Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Post by StevenJay » Thu Jan 27, 2011 12:59 pm

I see you're regurgitating the very same line of disjointed, irrelevant opinions you've already shared in other threads, without contributing anything of substance to any of them. :roll:
It's all about perception.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Post by lizzie » Fri Jan 28, 2011 7:08 am

Cynosure definitions
CYNOSURE, n. [Gr., the tail of the dog, Ursa Minor, the little bear] The constellation near the North Pole, consisting of seven stars, four of which are disposed like the four wheels of a chariot, and three lengthwise, like the beam; hence called the chariot or Charles’s wain. As seamen are accustomed to steer by this constellation, it is sometimes taken for that which directs or attracts attention.
Time, Sun and the Stars
Now, though, everything in the skies happens about a month later than when these ancient observational calendars -- Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Chinese, as well as Lakota -- were drawn up. This happens because the earth's north-south axis revolves around the center of the earth, so the poles slowly sweep out 2 cones in the sky, joined at their tips in the earth's center. This cycle is called the precession of the equinoxes or precessional cycle. (Its cause is a gyroscopic effect of the moon's gravitational attraction to the earth's tidal bulge.) It takes about 26,000 years for one complete revolution to sweep out the double cone. During this time, the pole star changes, to whatever stars lie on the circle swept by the north-pointing end of the earth's axis. The Pole Star -- Wichahpi Owanjila, star that always stands in one place -- was Thuban (Alpha Draconis) in 3000 B.C. Around 7500 AD, Alpha Ceiphei will be the pole star, then Deneb, then bright Vega (14000 AD), then it'll swing around to Thuban again. For many centuries there has been and will be no bright star close enough to where the pole is to serve as pole star; the bright northern stars and constellations then seem to revolve through the night about an empty center.
Great Pyramid Statistics
North Star Pointer:

The Descending Passage pointed to the pole star Alpha Draconis, circa 2170-2144 B.C. This was the North Star at that point in time. No other star has aligned with the passage since then.

The 344 ft. length of the Descending Passage provides an angle of view of only +/- 1/3 of a degree. Alpha Draconis has not been in alignment for thousands of years. The next alignment will be with the North Star, Polaris, in about 2004 A.D.

Polaris in Greek means Satan.

The southern shaft in the King's Chamber (45 deg, 00 min, 00 sec) pointed to the star Al Nitak (Zeta Orionis) in the constellation Orion, circa 2450 B.C.
The Orion constellation was associated with the Egyptian god Osiris.
No other star aligned with this shaft during that Epoch.

The northern shaft in the King's Chamber (32 deg, 28 min, 00 sec) pointed to the star Alpha Draconis, circa 2450 B.C.

The southern shaft in the Queen's Chamber (39 deg, 30 min, 00 sec) pointed to the star Sirius, circa 2450 B.C. Sirius was associated with the Egyptian goddess Isis and is also part of a unique ceremony practiced by the African Dogon tribe.

The northern shaft in the Queen's Chamber (39 deg, 00 min, 00 sec) pointed to the star Ursa Minor, circa 2450 B.C.

Five of the 7 brightest stars have pyramid equivalents: The 3 great pyramids of Khufu, Khafra, and Menkaura for the belt of Orion, the pyramid of Nebka at Abu Rawash corresponds to the star Saiph, the pyramid at Zawat al Aryan corresponds to the star Bellatrix. The only two missing star positions are for Betelgeuse and Rigel.
Precession of the Earth's Axis ... /id16.html
Because of the precession of the equinoxes, the position among the stars of the celestial pole--the pivot around which the celestial sphere seems to rotate--traces a circle every 26,000 years of so. The celestial pole is now quite close to the pole star Polaris but it will not be so in the future, and wasn't in the past. The ancient Egyptians regarded as pole star the star Thuban or "Alpha Draconis," the brightest star in the constellation Draco, the serpent

We are also told Thuban was the pole star prior to 2700 BC and about the time the Egyptians were building pyramids. It seems Archeologists have determined several structures in Egypt were set up to align with Thuban at that time. It's interesting, if this is the case, since if structures were aligned to the North Pole to point at Thuban, then today they would simply point to Polaris, unless they were deliberately misaligned, or the interpretation is wrong. Thuban is a star in the constellation "Draco". It just so happens that if it were the pole star in ancient times, it would retain the present 23 1/2 degree tilt to the ecliptic. However, most of Draco is in an area of the Celestial Sphere, where if the axis pointed more generally to bulk of stars in Draco, then the axial tilt would be more perpendicular to the ecliptic. There is a great deal of compelling evidence that the actual climatic conditions in Pleistocene time require a more perpendicular tilt. There were 12 stars put into Draco reflecting the symbolism of the twelve. It seems reasonable to me that the center of Draco was the direction of the axial tilt in the previous age.

We know for a fact the Earth's axis is tilted at 23 ½ degrees relative to the ecliptic and today points at Polaris, the North Star. At some time in the past, it has been suggested the axis pointed at Thuban. Therefore, some have invented a theory of precession to explain a change in the axis orientation according to some ancient observations. The axis may have changed orientation from Thuban to Polaris; there seems little reason to doubt it, since there is no question Polaris appears to be moving in a path of rotation, over time. The question is, does the axis gradually move over the course of 26 thousand years and imitate the motion of a slowing wobbly top or is there some other mechanism that appears to have moved the axis. Gyroscopic precession due to impact could have changed the Earth's axis orientation from the center of Draco and nudged it to a point near Thuban in a matter of days to remain in its present orientation ever since, and still, another mechanism may operate to make the axis appear to be traveling in rotation, currently to point at Polaris as observations of stellar motion suggest. Let's take a brief look at the evidence for gradual change and then see how gyroscopic precession really works. Then in the Celestial Hemisphere section we can analyse other possible mechanisms

Then we are shown a spinning top as a graphical representation of empirical evidence of the NASA idea of the precession of Earth's axis. The top is spinning on a surface (a sidewalk?) and as anyone that has ever seen a spinning top knows, the friction of that surface restrains the bottom axis and the wobble only occurs as the top slows its spin to the point of instability. The southern axis of the Earth is not restrained, however, and the rotation speed seems empirically constant at this time, and has increased if ancient calendars correctly record a change in rate from 360 days to 364 days and now to 365 1/4 days in the year. An increase of over one percent.

If a torque were applied perpindicular to the South Pole of Earth, it would produce a rolling motion, just like the gyroscope. We can now confidently hypothesize that if a sufficient torque were applied the South Pole of the Earth and perpendicular to the pole, the Earth would roll during the time the torque was applied. When the torque was lifted the Earth would stop rolling and resume a stable declination. This would change the orientation of the axis and it would appear to observers on the surface that the Pole Star had changed. This is simple logic based on the observed motion of the gyroscope and has nothing to do with the zodiac, or ancient observations during moon eclipses that don't appear to be well understood.

