally the healing of the earth.

The symbol on the left is the symbol of the healer, the wand of the serpent bearer Ophiuchus. To the right is the crucifix. As you can see the images look quite similar. The crucifix represents, judgment, healing of the sick, and the resurrection of the dead. The rebirth after the physical death was a promise given after the great cataclysm.
The time of the Long Count will begin in October of 2011 with its peak in December of 2012. It is predicted to be the most significant astrological event in the history of the equinoxes and the solstices. Something crosses the sky that appears to rotate in a total period of 26,000 years. There is a symbol that represents this event and even though it is said to have connections to Christ, the symbol represents the alignment of the sun, the dark star and the earth at Galactic Central Point. The symbol also represents the crossing of Mazzaroth or Zodiac. It is the Celtic Cross.

Perhaps the idea of the Dark star is the metaphoric eye that is seen before the arrival of the destroyer?

From October 28th, 2011 to December 21, 2012 astronomers tell us that the sun’s path will visually intersect with the Galactic equator something that happens once every 26,000 years and that the Mayans identify this as rising of The Sacred Tree of life.

This forms a kind of celestial crossroads where the sun in Autumnal equinox and Winter Solstice converges with the center of our galaxy. Ophiuchus leads into Sagittarius, and Sagittarius’ spear points directly into the head (eye) of the “serpent” that is wrestled in Ophiuchus’ arms.

It is interesting to note that in the Norse depiction of Armageddon called Ragnarok, a man-god- Thor- wrestles with a giant serpent named Jormungand for the fate of the world. In the book of the Apocalypse in the bible, John saw in his vision Michael the Archangel wrestle with the dragon and the angel bruised the serpents head.

It seems that what is written in the books of the apocalypse is purely an echo of the cyclical nature of the serpent holder or the cyclical appearance of Nemesis or Planet X.

As it was in the past so shall it be in the future. The Mayans, the Aztecs and their descendants believed that the earth had been destroyed in cataclysm at least 4 times. Each time new life and new civilizations would evolve springing up from out of nowhere.

The implications of all these “coincidences” are stunning; the meme is too persistent, common and substantial to ignore or dismiss as meaningless or accidental.

Astronomers present that the effects of an encounter with Nemesis will alter the magnetic polarity of the sun, combining with gravitational forces from the simultaneous alignment of other planets, cause massive solar flares, and create earthquakes that could move the Earth off axis.

Not to mention energy transmissions released upon our solar system by it aligning with galactic center. Mayan prophecy claims that during this time, realignment will synchronize us with the cycles of nature, mutate us, and accelerate our evolution. According to the Mayans, we shall see the “serpent ropes” descend from heaven. They will heal us after the tumultuous times.

It is amazing to see that recently there has been a lot of interesting news stories of Coronal Bursts from the Sun, earthquakes, and now what was once pseudoscience is being considered as a possible explanation for the anomalous behavior of the sun.

For example just prior to the release of the Movie 2012 NASA was angry at doomsday theories especially theories about Planet X. They went to great pains to say that the Internet stories of Planet X are false.

Now it has been reported that NASA has decided to investigate the possibility that Nemesis, the hypothetical companion to the Sun – may exist. In an article found in the London Telegraph it appears that the search is on for the Death Star that circles the Sun, which catapults potentially catastrophic comets at the Earth. The star, also known as Nemesis, is five times the size of Jupiter and could be to blame for the impact that wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. Nemesis is predicted to lie at a distance equal to 25,000 times that of the Earth from the Sun, or a third of a light-year.

Astronomers believe it is of a type called a red or brown dwarf – a “failed star” that has not managed to generate enough energy to burn like the Sun.

But it should be detectable by a heat-sensitive space telescope called WISE, the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer.
Launched last year, WISE began surveying the skies in January. It is expected to discover 1000 brown dwarfs within 25 light-years of the Sun – right on our cosmic doorstep.

Could we also find that the investigation into this companion to the sun, or another celestial body could very well be responsible for the recent comet and asteroid bombardment of the sun and the resulting Coronal mass ejections that were reported before the Chilean earthquake and on March 17th, 2010.

Can science be off in its hypothesis that the sun is stable and that the activity is just a fluke? Or are we seeing something paranormal or even hypothetical like Planet X.

The questions are still out there, the presence of something greater than us is evident out in Space.
When the paranormal becomes science, it is time to go to work.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Mar 27, 2011 8:42 am ... 643#p49636

Is Saturn a Dyson Sphere?

Dyson Swarms and Dyson Spheres ... on-spheres
Freeman Dyson -

A solid shell or ring surrounding a star is mechanically impossible. The form of "biosphere" which I envisaged consists of a loose collection or swarm of objects traveling on independent orbits around the star. The size and shape of the individual objects would be chosen to suit the inhabitants. I did not indulge in speculations concerning the constructional details of the biosphere, since the expected emission of infrared radiation is independent of such details.

Gigantic Motherships And Other Bizzare Anomalies Near Saturn ... urn-2.html
Structures on part of one of Saturn's rings

Hoagland is suggesting in the video that parts of Saturn’s B-ring could be a piece of a Dyson Ring ...if this is true it would be mind melding!
Scientists have long suspected that small moons hiding among Saturn's ring strands might be producing some of the unusual structure observed in the F ring. While the shepherd moon Prometheus is the main culprit behind the strange behavior of Saturn's F ring, it cannot explain all observed features. The current dilemma facing scientists is that Cassini is detecting extended objects like those pictured here -- that may be either solid moons or just loose clumps of particles within the ring. This montage of four enhanced Cassini narrow-angle camera images shows bright clump-like features at different locations within the F ring.

Two objects in particular, provisionally named S/2004 S3 and S/2004 S6, have been repeatedly observed by Cassini over the past 13.5 months and 8.5 months, respectively. The orbits for these two objects have not yet been precisely determined, in part because perturbations from other nearby moons make the orbits of objects in this region complicated. Thus, scientists cannot be completely confident at the present time if they in fact have observed new sightings of S3 and S6, or additional transient clumps.

The upper two images show features that may be S6. From previous observations, S6 appears to have an orbit that crosses that of the main F ring. This unexpected behavior currently is a subject of great interest to ring scientists.

The upper left image was taken on June 21, 2005, and shows an object in the outer ringlets of the F ring. The radial (or lengthwise) extent of the feature is approximately 2,000 kilometers (1,200 miles). The radial resolution on the ring is about 13 kilometers (8 miles) per pixel.

The image at the upper right was taken on June 29, 2005, and shows a bright feature within the F ring's inner ringlets. The radial extent of the feature seen here is about 2,000 kilometers (1,200 miles); the radial resolution is 36 kilometers (22 miles).

The image at the lower left was taken on August 2, 2005, and shows a feature that may be S3. S3 has been found to have an orbital path that is tightly aligned with that of the main F ring. The radial resolution in the image is 3.5 kilometers (2.2 miles) per pixel.

The lower right image was taken on April 13, 2005, and has a radial resolution of 7 kilometers (4 miles) per pixel. This object does not appear to be either S3 or S6.

Structures like knots and clumps within the F ring often are transient, appearing and then disappearing within months. Repeated observation of the objects seen in this region hopefully will give scientists firm evidence about whether these features are actual moons that disturb the material around them or perhaps the short-lived products of interactions between the F ring and larger moons such as Prometheus. NASA
The Cygnus Bubble – What is it? ... hat-is-it/
Is the solar-system sized bubble in the Constellation Cygnus a planetary nebulae or could it be an “AC” or astroengineering construction, also known as a Dyson sphere, named after Freeman Dyson of the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study who proposed the theory? Dyson’s thought experiment suggested that in our search for advanced extraterrestrial civilizations that instead of radio signals we should look for spheres, which are artificial mega structures that enclose the orbit of a star, fabricated from the material of that solar system. The key is to distinguish a Dyson sphere from natural dust components. The Dyson sphere is the marker of what Kardashev calls a Type 2 civilization, which is capable of using up all the energy produced by a star. A Type three civilization would use up all the energy produced by a galaxy.”
Megastructures ... es-a.shtml
When most people think of worlds, they think of big balls of rock or gas orbiting a star. Variations usually tend toward strange atmospheres, odd compositions, or exotic native life. One world might have a crimson sky and a dozen moons; another with a vibrant ring system may be locked in a perpetual ice age.

But these are only worlds as nature might make them. Just as mankind has created new, artificial chemical elements, so too is it possible for the human race to eventually create entirely new classes of worlds. Worlds that may stretch around planets or trap the energy output of entire stars -- worlds that may challenge the scale of the universe.

These new worlds are immense artifacts collectively known as megastructures.
Transforming the Earth
Humanity’s home is far from factory-fresh these days. Frankly, the Earth has received its share of scratches and dents, including large asteroid impacts, megavolcanoes, earthquakes, ice ages, and heat waves. It’s to be expected. There are over four billion years on the clock, after all.

Though it has long been clear that Earth 1.0 is in need of an upgrade, it was not until a few years ago that someone began to take the notion seriously. In 2004, at a respected international design exhibition called the Venice Architecture Biennale, a young artist and architect named Christian Waldvogel displayed his plans for total global annihilation and the creation of Earth 2.0.

According to Waldvogel, a brave new world could be built from the remains of our current one. The circumference of this construction– dubbed Globus Cassus, or ‘hollow sphere’ in Latin– would be comparable to the giant planet Saturn. During the multi-million year assembly period, massive hoses would worm deep into the Earth’s fiery bowels and suck liquid metal and magma into orbit through four space elevators sited at equal distances around the equator. This material would be squirted out and transformed into a lattice framework to support the rest of the edifice. As the Earth gradually shrivels and shrinks under this onslaught, its gravity would weaken. Over generations, the skies would darken with the relentless encroachment of the enormous structure above.
Options for a Red Giant Future
Planetary engineering on the largest scale might one day reveal itself to us through the observation of a Dyson sphere or other vast object created by an advanced civilization. But it’s interesting to think about alternative strategies for using celestial energies, strategies that assume vast powers at the disposal of mankind as projected into the distant future. Thus an interesting proposal from the Swiss theorists M. Taube and W. Seifritz, who consider what to do about the Sun’s eventual evolution into a planet-swallowing red giant.

A Sunshade and a Planetary Shift

Considering the possibilities of preserving the Earth during the Sun’s transition into a brighter and much larger object, the authors discuss alternatives like raising the Earth’s orbit to a safer distance or using a parasol to shield the planet from its rays.

Imagine, for example, an Earth gradually being shifted to a new orbit over a period of perhaps tens of millions of years as the Sun begins its inexorable growth to engulf the inner planets. And imagine our world, as the authors do, illuminated for the duration of the journey by a ring of fusion power stations encircling the planet at an orbital distance of 350,000 kilometers.

Creating Sol II

The idea here is that within twenty light years of the Solar System there ought to exist enough planetary systems with gas giants, many of them much larger than our own Jupiter to cull for use in the new stellar creation. Here’s the plan:

Some hundreds of such ‘gas giants’ will be transported to the Kuiper Belt by means of the ‘swing-by’ technique and fused together to form an ‘ArtSun’ which will ignite when its mass passes over a certain value. Unmanned spacecraft under fully autonomous control will explore those planetary systems and will find the corresponding asteroids for the ‘swing-by’ technique to accelerate the suited ‘gas giants’ out of their planetary systems.
DD-fusion will be the source of energy for all these enterprises whereby deuterium will be separated out from the atmosphere of the ‘gas giant’. Although we do not know how to ignite a DD-explosive reaction for a Dyson-like space ship without the help of fissionable material we proceed on the assumption that we will have found a method in the far future.

Moving a Planet, or Moving Off-Planet?

Would an advanced civilization ever embark on such a task? If it did, would the astronomical signature of planetary re-location be something today’s astronomers in our own Solar System could flag as the likely sign of extraterrestrial engineering? My own guess, from a parochial 21st Century perspective, is that a civilization with the ability to travel to another solar system to move a gas giant to ours probably has the ability to consider massive re-location of population as needed to the nearest available habitable planet, or indeed, moving into vast space-based habitats that could survive a red giant’s depredations.

The authors choose planetary migration because they believe only a small number of Earth’s inhabitants could be evacuated via the creation of a starship. But their model is Freeman Dyson’s upgraded Project Orion vehicle from a classic 1968 paper, one that would carry a 10,000 ton payload at 10,000 kilometers per second via Orion-like nuclear bomb detonations.
The Rings of Earth
Various space-engineering projects have been proposed that encircle planets and stars. Ringworld, Dyson spheres, etc.
However, one pattern which we know is relatively stable is an annular disc.

The planet earth looks destined to fill up - and soon there will be a shortage of real estate. Ocean reclamation will be part of the solution - but more drastic measures will eventually also need to be taken.

Here, it is proposed that we mine the moon, and create an annular earth-disc - on which to house additional real estate and infrastructure.

Discs have a large surface area - and consequently should be able to create a lot of useful space.

The moon is the most convenient source of matter. According to our understanding of the formation of the solar system, the moon condensed from a ring around the earth. It is now in an inert and poorly-accessible blob. The moon would benefit from a shake up.

Material could be ejected into lunar orbit with large explosions, and from there deployed into a disc around the earth.
Radiation protection

The rings would enjoy some of the Earth's radiation protection.

Ring stability

Ring systems are usually in a state of gradual decay. Collisions result in frictional forces, which eventually destroy the ring system.

The rings of the Earth would not contain colliding particles. Rather they would be sheperded by satellites - which would intervene to prevent collisions.

One of the benefits of a ring system is that relative velocities are kept relatively small - which helps reduce the chances of collision damage.

Because of tidal forces from the moon and the sun, the ideal circular orbits (which would be most stable) will not be possible. Instead, semi-elliptical orbits will arise. These will then precess around the planet - resulting in spirograph-like orbital patterns:

Multiple concentric bands of such rings could be employed. Gaps could be left between them. These would help prevent collisions - and allow space for out-of-the-plane satellites.

Friction from the solar wind will cause the ring system to gradually decay. It will require constant maintenance to retain its shape. The energy for this could come from the sun, or from a fusion power source. Possibly, solar sailing techniques could be employed.

Moon - or asteroids?

An alternative to mining the moon is mining the asteroid belt. However, the asteroid belt is further away - and it has less ice. It will probably prove to be a less attractive resource - except perhaps for some rare elements.

Moon - friend or foe?

The moon itself may be unnecessary. It may represent a hazard - by causing tidal stresses to the earth and its rings.

Proponents may claim that it increases the earth's volcanism, and helps keep the earth's core molten, helps drive many ecostystems, and allows us to harvest tidal power. However, it is far from obvious that the overall effect is desirable. The moon also contributes to earthquakes, continental erosion, and adverse weather conditions.
Probably we should aim to eventually vaporise the entire moon.

The Rings that were once the Earth

Much the same reasoning that suggests fragmenting the moon, also leads to the idea that the Earth itself might also benefit from being divided up - to allow its material resources to be better utilised. However, it seems possible that the Earth may be preserved for sentimental reasons.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Apr 03, 2011 12:02 pm

The Freemasonic “creation story” as encoded in the movie Xenogenesis -- "reality" encoded as science fiction?

Thought to be legend by those outside Freemasonry, Atlantis was an island continent located in the Atlantic Ocean. Extraterrestials from Orion and Sirius known as "originators" had created Atlantis by using thousands of spacecraft parked in Earth's orbit.

These spacecraft were equipped with graviton lasers that drilled thousands holes in the floor of the Atlantic Ocean and molded the exuding lava into the continent. After the lava had cooled, the "originators" terra firmed the new continent with artificial soil and rapidly grown plant life. Atlantis was finally populated with animals from various parts of the Earth as well as humanoid hybrids to create the Atlantean civilization.

These hybrids were crosses between the genetic material of the Neanderthal humans of Earth and the genetic material of the originators. This process of creating these hybrids was known as Xenogenesis; the birth of an alien species. This was a clue to the past as will be a clue for the future.

The Xenogenesis in Atlantis created what we know as "homo-sapiens" or the modern human being. Humanity started with two hybrids who were named "Adam" and "Eve" and placed in a location the originators had named "Eden".

As a model for this XenoGenesis and Atlantis, the "origininators" had created a colony on Mars in the Cydonia region. Remnants of this colony exist today such as the Cydonia pyramids and the Face on Mars. The originators who had the responsibility of creating "Eden" were known as "galactic originator disciples". The hybrids simply knew them by their acronym, "GOD".

Unfortunately, there was an unseen force resisting against the plans of "originators" that would compromise the original plan for "Eden". The opposition consisted of a group of evil "originators" from Sirius who had deliberately planned to take over and defeat the originators from Orion. They were labeled by the Orion originators as "destructive ecstalogical makers of nihilistic savagery" or "demons". Their leader was originally from Sirius and his name was "Satan".

Satan had caused a rebellion among the community of Orion and Sirius known as a "war in heaven". The civilization in the Sirius system was created in a similar fashion as Atlantis and Satan knew what it was like to be controlled. He had collected an army among the Sirius originators and had declared war on the Orion originators.

Satan was eventually defeated in massive battles between his army and "GOD" but there were losses with the destruction of the Cydonia colony, the surface of Mars and its atmosphere after a planet located between Mars and Jupiter exploded. This planet was known by the name "Fenex"

After the explosion, the remains of Fenex created the beginnings of the asteroid belt. A few survivors had escaped this exploded planet and migrated to Earth. They settled the civilization known as Mu in the southwestern portion of North America. The center of Mu was located where Phoenix, Arizona now sits. The name "Phoenix" which means "rebirth" was derived from "Fenex".

As for Satan, he and survivors from his army were cast down to Earth by "GOD", never to rejoin the galactic community, but they wouldn't stay defeated for long. By using technology stolen from "GOD", Satan would make himself appear in other forms including the shape of a snake. He had coerced "Eve" into eating an "apple" from the "tree of knowledge" which was bio-enginnered by "GOD".

The edible parts of this tree contained enzymes that would give the hybrids sentience (or self awareness) and advanced intelligence. After Eve had convinced Adam to eat from this "tree", the "originators" quickly banished the hybrids from the garden to fend for themselves. The descendants of Adam and Eve populated Atlantis and would have to work their way through life.

Eventually, Atlantis formed a goverment and founded ten separate republics. During its history, a disagreement over how Atlantis was going to be managed had split the Atlanteans into two factions, the Sons of Belial, whose genetic ancestors had come from Sirius and the Law of One, who's genetic ancestors had come from Orion. The disagreement evolved into a civil war which led to the suppression of the Law of One, which emphasized spiritual existence, and the creation of a dictatorship by the Sons of Belial which emphasized materialism.

The continuing materialism of the Sons of Belial led to the creation of changes in the Earth's climate, via pollution and waste of resources which caused the sinking of the Atlantean continent. This sinking was described in many ancient texts including the book of "Genesis" in the Bible as the "Great Flood". It's noteworthy that "Genesis" was derived from the word XenoGenesis.

The story about "Noah" in "Genesis" describes how GOD had instructed him to build an ark to preserve the biogenetic diversity of Atlantis by gathering all the animals of his known world by twos and take them to other parts of the Earth. Before Atlantis disappeared beneath the ocean, the Law of One preserved the intellectual and philosophical idealism from Atlantis and stored it inside of two hollow pillars they named BOAZ and JACHIN which floated away after the flood. Boaz was the Atlantean word for "strength" while Jachin stood for "stability".

The pillars were eventually discovered at a place we would now call the Straits of Gibraltar between Spain and Morocco. From the information found inside these pillars by travelers who were known as "sojourners", they founded the earliest remnants of Freemasonry with the precepts of "strength and stability". The information was first given to the Egyptians and passed down through different civilizations including Persia, Babylon, Greece and Rome.

After the collapse of the Roman Empire, the information was nearly lost in the Dark Ages (1300's) and the Inquisition (1500's) but was kept alive in various secret places known as lodges, the meeting houses of Freemasons. As Freemasonry evolved into the 1700's, a bitter dispute split Freemasonry into two factions, a revived Sons of Belial (also known as the Illuminati) and the Law of One. Both sides would work toward one goal, the recreation of Atlantis.

With the help of several of their members from both sides, including George Washington of the American Masons and Adam Weishaupt of the Bavarian Illuminati, they created the United States of America in 1776. Since then, both factions have two versions of the same goal. The Sons of Belial faction wants to enslave the human race in a "New World Order" while the Law of One Faction wants to create a "Pax Humana" or Human Peace.

The Sons of Belial faction are responsible for events that set back human history and creativity while The Law of One faction has been responsible for advancing the human race toward the it's ultimate goal, to rejoin the community of civilizations in the universe where humanity originally came from.

It's worthy to note that Phoenix is just north of 33° North Latitude and its ancient name was mentioned before in this document as "Fenex". 33 is very symbolic in Freemasonry since it is the highest degree attainable in the fraternity. The number of turns in a complete sequence of human DNA equals 33. This was deliberately engineered during the "XenoGenesis" as a clue to the fact that humans are an engineered species. As historical reminders, many sites sacred to the Law of One are located in the vicinity of 33° including North America's first Masonic Lodge in Charleston, South Carolina as well as the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt which are patterned after the belt stars of "Orion".