If the Center of Draco was the Polar orientation in the past then what could have caused the direction of the axis to roll away from it? Since we have already observed where a large mass impacted at high speed, near the South Pole, severing the connection between Antarctica and South America, let's consider it the candidate. This impact would have put a brief perpendicular torque against the southern pole of the axis and caused the Earth to roll. Likely, the extent of the roll could have been the angle now observed between the center of Draco and Polaris and the shift could have taken place in a matter of days.

NASA is right about one thing. The axis of a gyroscope tends to stay lined up in the same direction, until you give it a nudge. And that is exactly what a comet impact at the South Pole did. But not in the way they describe.

It must have been quite a nudge. The Center of Draco is located about 18 to 24 degrees from Polaris on the Celestial Sphere and if the nudge was applied as a torque perpendicular to the South Pole along the Latitude of Drakes Passage, the roll would have been clockwise observed from a viewing position over the Pacific Ocean. This is as observed in the gyroscope movie, but relative to the South Pole the Earth spins clockwise and the roll is perpendicular to the spin at a right angle.

How fast would the roll have taken place? If the spin increased four degrees over four days, due to the tangential impact along the equator, as is suggested by the observations by Native Americans, when the Pacific Ocean retreated over 4 days, then we could likely conclude the impact against the South Polar region caused the Earth to have had a precessional roll for 18 to 24 days, assuming a similar roll rate of one degree per day. We have already calculated that the impact would have more than enough energy to increase the spin by four degrees. To precipitate a roll of as much as 26 degrees would require 6.5 times the energy required to increase the spin (26/4). If the energy required to increase the Earth's spin was 2.8 times 10^23 Joules equivalent to Newton Meters squared, then it would take 1.82 times 10^24 Joules to roll the Earth 26 degrees, impacting near the southern axis and perpindicular to the axis. Remember, a silicon sphere of 20 km diameter at a velocity of 13.5 km/sec would contain 5 times 10^24 Joules. So again, there is more than enough energy contained in the impact, to do the work.

The roll would have had a dramatic effect on the oceans. In addition to the momentum of the oceans backing up to the west for four days as a result of the increase in spin caused by the impact, they also would have backed up to the north as a result of the precessional roll. These changes in motion would have created an overflow of the oceans due to the difference in momentum between a liquid and its solid container. The oceans backed up and flooded over all the land areas of the globe with water flowing from the east and south. Then as the momentum of the Oceans caught up with the movement of the solid earth, the waters surged over the now dry areas where the water receded, flowing from the west and south in turn and the momentum of the water carried it even over the mountains.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Post by lizzie » Sat Jan 29, 2011 11:50 am

What if the “big secret” the Church is trying to hide is fact that the Jesus Christ (Son/Sun of God) they created is nothing more than another solar deity (Aten) and that Rabbi Jesus is the bloodline relative referred to here. Of course, according to the "story", Rabbi Jesus was put to death by the ruling elite because he wanted to share his esoteric knowledge with the people. In other words the “Jesus of Freemasonry” is really Rabbi Jesus. IMHO, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if the “dragon bloodline” families are really related to the “evil twin", Judas Thomas. They seemed to have espoused many of his unsavory practices.

From the 5th to the 8th centuries, the Merovingian dynasty of kings ruled Europe and, from the Middle Ages until the present day, most of Europe's monarchs have been of Merovingian lineage. In 679 A.D., the Roman Catholic Church collaborated with the Carolingian dynasty to assassinate the Merovingian King, Dagobert II.

Dagobert's nephew, Childeric III, was deposed in 751 by Pepin III, the first of the Carolingian dynasty. The removal of the Merovingian kings culminated with the coronation of Charlemagne, who became the Holy Roman Emperor in 800. Ironically, Charlemagne and the Carolingians married Merovingian wives in order to guarantee the continuation of their dynasty. This would account for the perpetuity of the Merovingian bloodline in the royalty of Europe.

In the [8th] century the Merovingian Dynasty of France was overthrown by the mayors of the Merovingian Palaces, the Carolingians (741). But Carolingians were also a major part of the Jesus–Magdalene heresy, as we shall soon see. They took Merovingian wives to assure that the heretical 'divine' bloodline was preserved twofold. The Carolingian empire became the unholy Holy Roman Empire under Charlemagne who became the first Emperor, a huge coup.”

After the death of Dagobert II, the Merovingian bloodline continued in the personage of Sigisbert IV, who fled to the south of France, to the village of Rennes le Chateau in Razes. Sigisbert assumed the name of "the Plant-Ard", which means "sapling" or "branch" and the title of the Count of Razes. "Plant-Ard" evolved into the surname Plantard:

“The Merovingian dynasty continued formally with Thierry IV and Childéric III who was removed in 751 and this was the end of the dynasty. According to the parchment found by Saunière, and this could be true according to some historians, Sigebert IV escaped and arrived in the Razes on the 17 of January 681 where he took refuge with his grand father.

According to the parchment found by Saunière the lineage did not stop with Sigebert VI but continued up to this date although nobody claimed the French throne."

To further authenticate their pseudo-divine lineage, the Merovingian genealogies have Sigisbert IV, the 'Plant-Ard' or Branch, married to "Magdala", who is identified as a descendant of Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ.

"The marriage of Dagobert II and Giselle of Razes combined the two bloodlines, that of the Holy Family and that of a pagan divine beast, the Quinotaur. The connection between the Merovingians and the Holy Family seems to have been hind-shadowed by this union of the bloodlines, when indeed they would seem from contemporary sources to be a kind of Pendragon lineage, such as Vortigern and Arthur in Britain. In Sigisbert IV, it appears to be the bloodlines of the divine king and the world teacher combined.

Sigisbert and Magdala were most assuredly not descendants of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene; rather their Pendragon lineage refers to descent from Uther Pendragon, the father of King Arthur and Head Dragon of the Druidic Dragon Court:

The Merovingian dynasty was deposed in 800 A.D., but perpetuated itself in a direct line from Dagobert II through his son Sigisbert IV. From this bloodline came Godfroi de Bouillon, who captured Jerusalem in 1099 and formed the Knights Templars, as well as the Prieuré de Sion. Recall that the Society of Ormus which originated in Alexandria, Egypt had relocated to Calabria, Italy and that, in 1070 AD, twenty-nine years before the first Crusade, the Calabrian monks removed to Ardennes Forrest in France, part of the domains of Godfroi de Bouillon who was the duke of Lorraine.

"The First Crusade (A.D. 1098) could then conceivably have been an attempt to restore an heir of the Davidic bloodline to the throne of Jerusalem in the person of Godfroi of Bouillon (also known as Godfroi of Lorraine), who was, according to legend, of Merovingian lineage... This secret cabal called the Priory of Sion was reputed to have been formed by Godfroi of Lorraine to protect the interests of the bloodline."

The Templar Revelation lists among the Merovingian Rex Deus families who strategized the First Crusade the "Counts of Champagne, Lords of Gisors, Lords of Payen, Counts of Fontaine, Counts of Anjou, de Bouillon, St. Clairs of Roslin, Brienne, Joinville, Chaumont, St Clair de Gisor, St Clair de Neg and the Hapsburgs..." Godfroi de Bouillon who became the King of Jerusalem and first Grand Master of the Knights Templar was a descendant of King Dagobert through Hugues de Plantard. From these families descended the Saint-Clair (Sinclair) and Plantard bloodlines, as well as the Hapsburg dynasty which is allied with Plantard through the House of Lorraine

The first Angevin dynasty was known from the 12th century as the Plantagenet dynasty through the House of Anjou which produced King Henry II and subsequent kings.

"The original start of the Prieuré de Sion appears to have been the idea of a number of powerful bloodlines, and included various descendants of the Merovingians, including the House of Lorraine, the House of Guise, the Medicis, Sforzas, the Estes, the Gonzagas, and the St. Clairs (Sinclairs). The Medicis are tied to the Black Nobility.

The Merovingian families which ruled France, England and Germany included the Hapsburg-Lorraine dynasty which, in the twentieth century, played a major role in the formation of the European Union.

"Prominent in the Wars of Religion was the noble French family of de Guise... They disputed the legitimacy of the Valois succession, and claimed their own right to the throne by virtue of descent from the Emperor Charlemagne through the House of Lorraine."

"The Imperial and Royal Dragon Court is the ancient Household Court and Order of the senior Angevin descendants of the Imperial and Royal House of Vere of Caledonia, Anjou and Lorraine, and the physical embodiment of the sovereign Princedom of Drakenberg, which is recognized under European Law as a sovereign ethnic racial group; the principal nation states of the Draconian peoples.

"Furthermore, the royal and ambassadorial nature of the title of the Prince of Drakenberg (Princeps Draconis) is recognised under the 'Official Observations' of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Government of its state of origin within the European Union."

Merovingian sources collectively point to the Plantards and Saint-Clairs as the bloodlines that will produce the Grail King, the divine ruler, at once god and king, who will bring mankind into a utopian age of peace and prosperity. One piece of evidence for this choice is found in a recent best-seller, The Da Vinci Code: "Only two direct lines of Merovingians remain. Their family names are Plantard and Saint-Clair. Both families live in hiding, probably protected by the Priory."

The Prieuré de Sion was formed and has been directed by individuals related to the Saint-Clair bloodline. In Great Britain, the surname of this so-called sacred lineage is Sinclair. According to at least two Masonic sources, the Saint-Clairs are Grand Masters of Freemasonry by right of birth and they have historically controlled the Prieuré de Sion.
According to Holy Blood, Holy Grail, Ormus evolved into the Order of the Prieuré de Sion of the Rosy Cross: "One is intended to see in Ormus the origins of the so-called Rose-Croix, or Rosicrucians. And in 1188 the Prieuré de Sion is said to have adopted a second subtitle in addition to Ormus. It is said to have called itself L'Ordre de la Rose-Croix Veritas... Ormus...[was] the name allegedly adopted by the Prieuré de Sion between 1188 and 1307."

In 1099, the Merovingian Jews in collusion with Pope Urban II, also a Merovingian, launched the First Crusade. An article titled The Merovingian Infiltration of the Christian World through Monasticism confirms what we have long suspected, that Urban was not the first Merovingian pope, but the 6th in a succession of French Merovingian popes beginning in 999 A.D.

“1088: Urban II, French Prior of Cluny (Reformed Benedictines) becomes the pope. Urban was of the 'Eudes' family which was not only the name of the King of the Franks, Eudes, who ruled 888 to 898 and considered one of the antecedent kings of the Capetian House of France, but also the name of the Royal Capetian line of Burgundy, great grandson of Hugh Capet, Eudes I the Red of Burgundy who acceded 1079, nine years before Urban (Eudes) became pope. Eudes the Red acceded in that specific year because his brother, Hugh I of Burgundy, had abdicated to become the Prior of Cluny. Both were sons of Henry of Burgundy who married Sibylle of Barcelona. Henry was son of Robert I of Burgundy, who was the son of Hugh Capet. Barcelona, home of their mother, was part of the Spanish March connected to Septimania and, here too, the Duke of Aquitaine in 1012 was Eudes of Aquitaine. Aquitaine and Septimania are extremely significant:

“It happens that Septimania (Languedoc) is exactly where the Jesus-Magdalene heresy flourished, and where there was a large population of Cathar Jews who were given independent status by Pepin, Carolingian King. Thence their own kings ruled as: 'seed of the Royal House of David', each acknowledged as 'King of the Jews', most famous of whom was Guillem de Gellone, the Prince of Orange.

Confusing this issue, these kings also claimed to be of Merovingian descent; but not confusing when one realizes that Jesus was of the House of David and Mary Magdalene was from the town Magdala, four miles from Tiberius, founded by Herod Antipas, who was an Edomite descendant of Esau who Benjaminites married. Additionally, Absolom, David’s son, who pulled a coup d’etat on his own father in an attempt to take his throne, had a rebel following who would have joined the Benjaminite cause. Absalom died when his long hair got caught in branches in the forest during the Coup. (2 Sam:18:9) And the Merovingians, first Dynasty of French kings, were the Long Haired Kings.

“The details of the separate kingdom of Septimania were erased from history books; but the descendant bloodlines were apparently the 'heretical Royal Bloodlines' as: Dukes of Aquitaine, Dukes of Lorraine, Dukes of Guise; Counts of Barcelona, Counts of Toulouse, Counts of Auvergne; Counts of Razes. And it was precisely a Duke of Aquitaine who founded Cluny. Thus, Septimania becomes extremely important, for now Urban II, descendant of the Eudes of Septimania and Cluny Prior is the pope who will call the first Crusades resulting in the crowning of a direct lineal descendant of Guillem de Gellone, named Godfroi de Bouillon, Duke of Lorraine, as King of Jerusalem. Aquitaine is so-named on maps of Second Century Roman Empire and comprised then, the whole area from Languedoc, South France, to Poitou and Anjou. Septimania was the area that was later known as the Languedoc.”

The pretext for the First Crusade—recovery of the Temple treasures and sacred sites—concealed the real motive of the Merovingians, which was to rebuild the ancient Temple of Solomon.