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Apr 03, 2011 12:07 pm

The Freemasonic “creation story” ... 923#p49923

Fenex = Maldek (the Golden Age)?
The ancient sun = Saturn and/or Jupiter?
The Sons of Belial = Nephilim?
The Sons of the Law of One = Humans?

A more "realistic" version?

Was Saturn the Old-Sun? ... w-man.html
The extent and depth of this overly obsessive interest in all things "heaven-skies", can be felt in our calendar; what we call DAY can be understood as meaning "DEI" (God), eerily associated with "DEATH" (to "DIE"); the famous Egyptian called "Book of the Dead" actually had as original title "The book of coming forth by DAY", day & death intrinsically tied.

The overarching theme of the "SON of GOD" in nearly every ancient tradition, can be easily surmised when considering that if the notion of an external "God" as an antropomorphism derived of this "SUN" or "DEI"/DAY", then it follows that events which led to astronomical changes in the sky where the Old-Sun was substituted by a "New-Sun", would be preserved for generations as a tale of the "Son of the Sun" or "Son of God".

Did we have an "Old-Light" followed by a "New-Light"...? Was this even the case of "Old-Lights" (more than just one Old-Sun) as the archetype of POLYTHEISM, followed by a single "New-Light" (our current sun) as the archetype of the new MONOTHEISM...?

This is a highly complex area of thought, because what we call just an "astronomic cataclysm" might perhaps be celestial engineering on the part of highly advanced ET's. This not a minor detail as we know very well that our current single MOON is quite the anomaly; first of all a single moon is rare; then a moon which when viewed from Earth looks e-x-a-c-t-l-y the size of the sun (so the "perfect eclipse" in circumference is formed) is definitely not a natural/random event. Then of course that our moon would rotate upon itself in such a ratio that it would always show the same face towards the Earth, so that there would always be a face of it we never see is another anomaly many have pondered and concluded pertains to intentional astro-engineering. This has led some to speculate our moon is an artificial satellite cloaked as a rocky orb (or the rocky surface as meteorite shield); famously also the Mars satellites Phobos & Deimos have been suspected of being artificial due to their anomalies.

The Russian-born American scholar Immanuel Velikovsky was the first to make waves with his view of a "catastrophic" history of our solar system in the mid-20th century; being a reputed psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, he indeed observed an undeniable link between religious myths and astronomical traumas/cataclysms. There are also anomalies in the overall solar system as a whole, that lead one to consider his position (if not the detail of it), as correct; for one thing, when viewed from the sun's north pole all planets rotate in a counterclockwise direction as if on a plate/plane around the sun. Similarly and most logically, they also rotate unto themselves in such counterclockwise direction, yet intriguingly VENUS & URANUS do rotate in an opposite clockwise direction. There's no way this could be so, unless a catastrophic scenario occurred; our present solar system looks very ordered and stable, but this is merely the stasis it achieved after a quite messy previous history of catastrophes.

The evidently politically-correct rigged official version places the advent of mankind on Earth at a "much later" time than all these possible upheavals (if they even want to admit them as possible at all, which they don't). As an increasing number of researchers push for the existence of unacknowledged previous more advanced civilizations way farther back in time, the "age of history" on Earth with humans on it, gets moved back gradually. In such case this means that humans being subject to cosmic upheavals is almost a a de-facto corollary to the topic; which in turn imply necessarily that these upheavals played a DEFINING ROLE IN THE CREATION AND SHAPING OF MYTHS & RELIGIONS. There is no escaping this conclusion, unless you both deny that the solar system went through cataclysmic changes and that humans existed way longer than officially accepted; which naturally begs the "why" the official powers-that-be keep denying both vehemently, when nearly all other researchers not aligned with them, conclude differently.

The American-indian tradition is awash with tales of them originating in the stars, than going under the surface of the Earth for protection, then resurfacing much later when cataclysms subsided. The current UFO and conspiracy lore is also awash with rumours of underground bases with ETt's and/or human hybrids and so forth residing under the ground for millennia, urban legends speak of vast networks of tunnels crossing the entire globe, even under major cities. One goes to the Cuzco area in Peru, and if they trust you, the local Inca descendants will tell you of the vast underground cave system where their "gods" reside; even Manco-Capac their 1st. Inca Emperor was said to have sprung forth from under Lake Titicaca. This is a CONSTANT in any high mountain region, be it the Himalayas, the Pyrenees, the Andes, the Rocky Mountains, Mt. Shasta, you name it. The only veritable reason to live under the surface in a planet is for protection from astro-cataclysms, and also a change in the Sun. If inhabitants evolved/adapted under one sun, when this sun is substituted by another, genetic DNA damage follows, and they will be forced to go under the surface to survive and experience a softer mutation.

In this scenario, our Earth is one hell of a MUTANT PLANET, and I think it's fairly obvious the religious & political establishment need to deny all this at all costs, because once acknowledging even just a part of it, leads to drastic changes in world views and belief-systems. Te present contrived & preposterous fight between the "Evolutionists" & the "Creationists", constitute but a giant smoke-screen, as both equally obscure the real issues of MUTATIONS and DEVOLUTION as inherent to astronomic cataclysms through eons of time on Earth, and not simply in a soft/gradual/linear sequential progression in a "stable" Solar System & planet Earth.

At the core of the issue that Mutants do not evolve/devolve at the same RATE as ordinary inhabitants of a stable planet; by definition a Mutant is a being already adapted to drastic change and possesses the ability to effect great sudden mutations to survive in such an environment, an ability that manifests precisely when conditions rapidly change but that might not manifest if conditions stay in a relative stasis. Therefore the suspicion of ET genetic engineering of mankind, as prevalent as it is, is not the "only" difference from the official version of life issue; we have a situation of much greater complexity, whereby both agendas of ET genetic engineering did take place at different times, intertwined with cataclysmic events in the Solar System and Earth, with "Fast-Mutations" playing a key role as well, in those races/species that ingrained this ability. And this for example is a view favoured at large within the New-Age and the conspiracy camps, or even just amongst those aware that in our present day we are precisely entering one of those moments of a window of "Fast-Evolution" within the cosmic cycles, even to the point of jumping Densities/Dimensions ("The Great Shift" or "The Great Ascension").

Our week days have been named after the 7 main planets; Monday for the Moon, Tuesday (Martes) for Mars, Wednesday (Miercoles) for Mercury, Thursday (Jueves) for Jupiter, Friday (Viernes) for Venus, Saturday for Saturn, and Sunday for the Sun.

Why would the Semitic/Hyksos/Habiru peoples place such importance on the day of SATURN? The Jewish celebrate the "SABBATH" as the Holy Day of God, and even the word "ABBA" (father) is embedded in its name; this is clear irrefutable proof that the concept of a "Person-God" as within the triad "Father/Mother/Son" derives of the SUN.

If this was all it proved, I wouldn't be here writing this article, since it is self-evident; however, what it further proves is that Saturn was the former Sun, and that when Christianity went further and changed the Holy Day to SUN-DAY to worship "The SON of GOD" ("The Sun of God" but as "The New Sun of God") while at the same time remaining faithful to the Old Testament Judaism, they were simply the result of a merger between the Worship of the Old-Sun Saturn & the New-Sun SOL. Then this represented Continuity and Stability amongst enormous astronomical changes.

Yet this Judaism/Islam and Christianity paradigm was formed out of the Egyptian ATEN CULT; the Old Egyptian Kingdom worshipped the AMEN-RA Sun, not as the only monotheistic God, but as just the most important amongst the pantheon; then Akhenaten changed AMEN-RA into a single deity to be worshipped as God, the ATEN; this was the "New Sun" or "New Orb"; he did not erase the previous deities, but downgraded them to what in our day would the status of Archangels and such. Monotheism was born, because a single new sun SOL replaced SATURN, and Saturn perhaps had company, as in JUPITER. In Greco-Roman lore, Jupiter actually is superior to Saturn, represented in ZEUS; eerily when combining the names "Jupiter" & "Zeus" the name "Jesus" results. Thus amid all this confusion, the fact remains that the current SOL Sun is merely the latest newcomer, and that the previous Suns were either Saturn or Jupiter, or most likely both.

Semitic peoples also had an uncanny preponderance of the Moon in their theology; in fact this why they have been so often labeled as "Moon Cult" worshippers (Islam nations carry the Moon in their flags). This means that the current Moon was undoubtedly part of the astronomic change. The present "MONTH" is named after the MOON and also its 30-days duration was squared as best as they could within the total year with the 28-day of the female MENSES; the Menstruation -the Latin/Spanish word "MES" for Month-. The "Star of David" (Magen David) represents an upward Masculine force-triangle, and a downwards Feminine force-triangle (also in street slang understood visually as the Vulva), to mean a Marriage of the Sun and the Moon. As to why a "marriage" would be "needed" between the single Sun and single Moon, speaks volumes concerning the "New Solar System" structure after the Old-Sun Saturn/Jupiter.

The Jesuits famously are named "SJ", this their official designation; was this merely to indicate "Society of Jesus", or perhaps they also held the secret of the old Solar System?

The Latin-Spanish for Week is "SEMANA", a clear reference to the polar masculine "SEMEN"; Month/Mes for Menses (Menstruation) while Week/Semana for Semen. The Latin-Spanish for Year is the word "ANNO" or "Año", which strangely matches the word for ass. "ANO", and also echoes the "ANNUNAKI"; thus when universally defining the historic era, we called a date "BC" or "AD" (meaning Before-Christ and After-Christ, because his year was labeled ANNO DOMINE, year "zero"). In Spanish from Spain, the sexual innuendo is even stranger, as the street slang for the female vulva is "Coño" echoing a mixture of "Ano/Año", or "Ass/ Year"-, known to derive of the Latin Cunnus. Why would such strange and overt references been applied between the Week/Month/Year and the Male/Female genitalia as well as the Menses & Semen that comes out of them?

The association of course is not between the Time passage itself and the Genitalia and their sexual reproductive acts and cycles, but between Sexuality and the Sun/Moon/Planets. The only logical inference is that THE CALENDAR AND THE ASTRONOMICAL BODIES WERE NOT ALWAYS THERE THE SAME AS THEY ARE TODAY, and they also mark a NEW HUMAN CONDITION OF MALE/FEMALE that was different in other time periods under a different structure of the Solar System.

Therefore there was the "urgent need" to emphatically place their schedules and adjustments within the New Calendar; something had radically mutated in the human being and "understanding by ritualizing" it was the order of the day. This is the origin of religion.

This inescapable conclusion accounts for the strange obsession with Calendar Order & Rituals within Religion, as well as the rules on all things sex and such. The Freudian avoidance of sex in most traditions of spiritual enlightenment, while obviously a gross manipulation on the part of the fake priesthoods, is simply hard to believe was really devised by them since it is of such anti-natural tendency. One also has to conclude that this quite bipolar view on sex cannot but stem from the same cataclysmic changes, as mankind assumed a "new" shape as to the Male/Female form and mechanisms. Initially the reader might be dubious of this but paying a lot more attention to the symbolism of EASTER for example the theme instantly comes to mind.

Reptilians of more evolved stage are thought to be HERMAPHRODITE in their reproduction while still some capable of having sex; Sex and Reproduction are not the same thing here. The distinction is that Sex is for ENERGY-TRANSFER (Kundalini Exchange) with the function of Reproduction being a separate EGG-LAYING mechanism; in Easter, this appears to be the only plausible explanation for the Egg symbolism. The universal theme of the "VIRGIN BIRTH", that can be found in nearly every mythic tradition all over the globe, instead of being conceptualized in the usual Christian way, can be rather seen as an Extant Memory of a PREVIOUS FORM OF REPRODUCTION, from former eras under a different Sun, when evolution had another slant, and the hybridization between the Human & Reptilian was still operating under semi-hermaphrodite sex and reproduction (The Egg).

Few are aware the Wedding Ring is a symbol of the rings of Saturn, and Weddings were thus mostly performed on Saturn Day/Saturday; the question arises as to why such a NATURAL thing as a Man and a Woman coming together by love to mate and reproduce, would need be "sanctified/approved" by a Holy Rite? What is it with this over arching theme of bipolar suspicion of sex and the reproduction in our present astronomic era? The only possible answer lies in the previous statements that both "Sex" and "Reproduction" changed after Saturn gave place to the new-sun Sol. Some felt still "obliged" to "sanctify/approve" all these new mutations, in the Seal of Saturn, how "things were in the good glory paradise era".

Moreover and eerily so, the EGG itself is a fractal holographic image of Saturn and Ring layer (yellow yolk/fire and egg white/ice). The notion of the Egg as "Sacred" within the reptilian ego, is exemplified in my opinion, deliberately to convey all these themes in the film "Jurassic Park III", when one of the film's characters steals a dinosaur's eggs; this series of films has the not-so-hidden symbology of the Earth as a huge Genetic BioLab, the reptilians being the former era, humans the present era. The message being, that the reptilians are poised to RETURN.

The Easter Eggs are obviously meant to represent RESURRECTION, and this in turn means specifically "Resurrection of the Reptilians", because certainly we humans do NOT lay eggs! The mythical "3 KINGS from the East" or "Magi/Maji", in my opinion represent the 3 Stars of Orion's Belts (3 Pyramids) as the prototypical Orion "origin" (orion/gen) of the Human-Reptilian hybridization; they are from the "east" because the Sun rises from the East, meaning that they represent 3 FORMER GLORIOUS ERAS of Reptilian dominion in the past as 3 former "births". Christmas is Birth and Easter is Resurrection, and the common threads are the ones I am trying here to explain in the simplest of terms possible.

Now evidently the name SATURN is the origin of the name SATAN; what we have I believe, is a group of men who think of themselves as "maligned" by the official public perception of religion, because they think of themselves as "satanic/reptilian" in the sense of the former "SATURN SUN" of old. And these are the ATEN CULT, as in their minds they see themselves; thus they in secret practice a double or tripled edge theology, representing both the "New Sun" Sol in public (the New God), while at the same time representing the "Old Sun" Saturn, so that in practice they see themselves as both being GOD & SATAN. This is why everything is formalized and enacted to have this double-cross or triple-cross meaning, in the sense that they are always all sides of every issue. Then they give Benedictions, while they also give Curses, they give Hope and Life while they also give Suffering & Death.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Apr 03, 2011 2:20 pm

Is the PHOENIX Bird NIBIRU? ... art-2.html
Let's start then observing how the Gematria Scripts are all mingled with the ordinary language and names to everything "normal" in order to confer PSIONIC POWER of "manifesting" to those who hold the Synchronic keys.

Back in 1956 "The 10 Commandments" film was made, with Charlton Heston as Moses Crossing the Red Sea in its most famous scene, along with actor Yul Brinner as the Pharaoh:


What's the hidden message? The Pharaoh is related to NIBIRU. In 1959 another epic film called "Ben-Hur" also starred Heston:


So by triangulation, Moses is also related to Nibiru. However, this cipher works also by linking Nibiru to the Phoenix Bird. Originally this Firebird was called "BENNU" ("I Am Bennu, the Soul of Ra"), born in the Incense trees in the garden of the prince of Heliopolis (Helios means SUN), resting on a nest made of Incense and Myrrh, as Herodotus described, carrying on its beak an EGG of Myrrh with the ashes of its Former-Self (its father).

Pliny added that a small WORM appeared from his body that metamorphosed into a Bird, called BENNU; this was the origin of the name "VENUS", because it was the Star of the ship of Bennu-Ausar (Osiris) and the "Morning Star". Thus Nibiru and Venus share a flight in the sky that is symbolized as the Bennu/Phoenix Bird of Fire. This is an extant memory of the incoming Nibiru system when one of its bodies apparently collided with the planet Maldek (the extant fragments today are known as the Asteroid Belt,). "Venus" was the “thrown-out piece” of this collision, razing and robbing Mars of its atmosphere and passing by the Earth provoking the Deluge and Pole Shift; Venus settlrf where the Earth was, the Earth took the Mars orbit, and Mars pushed further out to the cold position it has today.

Whatever the real catastrophes were, the PHOENIX BIRD was RED with Golden plumage on its edges, nesting in Myrrh and (frank) Incense; Since that time Myrrh has been associated with the Priesthood, and Incense with Death ("CROSS"-ing of Nibiru); the whole theme of the Phoenix death and rebirth has been the foundation of "all" ever since, both in linguistic and esoteric terms. It is not needed to delve into the ancient languages, because was is truly happening is that the Gematria Templates (Temple) are constructed outside our 3D linear-historic "reality", merely juxtaposed to our normal language of randomness; it is 4D Synchronic Language without Time, applied to, for example, modern English (a=1, b=2, ..., z=26).


As the time of the Repeat-Cycle event of Nibiru's "Second Coming" draws nearer, signs hidden-in-plain-sight began to appear since the '70's, in particular 1973 (73=Nibiru) with the fall of Nixon:


Ever since, it has become customary almost to embed Nibiru more and more into everything highly visible, often just as its minimal "NI" prefix, as for ex: JOHN McCAIN/SARAH PALIN (carrying both the prefixes "NI" and "PH", for all to see dressed in RED).

This "CODE RED" is of maximum importance; Nibiru is the Red Star and Planet system, Phoenix is the RED Firebird, Moses Crosses the RED Sea, the Knights Templar Cross is RED (origin of the now known medical "Red Cross"), etc.

[CODE = 27 = RED] [PHOENIX = 91] ("911")

Goro Adachi makes an impressive case for the portion of the Nile River that is called "Red Nile" as opposed to the other "Blue Nile", as a superimposed fractal of the further east rivers of Mesopotamia (thus comprising the 4 Rivers of Genesis). A concomitant theme of the BLUE bloods CROSS-breeding into the normal RED bloods can be made as well (the origin of occidental "Royalty").

The point marked by the RED Nile would be the "First Coming" of Nibiru. The 3 Pyramids appear to have been constructed prior to this catastrophe, as a mirror-image of the 3 Stars in Orion’s Belt.

Thus the "3 Kings" or "Magi" in the fable of the Gospels, coming to the "Birth of Jesus" following an unusual Star carrying Gold, Incense & Myrrh is a clear pun on NIBIRU/ PHOENIX, because Bennu the Phoenix was Red with Golden Plumage in the edges, nesting in Incense and Myrrh.

But the better traceable point of origin of all this encoding can be pinpointed during AKHENATEN's reign, also called AMENOPHIS IV (or even AMENHOTEP), the 18th Dynasty (Rev 13: 18):


It simply cannot be clearer; "OPHIS" means "SERPENT" and this is the Masonic origin of the ritual term "Office of the President" (President = Serpent Id). This is in relation to the Egyptian "Order of the Serpent" where the Pharaoh (Phoenix) was to be the very Serpent race incarnated as shown in the protruding Cobra in his Head-Dress, a symbol for an activated/open 3rd Eye (Pineal Gland).

These codes can be found in visible places like "MS" (MicroSoft is MS, the "Morning Star" or the Bennu/Phoenix); also the well used program "Office" is pun of Ophis, etc. The more things are hidden in plain sight, the less people will see them due to the state of their conditioned mind programmed to perceive in compartments.

Particularly revealing is the suspect figure of "Santa Klaus" that so many laughingly call "Satan Klaus"; one really famous at the time was "St. Nicholaus" who was transformed into "Nicklaus", then "Santa Klaus", a RED dressed character residing in the North Pole, who is flown to children's houses on X-Mas Eve to deliver gifts, by reindeers of which the key one is one "Rudolph the RED nosed Reindeer", whose magical RED nose lights up the dark path in the sky.

The Red Nibiru metaphor is overwhelming, but with surprising new details; he comes into the houses through the Chimney, an ancient symbol of Fire as well as Worm Hole portal to parallel realities, and the North Pole is a stunning reference to the ALPHA DRACONIS Star at the celestial pole. The name of God in Genesis 1 is "ALHIM"
or "ALHYM":


Thus the suspect figure of "Santa Klaus" has been constructed in such a way as to imply that the "Son of the Dragon" is the one being born. In the British Camelot lore this is literally so, through the figure of "Luther Pendragon". To this day the flag of the Prince is of a Dragon, RED in color, of course. In medieval times the "Order of the Dragon" was known as the Vlad Dracula reign in Transylvania (son of the dragon/devil) in today's Romania; the current British dynasty are cousins of the mentioned Romanian dynasty.

In the Book of Revelation, Nibiru is called "WORMWOOD" in reference to the WORM out of which the Bennu/Phoenix is born anew and also as a "Worm Hole" portal; this implies that perhaps what is incoming as the "Nibiru" system is only partially in physical 3D form and mostly in 4D form. On the other hand it could be argued that this is an instruction to build a Worm Hole portal to escape the event into an alternate TimeLine reality or most likely both.

The emblematic color RED can also be found early in the Nazi regalia, as designed in grandeur by architect Albert Speer from the giant red hanging curtains to the red swastika, etc. Thus Hitler can be seen as precursor of the present New World Order that is nothing else more than the global preparation for the "Second Coming" of Nibiru. As "Santa" is carried by "Rudolph" in front, so "Adolph" Hitler matches the symbolism.

We find this linguistic code in anything really famous even in the funky mediatized business of "OJ" murdering NIcole Goldman; the Golden Age coming, under the auspices of the perennial "NI". "OJ" 1-space back the alphabet also becomes "NI".

Another funky mediatized event was of one MONICA LEWINSKY seduction of President CLINTON: you really have to be blind not to pick up the "NI" cue; after all the one extracting the information was LINDA TRIPP, who was the secretary of Clinton's Counselor VINCENT Foster (and she was the one who served him his last meal in the form of a burger and soda; she was an extant employee of the former Bush Sr. term); that the media would not report this little "detail" speaks volumes on the state of the press.

A few years before David Koresh burned in a blaze of fire with his followers in Waco, Texas, in a very controversial event that many claim was intentionally set as such:

"PHOENIX BIRD" 1st and last initials: "PB/XD"

Back 1-space in the alphabet they become: ["OA/WC" = WACO]

So, say "WACO" is code for "Phoenix Bird"; guess where George Bush Jr. resided -- in a ranch a little northwest of Waco in Crawford. This is how the elite hide their symbolic synchronic language in plain sight. This means that George was assigned the uneasy task.

of bringing down America ("Death of America the Phoenix"), while Obama is assigned the task of representing the "Rebirth of America the Phoenix". The original Bird in the Seal was the Phoenix; only later it was changed to the Eagle; thus the Eagle is secret-code for the Phoenix. In a more literal sense John McCain was proposing himself to be the new Phoenix as he comes from Arizona (and the city of Phoenix is there); he was trying to enact himself as Akhenaten with Sarah Palin as Nefertiti. In truth, Obama was the pre-selected archetypal figure representing the "New Akhenaten". To begin with he actually indeed resembles the very face of Akhenaten who ruled in what is called the "Amarna Period".

In the JFK assassination, his vice-president Lyndon Johnson was also implicated as it is well-known fact in Texas; so then the Phoenix Death is encoded as in the name of Lyndon Johnson's wife, the famous "Lady Bird" (Phoenix Bird), always Birth & Rebirth.

In this event the cues were given through the wives: "JacquelINe" married Onassis who was also involved in the hit because in the mafia code of honor an important man who kills another important man has to marry the widow. (Also JFK's car right after the hit drove through TRINITY Pass at the end of Dealey Plaza and Oswald the patsy was later killed by RUBY ~ NIBYRU).

The Obamamania has origin in the Masonic lore, as "HIRAM ABIFF" represents Death and Rebirth; Obama is there because he enacts symbolically what they want him to:


The Masonic agenda of provoking Death and Rebirth is famously explained in their motto "Ordo Ab Chao" (Order Out of Chaos):


The axis-theme of "Hope" and "Change" has a corresponding key:


His previous Phoenix enacting figure Bush in Crawford - Texas:


The Pope gives the famous yearly "URBI ET ORBI" benediction:


Only this time approaching 2012, this crucial last Pope according to the prophecies of St. Malachy, is one RATZINGER, whose official chosen Pope name "BENEDICTUS" precisely points to that same benediction, all too clearly indicating Nibiru's time.

This is even more visibly represented atop the very "Cross of Jesus" with the sign "INRI", quite an obvious reference to NIBIRU:


"INRI" supposedly means "KING of the Jews", still carrying the NIBIRU prefix; it is all a Gematria representation of the Star or Planet of the Crossing NIBIRU; Jesus sheds RED blood and is clothed initially in a Scarlet robe; the sky turns red and darkens as a big unusual eclipse takes place; it’s all a pun of the Nibiru/Sun eclipse. He is given a beverage mixed with myrrh, an irrefutable reference to the "3 KINGS". The whole scene of the "Crucifixion" is self-evidently the 3 Pyramids and 3 Stars of Orion's Belt as the 3 Kings; it is the [TRINITY], pictured as the 3 crucified.

The Cloning of Barack Obama


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Apr 03, 2011 3:41 pm

Karmic Planetary Code Names ... names.html
While there have been a few disastrous end of civilizations in our far past on Earth (Atlantis, Lemuria, etc), the background of all these pertains to the great disappearance of PLANET MALDEK, positioned between Mars and Jupiter, where the asteroid belt now lies.

This is called the "Main Belt", as opposed to farther away zones such as the "Kuiper Belt" (where comets come from), in the Solar System.

It is quite unclear what really happened, but beyond any doubt, it had to do with what ancient traditions call the "War in the Heavens", i.e. galactic ET wars. Most “deeper accounts” speak of an incoming body known as NIBIRU, and this "Planet of the Crossing" as it is known, related directly to the disappearance of Planet Maldek (or Tiamat as it was called by Sumerians).

Others refer to a semi-parallel Earth planet in SIRIUS-B whose ice shield was taken out; Maldek humans were blamed and counterattacked incorrectly by the Sirians/Pleideians, who destroyed Maldek either by colliding one of Nibiru's moons into it or by trojanizing its leadership to enact internal nuclear wars, or both in succession. MALDEK was the original "Paradise" of legend the collision seems to have splintered-off a 'cleaved ball" -as the old Sumerians called it-, which became our current Earth (the giant hole still extant in part as the Pacific Ocean basin). The artificially built "Luna" of Maldek became our current Moon -scarred by craters as evidence of the catastrophe-, and as the Earth fragment was sent-off it razed Mars, taking out its atmosphere and water, and landing in between Venus & Mars, taking Venus place in the orbit for a while, then finally settling in Mars place n the orbit, where we currently are.

So Mars and Venus where terribly altered, and most of their resident human populations had resettled on present Earth. Some of this old terrible cosmic scenario was studied by famed Russian physicist Velikovsky and a lot of his facts have been slowly verified.

There are variations to this saga, but more or less, this is it. What we must contemplate carefully is how the Planetary Names contain the true Karmic Memory of these events. As some sources claim, 75% of human souls incarnating on our present Earth originate from former Maldek, and that Maldek had colonies on Venus & Mars.

So the names Nibiru "Planet of the Crossing", Maldek/Tiamat, Luna, Venus, and Mars should appropriately carry the Language Fractals of our Karmic Memory now receded deep into the Subconscious in our current state of collective Amnesia, caused by Devolution. Let's take a quick glance, at some of these planetary names within the context of "religious" traditions:

[NIBIRU = INRI + bu] [PLANET = pla + TEN] [CROSS]

We clearly see the Plan of the Ten Commandments, the Cross, the "INRI" sign on the Christian Cross as an all-too-obvious reference to Nibiru, and Jesus & Mary as also extremely obvious references to Venus & Mars.

But furthermore, if we apply the old Kabbalah method of Gematria in standard English (a=1, b=2, ... , z=26), we confirm the code:



The name [PLANET = PENTAL]. Indeed, the planet Venus describes a Pentagon in its orbit as seen from Earth.

The Knights Templars worshiped "Mary Magdalene" as symbol of Venus, and clearly knew about the Pentagon in the sky that Venus draws in its path. The term "Magdala" means TOWER. It was only as the Templars brought forth this secret knowledge that churches began sporting towers during/after the Crusades. Where did they get this ancient Karmic Memory Language from? Let's now look at the supposed "names" of our biblical first 'ancestors':

[ADAM = MADA] (Mars) "Man"
[EVE] (Venus ) "Voman/Woman"

The current English Language Template was implemented by the British (but not designed or created by them; this came from much higher and farther away), who conveniently encoded all their key national words:


But let's look once again at the term NIBIRU:


Employing Kabbalah's method of Notarikon, but shifted 1 space:

(+1): [BU] becomes [CV] ~ Vatican City

What about the name for "Earth", originally termed "Terra"? Where does "Terra" really come from? In the New-Age lingo the name “Tara” was used for the "Ascended Earth" in a higher vibration of dimension.

Wasn't the ORIGINAL EARTH the PLANET TIAMAT as Maldek was called by the Sumerians?

Aren't the first 5 Books of the Bible called the Pentateuch, and isn't the Hebrew Bible called the "TORAH"? Isn't "Solomon's TEMPLE" the best achievement of Hebrews?


"SOLOMON" is code for "SUN" ("Sol" is "Sun" in Latin & Spanish)

Let's look closer at "Terra", the ancient name for "Earth":

TERRA ~ [TERAH = EARTH] (rearrange the letters)

So "Torah" is an in-your-face code for "Terah"/Terra /Earth.

Let's explore further into the code:

[A ILLUMINATI = 1+119]

Where does the "LUNA" original name for "MOON", come from?

[NIBIRU LUMINA] (extract the first and last initials): "L.U.N.A."

Thus if the original name of one of Nibiru's Moon was "Lumina", and our Moon was named after it by using Notarikon code, then it perfectly fits in that the rulers of this present Earth might use for themselves the name "il-LUMINA-ti", as a code for the artificial Moon of Maldek that is our current Moon, as a Nibiru substation.

THIS WOULD EXPLAIN WHY OUR CURRENT MOON FOLLOWS AN ANOMALOUS CIRCULAR ORBIT and presents always the same face towards Earth, as well as has an apparent circumference identical to the Sun, as seen from Earth. This appears to be a stellar sky Construction of the VESICA PISCES, 2 circles intersecting at the points of their respective centers, which is staged in the sky at one moment during the Solar Eclipse. The Vesica Pisces, of course, is the only Compass geometrical construction of the Pentagon.

MOON SUN ~ "MS" ~ (MicroSoft) (Magic Square)
Magic Squares are mathematical "WatchTowers".
That's Not A Moon...It's A Space Station!
Jeff, earlier this year, David Icke visited the idea that the moon is not a heavenly body but that it is some sort of construct a hollowed out planetoid.

I let this idea sit for several months, but this morning decided to look into it a bit.

On of the things Icke mentioned something I had never considered is that what are the chances that the moon just happens to exactly cover the sun during an eclipse? (The odds are astronomical.)

I came across a 2006 interview with one of the authors of the book Who Built the Moon? (Christopher Knight and Alan Butler) who presents a few thoughts on this idea

NEW DAWN: All of mankind's visits to the Moon have not answered some of the most basic questions about its origin and importance. Your new book “Who Built the Moon?” brings to light some extraordinary facts about the Moon, and comes to a mind-blowing conclusion about its origin. Could you briefly outline some of these little known and ignored facts?

CHRISTOPHER KNIGHT: The Moon sits very close to the Earth yet it is widely regarded as the strangest object in the known universe.

The book lists the strangeness of the Moon, which includes the fact that it does not have a solid core like every other planetary object. It is either hollow or has a very low-density interior. Bizarrely, its concentration of mass is located at a series of points just under its surface which caused havoc with early lunar spacecraft.

The Moon is not only extremely odd in its construction; it also behaves in a way that is nothing less than miraculous. It is exactly four hundred times smaller than the Sun but four hundred times closer to the Earth so that both the Sun and the Moon appear to be precisely the same size in the sky which gives us the phenomenon we call a total eclipse. Whilst we take this for granted it has been called the biggest coincidence in the universe.

Furthermore, the Moon mirrors the movement of the Sun in the sky by rising and setting at the same point on the horizon as the Sun does at opposite solstices. For example, this means the Moon rises at midwinter at the same place the Sun does at midsummer. There is no logical reason why the Moon mimics the Sun in this way and it is only meaningful to a human standing on the Earth

ND: Your conclusion is there are more than enough anomalies about the Moon to suggest it is not a naturally occurring body and was quite possibly engineered to sustain life on Earth. How did you reach this conclusion?

CK: Not only is the Moon an apparently impossible object, it has some unique benefits for us humans. It has been nothing less than an incubator for life. If the Moon was not exactly the size, mass and distance that it has been at each stage of the Earth's evolution there would be no intelligent life here. Scientists are agreed that we owe everything to the Moon.

It acts as a stabilizer that holds our planet at just the right angle to produce the seasons and keep water liquid across most of the planet. Without our Moon the Earth would be as dead and solid as Venus.

David Icke relates, "I've found the Zulu legends to be the profoundly accurate in the way that they use symbolism to describes very profound scientific truths so, after I'd come up with all this stuff, I called Credo Mutwa, the Zulu shaman and the official historian for the Zulu nation and asked him to tell me what are the Zulu legends of the moon.

Credo Mutwa tells me that the Zulus believe that the moon comes from far, far away and it was hollowed out like the yolk taken out of an egg and it was rolled across the heavens by two reptilian entities, which he gives Zulu names for.

But when he describes these entities, they are a mirror of Enki and Enlil, the supposed leaders of the Anunnaki described in the Sumerian tablets from what we now call Iraq going back thousands of years.

He also went onto say that the Reptilians, Chitaulis he calls them, warned people that if they didn't do as they said, they would move the moon and cause devastation."
The Moon Matrix

OTO Report Interview with David Icke ... re=related


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Apr 03, 2011 4:59 pm

It has long been known that the name for the creator gods ALHIM in the Book of Genesis in the Bible (most deliberately incorrectly translated as a single "God") contains the code of the Number Pi; using the Hebrew kabbalah table above, you get the number "31415", which is often in kabbalah arranged within a 5x5 Magic Square.

So this "H" letter is exceptional and alternate, implying its use in the other name of "God" as YHWH (usually rendered Jehovah or Yahweh), as a repeat letter it is also of an exceptional or alternate characteristic; some researchers have pointed out the 2nd "H" in YHWH is there only to conceal the true letter which some render as "G" (because this name-formula contained the secret to the genetic code of 'the gods' as applied to human creation). In that case the true concealed name-formula was YGWH.

In the Gospel of John 21:1 the No. 153 symbolizes the Resurrection, whereas here in Genesis it is embedded in the ALHIM code name for the gods of Creation. The Masons call the deity "The Great Architect", because they knew that there is a secret of Geometric construction involved in Creation, but the present article will show you that the ultimate secret is the Genetic Cloning of Woman in the genetic image of the hybrid Nephilim but using the DNA of Man which somehow involves a yet to be discovered Pi code Number in the Human Genome as well as the Number 153; science is getting closer to the ultimate secret, since it has already established the definite number of PHI (the Golden mean section) in the DNA group divisions within the Human genome.

While the YHWH name-formula is a 4-letter genetic grid, the ALHIM name-formula is a 5-letter genetic grid (which corresponds to the Human Genome formed of 4-letters that science labeled "ACTG"); it appears as if the 5-letter genetic grid corresponds to the Nephilim of old, the hybrids that are the missing link between "the gods" and the later humans as we now are; in that logic, the gods would exhibit a 6-letter genetic grid. Thus by revealing merely a 5-letter genetic grid for the ALHIM, the secret of their 6-letter grid is not revealed and is thus concealed; in other words, all that is revealed is all things relating to the Nephilim, and up to that point only in the evolutionary ladder ("Jacob's Ladder").

Analogously, the relationship between the 5-letter ALHIM name formula and the 4-letter YHWH (or YGWH if that is the case) is kept secret; thus how you transfer codes from a 5-grid to a 4-grid in both linguistic and genetic terms is kept absolutely hidden.

In this respect it is of crucial importance to realize that all these number of letters transfers from 4-grid to 5-grid to 6-grid are fractals of a dimensional conversion; you can clearly witness how the 4D HyperCube becomes a 3D figure in the shape of a Cube, and a 2D figure in the shape of a Hexagon or "Star of David". This particular Confluence of Dimensional Shapes is widely known as "Metatron's Cube" in Sacred Geometry while the 4D HyperCube itself is called a "Tesseract".

It becomes a bit evident after getting to know these things that the whole symbology of the "Jesus and the 12 Apostles" is actually a hidden reference to this HyperCube in its transfer from 2D to 3D to 4D. All these symbols and allegories were the way the Geometric Patterns and Key Fractals operate within Dimensional Conversions, all secret wisdom of an ancient extant lost science hidden in plain sight in the form of stories and characters.

If you read the 2 links regarding the Nephilim you know they are defined essentially as a Hybrid race of the gods, a crossbreed of humans and the so-called gods; then as to how this "harmonization" or "compatibility" ("embeddability") of both DNAs was achieved is evident in the PHI reference through the use of the Golden Mean section; thus when they applied Golden Mean harmonics to the DNA, they were able to "crossbreed" these different species or "embed" one's DNA onto the other. So the trick, it appears, was how to properly braid the PHI / Golden Section into the Woman's DNA; that this is a very deep secret can be traced when we do the Standard English Gematria.

In my "Key No. 153" older article, I exposed the nature of a higher 4D or 5D "Synchronic Language" that from our less evolved 3D perspective would come to us from the more evolved Future instead of from the past as the normal "white noise" of the meaningless type of utilitarian language does (deprived of Synchronicity and Concordant Resonance), crossing time and space --ubiquitous in the Ether-- to synchronize apparently distantly unrelated words and names operating as a sort of "magnetic informatics" where all things pertaining to a Thread of Consciousness are part of a Linguistic Branch no matter what point of Space/Time they manifest in. Gematria then is nothing more that the sheer awareness and the study of the Synchronic hyper-dimensional Nature of Language as Originator of Reality (whereas the other devolved linear-sequential historically developed language is akin to a random "white noise" strata that possesses no resonance). Those higher Synchronic Linguistic Threads were known in the far past and symbolized as Branches on the Tree of life; this Tree of Life is a Living Organic Software informing the inner data of all things and beings according to their position in it where all things and beings in one "branch" share the same Language or Informatics Code which is akin to how Genetics works.

You can witness the word "ONE" used as a secret code for "CLONE" and "BONE" (and the Skull and Bones secret society has the Skull representing the Female circle as the Bones represent the male line, the Bones forming a Cross, so the Cross symbol has a secret Genetic Cross-Breed meaning as well). But the exact "Rib" code is the etheric origin of the "BRIT" root, which in the Bible was preserved as the allegorical figure of "ABRAHAM/IBRAHIM", the Patriarch whose offspring became the "chosen" people according to the story:

It seems to me that the emblematic letter "G" of "God", of "Geometry", of "Gematria", of "Garden", of "GolGotha", Genital, etc, is a symbol for the above Vesica Pisces construction, the "G" is a Circle that's being opened, representing Dimensional Transfer.

In the figure taken from this masonic website link, you see the Height of the Vesica Pisces is No. 153, and its Width is No. 265. This is why every religious mystery is linked to this Golden Mean or Vesica Pisces which is disguised as an outer cult of "fertility" when it is much more than just that. This is the mythical "Vulva", or "Venus", the "Sacred Pentagram", the "Virgin Mother". These were symbols utilized to convey the hidden science of Genetic Crossbreeding on an inter-planetary or even inter-stellar context between different species, applying a still to be discovered embedding of both Numbers of Pi and PHI as well as the implicit Number 153.

When the term "Virgin" was used, it simply meant the moment in the Cross-Breeding programme of Cloning that happens at lab level prior to the resulting reproduction- capable offspring via normal sexual intercourse. So there was a "prior phase" of Creation of Humans when sex was not yet the reproductive mode, perhaps a phase of Hermaphrodites or the like, before lowering down the harmonics of existence to the gross "strictly 3D density" we experience today, defined by extreme Bi-Polarity, the sexual genders a fractal of the same. This might explain why the Bible describes first Man as being alone, while later the gods created Woman from his Rib to give him company; in the previous phase man only ate fruits, while after Woman was created the narrative describes an Exile from this Garden of Eden where both Man and Woman entered a new devolved and lower reality subject to an Energy Imbalance that resulted in the need to eat animals (the “animal eats animal law” of this energy deprived 3D-Matrix).

That this Vesica Pisces was central to the second aspect of the Creation of Woman is extremely obvious and this Cloning process is at the core of most religions. Early Christianity did not hold the Cross as its icon; this appeared after Emperor Constantine’s "Chi-Rho Sign" when he officially launched Christianity, the Cross becoming an icon around the 3rd century, while the Crucifix itself as such even much later. The original Christian icon was the FISH, used with the Greek name for fish "ICHTHUS"; this Ichthus was both written in letters as well as more often just drawn as a fish symbol, in the form of the VESICA PISCES. The reason this was the original symbol is evident; the cult of the fertility "Mother Goddesses" was rampant in those days, the idol of the Sacred Vulva portrayed in the Vesica Pisces was the key to the "Virgin" worship, fundamental to the mysteries of the Temple Prostitutes, such as the Vestal Virgins with whom men had intercourse to cleanse their souls leaving an offer behind to help tend for the Temple thus conceived as a form of a "Sacred Brothel". Such ancient background to Christianity was "erased" from public knowledge, and it took until the year 1476 to establish the Feast of Immaculate Conception in the Church, while only as late as the year 1864 the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception was launched basically after all of this had been conveniently forgotten and excised from religious history or even just historical knowledge.

All this religious hocus-pocus was only the cover for a totally different theme of inter-planetary or inter-stellar Hybridization programs that lie at the history of the Origin of Man but especially Woman on this planet; for any serious researcher on the Vesica Pisces and the Golden Mean section is fully aware that the "Sacred Vulva" is actually a Star Gate Portal into/from other dimensions, or what in physics is called a Wormhole, only the Vesica Pisces is a fractal symbol of an "Organic Wormhole". Thus we get the organic fractal of humans entering this devolved and lower 3D-Matrix via the vulva -the vagina at birth- in full resonance to the previous archetypal events (what we might here call the so-called Exile from Eden via a star gate portal or organic wormhole, guarded by none other than a Cherubim). Thus not being "expelled" from the Vulva secretly implied not being expelled from higher dimensions (or planets) yet only incarnating here by Free Will to be an Avatar figure. This 3D-Planet then secretly was considered an Exile-Planet; the Cloning of Woman was essential to the status of the place as such and the birth via the Vulva/Vagina the method of being expelled from "Paradise" unto this Matrix for everyone else after the "first couple". That's how the narrative of Genesis truly reads when all the significant aspects are factored in properly.