A secondary objective of the Knights Templar may have been to deposit the Merovingian "Holy Grail" cache at Jerusalem. These artifacts will probably be "discovered" in the future as "proof" of Merovingian claims of their "divine" blood. In The Second Messiah, authors Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas identify the Merovingian families which conspired with the Merovingian pope—truly a Jewish fifth column within the Catholic Church—to recapture the Holy Land:

"The picture that was emerging was of a group of European noble families, descended from the Jewish lines of David and Aaron, who had escaped from Jerusalem shortly before, or possible even just after, the fall of the Temple. They had passed down the knowledge of the artifacts concealed within the Temple to a chosen son of each family. Some of the families involved were the Counts of Champagne, Lords of Gisors, Lords of Payen, Counts of Fontaine, Counts of Anjou, de Bouillon, St. Clairs of Roslin, Brienne, Joinville, Chaumont, St Clair de Gisor, St Clair de Neg and the Hapsburgs.

"By 1095, the members of the Rex Deus families group were almost certainly fully Christianised yet each of them must have had at least one male member who held the traditional history of their high-born Jewish roots close to his heart. No doubt they saw themselves as 'super-Christians', descendants of the very first Church, and privy to the greatest secret this side of heaven. They were a silent elite — 'the kings of God'.

"Indeed, the history books record that [Pope Urban II's] leadership marked the papacy's assumption of the leadership of Western Christendom.

"If the Rex Deus group did exist, it is easy to see how the First Crusade provided these families with a 'God-given' opportunity to return to their Holy Temple to recover the treasure that was their birthright and it would be done at exactly the same time that the Jewish writer of the Gospel of John the Divine had predicted! The Rex Deus families were at the forefront of the First, and every Crusade. Medieval scholars have long wondered why it should be that the same families drove all of the Crusades for their entire duration, and now we had a possible answer.

"Once the Christian armies had secured Jerusalem, the non-Rex Deus leaders were quickly removed and the families infiltrated the Jerusalem monarchy and the Church, to ensure that they would not be blocked in the holy endeavor of the 'Kings of God' to regain what their ancestors had left for them.

"In 1114 the Rex Deus group told Baldwin, King of Jerusalem, that they wanted to post a small contingent of knights in Jerusalem to carry out some exploratory digging under the pretext of being guardians of the highways for pilgrims. Unfortunately, the king was not persuaded. In 1118, Baldwin I died at the age of sixty (presumably of natural causes) and his cousin was rapidly crowned King Baldwin II of Jerusalem. Within weeks, nine French knights were camped on the site of Herod's stables... The world was told their mission was to save the Christian pilgrims from the evil Muslim bandits, but their true mission was to locate and rescue the scrolls and treasures of the Jerusalem Church."

In his book “Behold a Pale Horse” William Cooper stated that the real treasure the Templars absconded with was not the Temple artifacts, but relics pertaining to Jesus Christ, including His bones! We wondered for some time how Cooper knew this. Not only did William Cooper claim to know what the relics of Jesus are, but where they are hidden. Underlying Cooper's belief in this heresy is his rejection of the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ:

"One of the greatest secrets of the ages is the true story of the Holy Grail, the robe of Jesus, the remains of the Cross of Crucifixion, and whether Jesus actually died or if he survived and produced a child. Many myths surround the Knights Templar concerning these relics, and most myths throughout history have at least some basis in fact. If my sources are correct the Knights Templar survive today as a branch of the Illuminati and guard the relics, which are hidden in a location known only to them...

"According to members of the intelligence community, when the New World Order is solidified the relics will be taken out, will be united with the Spear of Destiny, and will, according to legend, give the world's ruler absolute power. This may confirm beliefs passed down through the ages that describe the significance of these relics when united in the hands of one man. It may also explain Hitler's desperate search for their hiding place during World War II. Again I must remind you that it makes not one iota of difference what you believe. If they believe, you will be affected.

"The Knights Templar was founded sometime during the 11th century in Jerusalem by the Prieuré de Sion for the express purpose of guarding the remaining relics of Jesus and to provide military protection for the religious travelers during their pilgrimage to the Holy Land.

"The Prieuré de Sion was a religious order founded upon Mount Sion in Jerusalem. The Order set for itself the goal of preserving and recording the bloodline of Jesus and the House of David. Through every means available to them, the Prieuré de Sion had found and retrieved the remaining relics. I am amazed at the authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail and the information that they have unearthed. Most of all I am amazed at their inability to put the puzzle together. The treasure hidden in France is not the treasure of the Temple of Jerusalem. It is the Holy Grail itself, the robe of Jesus, the last remaining pieces of the Cross of Crucifixion, and, according to my sources, someone's bones. I can tell you that the reality of the bones will shake the world to its very foundations if I have been told the truth. The relics are hidden in France. I know the location and so do the authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail, but they do not know that they know—or do they?" (Behold a Pale Horse)

Behold a Pale Horse, Holy Blood, Holy Grail and the multitude of Grail publications all claim that the future revelation of the treasure of Rennes le Chateau, the French village where the Prieuré de Sion deposited the Templars' Grail cache, will be the undoing of Christianity. The Prieuré obviously plans to produce, i.e. manufacture, relics which would disprove the divinity of Jesus Christ. A French website maintains that this is the famed secret of Rennes le Chateau:

"...that the treasure of Rennes is not material but that it contains the formal proof that the crucifixion did not take place and that Jesus was still alive in the year 45. Source of this priest: another priest Anglican, Gun Alfred Leslie Lilley, died in 1940, which had contacts with the modernistic catholic movement (based at the beginning with St-Sulpice), like with Emile Hoffet."

Alice Bailey associated the Grail bloodline with the sign of Virgo: "Virgo itself is a cup-shaped constellation in its highest meaning the Holy Grail." Along with descent from immortal sea beasts, the Prieuré de Sion also alleges to have "incontrovertible proof" of Merovingian descent from Jesus Christ and His continuing bloodline, and has been working to reestablish the power of the Merovingian dynasty, this time over a world kingdom.

However, even Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln have admitted, "while the Merovingian royal blood was credited with a sacred, miraculous, and divine nature, it was not explicitly stated anywhere that this blood was in fact of Jesus." Claims of direct descent from Jesus—who is at best another Jesus, Yeshu, an Essene adept who saves by giving gnosis rather than shedding his blood—and Mary Magdalene (the holy grail or womb which bore this other Jesus' children) are merely attempts to Christianize the demonic bloodline which will place Lucifer on the throne of this world.

"Writers examining the lives of Christ and Mary Magdalen in search of clues to the Grail mystery have been left with more questions than answers. And those going over the Bible with a fine-toothed comb have come up equally empty-handed. Undoubtedly the reason for this is due to the fact that the Holy Grail has virtually nothing to do with Christianity per se. Christ may have been a key figure in a long line of servants of the Grail, but its legacy is not to be found within the context of the religion founded in his name. Not a single one of the crucial clues relating to the Grail mystery can be satisfactorily explained in terms of orthodox Christianity. Indeed, it would appear that the Grail story was Christianized precisely to conceal a legacy that was wholly unchristian. It is a legacy that goes back to Ia, and the mysterious race of which he was a descendant.