That the NEPHILIM and the PHIMALE were an integral reason for this exile is at the core of these religious cults derived from secret very ancient knowledge not available to the public but only to the very few on top who acted and still act accordingly; the Nephilim were the first ancient Hybrids and here in this word precisely we see the full meaning of "Rib".

That the Cross-Breed genetic underpinning of it all is well known to the elites controlling the public religions is also self evident. At St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican outside in the Piazza there is an Oval colonnade representing the Vulva, with an Obelisk actually brought from the old Egyptian city of Heliopolis symbolizing the Penis; this represents the external or physical sexual aspect. While as you walk into the church under the Dome (Womb) there sits the altar known as the "Baldaquino" consisting of 4 helicoidal semi-black bronze pillars quite obviously representing the Human DNA helixes, whereby instead of the 2-Strands of DNA that define the present devolved human genetics, the Baldaquino in giant size shows 4 pillars indicating the re-acquisition of 4-Strand DNA (out of an ideal 12-Strands, symbolized as the "Lost Tribes of Israel"). These 4 "Jacob's Ladders" are eerily at the most sacred ritual spot in Christianity; while the name Baldaquino refers to a 5-sided figure (Quino), thus representing the above human ALHIM 5-letter grid genetic code engineered into the ancient Nephilim.

In the founding figure of the Merovingian dynasty approximately in the year 500 we find the legend that Merovech was a hybrid human offspring of a woman and a Quinotaur. It’s the same secret notions but different forms; the Crusades were fought to recover Jerusalem and give the Merovingian dynasty its "true kingdom" in that region of Jerusalem. Of course this legend was created to instill the notion that the then new European royalty was "divine" in origin; a similar strategy was pursued in the fabricated legend that "Mary Magdalen" landed in France around the Renees Le Chateau area carrying the "offspring of Jesus" in order to once again imply that these descendants became the monarchs of Europe, thereby being of Jesus bloodline, i.e. of "divine" lineage.

What is denied, of course, is the knowledge of all these things I am presenting here is the way they see them in secret; that there was a Devolution, that the Ascension consists of a Re-Evolution, all of it 100% genetic. In other words one religion for the masses, quite another for the secret elite who are aware of some aspects of the ancient events and interplanetary or inter-stellar agendas effected on this planet that led to the destruction of much more advanced now extinct civilizations. By holding these scattered bits and fragments of preserved science, they thus hold Power! Knowledge equals Power, that is.

It is quite well known amongst some 'less traveled' circles, that the number PI has been encoded in scriptures and religion; this is almost “vox populi” today, but admitting it would open the entire topic leading to all the rest of the former civilizations' scientific extant pieces that were encoded and preserved secretly under the cover or religions. You look at the very Book of Revelation, the last in the Bible; officially it is supposed to have been written in a tiny island in the Dodecanese Sea in the Aegean called "Patmos Island"; yet it is extremely obvious this name is merely an almost overt code for "PI".

The "Dodecanese" on the other hand is a direct and explicit reference to the ancient Atlantis Dodeca Grid, the energy grid resonating at a harmonic realm between 3D and 4D that provided a Manifested Reality of higher degree and which was the real "Garden of Eden" or "Paradise" alluded in symbols. Its name also encodes our computer/internet Information Age as well as being a precursor of the re-establishment or re-activation of the shut-off Atlantean Dodeca Grid that acted as a wireless Organic Etheric Internet, a sort of universal morphogenetic informational field. Since Atlantis was referred to us as in the form of an "Island", then Patmos Island is a code for it, albeit an obvious one, as even the letters of "Atlantis" can be found in "Patmos Island".

The Book of Revelations clearly revolves around the Cloning theme, only secretly so. Another reason why the small Island of Patmos was chosen to be the supposed origin of the Book of Revelations is that the islands in the Aegean above Crete have been for a really long time suspected of Genetic-Engineering experiments approximately 6000 years ago.

Here is the bottom line issue that perhaps you have completely missed so far: what is the reason for enacting inter-planetary or inter-stellar or even better... inter-dimensional Cloning agendas?

If you live in a certain dimensional-bubble kind of world, more specifically within an energy depleted realm, then by "creating" Cloned species as a "DNA Image" of your own species, you are actually creating organic Energy Containers whose sole reason for existence is to be your very own Etheric Kundalini producers with you as the harvester of course.

In such a science fiction scenario, a higher dimensionally and advanced yet devolving species (the "fallen angels" myths come to mind) would urgently need "Double-Clones" in different dimensional lower 3D realms to extract continually throughout their limited lifetimes the gravely needed Etheric Kundalini; it dramatically helps that the "doubles" be clones of your own specific DNA or close to it to properly "link to" their Silver-Chord chakra Etheric extensions.

Thus there is the theme of Vulva WormHole Portals; as you may know the Sexual Chakra is the lowest, and from where the Kundalini originates as it climbs up the spine through the other chakras. In this science-fiction (or is it?) scenario the period of fetal growth inside the womb connected via an Umbilical Chord, COULD BE THE PREPARATION FOR THE REST OF THE ETHERIC SILVER-CHORD EXISTENCE INVISIBLE TO THE MATERIAL EYE SIGHT throughout your entire life; that is The Kundalini energy chords, just like the umbilical chord of the fetus but in Reverse-Direction with you feeding your energy to the host in 4D in a series of "parallel dimensional realities". Call it Phantom Predators, the DNA exact image of which you yourself were created and formed to be etheric food for.

It reminds one of another well known eerie linguistic fact, that the word "LOVE" in reverse is "EVOL" which is pronounced as "Evil". Is all this perhaps because the English language or some words within it may have been hijacked by negative beings, or rather that the ENTIRE REALITY as we live and experience it could have been not just hijacked but indeed created and designed specifically under a double-pun Negative Gematria imprint for kundalini extraction psychic template purposes?

It is only up to you to ponder if any of this means what it appears to mean. Like in the film "The Matrix" perhaps it all is upside down in the sense of being "normal" and it is all a Great Illusion but with a deliberate and highly focused etheric intent of stealing constantly your Kundalini energies through all kinds of dramatic-imprint manners. In some of the films the clones are conceived as replacements for body parts of the "originals"; but could a clone production agenda be not for body parts replacement but only for etheric energy replacement.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Apr 03, 2011 5:21 pm

Illuminati Matrix
Prepare yourself – the conclusions herein are troubling. Once we absorb this information, another question will present itself: What to do about the illuminati cabal – the luciferian mind – and its agenda of manipulation? The answer will become self-evident. The illuminati are mindful of its final moments to realize its goal. That goal is total control of our eternal wisdom state through a new world order, a new age of reason, designed to manifest itself through the 3 dimensional experience we call life. The new world order has long been established, but a subliminal hex must be cast over humanity, convincing us once and for all the 3D scenario is legit, that the 3 dimensional life experience is actually REAL. This luciferian mindset is convinced of success. However, it has failed.

We now know what the scenario really consists of, how it was perpetuated using the illusory manifestation known as humanity, and most importantly, how to end the illusion.

The luciferian egregore group of thinkers manipulates the illuminati pyramid through a process of hypnotic mind control, know as kabbalism. The world is deceived by their manipulation, thereby generating fear and hypnosis, in much the same manner as they, themselves, have been manipulated into being pawns for the luciferian MINDSET. The luciferian / illuminati mindset feeds insatiably on this fear.

However, all the organizations and world systems are only the tip of the iceberg, and are a decoy to throw everyone off the trail of what is really happening, and what will happen over the next few years, and most importantly, who and what is at the top of the pyramid and beyond. This site will explain and show in great detail, the luciferian god that conjured up the whole illusory experience known as the 3 dimensional world.

This dialogue won’t be at all scientific. In fact what is put forward will actually show what a sham science is. Examples of sound/word/shape association will be given many times in the pages that follow.

Homonyms, and letter/word shapes have particular significance to the luciferian thinkers of the world. Sounds, shapes and colour, and the endless combinations of these are the arsenal of the ancient, magic-based religions. Neuro-linguistic programming, subliminal messaging, symbolism, reverse symbolism, reverse speech patterns, and the like, have been used to implant the luciferian agenda into the world system. This is their weapon and tool and the agenda will be exposed in the pages ahead.

Here is one such example. Science can be looked upon as Seance. Seance is communication with the dead spirit or occult mind/hidden mind with a particular purpose. The source of science, religion, and magic is one and the same – the luciferian mind.

The chart below is a symbolic illustration representing a beam of light. It has no scientific value whatsoever, as there is no element with 3 electrons, 1 proton and 1 neutron.

However, it is the most powerful symbol in the world, for every symbol, element, and physical 3D representation, including the illusory concepts of the soul and spirit, are found within this diagram.

A beam of light passing through a prism creates a rainbow of colour. When this rainbow is placed on a 2 dimensional plane, and in the shape of a colour wheel (the colour wheel is basically a round rainbow), three primary colours are revealed.

Note that the red, yellow and blue appear at 120 degree intervals on the colour wheel.
120 degrees is 10 x 12. These 2 Tables of Multiples, 10X and 12X comprise the 2 major systems used to create religion, science and magic. These 2 tables are found symbolically in the Hebrew Temple.

The occult mind, or the mind that chooses to remain hidden and in secret, must keep the relationship regarding the 120 degree interval intact as it establishes its scenario, or lays its foundation. However, once established it will distort to achieve its goals, and at the same time avoid detection. Without this original foundation to establish the illusory deception, the number system needed to manipulate humanity would collapse, and would have no validity whatsoever. In other words, we would be immune to hidden occult trickery. The 120 degree intervals on the colour wheel are the basis for geometric, mathematical, astrological, numerological and chemical formulae that are the foundation of the 3 dimensional experience.

The three – 120 degree intervals – total 360 degrees. Each degree is supposed to represent a day. After 360 days the earth is supposed to have travelled around the sun. This 360 degree circuit around the sun is the source of the 360-degree circle that religion and science are based on. In actuality, the earth takes 365 and 1/4 days and a couple of minutes and a few seconds to go around the sun. This clumsy number, which actually has an infinite decimal, would never allow any precise formulae to be concocted.

Therefore, the circuit around the sun is rounded down on the zodiac circle (light beam chart) to 360 degrees/days. When applied to mathematical equations, Natural Pi is rounded down to 3 or 3.14. The Golden Ratio, or Golden Mean, is rounded down to 1.61. This is deliberately done so the natural course of creation, created by the luciferian group mind, would conflict with the unnatural systems of the physical world. The luciferian mind is the creator of the world we see, and is the same mind that comprises the world systems to conflict with the natural creation. Therefore everything corrupts or is corrupted. Everything exists beneath the dome of duality and the illusory death experience.

The chart immediately below offers insight into the mind of lucifer. This group of entities, the mind of lucifer, plays the dual role of supreme god and devil. This is the duality evident in creation; however, the duality does not have a good and righteous god. There is one delusional thought form behind everything; that is the luciferian egregore group mindset. Humanity is not corrupt, not sinful, not going to hell, for hell doesn’t exist. We don’t really experience death. This thing called death is only part of the hypnotic trance. We’re convinced we’re dying because the physical body appears to separate from what appears to be our spirit. Contrary to dying, we are returning to our original state of wisdom, free of 3D interference to deceive any further. In “death” we actually reclaim our eternal state of wisdom. The big deception in all this is that our physical body is an illusion. This includes the mind, the spirit, and the illusory soul. The physical body, made of atoms, has no physical mass at all. The atoms whirl about at incredible speed, creating the illusion of mass.

The numbers on the 360 degree/day circle are further simplified in the 12 months of the year. Here is another misrepresentation, as there are actually 13 – 28 day months, or moons, each year. The numbers used to represent these 360 days/12 months are the numbers from 0 to 9, and combinations of these numbers. The numbers themselves are individually flawed because they are the measuring device used to create the flawed, rounded down system. Ultimately any formulae or equation developed is flawed, or rounded down, and is without accuracy or true scientific validity. Science is indoctrination in learned knowledge, which in turn is manufactured knowledge, based on concepts originating with the luciferian egregore THOUGHT PROCESS, which is the illusory 3D world system. Science / seance is the basis of all secret society lunacy. Science / seance is religion cloaked in intellectual lunacy.

A light beam, refracted to form colours, when connected to the thought of a specific shape, actually forms the illusory shape conceived. The shape isn’t really there, only the illusion of the shape. The light beam, when divided, forms the atom symbol when observed in 2 dimensions. But how could the ancient mystics possibly have knowledge of the atom 6,000 years ago? There were no microscopes. The answer is, they saw this up close and first hand. They were in the presence of light energy at its origin, when it was first conceived or conjured forth. The luciferian group mind did everything. These THOUGHT FORM entities created this illusory light by just thinking it. The light bringer, lucifer, thereby created colour, shape and sound. The luciferian group mindset is the creator of heaven and earth, the light bearer, or more accurately, the divider of light and creator of duality.

As light passes through a crystal, it is refracted into a rainbow. This is the origin of the term, christ. The luciferian egregore group of thinking entities is the father god, the creator of LIGHT or LIES, and their saviour is the crystal, the light of the world, the messianic christ-all, that convinces us the 3D illusion is real.

This mystical information is known as kabbalism (cabbalism) which has been passed on to the luciferian pawns, the illuminati elite power brokers, but with a slight twist, THE ILLUMINATI ELITE ARE ALSO UNAWARE OF THE INFORMATION YOU’LL NOW READ ON THIS SIGHT if you so choose. The rulers of ancient Sumer/Babylon were the first to receive the knowledge of kabbalism. These leaders laid claim to the divine right of kings to rule. In other words, some god gave them the right to be royal or chosen. The word ROYAL, especially the first 2 letters, RO, appear often in tracking the luciferian thought process. RO is the source of the word Royal. To become ROYAL, one must RISE ABOVE ALL. This Royal Rise is the Rose, the Order of the Rose that rules the world through hypnotic suggestion. In the word ROYAL, a very major subliminal message is implanted and completely undetected.

These chosen people of Babylon became known as god’s chosen people and, through a series of mythical maneuverings throughout these illusory ages, with countless conjured up ‘god stories’, the ultimate favoured nation of the luciferian lord became known as the Israelites. Remember though, it was only the rulers of the empire who laid claim to the divine right to rule. They in turn adopted a group (common Babylonians) to manipulate via the sharing of kabbalistic knowledge. Thus the shaman/priest was anointed and religion was established. Even today, many Jewish people still practise kabbalism as part of their faith. However, it’s not only in Judaism that one sees the kabbalistic principles applied (kabbalism is sun god or light worship). Christianity is also kabbalism, as is Islam and every form of religion in the world, including atheism. Different names, rituals and holy days have been applied, but the worship of a supreme being, the LIGHT, is the ultimate dogma. That supreme being is the light bringer, luciferian egregore, the conjuring group creator, who in turn are the kabbalistic group of thinking entities.

As the centuries slid by kabbalism was employed by many other groups. Eventually it was passed into the hands of the Christian Roman Catholic Church and the Society of Jesuits. The Knights Templar (the Christian Crusaders) also laid claim to this knowledge around 1000 AD, which morphed into the Secret Society of Freemasonry as well as other Secret Societies today. The mystic knowledge is passed on to whoever is appointed to further the luciferian agenda, which agenda is, the intellectual learned knowledge of the 3 dimensional illusion. Learned knowledge is kabbalistic mind control through hypnotic repetitious indoctrination, be it religious or scientific in its make up.

The creation of the number system was a crucial first step to global manipulation, and for that matter, global creation. In freemasonry, as well as in occultism, numbers are sacred. SACRED GEOMETRY is the number system presented as religion. This is the significance of the freemasonry symbol – the compass and square. This is the 6 pointed star, and is from a Christian CROSS, or a SWASTIKA, and basically, it includes every religious symbol within its form in one fashion or another. Freemasons are not obsessed with the construction of physical buildings, just for the sake of building a building. Freemasons, and the INTELLECTUALIZED world as a whole, are fulfilling the agenda of the great god and architect of the universe, and to this end, apply the principles of their sacred geometry. To a freemason, an ANGLE is an ANGEL. Their black and white tiled floors express the duality of the luciferian GROUP king. To these checkerboard patterns, they also attribute numbers forming the holy sacred cubes and the magic squares.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Apr 03, 2011 9:24 pm

3 Pillars & Twin stairwells ... -part.html
I have in many previous posts, written about the Trinity fractal operating behind the scenes in most defining historical and/or theological/esoteric issues, from the 3 stars of Orion's Belt, to the 3 pyramids of Giza in Egypt, to the emblematic INRI sign of the Cross acting as thinly disguised cipher for both "TRINITY" and "NIBIRU".

Emperor Constantine syncretized many extant cults into a "one single religion" now called Christianity in order to extend the shelf-life of the elites in power for the next few millennia as the Roman Empire was fragmenting and collapsing during the 3rd century AD; we know about the syncretism of the Old and New Testaments (Judaism and Christianity), but most are fully unaware of the embedded syncretisms from the Sumerian sources, to the Egyptian and Phoenician, and most importantly to the Greek-Egyptian sources which are actually the very text of the entire New Testament itself (written entirely in Koine Greek).

Both the Judaic (through Kabbalah) and the Greek "Chrystos" mystery school sources (through Greek Gematria) abscond a much deeper Cipher-Codes theme than the usual "Solar Deity" and "Archeo-Zodiacal" angles so well known today.

These 'other' themes run at a much deeper layer of comprehension and involve linguistic operations in a 4-Dimensional structure realm, way beyond the linear-sequential 3D logic, anchored in a previous more advanced knowledge of the harmonic/Resonant/Fractal nature of multi-dimensional reality; I have consistently exposed that previous advanced interplanetary/interstellar civilizations either existed fully on Earth or had "colonies" interacting with the Earth's inhabitants, and when these collapsed or "went under" the fragments of these more advanced multi-dimensional sciences were scattered pieces and integrated into "cults" of esoteric/religious traditions that is the backbone of most philosophy & religion to this day.

Under this scenario, either the entire Earth or some of its leading inhabitants, WENT THROUGH DEVOLUTION, and this is what is universally known as "The Fall" in so many mystic traditions. Since then, the agenda has been to REBUILD THE TEMPLATE, i.e. both in the bio-magnetic DNA genome of the angelic-human and the body of knowledge and science in general (and the technologies involved). This has been symbolized as "The Temple".

However, what became of Earth and its peoples is not a 'neutral ground'; quite the contrary, since then some elites who have lost the source have aligned themselves with negative aliens, in order to gain the most advantage of the chaos that followed.

Thus since then, we have a grave situation whereby the majority of devolved humans, exhibit violent and territorial tendencies while the majority of the devolved elites also show the same traits; any enlightened human on his/her way of regaining and reassembling the angelic DNA Template is all but squeezed between this two powerful forces from the bottom, and from the top. The elites trying to protect themselves from the now common brute, developed intricate systems of SECRECY, to "HOARD & HIDE" each piece of crucial knowledge, while at the same sought to preserve them embedded in the various mythical symbols, through esoteric rituals and the like, and usually through religions, even through secular folk tales and so forth, even in political mythology.

This is the actual origin of the various CIPHER methods, be it in the Kabbalah or the Greek Gematria traditions that are the true meaning behind the external symbolic trappings of the Old and New Testament narratives respectively. Of course there were many more pieces of scattered ancient more advanced knowledge hidden in many more places beyond this. It would not be until the 1200's that we would regain once again the knowledge of the arithmetical numbers; we were for more than a millennia, using the Roman Numerals, which are really not suited for arithmetic, and until Fibonacci brought back to Europe the lost ancient knowledge of numbers 1 to 9 and later 0 from the Hindus and the Arabs, we were stranded in the Dark Ages. Fibonacci also brought from Egypt the ancient wisdom of the Golden Mean as the backbone structure of Nature itself. These were some scattered pieces of the lost Template that had not been absconded in the "Bible" so they had no trouble declassifying them again.

On the other hand, all those things that had been carefully embedded in esoteric and religious cover-carriers, even to this day have a hard time getting declassified; they still operate within the prevalent membership of secrecy circles. The present elites profit from this state of affairs by offering 5-Senses Science and Technology to the masses and hoarding for themselves the rest of the multi-dimensional scattered pieces of information, or hiding the alien ET partnerships relevant to all this knowledge and applications.

I have in previous posts shown that this last book of the "Bible" is not what people take it to be; it is a CIPHER TEXT transmitting the agenda to enact the instruction manual, so to speak, not a "Prophecy" per se.

The Reassembly and Reconstruction of Atlantis is the SECRET CODE OF THE ENTIRE BIBLE disguised under the "Redemption" symbol. "The Fall" of Man and the entire Earth Devolution was intended to end and Evolution enacted again to recover the original potential DNA of 12-Strands (12 Tribes, 12 Apostles, 12 Knights, 12 Zodiac Signs, etc), and "BE BORN" once again into the original multi-dimensional universe and nature; the 12 Zodiac Signs are there to preserve the knowledge that we are all STAR-SEED DNA's, that each strand has a different stellar ET origin.

This Recovery Process is riddled with many dangers as the old reptilian hybrid elites do not seek to let go of their power structure and are wary of the entire human race bent on re-entering the MultiVerse once again; humans are regarded as extremely unstable and dangerous from their point of view. Never mind that these same hybrids are even more unstable and dangerous! So it is one big complex bi-polar mess.

The reacquired powers of near-immortality are not to be given away to devolved humans so easily; we have to sort the good apples from the rotten apples; much of what's now presently transpiring happens as it is, to allow humans to WORK THIS OUT almost all by ourselves (thus the defining trait is not sit it out and just dream believing that some supreme god will do for you; you have to do by yourself).

A crucial aspect of this struggle is to gradually abandon the BIPOLAR MODE of Consciousness rooted in the Body-Computer identifying the Ego as the "Self", thus opposing all non-belongers to my Body-Computer Hive-Mind, as "them" who need be eradicated. On the other hand we have a very bland and deceitful modality of calling all the same, all equal, as if there is anything "equal" in nature; this perpetuates the status quo of Devolution, just the same as the previous war mode reinforces it. It's neither about the Body-Computer Hive-Mind groups enforcing themselves upon all others, nor about a fictitious "equality" of all and everyone. Both are powerful deceptions that entrap humanity.

So yes of course, we indeed are living under a system best termed a CRYPTOCRACY. But who is really in charge of this full cryptogram enacted as "reality" here? Is it the Knights Templar; is it the so called illuminati; is it a vast computer as in The Matrix?

What you are learning here is that in multi-dimensional science, all is Harmonic/Resonant/Fractal; even the very names and numbers are especially so in much the same way that language itself is an "Etheric" or "Vibrational" way of TRANSFERRING ENERGY FROM ONE TO ANOTHER.

In the case exposed here, the signature of the Gematria energies in the JFK assasination, are transferred to his nemesis in the Windsor dynasty via this carefully enacted "Killing of the King" ritual, pre-planned many decades in advance up to the detail of each name involved and so forth. And the same case is to be made as to the 911 event; this is one way the ATLANTEAN PRIESTHOOD keeps maintaining its power-grip in this realm through high-energy Rituals of Transference of Psionic Energy.

You are given a linear-sequential 3D inferior 5-Senses science while they in secret utilize a much more powerful 6-Senses hidden multi-dimensional science, effectively performing very real Black Magic in large scale with your own individual mind acting as the "Collective Unconscious RAM Processor" unit (as you read and repeat the names involved). But this is merely one angle -- the Neuro-Linguistic Psionic science utilized in a negative way for vampiric energy transference purposes.

The question is: are "The illuminati" these same "Atlantean Priesthood" puppet-masters using more advanced Multi-Verse science, operating though selected hybrids, and some specific dynasties? We can use the example above of 911 to exact a relationship that the announcement of the "Y2K" bug, was in fact an announcement of the 911 event, as the moment when the "New Atlantis" comes forth as a New Dawn of mankind, only to be hijacked by the usual suspects once again, as it was in the times of Atlantis, the reason for its cataclysmic disappearance.

In other words we are indeed just about to engage in a Re-Evolution where the human genome once again can be assembled to be perfected in a larger number of strands; diseases can be identified and corrected, and a new more advanced science can yield near-immortality and higher powers. Yet a tiny few are conspiring to hijack this process for their own advantage and "ownership" as it were, in alliance with a few negative alien ET forces because they intend to merely hybridize a few new human-forms in their own DNA image while excluding other more angelic human-forms rendering possible only those incarnations that have them as a "soul-carrier" of the Body, thus excluding all other possible incarnations.

These few usual suspects have a grand plan of a few new hybrid human forms for them to incarnate in and a perpetually devolved mass of humans to be their servants and organ donors. I am of the opinion the "3 PILLARS" means to them a new DNA of a standard "3 STRANDS" instead of the 2 Strands currently the norm in humans. The symbolism of the Jacques De Molay tomb is the Knights Templar symbolism for the old "Jacob's Ladder", a figure of the spiral DNA viewed on side elevation; this is what the "TWIN STAIRWELL" & "3 PILLARS" mean. They were as Knight Templars, the preservers of the MEROVINGIAN blood line, which was a HYBRID DNA intended to be part human, part ET of certain reptilian source. For this ancestry to become the RULERS OF THIS EARTH realm, they needed to propel it into positions of power well into the 20th century, when the advent of the new GENETIC SCIENCE would provide THEM ONLY and no one else, with the NEW 3-STRAND DNA, conferring them with more powers than the average human 2-Strand DNA.

The entire "Bible" is nothing more than the hidden secret wisdom of these scattered bits and pieces of fragmentary clues of knowledge on BIO-GENETIC SCIENCE, extant from the previous Lemuria and Atlantis civilizations disguised under fable narratives intended to convey to the very few hybrids the real meaning so that when the proper time came, when the PLANET OF THE CROSSING, Nibiru, came by again, these hybrid dynasties would wisely control all power here on Earth, and would be the only ones to hold in their hands the 'KEYS TO GENETIC ASCENSION".

Genetic Ascension is the true hidden and encrypted science behind the "Bible" narratives; the term "illuminati" came to be at a time when this was becoming a very near event to identify those who would be the recipients of this Genetic Ascension via new technologies. Thus in 1776 a puppet figure named Adam Weishaupt in Bavaria-Germany, was "publicly" positioned to "create" the Order of the Illuminati, but this was a sheer public announcement ploy just meant to signal the near-time of the agenda.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Apr 05, 2011 7:15 am

3 Pillars & Twin stairwells -Part B ... art-b.html
What happens is that certain elites have effected a hoarding process by keeping all multi-dimensional and 6-Senses knowledge for themselves, while feeding you the contrary view of strictly 3D material and linear-sequential logic, the so-called 5-Senses Science, "this reality is all there is" false knowledge. They in turn secretly utilize to their advantage all the etheric sciences they can get hold of, Gematria/Numerology prominently so; thus some have chosen numbers like 144, or 153, or (1)492, or 1776, etc, to "charge" their ventures with a winning energy.

The word "Illuminati" as noted before, carries a clear imprint of the 3-Pillars symbol, viewed or written as "III uminati"/"111 uminati", being in effect a Templar cipher (a ref to the Jacques DeMolay tomb); the remaining expression "uminati" also specifically addresses the Knights Templar, unmistakably so as they had a unique constitution called "Militia Dei", that allowed them independence from any bishop
or parish, having to answer only directly to the Pope.

Jacques DeMolay was ritually inflicted with same wounds as the archetypal Christ figure, on purpose; it was a reaffirmation of the fable, a re-living of it; that was to create the now called "Shroud of Turin" myth.

The obvious occult riddle, that Jesus did not literally exist, and the archetype has to be "enacted" as a "ritual" to be preserved as such because the meaning is Astro-Zodiacal, the Christ as the "Sun of God", the Helios, in a clear Egyptian mode. Therefore the term "illuminati" was chosen in reference to this SUN as such, to match the all winning powers of the Triple-Triangular number "1776", in this manner when using Roman numerals (as in the Great Seal of the 1-dollar, at the base of the Egyptian pyramid with a lighted Eye in top):

So anyone in the know about the all-winning powers of the 1776 number, would try to "match" any other important names to it, one way is to use this Roman numerals version of the number.

But those who claim the existence of the Akashic Records say that everything that exists is "recorded" and "stored", and that the Universal Mind (as opposed to the Hive-Mind Body-Computer managed by the Ego as false identity) continuously accesses it. The problem is that if Humanity devolved after the Fall of previous advanced civilizations, we lost both a "clear" access to the Universal Mind (and the Akashic Records), as well as a "complete" access to it in those cases when we do gain some subconscious access. The point is that multi-dimensional beings manipulating humans will "only" enter into the Body-Computer Ego, those bits and pieces of the Akashic Records they deem more convenient to their ends, enhancing some to prominence, while suppressing others; and this is exactly how the Hive-Mind Collective Unconscious pools operate.

From this angle everyone in the power game wants to carry the 666 Code because in secret 666 is nothing more than the Number of Water, the Star of David, the key to the Hexameron of Creation, and the Flower of Life as the light-energy template (zero-point energy, etc). In a more mundane level, 666 is a Triangular Number, and all triangular numbers have a winning vibration attached to them; so if we look only at the latest power game here in the West, we easily find 2 dynasties which deliberately chose names to match the 666 Code, this is nothing more than sheer opportunistic ritual:

A Prince Charles Windsor = 234
(A George Herbert Walker Bush) + (A George Walker Bush) = 432

Take the case of Barack Obama; he played the Messiah role to its perfection as far as it can be played in politics that is; everything that was wrong with America and the system, he would cure.

As a constant not so hidden pun, we have the Book of Revelation theme of the "Anti-Christ", A term deliberately mistranslated to mislead; the literal original Greek word is "ante" as in "substitute for" or to stand in front substituting for. The key importance of this is that by purposefully mistranslating "ante" as "anti", they have hidden from public view the all crucial archetypal figure of Pharaoh AKHEN-ATEN (ANTE), as the centerpiece of the 'prophecy', or the blueprint instruction manual as I call it.

The Book of Revelation chapter 13 is about the "resurrection of Akhen-Aten", at least in ritual manner. The text implies a physical cloning resurrection, but this is an alternative I am not discussing here. At the heart of the issue is the translation of Akhen-Aten to Masonic-speak code; the ritual figure is one "Hiram Abiff" who is the center of all Masonic endeavour. The goal of the craft is to ritually resurrect this "Hiram Abiff" (i.e. Akhen-Aten), supposedly a Master-Builder at the mythical "Temple of Solomon", that is not found on Earth or else because it never existed. It's just a cipher-code for the Template left to us (those who follow Akhen-Aten that is) in Egypt under AKHEN-ATEN (the Sun is Sol, the Orb or the Aten; the Moon is Luna).

It's a giant metaphor delivered in cipher symbols about the Outer Sun/Moon/Planets and Stars in relation to the Inner Lights in the Cave of Brahman in the Brain (Pineal/Pituitary/Hypothalamus, the 3 Pillars) on how to achieve a Within/Without Harmonic Synchronicity with all these and the Multi-verse; but it’s only for those chosen by the elite at their disposition and who blindly follow the orders of those named "The Illuminati", a secret private high level militia of the ETs in human affairs.

All this can have a bright side or a very dark side at the same time with the vampiric extraction of a few etheric "sacred juices" out of humans. The Earth is considered a mere "Kundalini Factory" of carefully harvested Pineal/Pituitary/Hypothalamus secretions, combined the usual Menstrual "Starfire" secretions, the "Ambrosia", the "Soma" (mason), the Garden of Eden and its fruits and nectars with humans not at the top of the food chain pyramid but only as the top fruit for the 4D ET vampires as predators.

The ultimate secret here is that these "sacred secretions" have not only an outward 3D physical form but also a 4D etheric form or "higher substance" because there is angelic Starfire in human DNA; and this is the reason for the desire by some higher dimensional beings (or devolving former higher now turned merely intra or inter-dimensional beings, i.e. "fallen angels") to "own" this little Humanity here on 3D Earth and/or the many parallel and semi virtual versions of this Earth they have split it into.

That's why after all the hoopla and propaganda, all religions ultimately are about HUMAN SACRIFICE, thinly disguised under a saviour or prophet figure or the like, sacrificing for the rest, or vice versa! Pay attention: someone always dies; his blood and his wounds become crucial, his "image" key. It's all about DNA and Secretions of the "UPPER PILLARS" of the Pineal/Pituitary/Hypothalamus, or of the "LOWER PILLARS" of the Yoni/Lingam, the Ying/Yang, the Vesica Pisces, the Virgin Vulva and the Obelisk Penis, the semen and the menses, the ovule. It all revolves around those things whether the extraction is strictly in 4D etheric realms or whether it’s performed in 3D material substance here; what's the difference? Whenever the Human Sacrifice theme kicks in, you know you're in vampire territory. It starts as virgin birth; it ends as human sacrifice.

The central goal of all this esoteric and ritual craft is to engage in a fine process of alignment, whereby the Lower Sexual Portal aligns with the Upper Brain Portal, which also aligns with the Earth Poles and the Moon/Sun/Planets/Stars; it’s all intended to fractally harmonize the Multiverse at certain Time-Gate moments (most peculiarly at the Solstice/Equinoxes) so that an etheric multi-dimensional "intimate vampiric contact" is effected between the human and the extra-dimensional or inter-dimensional beings.

In other words, while ascension is possible in positive terms, at the Portal Stargate lie many vampires, some who have come here or who have sent voyagers to "fix" the Ascension Process in such way that they can deviate the Ascension and lead it to their vampiric Grid-Nests in vibrational DNA kundalini terms. All earthly human affairs and mediocre external material power-games stem from these secret coordinates; it's about "etheric slavery", kundalini juices.

Now this Hijacking Process of the true Ascension may happen on a personal scale, on a group scale, city scale, or a world scale, etc. It may occur one time, or twice, or randomly here and there, or at finely precisely set "ritual times in the year", or for certain periods of time only, or perhaps there is a cyclical time of a big harvest, something on a really grand longer scale, and maybe just maybe this is what the cyclical return of NIBIRU is all about; so the Cross is the moment the 3D intersects the 4D, and you either jump straight unto 5D skipping the 4D vampires or end up becoming theirs. Now as this Grand DNA Stargate Moment approaches into/after the 2012 marker, things here get hairy in the control level so to speak.
3 Pillars & Twin stairwells -Part C ... all-3.html
The masonic image of the "2 PILLARS" represents earthly human consciousness derived of the two main remnants of Lemuria/Atlantis: the Orient and the West (including the Middle-East Semite cultures).

The masonic image of the "3 PILLARS" represents the "Western" mode of consciousness, where control and manipulation of the "3 Lights" in the Brain (Pineal/Pituitary/Hypothalamus) is fractalized to ring to the three major religions of Islam/Judaism/Christianity. This article does not refer to Hinduism/Buddhism and the many Oriental cults, but to only one of those 2 Pillars composed of these 3 Pillars; this is not to imply in any sense at all that those Oriental cults are "better" or more benign in comparison, only that they are not being covered in the analysis.

The world at large is experiencing the 3rd Muslim Invasion as the previous ones occurred during the Middle Ages disguised under a "peaceful immigration" specially into Europe. Simultaneously there is a carefully staged very bloody fabricated war in the Arab-Israeli lands, and all geo-political maneuvers are in a contrived way forced to be "defined" by this artificial conflict. In this way the lands of Jerusalem are supposed to be sought after by the 3 monotheistic religions, each claiming to be the "only true God's cult". However, all 3 sprang from exactly the same source which is Black Africa in EGYPT; its tenets later expanded to the Semitic lands in what became Palestine (now Israel) and the Arab peninsula regions.

In order for this highly contrived and fabricated scenario to appear minimally "credible" to the world at large (that all reality must be dependent upon the possession of some mythical rock or church or temple in Jerusalem), the illuminati established oil as the only feasible source of energy, suppressing all alternative sources, and impeding the declassifying of Zero-Point Energy (i.e., the etheric grid "sacred geometry" derived from vacuum energy) and/or hydrogen and its analogous cheaper forms. By doing this, they have neatly "centered all interest" in the same exact region described, since it contains vast reservoirs of Oil. After interest in religion decreased in the developed world, they utilized this dirty trick to "correlate geo-political interests" with fundamentalist religions. This Synergy between Islam/Judaism/Christianity operates behind the scenes and on each side public appearances are kept to maintain the illusion and deceive the common folk.

However there was also another key issue they needed to address which is to encircle Russia and China in order to gain leverage upon them. In other words, through exacerbating of the age-old religious conflicts, the false paradigm of "Peak Oil", and the ever increasing definition of civilization as "territorial struggles", these elites in secret play these games of false conquest and fake wars between sides that they already control in order to induce a state of fear and instability in the general population and to be able to cull the human numbers by Depopulation via war and disease. Constant wars and recessions perpetually maintain this status-quo which is the perfect "angst factor" that guarantees a return to atavistic religious faith. Free-Will and existential and psychological independence are not part of this construct.

Factual evidence of Lemuria and Atlantis is extremely hard to come by as they are exceedingly ancient civilizations. The study of the earliest surviving remnants in Sumeria is carefully hidden from public view, and this was one of the secret reasons for the Iraq war, to cover up the collected evidence in the museum of that time period. Nevertheless some repositories of ancient knowledge and science were left deliberately, most ostensibly in the public monuments of stone specifically designed and built to withstand cataclysms and the relentless of decay of time itself while other similar secret repositories are the subject of an ever present race to get to them far from the public view.

It is evident that in Egypt that some remnants of the ancient Atlantean Priesthood used ancient technology to control the population under a tiny elite control at the top; but by then the old Atlantean Grids were inactive, and these were the last scattered desperate throbs of a fragmentary group from a dying civilization. By then most highly developed inhabitants in the planet either had left the Earth or had gone underground into the Earth's hard-rock mantles to seek refuge from further DNA damage; Devolution was quickly taking its toll, and the leftover humans were victims of it by the scores.

Essentially both Lemuria and later Atlantis were hybrid reptilian-human projects attempting a sustainable blend of both DNA's. These projects in turn were part of a much earlier (measured in eons) galactic struggle, and as such what we see today is part of the same issue; the Orion queens were the origin of the entire drama here on Earth. These reptilian genes and the "Female-Queen-Goddess" source can only be hinted at during the Akhenaten 18th Dynasty Egyptian period because after that this was carefully hidden from sight, and the reptilian manipulators hid their presence behind many trappings, both through a fake shift towards male dominated religion and power and though the illusion of a "White Race" leadership later on.

These two covers - "Male Dominance" and "White Power” were the most successful ways of hiding their presence and their agenda without being noticed for several millennia. There was a precise need for this concealment as the Nordic White galactic DNA had the specific so-called "Angelic Starfire DNA" embedded in its gene pool that some Devolving Reptilians races needed to survive in the long run; these needed genes nests are anchored in the forms of "Passion" and "Love" and "Empathy" and so forth, which were sorely lacking within the devolving reptilian groups in question.

This ability to "braid the fractal of passion" in the DNA still to some degree present within the Nordic White gene pools was a highly sought "Genetic Capital" at the heart of both the Lemuria and the Atlantis long-range projects. The conundrum was that in order to "manifest these traits" whites had to be given some freedom for it to manifest within them naturally; this required the illusion of freedom and independence to grow on their part. Concealment of their presence and their part in the genetic makeup of humans was necessary for these reptilian manipulators if they were to partake in any way in the "Ascension Process" as a restitution of the original angelic Starfire DNA. So the trick was to give some power and freedom to the Nordic White pools but not enough so that they would veer off, genetically speaking, into a totally different frequency, but to keep them within a Range of Frequencies still accessed by the reptilians (one based on fear and territorial dominance). This was to act as a "common anchor thread" between both DNA's or as a “common resonator”. Wherever there is a common resonance there is a common shared DNA. This trick of giving away some power and freedom for the angelic genes to boost/manifest while at the same time "trapping" them within the narrower "Fear and Territorial Dominance" reptilian recessive frequencies is what explains history of the last six thousand years, and particularly our recent history.

Thus if you carry a bit of the angelic Starfire DNA in your genes, they will not kill you, but "own" you by subjecting you to "experiences" that induce a sharing of the fear and territorial domination angst that is their signature resonance. Only in this way can they establish a sort of "Silver-Chord" attachment whereby they can "ascend" their DNA to the previous origins they came from before they devolved. This is the entire agenda of the so-called "Fallen Angels" who are using some portions of white humanity to attempt a return to the higher dimensional realms they could no longer vibrate to. It can be called "Piggy Backing" on the few angelic DNA still embedded in some human gene pools, especially within some Nordic White lines or its many hybrid lines. This is the background for the mapping the Human Genome or the meticulous genealogy obsessions still present with the Mormons, the Semites, and the Royals, etc. This is why interactions and exchanges with the civilizations on Mars have taken place; it's all part of a large-scale hybridization programme in part positive as well as negative (I have the personal impression it is mostly negative in slant).

In this scenario the belief-systems are the method by which a few frequencies are "logged-into" the DNA consciousness; and these frequencies can thus be "tuned" or "modulated" to resonate to the whim of the occult ET designer of the cults, depending on what "fear" or "territorial" trait he/she wishes to shape in any specific way for some specific end of "Twin Resonance" between Human and Reptilian. The symbol of "3 Pillars and Twin Stairwells" means that there are 3 main DNA strands at play (instead of the devolved 2 strands) with the attempt to harmonize by a common resonating vibration (thought/emotion) both the Human DNA thread with the Reptilian DNA thread. So the entrance to the Tomb of Jacques DeMolay in Paris, sports the "3 Pillars and Twin Stairwells" motif of Merovingian tradition that the Templars preserved, because the Merovingians were of dual nature, both reptilian and human; the Knights Templar seal of 2 Knights on a Horse, represents not poverty as they publicly claimed, but it is a symbol of this dual nature, 2 in 1 body as vessel.