Since few people are aware of the Merovingian (Jewish) infiltration and takeover of the Roman Catholic Church or that celibacy, homosexuality and pederasty are sacred rites of the Merovingians, and given that the secret societies, which are under the oversight of the Prieuré de Sion, control the news media which has sensationalized these scandals, and considering the success of this ingenious and carefully executed plan, we submit that the mighty fall of this citadel of Christendom is a fait accompli. ... 450#p38411
Without British Freemasonry there would be no modern state of Israel. In the 1860s, the British-Israelite movement was initiated from within Freemasonry. Its goal was to establish a Jewish-Masonic state in the Turkish province of Palestine. Of course, that would mean dealing with the Turks at some point down the line, but first the country would have to be repopulated with Jews. And the idea wasn't to bring in more of the same religious Jews who already were the majority in Jerusalem and elsewhere, but the kind of Jews who would eventually accept the Masonic view of history.

Initially, British Jewish Masonic families like the Rothschilds and Montefiores provided the capital to build the infrastructure for the anticipated wave of immigration. However, luring the Jews to Israel was proving difficult. They, simply, liked European life too much to abandon it. So Europe was to be turned into a nightmare for the Jews.

This led to the rise of pogroms and Zionism. The leader of Zionism, Theodore Herzl certainly had some British support but he apparently was not thinking in terms of a Masonic state. He died mysteriously in 1905 at the tender age of 43, and the movement fell into British hands under the immoral leadership of one Chaim Weizmann.

Then things began moving quickly. British Masons like Arthur Balfour and Herbert Samuel led the campaign for official British recognition of a Jewish homeland during World War One. At the same time, a million British troops, badly needed in the trenches of Europe, were sent marching to Palestine to oust the Ottomans.

When the war ended, the campaign for a Jewish state went into full speed at Versailles. In 1919, The Royal Institute Of International Affairs was founded in London and two years later, the Council On Foreign Relations began its nefarious activities in New York. Their agendas called for a world governmental takeover and a global religion based in Jerusalem.

So far, so good for the Jews one might think. In fact, the British finagling led straight to the Holocaust, which Mason Winston Churchill refused to prevent or disrupt, right to the next attempt at a Holocaust called the Oslo Peace Accords, which began with a meeting in London in November 1992 between arch-criminals Beilin, Hirshfeld and Pundak and members of the outlawed PLO. Since then, secret meeting after secret meeting have taken place between Israel's "peacemakers" and British Freemasons. The results are there for everyone to see.

The British have turned on Israel, but for reasons very few could even contemplate considering seriously. However, the reasons are deadly serious. What follows is information privy to only the very highest degrees of British Freemasonry and British Royalty. Upon threat of agonizing death, these secrets are to be withheld from the meaningless masses of humanity.

Perhaps only several thousand people in all Britain and Israel are aware that British Freemasonry and Royalty are totally convinced that Jesus was King of Britain and was stoned to death in London, at Ludgate, the location of St. Paul's Cathedral. This conviction is based on a history many are going to find insulting. Nonetheless, it is vital to understand the thinking that has led to the 20th century slaughter of the Jews and the current attempt to annihilate Israel.

Initiates into the deepest secrets of British Freemasonry are taught that Jesus was born with an identical twin, Judas Thomas. Their mother Mariamne was the granddaughter of King Herod. She was raped by a Roman soldier named Tiberius Julias Abdes Pathera. In his time, Jesus was known as Yeshua Ben Panthera.

The twins had very different personalities. Judas Thomas was violent and irresponsible. He led a revolt of Galileans against the Romans. The Galileans were, in fact, from Gaul, a captured Celtic Roman province with a highly hostile population. Judas Thomas took his revolt to Rome and in his 33rd year was ordered crucified by Pontius Pilate. However, invoking royal Herodian privileges and a large bribe, his uncle Joseph of Arimathea persuaded Pontius to replace Judas Thomas on the cross with another victim. Judas Thomas was sold into slavery and died much later in India.

Jesus, meanwhile took his priestly vows seriously. He was cousin to John the Baptist, the chief Rabbi of the Essenes and second in line to take over the position. With the executions of John and Judas Thomas, Jesus became the chief rabbi of the Essenes.

During much of his youth, Jesus lived in Britain with his uncle Joseph of Armithea, who ran a lucrative tin trading business between Cornwall and Phoenicia. While in Cornwall, Jesus learned the secrets of the Druids, a Celtic religion which was closely allied with the Essenes. Both shared a belief in fraternal love and a strict set of fatal punishments for those who betrayed the mysteries of their faiths. And both demanded a rigorous three stage initiation process for those wishing to be privy to those mysteries.

Jesus was in Rome at the time of his brother's crucifixion. He and his family and followers escaped the city in the wake of the crackdown on Zealots following Judas Thomas's revolt. Most went to Marseilles and from there spread throughout Gaul and Britain. Jesus and his wife fled to Britain.

Yes, wife. According to British Freemasonry, he had four of them. His first, a Nabatean named Cypros produced five children, the most famous being Caradoc, a future king who would fight Rome with savage success.

But it was the second, Mary Magdelene who was even more significant. Her father was an early British Celtic king and she a Celtic princess. Their children and all their descendants produced the British royal lineage. With this marriage, Jesus became a Celtic royal and he was given a suitable new royal name, Jesus Cunobeline.
What was the church trying to hide? In 1415, the Church of Rome took an extraordinary step to destroy all knowledge of two Second Century Jewish books that it said contained ‘the true name of Jesus Christ.’ The Antipope Benedict XIII firstly singled out for condemnation a secret Latin treatise called ‘Mar Yesu ’ and then issued instructions to destroy all copies of the Book of Elxai. No editions of these writings now publicly exist,but church archives recorded that they were once in popular circulation and known to the early presbyters. Knowledge of these writings survived from quotations made by Bishop Hippolytus of Rome (176 –236) and St Epiphanius of Salamis (315 – 403)along with references in some early editions of the Talmud of Palestine and Babylonia.The Rabbinic fraternity once held the destroyed manuscripts with great reverence for they were comprehensive original records reporting the ‘Life of Rabbi Jesus ’.
How and Why Ancient Rulers Needed to Create a Universal Religion:

It has been my recent privilege to receive a manuscript by Roman Piso entitled “The Synthesis of Christianity.” I have read dozens of books about the history of Christianity, but this one is by far the most unique.

Perhaps Piso’s quote from Abelard Reuchlin sums up his thesis best:

“It was Flavius Josephus who was the creator of Jesus.”

Piso spent many years researching the fraud of Christianity. It seems that many scholars had previously come to the conclusion that Josephus had indeed created Christianity.

This book, however, presents the authorship of the New Testament as regards the Roman Piso family, the antiquity of which goes back to ancient Rome. Members of the royal Piso family were the composers of the New Testament. The reasons are discussed in the “Piso Theory” and the “Royal Supremacy Theory.”