This is why in the Greek myth of the Labyrinth, Theseus had to go deep into it to kill the hidden monster (the extant reptilian or mammalian DNA, depending on the side of the deal you're in), while carrying the correct DNA thread of Ariadne ("Arian DNA") as the only way of not getting lost. In this myth the struggle happens in the Brain; the Labyrinth is a literal representation of the Brain because the Brain is the body-computer processing terminal of the DNA. The Greeks were overly preoccupied particularly with thought as the DNA resonator. Beyond a doubt, there were previous ET genetic labs in the area of the Aegean Sea -- Minos, Crete and Patmos and so forth. This is why the Book of Revelation in the "Bible" is deliberately set or made to "have been written" in Patmos Island to link directly with this theme of Genetic Engineering of the human race and its evolutionary/devolutionary sagas as the agenda is to effect a new Hybridization in this coming 3rd Millenium (the so-called "New Atlantis", the "New Golden Age", or "New Dawn").

In the meantime, a vast hidden use of Gematria/Numerology has been in operation to produce an Entrainment of the Psyche in order to subliminally control its Inputs/Outputs as specific to the convenient goals of the manipulators in all "3 Pillars" all the same: in Islam, in Judaism, and in Christianity. The goal is to effect an "alignment" of all "harmonically resonant fractal" secret languages that can thus be coordinated to "match and mean" different things only at the Unconscious/Subconscious level, while on the surface Conscious level words/names appear to only mean common random things.

Language is only one way of making thought a vector of DNA, but it has been a preferred way to control human DNA to manifest this or that way. While being outwardly free on appearance, at the subconscious level you may be "owned" and "controlled" via the multiple hidden language concordances. The effectiveness of this can be dramatically reduced when one becomes AWARE of the issue; this is why Gematria/Numerology
is kept strictly in secret and in a fringe category, because through knowledge of it is how you set yourself free!
True History of Christianity ... re=related

2012 Secrets Revealed--Chapter 1--The Last “Pope” of St. Malachy

2012 Secrets Revealed--Chapter 2- The Cyclic Cross of Hendaye & The Catch of 153


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Apr 05, 2011 10:04 pm

Mapping the Inter-Dimensional Interdiction ... ction.html
In the field of conspiracy, the answer to all conspiracies is always related to the "government" or some organization of that very "here and now" public character; but this is a pea-sized conspiracy of sorts, although there are even tinier types of conspiracy that in the case of the vast majority of people assume the form of the public "Left vs. Right" delusional thinking. Yes everybody is a conspiracy believer, and "small sized" conspiracy thinking is the preferred way the true powers-that-be distract humans from finding out the real deal. As all insiders tell, the old Divide-And-Conquer melodrama is played continually to keep the populace divided and pumped up in their Ego, believing themselves always to be the Good-Guy, always blaming some PUBLIC 'it', instead of actually discovering that a really good conspiracy by definition is not public, not detected and thus by definition intellectually invisible.

Random events are supposed to be random, now aren't they? Thus they should not appear connected by geometric straight lines on a map, for example. Or do they? You see on the Lambert style projection map below the Egyptian named cities of Memphis (Tennessee) and Phoenix (Arizona) are connected by a straight line that runs through Oklahoma City (well, cities are not exact points but areas, so all "lines" in this article, are lines in the sense of the big geographical scale considered, thus kind of thick lines, depending on how much you zoom in). This slightly curved 2D projection map can connect in straight lines what in another projection style map cannot be connected as such and vice versa, so for each type of projection style map different sets of straight lines connecting places can be found that in other projection style maps would not show as such.

In the above North Pole centered map style projection you can spot a little southeast of the Pole the island of SPITSBERGEN (under the "SVALBARD" caption, its main jurisdiction), which is the Artic Circle's largest settlement, or the most important for that matter. You will notice how Alaska sits in its same meridian, just opposite of the Pole; next time you hear "Sarah Palin from Alaska", do think about this.

What could be so important about tiny Svalvard in Spitsbergen that the powers-that-be need to bring in a "very public marker" such as Sarah Palin to the scene? It is well known in some circles, that "Shakespeare" was just a coded pen-name not actually denoting a real person, but an agenda of a secretive group of Rosicrucians of the sort led by Francis Bacon, Isaac Newton, and John Dee amongst the notables but perhaps spanning a larger historical time frame.

Shakespeare meant to "SHAKE the SPEAR" or the spear-shaped Spitsbergen, that is (as a geo-fractal of the Pineal gland, the pine cone); and as to the mythic illiterate "BARD" who we are ridiculously told was this highly sophisticated and court savvy Shakespeare, we then realize this pseudonym is merely a pun of obviously "SVAL-BARD", see? This is why another crucial precursor of this same agenda, an insider called Leonardo Da Vinci-, in 2 famous painting (St John, and the Last Supper) had a character emblematically and mysteriously pointing up with his finger; "up" meant above (the sky) , and literally also North. It's the North Pole and the stars. The 6x6 grid Magic Square of the Sun ceiling above the Last Supper scene he painted represents also the celestial grid map, the relationship between the geographical grid map and the star map.

This Spitsbergen archipelago of islands is a hotbed of stations whether they be Norwegian, Russian, etc. Thus there are many names and confusing jurisdictions; "SVALBARD" is the Norwegian name pertaining to the Longyearbyen domain. This name in itself should instantly trigger your curiosity because there is one "Long Year" we all know about: the famous Platonic Year or Great Precession Cycle of approximately 26 thousand years measured as the Polar cyclical wandering in relation to the stars. Notice how the big island to the right goes by the name of "Edge", a name eerily chosen by the single guitarist of the universally famous band U2 (so called "The Edge"). Is the name "U2" actually a secret pun on "U-Turn", in the sense that the Poles will go through a shift or flip?

Michelangelo's famous "Finger Of God" touching Adam in the Sistine Chapel theme painting of Genesis must be understood as God being "above" (pointing down ~ as in Spitsbergen ~ as in the North Pole), whereas Adam symbolizing the New Man of the New Creation (to come, not a past version, not our past history but the future) as being "below" (Pointing Up ~ as in Leonardo's paintings). The "Lower New Man" touches fingers with the "Upper God", the fingers in this case symbolizing the POLES, or rather the "Axis Mundi". This is esoteric imaging for a hybridization between old humanity and the "gods" to begin at the moment of the Pole Shift.

Some brain specialists have stated that painting by Michelangelo is covertly a layout of the Brain and secretly conveys the message that God is the Universal Mind that will take over the Brain Computer; and this will be the alchemical "New Man" (the Alpha-Adam) of the New Creation about to unfold; or conversely to the hyper-skeptic that the nefarious cosmic ones want a total takeover of our brain/minds. It is my impression that both agendas will play out simultaneously and every person's predisposition determines which fate or slant it will take for him, but that things are not staying "the same as usual" goes without saying.

I've even heard it said that while the North Pole is just ocean that gets frozen by the seasons, the South Pole as the solid earth Antarctica continent resembles the human brain. At any rate, the action is at the Poles. The Svalbard Global Seed Vault appropriately reminds one that he is indeed on the right track. You see this project built ostensibly as an Ark.

All of this constitutes the well known antechamber to the emblematic "Inner Earth" theme only lately the accent has shifted mostly to this Inner Earth realm as residing in the 5th Dimension and its resonant harmonic frequencies, not in our outer-earth 3D realm within our range of frequencies.

All public scientific speech in the media is dressed in strictly the "mass" aspect of 3D manifestation, always cleverly abstaining from alluding to the Electro-Magnetic aspects that would lead any inquisitive mind to venture into the Vortex nature of reality. As soon as the "vortex" notion kicks in, the Fractality of it all comes into play; and from the atom to the DNA to the human, it's all Vortex in-action manifestation. In this type of Vortex knowledge scenario, the mind understands that Kundalini energies as they wheel their way into and out from the chakras are Vortexes that can be tampered with for extraction harvesting evidently (the long ranging topic of "astral attachments").

So you see, always pummeling the "material mass" aspect of existence is a way of distracting you from ever quite realizing you are a Kundalini Energy Organic Container (a living Vortex). This may very well be the real bottom line that is so craftily kept hidden from prying eyes. As long as the science is kept in terms of "physicality" with such gross obsessive emphasis on the "external" shell manifestation, then all is fine and dandy for the harvesters; yet by contrast as soon as the realization that 3D reality is a projection of Vortex Organic Energies in fractal Synchrony with the Vortex like cosmos, then a radically different assessment of Human Destiny and Human Suffering is attained that renders the old paradigms instilled systematically obsolete. Ideology, religion, intellectuality, lifestyle, etc., all go out the window once the Fractal-Vortex kicks in play in the mind.

So it is clear we have an intrinsic failure in our brain software in the current paradigm of humanity to think and perceive the relationships between Circle and a Straight Line (Square), because we have been un-educated in a strictly linear aggregative particulate consciousness mode, without training in Fractality. Everything that evidently connects all material phenomena "from the inside out" is in this state of mind regarded as "magic" and "mysterious". In the Medieval Ages this line of awareness sentenced you to the torture chamber and the fire pit; therefore all Inter-Dimensional Interdiction remains a "blind spot" in human consciousness.

Since WWII the official establishment labeled all references to this topic as sheer "Nazi" disinformation, and in this way we are still un-educated in an outdated modality of "only 3D" astronomy that absolutely ignores all data pertinent to the Axis-Mundi and the Poles in relation to the Inner Planets higher dimensionality. Nevertheless patently obvious data in this respect leaks out steadily, such as "anomalous" Saturn's polar activity:

Thus all the "visual understanding" of "reality" as we have been taught ceases to exist; physicality is an illusion of the projection of multi-dimensional energy Vortexes into a subjugate lower limited dimension energy grid matrix; the moment you are blinded to the Higher-Dimensions 'synergystically' coexisting in everything, you become a resident of the illusion, trapped and bound by it; and as such you are instant easy PREY to any higher dimensional being (a prisoner of the matrix, if you will). You "think" your body is "detached" from the rest of the dimensions; you "think" it's "yours only", not realizing this is not so! Just like the air you breathe travels into your lungs and body is exhaled outwards in a continuous loop so other Vortex energy loop that is your "person" operates in an identical manner; the etheric body, the psychic body, the soul body, the spirit body. Alchemy is actually a multi-dimensional science of projection/manifestation; moral of the story...? If you don't manage your vortex loops, someone else does!

Many great observers have tried to show you even graphically how your dimensional blindness traps you into a 3D external isolated illusion of linear-aggregated style physicality, unaware of you Inner World and Etheric Vortex Kundalini at the chakras and "harvestable" in finest form at the Pineal Gland.

"Awareness" is nothing more than Empathic Resonance; and the less Resonance you pickup and transmit, the less aware you are; thus the more "caged" into a "Particulate Field" you become. Once in that modality you lose Recursiveness, the capacity of the Vortex to feedback continually into itself. Since you are not conscious of it, you work for energy sustenance; meantime your etheric Kundalini Vortex does feedback recursively, but who then utilizes this energy if it's not you? Why is there a severe Energy Imbalance in this 3D Outer-Earth if it was not because a Suction or Harvesting energy leak process is at play? The real possibility of a parasitic parallel reality realm feeding itself on the Torus Vortex energies of this 3D realm comes as a scenario to be seriously studied. The Vortex Loop is cutoff and detoured, always "leaking out" the energy, why is that so?

Our 3D outer Milky Way galaxy contains a spiral arm called the Orion Spur which is where the Solar System, the Orion Nebula and the Orion group of stars, and the Pleiades are located; the Milky Way spins in a clockwise spiral, but in every vortex for every spin there is a counter recursive spin, so where is the "shadow galaxy" of our galaxy that is sustaining this counterclockwise spin? Why do we see just one of the spiral spins instead of both? Is this invisible parallel galaxy where the recursive energy of this 3D realm projection is being leaked out to?

Keep in mind that our 3D Milky Way galaxy is actually cannibalizing another galaxy which elliptic arms you see in the illustration below called the Sagittarius Galaxy; its spirals are embedding into our Milky Way spirals. This means that a process of "Realm Merging" take place continually in the Milky Way, the 3D physical just a fractal aspect of an Etheric similar process, and higher up fractally/dimensionally.

We inhabit in the 3D Outer-Cosmos in the Orion-Spur arm of the Milky Way galaxy, spiraling from the black/white hole at the center; but this Orion-Spur spiral arm that our Solar System belongs to is like everything else, a Vortex Spiral. This is how an atom is a solar system is a galaxy etc. All these are merely fractal resonant manifestations of the same exact "Vortex and Pulse" operation, only appearing as if "located" in Space-Time in different "places" and under different "forms". Since the Sagittarius Galaxy is being cannibalized by ours, this presents a conundrum of "Realm Border Crossing" at each and every single stage of what we conceive as "reality". In Quantum Physics these are the borders of realms defined by "Membranes": a collision or merging of different quantum realms defines a "reality" based on precisely this Alchemy as "Merging/Morphing".

We are un-educated deliberately to think and perceive everything in terms of sheer particulate matter as an aggregative isolated illusory manifestation of "separateness" in 3D Time/Space; it was only after the atom was split that we realized the massive amounts of ENERGY that was contained in matter (the hidden invisible Vortex Torus in constant infinite recursion). From this we have to conclude that such aberrantly high levels of invisibly contained energy are there FOR A REASON! If you are not aware of them and do not use them some other beings do except they must be in a parallel mirror crafted dimension for this process to be out of your sight and mind.

From the galaxies cannibalizing each other as the paradigm of "Realm Border Merging", you must conclude that YOU yourself are most definitely "not" a stable or fixed static thing/event/being, but to the contrary in this scenario you are a permanently Morphing and Evolving-Into-Something-Else being; this is what organized Religion and Ideology lie to you about in a clear deliberate way because by not being aware of this Morphing/Evolving rapid phenomena, you cede control of this to other beings who then run and decide it for you. In other words the control and shape of this merging and morphing ALCHEMY via vortex energies is for the benefit of other beings since you are not a part of it in your awaken consciousness.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Apr 07, 2011 6:58 pm

Is the Bible not about events that happened, but that will happen (in encoded symbols) ... pened.html
The Bible is composed of two parts; Part A is the Old Testament, Jewish in faith, Part B is the New Testament, Christian in faith. We do know for a fact that the Jewish faith is divided between a public religion and a more secretive occultic esoteric body generally considered and labeled as "Kabbalah" consisting of several methods and layers of ENCRYPTION of the texts, which is very close to "magic" or is magic itself, both in its nature & practice (as divided into Speculative Kabbalah and Practical Kabbalah, or divided into Written Kabbalah and Oral Kabbalah).

Rabbis know that the texts of the Old Testament/Torah have 3 or 4 layers of meaning; the first layer or onion-peel is the cover story or literal text, but most rabbis know that this is not the definite or true meaning. The further layers of meaning are encoded in the form of the many methods of Kabbalah, such as the well-known Notarikon/Temurah/Gematria encryption methods, or the-road-less-traveled "Computer Codes" and metaphorical or allegorical methods.

In recent years, quite proficient and serious researchers have questioned the nature of the judeo-christian religions, portraying them as "Zodiac/Solar/Moon" cults utilizing the cover of literal Bible texts and the trappings of dogmatic religion, to advance a deeper secretive knowledge of Archeo-Astronomical connotation. They contend that most religions (not simply the Judeo-Christian cults), indeed do the same, and most often than not there are even strikingly clear similarities in their cover literal stories.

One can say in confidence, that the Catholic Church was "Islamicized" to a great extent in its forms of worship after the Medieval period as a direct albeit secret merging with the Islamic religions. In previous posts, I have shown how even the names of supposed "enemy" religions such as the ISLAM and ISRAEL cults share 4 letters!

We have to remember, that the Knight Templars were caught in secret meetings with the Fatima cultists (the enemy) during some of the Crusades; the aristocrats who discovered this did not take it well and this must be clearly factored in as a dominant underlying reason for their later dissolution. Is it more than just curious, that precisely this name -Fatima much later in the early 20th century became an icon of Virgin Mary worship (or
is it Fatima worship). Of course the area of Spain/Portugal is where the biggest Islamic influence was felt even to the point of Arab-European genetic mix.

What is irrefutable is that one can and indeed MUST effect a process of the DECODING OF THE NEW TESTAMENT in order to apprehend its inner secret meanings not only because of its predecessor the Old Testament (Kabbalah), but also because the entire New Testament was a product of earlier and secret GREEK GEMATRIA, a form of advanced Greek mysteries type of Kabbalah, in Greek, and using GEOMETRY in conjunction
with LANGUAGE to convey advanced encoded meaning.

What belies the entire theme is the suppressed fact that in the far past and way beyond accepted official history there existed on Earth (and Earth then belonging to inter-planetary or even inter-stellar "exopolitic" civilizations), a much more advanced civilizations than our present one. These collapsed due to cataclysmic events, and as
such some left the planet, most perished, while others ended up isolated and deprived of their former technological wizardry (in places like Egypt, Cuzco, Yucatan, Easter Island, etc); these scattered groups of survivors went into "anonymity" so to speak, as the next millennia unfolded they crept into power via the back door.

At heart in this highly complex saga, is what is better known as "The Atlantean Priesthood", scattered groups of former Wizards of very high sciences, a mixture of technology and psychic knowledge, much ahead of our present level; unfortunately most of them are of a Dark-Slant, or "black-magicians", in short. These are the kind that
mostly stayed behind on the planet, and it is in them that we find all the clues and threads that lead to our very day, be it in the form of Science/Technology, Religion, or Secret Lodge lore, all the same.

Their objective has been to restore their former civilization, engaging in a process of subjugation of the rest of earthly inhabitants. What they possessed of utmost importance, is the knowledge of cosmic templates of cyclic nature, events that repeat through eons of time. It is quite apparent once you realize what has truly been going on that they ENCODED THESE IN THE CARRIERS OF RELIGIONS and SUCH, to be transmitted along generations.

However there is much more than meets the eye. It is quite apparent that their inherent Dark-Slant favors a form of half way truths as their usual routine in order to hide relevant facts that would enlighten human beings as to what is the "Full" content of what lies ahead and not just a part of it as they lay it out.

In this aspect we will delve into later having to do with the cultural concept of "Human Sacrifice" disguised in multiple forms of worship; their main object is to extract CONSENT out of people for these Mass Sacrifices via deceitful "belief" in the shape of the ever increasing number of wars, diseases, famines, cataclysms, etc., as the timetable to the "2012 Theme Crux" approaches. These very small secret dark elites have been utilizing unethically to their advantage a key notion of "Transference of Psionic Energy"; what is suffering and death to some is "Harvested" by others in etheric terms, as they are indeed descendants of interstellar Etheric Vampires; to them Earth is merely a Kundalini factory for the purposes of psionic energy harvesting. Thus they've engaged in fabricating contrived dramas/intrigue/lies/tragedies, to this end.

But most of all they've hoarded themselves and concealed from you any hint of relevant knowledge that leads to this higher wisdom; to you, they strictly give out "5 Senses" science, "Literal Bible" dogma, "Bi-Polar Ideology" (Divide-and-Conquer), "Deluded Racism" (both in pro and reverse forms); they only teach you a tiny portion of very late history (just the previous 4 thousand years, what a joke), and essentially indoctrinate you to "think" and process information in just a Linear-Sequential manner, mostly in gross material terms of the 3D kind, devoid of any hint of a really all encompassing "Big Picture" be it in cosmic terms or in psychological terms. They have been teaching you to be a robot, to be content inside a prison planet and to accept any "definition of reality" they propose to you as "true", and you have been accepting it all gladly, because they've bought you with gadgets and honors or money or what have you. Your ideas about your very "own identity" have been molded and shaped by them; you've taken as "yours" their toys of blatant mind manipulation such as ideology, religion, class, etc.

Of course they are not alone on this planet and there are other beings here; some are positive and well intentioned; you can recognize them when you are given higher knowledge and expanding information, the kind that you never fathomed before.

Meantime, the real divine, the real and true Infinite Consciousness higher self, is not given a play in the script; strictly limited and bipolar "selves" are thus promoted, full of revenge and resentment underpinnings. What should be an Ascension is boycotted into a fake psychotic delusional rant, an obsession with restitution, entitlements, and ultimately psychic power. Enlightenment becomes "Entanglement".

This subtle process of "Entanglement" is the essence of the problem; it is like this, by design; you have been trans-generationally given "Labyrinth-like" alternatives, that lead ultimately to Bi-Polar states. The Greeks had it right; the Labyrinth is the mental state of humans. The obfuscation is augmented as you are not told how sophisticated the ancient Greeks actually were; this concealment prevents you from realizing, for example, that the New Testament IS Greek. It is not just written entirely in Greek, but Greek in the Gematria encrypted hidden meanings. The "Chrystos" was a Greek concept; the kind of knowledge that was put into fables and figures in the New Testament is a Syncretism of many sources, but especially the Egyptian Mysteries, combined with a then "State-of-the-Art" new science of Spiritual Geometry.

There is more of Pythagoras in the New Testament than you ever imagined. You were never told of Pythagoras or who he really was and what he really taught; for that, you must become a member of some very elite masonic lodges. However this Spiritual Geometry incorporating Words and Numbers (as in Numerology), was ultimately
just a tool for the bottom-line wisdom, Cosmic Geometry. Thus the level of meaning that contains the "message" for generations encoded in the "Bible" as in many other carriers, is a message so loaded with Archaeo-Astronomical prophecies it is quite the riddle.

Pythagoras "invented" (revived the lost art of) Music; he came up once again with the Musical Scale, as Music of the Spheres; he possessed the secret key that this material Earth is part of a fractal holographic universe; the structural order of one thing is the same structural order of everything else. The truth is that when Egypt began to wane, knowledge was transferred to Greece (via Minos at first); before the burning of the Alexandria Complex of Learning in Egypt, it was a symposium centre; all the learned in mysteries would go there to be educated in such). This is how one can very easily trace both the origins of the Hebrew and Greek alphabets out of the Phoenician Script (the link between the Egyptian hieroglyphs and them), which is the same as saying that this is how you trace the origins of both the Jewish religion and the Christian religion because the New Testament is the Greek take on the Egyptian mysteries.

When the Roman Empire (not the "Christians") burned the whole Alexandria Complex of Learning, what they were actually doing was quite clear; they were ERASING the origins of Jewish and Christian (and other) religions. They were erasing the Egyptian and extant Atlantean Priesthood roots.

A fact little known in general is that Emperor Constantine, who in the 3rd. Century officially edited and inaugurated Christianity as a way of extending the shelf-life of the collapsing Roman Empire in the trappings of the new Theocratic-Monarchy to follow, was in fact a BRITON. Yes, he came from Britania (the British Isles) and was considered an outsider; and the way he came to be emperor was regarded as a conspiracy plot. Not giving this due importance conceals from you the fact that to the Egyptian and many syncretic sources that ultimately were "fused" into "Christianity", one must add the crucial cornerstone piece: that the Cross was brought from Ireland as the origin of the cross is the Druid Celtic Cross, which is inherently a Zodiac Archaeo-Astronomy glyph (thus we get 12 Signs to correspond to the 12 Apostles). The Druids, of course, were some of the most famous extant Atlantean Priesthood Wizards and their connection with northern Africa and Egypt is fact.

So what we have here is the attempt by some secret elite to bring back the fragmented template of knowledge into one piece again. They were, since the Greeks, attempting to piece back all the scattered sources after the Atlantean cataclysm(s). The Cross was a crucial Zodiac mystery piece, and Constantine brought it to Christianity from the Druidic British Isles; its secret meaning was reserved for the tiny few. This is the "Temple" of Solomon; it is a symbol of this agenda to piece back the remnants of Atlantis; it is about a Template of knowledge, cosmic knowledge, that is; there is no "Temple" of Solomon, the temple is the secret knowledge itself. Whatever Temple there was, was of considerable less importance and only perhaps utilized as a mere reference bit as so many other real bits and pieces were included to bring a sense of "place and time" and some veracity to the literal story.

The Celtic Cross could be easily woven into the literal stories via the Roman execution in a wooden pole or cross. This is why we find no use of the cross before Emperor Constantine in the 3rd century within "Christianity"! Actually there was hardly any such Christianity to begin with, but the evidence in the Catacombs is definitive, no cross!

However there are plenty of Celtic Crosses in the British Isles going back no one knows how far. When Emperor Constantine concocted his obvious fairy-tale lie of seeing a sign in the sky in the shape of an "X" and a "P" (the famous "Chi-Rho" Sign of Early Christianity), he was evidently trying to present "another" origin for the cosmic
esoteria of the Celtic Cross he brought along from Britania; he was shrewdly trying to erase the connection to the Celtic Cross and the Druids inventing new myths out of the blue; that's exactly what he was doing which is standard Modus-Operandi by the secret elite in the history of religions.

The "alpha" (beginning) and "omega" (end) included inside the Chi-Rho "XP" Sign of Constantine, has been deliberately utilized by MicroSoft in its "Windows XP" to mean in secret, precisely this END theme to announce it Urbi Et Orbi so to speak; but you would not perceive or understand this unless you knew the "background" of Christianity and its encoded secret message.

I would personally treat with "extreme care" any inscription from the Catacombs or from Josephus; the Roman Empire elite that createed these new religions were but forgers of the worst kind; they went to no end to invent things and create false proofs in the form of 'records' of any kind. Yet when we find a truly veritable non-tampered source such as the Dead-Sea Scrolls all of a sudden all the "expected" records are NOT there at all; the Essenes in those scrolls appear to be mostly Egyptian and Hebrew theologies and absent any normal Christian dogmas.

Worse, it seems quite likely that these scrolls were preserved by some disgruntled scribe, and that they truly were part of the Syncretic Agenda of research ordered by the Caesar way before Emperor Constantine (the "preparatory stages" of Christianity as Syncretism, ordered by the Roman elite). This is why the Dead Sea Scrolls were intentionally "delayed" by the Vatican for almost for 40 years. They do tell a very different background for the supposed "Christian" Essene groups, rather totally Egyptian!

It was Caesar who ordered the preservation and study and compilation of the Jewish-Egyptian sects because these would serve as the Template for the new religion, Christianity. At the time of Constantine both the Jewish religion and the new Christianity were "edited" with the full advantage of the early work of these teams from which they selected the texts to be "official and approved" and thus the "Bible" all of a sudden appears on the scene by the 3rd Century.

Therefore the question becomes: what did the Celtic Cross have to say about OUR future, that it was so crucial it had to be included in the new Template of Knowledge, being passed on secretly in the guise of a public "literal Bible" new religion for the next two millennia?
Celtic Cross Theodolite / Traveller / Sextant
The author Crichton E M Miller traces the wheel cross existence from Palaeolithic and Neolithic hunter gatherers to stone age seafarers and megalith builders who used this instrument in combination with zodiacs, henge's, pyramids and water clocks. Drawing on scientific, historical and archaeological information with appendices from leading scientists and researchers, the book traces the tragic occult history of the real cross from the burning of Alexandria through to its rediscovery 500 years later by the Knights Templars resulting in excommunication from the Roman Catholic Church and eventual torture and destruction of the leaders

Weighted so that the bottom of the wheel always points to the earths centre, the observer can always measure any angle, from the slope of a hill to the declination of a star.

In this case, the observer is measuring the angle of the rising sun whose angle of ascent can be read directly through the viewing hole in the cross arm.

To measure the angles of the topography is just as simple. So is sighting along the cross arm and directly reading latitude from a pole star. Turning the cross on its side allows the observer to triangulate any observation mark. It is truly a wonderful and unique spherical measuring instrument. It should be, for it created the Zodiacs and was the instrument of the Wise.

The Celtic Cross
Often mistaken for a Christian symbol, the history of the Celtic Cross predates Christianity by thousands of years. In post-2012 world, it will give the common man the same powerful knowledge that enabled the creation of ruling dynasties in ancient times. This is because it is really a basic, non-electronic, hand-made device for measuring time and seasons, land and sea navigation, and much more.

To prevent ruling elites from controlling this ancient technology in a post-2012 world, Crichton Miller invented the first working model of a Celtic Cross and patented it, so that he could freely share it with the world. Complete plans for making a Celtic Cross in any home workshop are included in his book, The Golden Thread of Time, along with detailed instructions on how to use this incredibly effective device.

The Working Celtic Cross
Through the results of intensive research, Crichton proposes that our present system of beliefs and science was inherited from ancient mariners that sailed the oceans of the world in prehistory. He further proposes that the abrupt end of the last ice age, 12,500 years ago, was part of a cataclysm that destroyed of a large part of the flora and fauna of Earth. The most likely humans to survive this cataclysmic event were those who were at sea.

This instrument can tell the time, find latitude and longitude, measure the angles of the stars, predict the solstices and equinoxes and measure the precession of the equinoxes. The instrument can also find the ecliptic pole as well as the North and South poles, it can make maps and charts, design pyramids and henges and, when it is used in combination with these observatory sites, can record and predict the cycles of nature.
Kolbrin Bible
The Kolbrin Bible is a 2-part, 11-book secular anthology. The first six books are called the "Egyptian texts" and were penned by Egyptian academicians following the Hebrew Exodus. The last five books are called the "Celtic texts" and were penned by Celtic priests following the death of Jesus.

Several accounts describe an object in orbit around our sun called the "Destroyer," which the Celtic authors call the "Frightener." According to recently translated Sumerian texts, this object (also known as Nibiru or Planet X) is in a 3600-year orbit around our sun, andThe Kolbrin Bible warns us of its imminent return and of yet another Biblical tribulation.

Could Nostradamus have possessed an ancient copy of this wisdom text in his secret library? Perhaps, but what we know for certain is that the historical accounts contained in this ancient wisdom text serve as vitally urgent messages from the past, to the present. A key reason for this is that these accounts were not recorded by those seeking to ensure the legacy of a battlefield victory.

The previous flybys of the Destroyer were faithfully recorded by those who survived global cataclysms, thousands of years ago.
Nibiru 2012 and the Kolbrin bible
This site is for people who have background information on 2012 and the planet Nibiru/planetX/Eris. It is known and the story comes down from ancient times that there was not one creation but two -- a creation and a recreation. It is a fact known to the wise that the Earth was utterly destroyed once then reborn on a second wheel of creation. At the time of the great destruction of Earth God caused a [celestial] dragon from outer heaven to come and encompass her about. The dragon was frightful to behold, it lashed its tail and breathed out fire and hot coals and a great catastrophe was inflicted upon mankind. The body of the dragon [Nibiru/Planet X] was wreathed in a cold bright light and beneath on the belly was a ruddy hued glow while behind it trailed a flowing tail of smoke.
The Kolbrin Bible goes on to give us a warning of the red comet/planet’s return, named the Destroyer.

A new moon [one of the satellites of Nibiru] will appear and break up and fall. The people will scatter in madness. They will hear the trumpet and the battle cry of the DESTROYER and will seek refuge in the dens [underground bunkers] of the Earth. Terror will eat away their hearts and their courage will flow from them like water from a broken pitcher.

Therefore it is reasonable to suggest the Destroyer mentioned in the Kolbrin, is in fact Nibiru, the celestial Sky Monster accompanied with a red meandering comet-like serpentine tail.
Planet X ... -x_19.html
The answers to these questions and others form a strong argument in favor of the idea that Planet X is in fact real and that the powers that be are aware of its existence and are attempting to make preparations for its impending arrival. Yet as evidenced by their obvious disinformation campaigns, they are adamant about keeping the masses in the dark at least until the very last minute. But we can change that by exploring facts past and present.

The ancient Maya kept records of a large celestial body which they called 'The Destroyer'. Most researchers of the topic agree that the Destroyer and Planet X are one in the same. According to a key Mayan artifact, the Dresden Codex, this object travels in a 3600 year orbit around our Sun. The Maya are well known for their meticulous forecasting of cosmic events. The Mayan Calendar has accurately predicted every Solar and Lunar eclipse to within seconds since its origination at around 3114BC.

Mayan astronomical accounts say that the next passing of 'The Destroyer', will also coincide with a rare stellar event. What they speak of is a planetary alignment that only occurs once ever 26,000 years. This will take place when Planet X reaches its orbital perigee. That is, at its closest position to our Sun and neighboring planets. At that time, 'The Destroyer' along with our Earth, Moon, Sun and the other planets in our solar system will align with the center of the Milky Way - the galaxy in which we reside.

The Maya describe the Destroyer as a reddish disk with gaseous wings when seen in the sky. The date upon which the Mayan calendar predicts that the next passage of Planet X along with this rare stellar alignment will occur also happens to be the same day that the calendar ends. That date is December 21, 2012. This is the real reason that this date has become such a hot topic. It's not because of the recent movie which barely touched on any of the facts mentioned here.

Incidentally, the image of a reddish disc with wing like appendages - especially if those wings were tapered - could easily be construed as a head with horns. This might explain renditions of 'The Devil' that have passed down to this day. Yet this is hardly a lone example of a Biblical concept being mirrored astronomically. The story of the Nativity tells us that Jesus - the Son of God - was born under a star. The star referred to was and still is the brightest in our sky. It resides in the constellation Sirius, and is known as Sirius A. There is also a slightly dimmer star in that constellation known as Sirius B. Yet some skywatchers believe that there is a third star in Sirius, dimmer still, known as Sirius C. Sirius C is also called the 'Dark Star'. The Dark Star, also known as Sirius C, could very well be Planet X, or what the Sumerians called 'Nibiru'.

The ancient Sumerian civilization is the oldest one of which we are aware. They were a highly advanced culture, and are credited with the first known form of writing, called cuneiform. The Sumerians were also advanced in science, mathematics and artistry. The Sumerian civilization dates back at least 7000 years to 5000BC. Yet many Sumerian artifacts remain fairly well preserved to this day. Most notable are their tablet carvings.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Apr 07, 2011 7:04 pm

Pyramids "are" Pole-Shift Markers ... rkers.html
The term "Pole Shift" is to some misleading; there are various kinds, the most prevalent concerning the Earth's Crust Displacement, as the crust 'floats' atop the earth's inner mantles/core. When displacement occurs, the North and South Poles end up in a different position, as well as the Equator; the Magnetic Pole Shift is different from this, and it 'may or may not' be related to this event, depending on the theories accepted, regarding the earth's molten core, which acts like a dynamo to the full globe magnetizing it, and effecting a shield against the solar electromagnetic 'wind' variably pummeling the earth, brought on by the cyclical solar storms.

Another catastrophic scenario can be the tilt in the axis of the earth, along with some change in planetary orbits, produced by an incoming stellar object, sort of like a giant billiards ball game, destabilizing the present stasis of the Solar System and its bodies. All bodies within the Solar System are regularly hit by asteroid fragments; there are 2 orbit belts composed of multiple small fragments instead of planets. One is the Kuiper-Belt located outside Neptune's orbit (home to many asteroids and also the mini-planets Pluto/Haumea/Makemake); the other is called the "Asteroid Belt" located between Mars & Jupiter, which some have claimed are the fragmentary remnants of a planet that exploded or got hit, call it Maldek or Tiamat what have you (Bode's Law of course has a planet precisely at the location of this extant Asteroid Belt, the 'missing planet' position).

However some claim the Solar System also has other faraway planets or maybe a 2nd twin Star to the sun in an incoming orbit of many thousand of years, destabilizing dramatically the neat stasis of the Solar System on each occasion. Under this scenario, Pole-Shifts and the discussed possibilities are therefore a CYCLICAL EVENT.

Finally but not least of it, there is the issue of the Galactic Center, the so-called Black-Hole at the center of our Milky Way, and its position to our own Solar System, as we rotate around it; this the famous "2012" theme, and the "Photon Belt" theme, as we hit a new radiation zone, and allegedly our Sun changes noticeably, affecting the earth (which many claim is the "real" cause of Global Climate Change, our industrial pollution excesses just an add-on effect; and this is apparently easy to prove by Sun data, as well as how similar climate changes are affecting the rest of the planets. To this we also have to factor the alleged Weather Modification secret technologies which many claim are continually utilized in for example in Russia and China, and/or other similar disrupting technologies, not least of which may also be the massive microwave cellular
and WiFi coverage).

Few realize than in the event of a Pole Shift, it may take a while to precisely compose an accurate picture of the changes in terms of crust position in relation to the sky and stars. Once you realize that while instruments (such as computer aided sky observation) might not necessarily "be there" in the case of catastrophic events, the only sure-proof instruments are indeed giant rock monuments likely to have precisely been built with these Pole Shift and catastrophic changes in mind. The question is b whom and for whom?

As this may not necessarily be the only function of the rock pyramids, this appears to certainly be an important reason for their design; the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt are accurately oriented to the main North/South/East/West cardinal directions, and at the same time positioned in the biggest Earth Landmass-Location on the earth (defined as the Latitude & Longitude lines which traverse the largest amount of solid land).

The Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan/Mexico is almost identical in base perimeter to the Great Pyramid of Giza while the ratio of its height to the perimeter of its base is 4PI, as in the Great Pyramid of Giza's ratio is 2PI (basically they only differ in height). Teotihuacan's structures line up along the so-called "Street of the Dead" and beyond, intended to be a model replica of the Solar System including Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, not discovered until 1787/1846/1930 respectively (rediscovered, that is).

The "official" academic version for the history of the inhabitants in this planet is an obtuse and contrived fairy tale no different than Santa Claus or the Seven Dwarfs children's stories. Besides there is overwhelming evidence of previous more advanced civilizations in the form of rock monuments of archeo-astronomical complexity and impossibility of construction; actually the most prevalent In-Your-Face evidence of extant higher knowledge lies hidden in most "religious" traditions, their 'literal' narratives merely a cover/carrier for deeper secrets, heavily laden with archeo-astronomy of a much larger cosmic scale.

We have to simply come to grips with the fact the earth is merely an OUTPOST of many other cosmic civilizations, and one of many within the Solar System throughout its convoluted history, a saga of transmigrations following both the complexities of cataclysms of natural cosmic nature as well as "War in the Heavens" ET kind. Both the "scientific" and "religious/political" establishments have dedicated all their efforts to historically and presently conceal these truths with themselves at the very top knowing quite well this is the case.

Thus previous advanced civilizations dwelling both on the earth's crust and inside the earth itself (for protection), might necessarily not be conceived as "One Mankind" vs. "Visitors", but rather more complex interactions and Hybridization programmes, spanning eons of time, whereby you have varied scattered Outposts, some smaller than others while some more advanced than others, all in different periods of the earth's natural history. Their technologies buried in deeper strata of the crust, or wiped out in the case of say millions of years of antiquity or hundreds of thousands of years, or even purposefully hidden to avoid detection from the "natives”.

We might also consider both the possibility of more eco-friendly and "minimal intervention" technologies, as well as "wearable" techies carried away with them as these inhabitants left the earth. Thus the only easy way to find remnants, in the form of giant monuments whose exact intention was indeed, to last a very long time, acting as Time-Capsules and Data-Preservation locations, both for future civilizations on the planet, and the usual cosmic in/out Wanderers.

In these more accurate scenarios, the logic is to position in specific locations of high-profile and easy to find spots, certain "VAULTS" where the storage of knowledge is preserved, protected under rock monuments and such, or under the earth's crust, as a universal way of safe-keeping relevant info for the many cosmic Wanderers. But
different earth civilizations at a certain more knowledgeable stage of their evolution, might engage in "Advanced Technology Hunting", aware that these Vaults exist and more or less where to find them, and then when found apply all sorts of Reverse-Engineering methods to crack them. Some have suggested our later 20th century rapid
technological advancement has maybe been a result of this hunting. This a subset possibility of the much larger suspicion of ET's aid via secret treaties kept away from the knowledge of the masses. With this in mind, we can fathom that not all ET's have the same agenda, some more advanced than others, as some type of technologies can be quite dissimilar to one another, thus the "Hunting for Secret Technologies" (be they from the past or present or future) might be an ever recurring event here on earth, of which we are the smaller or least relevant of the hunters. This would explain why past technologies are not easily found and when found not easily cracked, if at all, because that might be exactly the intent, not to leave behind anything!

Legend says that the Pyramids of Giza Complex in Egypt contained no less than 300 "Books" of advanced knowledge, a summary of the essential cosmic knowledge of those who left the planet previous to some cataclysms on the earth. It is self-evident beyond a doubt, that these "Books" were found by certain elites in the far past, and these elites sought to HOARD THE KNOWLEDGE FOR THEMSELVES, as a means to preserve their stay in power, subjecting the rest of the earth's inhabitants to their wishes and might. However possessing the "Books" might only provide a few clues, since for example they might be in the form of a Digital Library or any other techno mode, whereby one needs to acquire 1st the technology to access the information contained.

It is also quite obvious once you have realized what has been truly happening that these elites (whom for simplification purposes we might as well call the "Atlantean Priesthood") decided to enact a series of both "Religions" and "Secret Schools of Mysteries" to assure the transmission and preservation of this knowledge through the millennia. The external public Exoteric Religions and the internal Esoteric Mystery Schools are simply two Branches or Chapters of the same manipulation, basically a Manipulation of Consciousness. In truth what has been taking place may be best-termed as "satanic black-magic" on the part of the few who have hoarded this knowledge and misused it (which is simply another way of calling the misuse or negative application of the Multi-Dimensional Science available).

While they have very slowly and gradually declassified bits and pieces of the old hidden Science and Technology, they have done so by giving to the masses merely a "3D linear Logic" and 5-Senses-Only Science, while simulating nothing else exists beyond this way of thinking and conceiving reality, and even severely punishing those who naturally possessed a Better-Genetic-Memory of the higher dimensional and more advanced (calling them witches and so forth).

For a long time, the only higher-reality knowledge allowed, has been their manufactured "Religions" and "Secret Lodge Wisdom", both craftily given in deceptive ways to extend their top-power forever. There are valid reasons for this strategy; not everything is "evil" in this respect; the truth is that large portions of the human pool are decidedly territorial and prone to violence and chaos and non-evolved, becoming in fact a serious menace to more advanced peoples on the planet. This type of more legitimate logic has filtered down in the form of the many racist supremacy ideologies in themselves a smaller isolated aspect of a much larger cosmic struggle. But since the full spectrum and depth of the true history of the planet and its many previous advanced inhabitants has been concealed, the smaller aspects trickle down in simplified to the extreme versions such as White (or Black or Yellow, etc) Supremacy or the like losing their original true meaning. All of these views are nothing more than "reductivist" mantras of much bigger and more complex struggles in cosmic terms, as advanced visitors migrate temporarily to planets of races less evolved needing to protect themselves just as we need to protect ourselves from wildlife.