In a nutshell, the Royals of ancient times invented and promoted superstitions for the purpose of controlling people. The Royals were the only ones who were literate, and who had freedoms, including the freedom of speech. Promoting religion for the purpose of control was the duty and responsibility of the Royals, who were atheists. They knew there were no gods, for they had created them. The main control they sought to preserve was slavery.

Intricate family archives kept track of ever evolving dogmas. Later writers had access to earlier records for their creations. Through the centuries the Royals carefully guarded their great hoax and seemed to thoroughly enjoy the creation of the masterpiece. As Piso describes it, “being an ancient author was like being in on a long, long standing perpetually running inside joke.”
This book was written to tell how and why the Roman Piso Family wrote the New Testament. The Jews, who were tired of being ruled over by the Roman Aristocracy, were lead in their third great revolt against Rome since 6 C.E., in 60 C.E., by Benjamin the Egyptian of the Pharisaic Party. Though they were defeated by the Romans, the Romans knew that something had to be done. So, about the year 60, certain people were getting together a plan to regain control of the Jewish masses. Seneca the Rhetorician, Lucius Piso, Gaius Piso, and their relatives figured to give the Jews a new rhetorical religion. Lucius Piso, with assistance from Seneca, wrote ’Ur Markus’ thereabouts that year. They had much planned around this new religion. With this first book, they had hoped to start a new Messiahonic Jewish religion.
The emperors who codified and established Christianity were members of Solar Cults that were outer cells of a more secretive Atonist lodge. Senior members of the Claudian, Piso, and Flavian dynasties of Rome worked closely with wealthy and powerful Sadducees and Pharisees to establish the Christian religion. This Atonist quorum feared the rise of other religions with egalitarian tenets and "Druidic" elements.

To suppress rivals and galvanize imperial dominion, they funded duplicitous scribes and compilers (such as Paul and Marcion) to create Christianity, basing their "Jesus Christ" on many ancient solar heroes and deities. The sidereal motifs found throughout the scriptures prove this beyond all doubt. Nevertheless, the god of the Bible, Jehovah, was not the god of the Jews, as most academic historians falsely allege. He was the god of Solar Cult priests and pharaohs who were themselves descended from the Hyksos kings cryptically referred to in the scriptures as "Israelites." This term derives from Isa (god of the Western Arya and their descendents), and Amen Ra (god of the ancient Egyptian kings.)

The so-called but misnamed "Jewish" co-conspirators who directed the operations of the Roman Caesars and Emperors, were Atonists. Specifically, they were the leaders of the Order of Melchizedek (or Akhenaton). They were Pharisees and Sadducees of high rank, keepers of the so-called "Oral Tradition" allegedly delivered to their ancestors at Mount Sinai. This quorum of sorcerers was also known as the Gaonim. The capitalized letter "G" found on Masonic iconography refers to this super secret Luciferian cabal. The Gaonim have nothing whatever in common with modern religious Jews or the individuals, races, and tribes featured in the testaments.

The original Jews or Judites are not the religious Torah-readers known today. Terms and appellations of this kind do not refer to the kind of sects or beliefs we might first imagine. They refer to a caste of sorcerers descended from the corrupt Solar Cults (or Luciferians) of antiquity. The members of the British royal family, for example, are Judites, even though they belong to the Protestant religion. The Pope is a Judite, and so are his bishops and cardinals, even though they belong to the Catholic religion. The word Tudor derives from Juda or Judah, as do the terms judge, tutor, and Teuton. These facts are known to members of Masonic Orders and other "Judaic" enclaves. To them religious affiliations mean little and are merely a form of camouflage. They serve to dupe the uninformed masses of the world.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Post by lizzie » Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:39 am

It seems that all the myths sooner or later focus on describing what happened to the Cosmic Axis during the entire precessionary cycle. All the messages and keys have been encoded in the myths if only we knew how to decode them.

It’s often interesting to read the so-called “occult” writers because they provide some clues. It always seems to involve the same “main players" (star groups) again and again: the Hyades, Aldebaran, the Pleiades, Sirius, Draco, and Ursa Major/Minor. It might be more “accurate” to describe it as the “history” of the various pole stars that have dominated during the different “ages.” So the “fall” or “falling away” often refers to the change from one pole star to another.

What seems to be equally important but often overlooked is the part that the southern pole star plays in all this. If the north-pole star has become “unhinged” from its “mooring point”, the south-pole star is supposed to stay “fixed.” The problem is what is the true north-pole star and south-pole star. The myths obscure this.

When the Stars Are Right : Lovecraftian Starlore
The primary star systems mentioned in the literature are the Hyades, the head or left eye of Taurus the Bull, along with other sevenfold constellations. This association dates back to Chalmer's 'The King in Yellow', where the Hyades are the gateway to the King's domains, the 'Mysteries of the Hyades'. Domains also said to include worlds associated with the nearby stars Alderbaran and 'Hastur'. Hastur is a fictional star name, though if it is a companion of the Aldebaran (the right eye of Taurus) and the Hyades, and as bright as these, it is most likely another name for the Pleiades, the shoulder of Taurus, the only stars that fit the description. The King in Yellow is generally regarded to be an 'avatar' of the Not-to-Be-Named-One (though is also often wrongly identified with the 'Great Old One' called Hastur) and so he too is associated with these stars.

However as Hastur later also appears as a mythic figure in the literature, and is 'Lord of the Interstellar Spaces', and apparently a hybrid between an Other God and an Elder God, we must assume the place name and the deity name are related, and that Hastur is thus associated with the Pleiades. Interestingly while the Pleiades are usually associated with Seven Nymphs, or a Sky Goddess, in India they are linked with fire god Agni and especially Skanda, the wild son of Shiva (the very principle of paradox).

According to one story, on the fourth planet of the star Celaeno, the Lost Pleiad, contains the Great Library of Celaeno, which houses stone tablets containing secrets stolen from the Great Old Ones and Elder Gods. The story describes how a Professor Laban Shrewsbury spent some time here, transcribing the library's knowledge in his notebook—a manuscript that would later be known as the Celaeno Fragments.

Lovecraft himself says that Nyarlathotep originally dwelt on a world orbiting one of the 'Seven Suns'. Which could be a reference to either the Hyades, the Pleiades or the Ursa Major, all of which have seven stars and esoteric associations (though only the last two have biblical references, which was often a factor for the atheist HPL). In Enochian tradition the 'Seven Stars' are a prison housing some of the 'Fallen Angels', and this may have been an inspiration here. Ursa Major was associated with Set by the Egyptians and was regarded as the 'thigh of a bull' chained to the Pole Star. If the chain was broken the world would be destroyed. The Enochian Seven Stars and home of Nyarlathotep are thus probably Ursa Major. The Pole Star itself would thus be associated with Elder Ones.

"And there I beheld seven stars, like great blazing mountains, and
like spirits entreating me. Then the angel said, This place, until
the consummation of heaven and earth, will be the prison of the
stars, and the host of heaven. The stars which roll over fire are
those which transgressed the commandment of God before their time
arrived; for they came not in their proper season. Therefore was He
offended with them, and bound them, until the period of the
consummation of their crimes in the secret year." (1 Enoch 18:14-16)

This constellation, or rather its four primary stars Dubhe (the 'black bear' or 'bear's heart'), Phad ('the thigh' or 'phallus'), Merak (the 'belly') and Megrez (the 'tails root'), were also associated with the Four Sons of Horus, the elements and the axial points of the four directions (see the Watcher Stars also). When seen as forming a funereal wagon these were driven by Alioth (the 'tail' or Al Hawar, the 'white of the eye" or the 'white poplar tree'), and his two horses or fellow mourners, who seeks vengence on the murderous Pole Star. Of these only Alioth is mentioned in the literature, by Ashton-Smith as being a home of aquatic monsters and so might be considered the primary home of Nyarlathotep.

Nodens the Hunter is normally associated with Orion, and in particular its star Betelgeuse, a constellation that 'hunts' Taurus (and so the Not-to-Be-Named-One and Hastur). According to some Glyu-Uho (or Glyu-Vho or K'Lu-Vho) is the name for Betelgeuse in Naacal (the 'language of Mu'), and is the star where the Elder Gods came from to battle the Great Old Ones. Though others regard it as the place where a Gate leads to Elysia, the dimension where the Elder Gods are thought to live.

However the picture is deepened by the fact that formerly Taurus and Perseus were one constellation called Mithras with the Pleiades, or 'Hastur', the central point of this constellation. In later times part of the Mithras constellation came to be seen as Perseus / Mithras who slays the bull Taurus its other part. Thus the constellation of Perseus can also be seen as associated with Nodens (in conflict with the Not-to-Be-Named-One) with the Pleiades / 'Hastur' in between the two (precisely where it should be as intermediator).

Perseus (Nodens) also holds in his hand the Gorgon's Head or the star Algol. Which in 'Beyond the Walls of Sleep' Lovecraft refers to as the Demon-Star and the home of a Great Old One, who is pursued by a 'Brother of Light' from the Dreamlands, himself associated with a new star in Perseus. This Brother wings its way across Orion and Arcturus much like Nodens, with whom he is probably associated. Arcturus in contrast is sometimes said to be the star near which Cthulhu fathered his sons. Given the tentacular serpentine image of the Gorgons, Algol may be a star of Shub Niggurath, or one of her offspring. And again the Pleiades / 'Hastur' thus completes an interesting triangle with Nodens (Perseus) and Shub Niggurath (Algol) in this scheme.

Shub Niggurath is also associated with the Hydra constellation (astrologically associated with growth, ascent and kundalini), and according to some stories with Haddath a fiery planet possibly found near the 'eye of the Hydra', which is believed to be also inhabited by mysterious squid-like Chthonian worms. In the 'Dreams of the Witch House' the protagonist is drawn to a point in the sky between the constellations of Argo and Hydra, where Nyarlathotep is holding an otherworldly sabbat. A point not only near the Hydra's 'eye', but also in the centre of the part of the sky that the Greeks called the 'Ocean', due to the many 'aquatic' constellations in it, another crucial area (1). It is in particular very close to the section of the Hydra known as the Scylla, the Kraken like 'sea monster' which attacks Jason's ship, the Argo.

Another important star is Sirius, the Hidden Sun, known to the Egyptians as Sothis, and in Lovecraft as Xoth. Sothis itself is believed in occult lore to be a portal to realms outside of Time and Space, as is the Pole Star in Kabbalistic tradition (the latter a shifting star, formerly alpha Draconis in the Egyptian Old Kingdom; Kochab, between 2000 BC and 1000 BC; currently Polaris, exact at 2100 AD; and in around 10,000 years Vega). All of these stars thus associated with Yog Sothoth, sometimes also being refered to as his 'eyes', and therefore explaining the awe HPL associates with them. But the axial Pole Star is more associated with order, and so the Elder Gods, while Xoth/Sothis is the 'star of chaos' and the 'herald of the deluge' to the Egyptians.

The Four Watchers of the Heavens, the Royal Stars of Persia, Aldebaran in the West, Antares in the East, Regulus in the South and Formalhaut in the North, are also sometimes regarded as homes of Outer Gods in Lovecraftian lore.
Aldebaran is linked to the King in Yellow, so must be associated with the Not-to-Be-Named-One (of whom he is widely regarded an avatar). Astrologically Antares (the ruling star of the serpentine Scorpio constellation which both opposes Taurus but slays its enemy Orion) should be the first home of Shub Niggurath and Yig, and so also possibly the home star of Serpent People, directly opposite their antithetical partner the Not-to-Be-Named-One (the former's simulataneous presence in Algol, near Aldebaran).

While Regulus (the 'heart of the lion') would be the natural home of Ulthar the Cat Goddess, her antithesis logically dwelling in Formalhaut. Interestingly Formalhaut is associated with Ahriman in Persian lore, and is also a home of Nyarlathotep, according to some later stories, presumably the first world he settled on his jouney from his gate star Alioth, and Dubhe, his first home in Ursa Major (the other linked Ursan stars would be respectively Megrez, Phad and Merak that Nyarlathotep oversaw in Ursa Major).

It is thought by some that Nyarlahotep was also responsible for dislodging the planet of the Old One Cthuga from Fomalhaut and sending it crashing into the primeval Earth. Astronomers were surprised when the Hubble telescope picture of Fomalhaut revealed something similar to the 'Eye of Sauron' being portrayed on film posters at the time. These four Watcher stars are often used in the corner i

Finally apart from the stars almost all the planets of our Solar System are inhabited according to Lovecraft and quite a few moons too. This is obviously fantastical and so probably refers to the Dreamlands of those planets. The Serpent People are often linked to a colony in the 'Jungles of Venus' for instance. But the only inhabited planet 'today' is said to be Yuggoth, or Pluto, inhabited by the Mi-Go. However as the Mi-Go utilise the 'great portal' at the edge of our solar system, which connects to regions beyond Time and Space (via the agency of Yog Sothoth) they are also partial time travellers and so 'today' may be slightly misleading! Symbolically the natures of these planets is much the same as in astrology locations.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Post by lizzie » Sun Jan 30, 2011 1:26 pm

Crucifying The Earth On the Galactic Cross ... nment.html
In particular, the results of a comparative analysis are presented which show that bringing of these Zodiacs into physical and geometrical correspondence specifies the XX-correlation being symbolized by the Double Cross, the elements of which, in various combinations, engender the allied models treating the Galactic Equator at the current age, whereas the precessional coincidence of the axes of these Zodiacs defines the Great Celestial Conjunction – one of the four most prominent Celestial events for the Earth in a Platonic year of 26 000 Tropical years, which is symbolized by the Astronomical Cross.