The trouble is, of course, when "alleged hybrids" then purport to be more evolved but may be not which is at the core of the inherent derived fiasco of the "Monarchies".

It is impossible to either hide or destroy completely the Rock Pyramids. No elite priesthood or con Monarch King could successfully do this, when the structure is too large and its stone blocks that can weigh a 1000 tons. It is patently absurd how this reason for their existence has been "overlooked" when it is more than incredibly obvious. The obvious part is that the Builders regarded human natives as the menace! This included all the Kings and Priests and what have you all the same. Whereas true or just a possibility, it appears to me that giant rock monuments that cannot be taken apart by theft or hoarding.

Whether there are DEVOLVED or yet UNEVOLVED peoples on any planet, a similar situation arises every time advanced beings have to leave the planet and leave behind these Markers and Vaults of knowledge; these not only have to survive natural cataclysms but also need to be able to survive the greed and narrow-mindedness of the
local natives who will most certainly destroy and/or hide them from the rest of their fellow beings or enact preposterous myths regarding their existence and meaning. Without exception all of the rock monuments of the far past have always been looted, both of their contents, as well as the way in which they are portrayed to mean what they clearly do no mean (physically and culturally looted, that is). "


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Apr 07, 2011 10:55 pm

The Last Supper & the Oil Spill (Pole Shift cometh) -part 1 ... art-1.html
Brian Kemila of Illuminati Matrix proposed a totally new way of decoding the Gospels with a cryptic rendition of the so-called "The Last Supper" (or "L'Ultima Cena" in Italian, as in Leonardo Da Vinci's painting for example). According to him, it's all about fractal holographic repetition under the layout of Hypnotic Suggestions or Subliminal Puns. In this way when the Gospels state that "Jesus" told them to go find a man with a water-pitcher so that he would lead them to the house and into the upper room where they would eat the Passover meal together, Kemila sees this as a geographical pinpointing of northern Canada (the "house"), and maybe Alaska as the "Upper Room". After all, Hudson Bay next to Manitoba ("Man") does indeed have the shape of a water-pitcher.

However, I go further than Kemila does in the sense that I see the entire Bible as a fractal repetition of the same event of a Sacrifice of a Mass Scale in continual mode but with a specific "Omega Point" of higher relevance which in my opinion is the centerpiece of the entire mythical Bible saga in its entirety. In my view, past events regarding the substitution of one star-sun by another, for example Saturn as the "Old Sun" (death) and current Sol as the "New Sun" (birth/resurrection) is the actual Psychic Template which is repeated ad infinitum in varied manners, presenting at times different Aspects of the same archetypal event found both in antiquity as well as in our future on 3D Earth. I see the expression used in the Book of Revelation, "The Alpha and The Omega", as signifying precisely this, the Ouroboros nature of the paradigm (Time/Space as a serpent that eats its tail, repeats cosmic cycles).

Then you might be shown "The Fall" in the Garden of Eden that symbolizes the heights of civilizations past and present (Lemuria, Atlantis and the current one in that succession). Then you are shown the "Deluge" of waters and the preservation of some human DNA lines and all of nature's DNA (obviously a DNA storage bank placed securely during the cataclysms, "two of each" meaning one "Ark" in outer space while another one is deep within a high mountain range such as Mt Ararat).

Then you might be shown a "Moses and Aaron" in the "Red Sea Crossing" quite evidently symbolizing an Exodus to/from Mars ("Moses") the Red Planet during the passage of the Red Star Nibiru ("Aaron"). This particular aspect comprises many facets of the conundrum, the River Nile in its three courses, Red/Blue/White, the applicable fractal behind the allegory, with a figure of "Pharaoh" (Akhenaten, the real Moses) playing a crucial role.

At a later time you are presented with the "Virgin Birth of Jesus" as the "Son of God" (i.e. the New Sun-Son-Sol), and details such as the "3 Magi Kings from the East" naturally representing the 3 Pyramids of Egypt as Pole-Shift Markers and specific "gifts" each one brought to the New Sun era, each a symbol of the new times.

Then you have the Death at the Cross ("Crossing of Nibiru") and the implied Resurrection of "Jesus" and his "12 Apostles" as the new arrangement of the Sun and the 12 constellations of the Zodiac. Much further ahead you are given "prophecies" of the future (our present times) which just show other aspects of the same conundrum, greater in detail but yet fully encrypted in linguistic Gematria ciphers (i.e. the "Seals") pertaining the current Information Age with software computing as its backbone, the "New Genesis", the "New Adam and Eve", the "New Nature", etc, and the coming Earth Changes already beginning to transpire gradually.

While there are different species both in the multi-dimensional as well as the 3D material cosmos, it is dead-obvious the 3D Earth as we experience it has been a "joint project" of experimentation for a crossbreed species between Reptilian and Humanoid races. Indeed at another fractal level this is what the "Cross/Crossing" means as a symbol; at every Crossing of Nibiru a new variant of the saga is to be expected a further with devolution/evolution or change in DNA with respect to these interbreedings. In the very far past, Lemuria seems to have had a greater percentage of the reptilian DNA program, while the next civilization Atlantis was an attempt at a 50/50 deal. Then apparently the recessive reptilian components were the Trojan Horse "Sleeper DNA" that "invaded" Atlantis resulting in drastic change in misuse of Crystal-Grid energies and the like that led to its destruction (besides the cyclic cosmic conundrum itself in which it seems that only a few were prepared in advance to be saved).

This brings us to the last experiment at hand, our civilization as greatly devolved with a last-minute 'Revival of Atlantis' of sorts (since Francis Bacon in the 1600's onward), still attempting the inter-planetary mingling to some degree operating since the Sumerian and Egyptian eras of the past under the paradigm of Earth Changes and Cosmic Realignment of course. The question is how many have been preparing to save themselves and under whose orders or advice in the cosmic hierarchy?

Within this Trojanized Alter-Reality as a 3D Matrix operating with a hijacked Cipher-Gematria Software of Neuro-Linguistics that slants the Psionic ("Sion/Zion") Holographic Projection Energy and Frequency Signatures (organic quantum projection) into to a low-vibe resonating morphic-field, the nature of Cosmic Cycles is debased unto a Mass Sacrifice Ritual of very negative deadly Earth Changes with a specific intent to Block The Ascension openings inherent in each Cosmic Change cycle. Underlying most religions and satanic practices then, is this attempt at "capturing" all spiritual energies, trapping them in a low-vibe resonating pool, and not allowing Ascension to actually take place in humans; they do so by making them all a Sacrifice Ritual in a myriad of ways.

This is where Brain Kemila is right on the money, as he describes 3D material "reality" here as a giant etheric trap or cage, where it always falls back to the same fractal Ritual Sacrifice as centerpiece to it all. Within this "State-Of-Mind" or consciousness then, you are basically incarnating under a contract to surrender your Psionic Energy extracted through the Chakras (Vampirism of the Etheric kind), for the luciferian entities that have lost higher energies and have depleted their morphic fields (lost love, lost passion, lost heart, lost empathy); these therefore need you to engage in love, yet only up to the frequency gate that permits vampirization, in other words a "basic lower-vibe love" either too attached to the Ego (I/Me/Mine love), or fully tied in to Ritual Sacrifice (the sacrifice of love itself as an energy).

This is why in Christianity "love" is templated upon the allegories of "The Last Supper" happening during "Passover", and the "Death at the Cross"; "Jesus" then trains the mind and will to accept vampirism (eat his body and blood), and accept it all like it was "God's Will", and his true and original Plan for us. But was it? This is why you have a "Supper"; it has not been called by its more logical name DINNER because this other word has other puns; it encodes both "DEI"(Demiurge) as well as "Reindeer" (by anagram "Dinner=Reinnd") which is the symbol of Nibiru, the red-nosed reindeer that wanders in the night-sky announcing the birth of the New Son/Sun, mastered by St Nicholas (Ni-biru) or Satan/Santa Klaus. It encodes other things s well.

The word "DINNER" also carries a much more obvious and important pun embedded. If we pronounce it "DINNIR", then "INRI" the sign on the Cross in the Gospels is quite evident in it. But "INRI" is "NIBIRU", the real reason the Gospels tell us that supposedly that sign was placed on top of the Cross, obviously a defining clue as to the meaning of the Cross as "Crossing of Nibiru". Who supposedly placed that sign there? It was none other than "Pontius Pilate", a pun: "Bridge Pole" or Pole Bridge in reverse; this is also why the Pope is called the PONTIFF (Bridge), it's all one same topic over and over again, presented "scattered and dispersed" in a myriad separate ways ad infinitum; the Popes then give their most famous and powerful Blessing to all, called "URBI ET ORBI"...! Translated: pun of the "ORBIT of NIBIRU"!

At another level to properly tie in the icon of the 3 Pyramids of Giza (slanted to signify ritual sacrifice of Fire or Pyre), of course and in-your-face Obama represents Pharaoh Akhenaten, while Palin then represents Nefertiti, all carefully laidout to ritualize the "Red Sea Crossing" at the Passover/Passage of Nibiru as "Bearer" (Bear/ see Pope Benedict's coat of arms) of the pivotal POLE SHIFT -to be an actual physical earth crust displacement, not merely a magnetic shift, although it might be preceded by it-. As such, Egypt brings into the consciousness the "Death & Resurrection" theme on a global scale, because this has nothing to do with America or the USA per se, the political game is role-played without even knowledge of the players about the hidden meaning of it all; the players are chosen for their names mostly, and the USA is simply the highest point of universal visibility, and but the latest top nation in a very ancient cyclic saga.

Brian Kemila has shown how the Dome of the Rock in the Islamic Shrine of Al-Aksa contains the stone map of the 11 Western states of the USA (the actual sacred rock in the muslim shrine, apparently an extant Lemurian or Atlantean unfinished stone map), this being the subliminal behind 911 & both 1+1 towers; altogether with the waters turning into red as in the Oil Spill, also each "North & South Tower" symbolizes the "Fall of the Economy"/"Fall of the Internet" (as global connectedness and awareness). The apparent enmity between the three main monotheist religions of Islam/Christianity/Judaism is a mass show for the lower public, as each one is merely just a scattered piece of an unsolved maze, secretly hoarding clues about the cyclical cosmic upheavals, "theologized" in the form of fundamentalist dogmatic hocus-pocus make-believe. They are one face of the extant Lemurian Priesthood, which took over Atlantis and has also taken over the present civilization -ultimately the manifestation of trojan DNA from a group or recessive reptilians

Brian Kemila has shown how the Dome of the Rock in the Islamic Shrine of Al-Aksa contains the stone map of the 11 Western states of the USA (the actual sacred rock in the Muslim shrine, apparently an extant Lemurian or Atlantean unfinished stone map), this being the subliminal behind 911 and both 1+1 towers; altogether with the waters turning into red as in the Oil Spill, also each "North and South Tower" symbolizes the "Fall of the Economy"/"Fall of the Internet" (as global connectedness and awareness). The apparent enmity between the 3 main monotheist religions of Islam/Christianity/Judaism is a mass show for the lower public, as each one is merely just a scattered piece of an unsolved maze, secretly hoarding clues about the cyclical cosmic upheavals, "theologized" in the form of fundamentalist dogmatic hocus-pocus make-believe. They are one face of the extant Lemurian Priesthood, which took over Atlantis, and has also taken over the present civilization -ultimately the manifestation of trojan DNA from a group or recessive reptilians.

The 3 Pyramids of Giza in Egypt were placed at the center of the Landmass on Earth meaning that they transverse both in Parallel as well as in Meridian the largest portions of landmass! In the map figure we see how the parallel of the Pyramids passes by the lower section of Texas at Houston (exact Great Pyramid Parallel indeed actually passes right over the horizontal tarmac of the "George Bush Intercontinental Airport" in north Houston thus marking this precise name) and somewhat above Hawaii.

To follow the 3 Pyramids Meridian across the North Pole you need a globe, but I can tell you it passes right over Alaska, not very far from Wasilla-Alaska were Sarah Palin was Mayor before being Governor at Anchorage (barely south of Wasilla).

The 3 Pyramids Parallel and Meridian thus intersect at some point west off the coast of California a little northeast of Hawaii. Does this mean that the "trip/travel" of the "3 Kings of the East" (i.e. the 3 Pyramids) is a symbol of the "trip/travel" of the North Pole Shift over Alaska unto its final place of "New Birth" resting NE of Hawaii? The "3 Kings for the East" direct us to follow the 3 Pyramids westward unto the place of the CROSS (intersection of Parallel & Meridian).

Were the 3 Pyramids of Egypt thus constructed with an exact foreknowledge of this North Pole Shift’s last resting place? Perhaps this has to do with the fact that magnetic lines would follow the largest landmass vectors to create the most powerful Vortex Point as New Pole location. On the other hand one could argue the opposite that maybe the 3 Pyramids were placed there as Visible Surface Markers interacting with an invisible or vast underground system of magnetic vectors, and in this way actually directing the new movement of the North Pole at the moment of the Shift (I am talking about the Magnetic Shift as precursor to the Physical earth-crust displacement. This would make the Pyramids not just Markers but also interactive Devices of a greatly more advanced technology we ignore (and that perhaps very few of the elite know about).

We see in the "3 Kings" as "Bush/Obama/Palin", who serve as the ritual perfunctory Announcers of the Pole Shift and that we go "from the South to the North" in the obvious sense that Bush is publicly placed as in Houston, Texas (then Austin); Obama is placed as in Chicago-Illinois, and Palin is placed as in Wasilla-Alaska (then Anchorage) in the correct order sequentially south to north, as well as in time succession of power assuming that Palin would be a serious runner and possible/probable 2012 president.

Now take a sheet of print paper and square it against Chicago and you will find it forms a perfect Right Triangle with Houston and Anchorage; this is the present day meaning of the "SQUARE and COMPASS" as symbol of Masonry (the Compass means the North Pole shifting position in the window of time that opens up at the so called "2012" and time-frame).

Is this why in the Leonardo Da Vinci painting "L'Ultima Cena" you will find Judas cryptically pointing up with his finger? Do keep in mind that besides this painting’s title, the only other reference to the word "Ultima" is in "Ultima Thule", the mythic hyperborean land of the North (at the Pole or close), brought to everybody's eye and attention only 70 years ago by the Nazis! It therefore seems quite evident that at a higher hyperdimensional level, humanity has been given (or to the esoteric elites for that matter) plenty of hints of the coming event and how it ties to religion; after all not only the Nazis but former Popes John PAUL (Pole) I, and "John PAUL (Pole) II, were announcements of the conundrum, as loud and visible as can possibly be. Can anyone after reading this expose, pretend not to understand now what the secret background to all this religious hocus-pocus and political staged-theater are really all about?
The Last Supper & the Oil Spill (Pole Shift cometh) - part 2 ... ometh.html
The History Channel’s three-part documentary on the 2012 Alignment 'for dummies' shows much better than I could here Ophiuchus the 13th hidden Sign of the Zodiac as the exact Zodiacal position of the 'Triple Cross" formed at that date. I suggest that the name of the new Templars that are currently running the Vatican, the OPUS DEI, may indeed be a pun of the OPHIUCHUS constellation.

I showed how "Bethlehem" or the "House of Bethel" in the Gospels is but a clear pun of the giant red star BETELGEUSE at Orion's shoulder, as the word "Regal" (Royal) is a pun of the blue star RIGEL in Orion's knee, both colors Red/Blue added to the color White of the Sun, define the fractal of the River Nile in Egypt, running from the Upper Kingdom to the Lower Kingdom (Red Nile, Blue Nile, White Nile in stages/tributaries), since our 3D Earth is a fractal holographic matrix projection especially the geography itself!

The Gospels allegory of the "3 MAGI-KINGS FROM THE EAST" that follows a "STAR OF BETHLEHEM"" represents the actual "travel" through the parallel of the 3-Pyramids onward to the West en-route to pinpoint the new position of the North Pole -in my opinion-. Robert Bauval a long time ago already gave us the essential clue, that the 3-Pyramids are a fractal on the ground of the 3 Stars in Orion's Belt (the "3 Mary's"); so everything is really obvious once you understand the symbolism, yet the Gospels DID NOT include a key cipher for the instruction to travel North on the Pyramids Meridian and across the North Pole, to finally "CROSS" the travel of the Parallel westward -landing at a point of crossing Northeast of Hawaii-; this was remedied by much later creating the allegoric childish tale of one "Santa Klaus"/"St Nicholas" who comes from the North Pole and arrives to the houses by night right before the "Birth of Jesus" (the birth of the NEW SUN after the current Sol expires "XP"). The figure of the Sign of Constantine/XP below, shows how the "K" of "Klaus" is formed without officially naming it -as well as the "K" in Nikolas.

When finally at the 3rd century Emperor Constantine launches the official face of Christianity as we know from then on (as a syncretism of extant cults and spiritual teachings since Sumeria and then Egypt), he proceeded to include a crucial cipher to solve the puzzle; right before a decisive crucial battle he did pretend to having seen "A Sign in the Sky" in the shape of a Cross as an "X" (St Andrews Cross type), but unto a vertical POLE with a P on top. This is the most famous "CHI-RHO" Sign (transliterating to our alphabet as "XP", but in Greek they were the first 2 letters of the name of Christ); this so called "Sign of Constantine" is the bottom-line cipher of the entire encryption, as it represents everything-in-1, all summed up in one sign, akin to the way the 2012 Alignment sums up all 3 Crossings in 1. This is the reason the same exact sign is thinly disguised as the logo of the United Nations; this logo depicts the NORTH POLE as per the continents drawn (for larger depiction search Google images).

It is then totally self-evident that the elite are getting ready for the EXODUS at the moment of the Crossing of Nibiru which occurs at the symbolic moment of the 2012 Alignment it does not mean necessarily at that date; it is a window of time that opens after that alignment, a new "Era of the Crossing"). Sure enough, when we check the word "Exodus" yet using the famous double XX of the european nobilities, for ex utilized blatantly by EXXON (never noticed"Exxon" is a pun of "Exxodus", its gas station markets stores named "On The Run" with a red curved path below) we observe the following:

"1776" is a magickal number, as it is Triangular -results from the sum of 3 triangular numbers, for ex {222+666+888=1776} etc. "666" is by no means "evil" in any sense whatsoever; it is actually the Number of Water (water crystals). Also, when multiplying (17x76=294) this yields the reverse of "492" -the real reason year 1492 was chosen as "official" datefor the discovery of America- (492 or 294 prominently part of the 3x3
Magic Square of Saturn):

All this means was that the American continent was made to be "discovered" (the illuminati always knew it existed; the Templars were here much earlier) in 1492 to be 'charged' with the benefic powers of the "492" in the 3x3 Magic Square of Saturn (in Orient called the Lo-Shu Square), then the Independence of the biggest & most powerful nation in America 'charged' with the benefic powers of Triangular No. 1776, to mean this USA freedom experiment to last only up to 2012 (the period from 2000 to 2012 for the "3 Kings" Bush/Obama/Palin) such that "From George W. (Washington) to George W. (Bush)" was ritually meant to imply the country begins to cease to exist in that former manner, and it is "absorbed" by the New World Order, as sold out by the "3 Kings" of the 2000-2012 period, who do so under the template of the Egyptian revival in masonic terms (the Union of the Upper & Lower Kingdom/Worlds), these 3 figures as harbingers or the "Death" of the USA into a new "Birth" as part of the new global centralized power ad-portas.

This ritual "Death" of the USA is at another level role-played in an escalating series of disasters -from 911 to Katrina to the massive Illegal Immigration to the Fall of the Economy to the Oil Spill to World War 3, etc-, representing the Phoenix Bird that dies in flames and is reborn from its ashes (what is reborn not the USA itself, but the New World Order that is, that's the ritual, and that's the deception).

In Christianity the Pole Shift secret encryption is carried in the "Bible" by the two figures of PETER (Pituitary Gland) as the NORTH Pole, and PAUL (Pineal Gland) as the SOUTH Pole (Paul/Pole); Paul's former name in the "Gospels" is SAUL, a pun of SOUTH. The Pineal and Pituitary inside the Brain fractalize the Earth's Orb, becoming the two Magnetic Poles that receive the dual Kundalinis that run up the spine -therefore perfectly well symbolizing the Earth's North and South Poles. The Santa Klaus allegory carries this as well, as the Pineal Gland is shaped like a PINE Cone, and this is the real secret meaning of the X-mas pine trees that are lighted up with hanging coloured pine cones, to mean that the Pineal and Pituitary "lighten up" into extra-dimensional (beyond the speed of light) supra-light and open to higher dimensions. Or as others would claim, that religion's secret agenda is in reverse to SHUT-OFF the Pineal and Pituitary, and "Santa" is Satan that reigns in the Darkness and is secretly celebrated in lighted Pine trees.

This has lots to do with the notion of "Shaking The Spear", as the Pineal can also be seen as SPEAR shaped; "Shakespeare" then means this and there is a NORTH POLE very clear and obvious reference as signifying the "Path of the Pyramid's Meridian unto & across the North Pole, because the island of Spitsbergen east of Greenland is evidently shaped like a Spear. In this context then, "Shake the Spear" implies the shaking of the Earth itself as in a Pole Shift, and the resulting wandering of the North Pole.
Ed Dames - The Kill Shot ... 1104676713#


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