Though the general idea of the Tropical Zodiac is well-known, for the purpose of this study keep in mind the basic aspects of this concept, since it is used for synthesizing its generalization – the Solar System Zodiac (SZ, or Solar Zodiac, for short) instead of considering an uncertain concept of a Sidereal Zodiac.

Principally, the Tropical Zodiac (TZ) is determined by the Ecliptic and (Celestial) Equator.

The Ecliptic is a great circle on the Celestial sphere along which the Sun appears to travel in its journey around the Earth, taking one year to do so (here, the Sun presents the direct Hierarch for the Earth).

The Celestial sphere is an imaginary sphere around the Earth on which the stars in the sky are projected.

The (Celestial) Equator is also a great circle on the Celestial sphere; it lies in the plane being perpendicular to the Earth's own axis of rotation.

The North Pole is the point where the Earth's axis intersects the Celestial sphere in the Northern hemisphere.

1. The axes of the Tropical Zodiac are effectual from both physical and esoterical points of view: the Solstice line presents the Ecliptic projection of the Earth's axis of rotation, whereas the line of Equinoxes presents the intersection of the planes of Ecliptic and Equator. To this end the perfect cross made of these lines, named the Terrestrial Cross, presents the exact replica of the Stauros, or the four-armed, or philosophical cross.

2. When the Terrestrial Cross is united with the engendering Ecliptic, the structure of the TZ becomes the Astronomical cross, or the Cross of the World, or, in other presentation – the Ankh, or Crux ansata.

3. By allowing for the direction of rotation of these axes and taking account that they point to the four cardinal points, we obtain the Swastica, or Decussated cross X.

4. By its direct construction, the TZ is reflected by the cross of double glyph which is presented as the cross of the two equinoxes and the two solstices placed within the figure of the earth's path.

5. Last, but not least are the multiple references to the 0° Capricorn as the point of the Winter Solstice; this means that it was namely the Tropical Zodiac which was considered in the esoteric concepts, because the Sun passes the point 0° Capricorn at Winter Solstice just in the TZ: in any Sidereal Zodiac this point, 0° Capricorn, has nothing in common with this event (the "dying Sun" at the shortest day of the year) except once in 26 000 years.
The Solar System Zodiac, SZ , Geometry of Space Influence

Though the basic interactions within the Solar System are realized in the plane of Ecliptic the actuality of the Southern direction for the Solar System is also emphasized. As to the Earth, we need to pay attention to its electromagnetic and gas/plasma envelopes and their foci - the Polar regions through which the radiation material (plasma) inflows and discharges, and the electrical nature of the basic interaction mechanism which is a topic for subsequent considerations. Researchers are now insisting more, and more, that the Earth's temperature increases are dependent upon, and directly linked to, space-terrestrial interactions; be it Earth-Sun, Earth-Solar System, and/or Earth-Interstellar.

It is known that electromagnetic interactions play a great part in the interaction of the heavenly bodies. At this, the Sun and comets exert their influence.

On the one hand, the Solar System presents a vital-mechanical organic entity where the Sun acts as the heart and brain of the Solar World, or Solar sphere. Within our hierarchical Solar sphere chain, which includes the Earth, the Heavenly bodies influence the terrestrial objects through the TZ (viz. the Earth’s Aura, or Earth's electromagnetic envelope), but in different ways: if the Solar sphere's objects act directly through the TZ, the energies from outside the Solar sphere are filtered or transformed through the Solar System envelopes, or Aura. The Aural Egg of the Solar System rotates around the axis of the Ecliptic like the Aural Egg of the Globe rotates around the Earth’s axis, whereas both of them revolve around their Hierarchs – the Galactic Centre and Sun, respectively.

On the other hand, the series of Examples shows that the geometry of physical interactions between the Galaxy and the Solar System, and between the latter one and the Earth follow the same structural model the elements of which present the foci of physical influence, where the same plane of Ecliptic presents the governing element for the system of the lower level (viz. Earth) and the internal element for the system of the upper level (viz. Galaxy).

Therefore, with respect to the Hermetic axiom, "as above, so below; as below, so above", we cannot exclude the existence of a Solar System Zodiac which carries out the "same" function from the perspective of the Sun, as the TZ does from the perspective of the Earth.

Solar System’s Position in the Galaxy

The general structure of the Galaxy is depicted as a flattened system being symmetrical relative to the basic plane called the Galactic Plane. Intersection of the latter one with the Celestial sphere gives the Galactic equator, which actually coincides with the mean line of the Milky Way.

The Galaxy rotates around its axis passing through the GalacticCenter (GC), the Galactic North Pole of which is projected to the constellation Coma Berenices.

The Galactic Centre is the rotational center of the Milky Way galaxy. When observed from the Solar System, it is projected to the constellation Sagittarius.

In their average planes of revolution, being perpendicular to the axis of the Galaxy, the Sun and stars move around the GC so that at any moment the course of each object is perpendicular to the direction of the GC; this revolution is clockwise from the side of the . As to the Solar System, it completes its revolution around the GC in a Galactic Year which makes approximately 200 – 230 million Earth’s years.

Meanwhile, in its local galactic vicinity, the Sun moves towards the point on the Celestial sphere which is called the Solar apex; at present, it is projected to the constellation Hercules.

The North Pole of Ecliptic is projected to the constellation Draco; this point also moves along the Celestial sphere, but very slowly. Though the plane of Ecliptic is defined by the Earth’s orbital plane, the orbital planes of the massive planets are inclined to the Ecliptic at a relatively small angle: approximately by 0 ° for Uranus and Neptune, 1.3 ° for Jupiter and only for Saturn it makes 2.5 °. By analogy with the Galactic Equator this allows us to consider the Ecliptic as the Solar System’s Equator which defines the average plane of the Solar System.

We describe the structure of the Solar System’s Zodiac (SZ) by its resemblance with the Tropical one applicable to the Earth presenting the element of the Solar System and with respect to the axiom "as above, so below; as below, so above" applied to the one level higher hierarchy – to the Solar System. In this case the basic SZ elements must relate to the Solar System as the TZ's ones to the Earth.

Thus since the planets revolve around the Sun in approximately the plane of Sun-Earth Ecliptic, we take it for the plane of the Solar System’s Equator and call its axis that of the Solar System. Since our Solar System moves in a circular movement around the Galactic Center, we regard the latter the direct Hierarch for the Solar System and take the plane of the Galactic Equator, in which our Solar System revolves around the Galactic Center, for the “Galactic Ecliptic”.

As in the case with the TZ, the cardinal axes of the Solar Zodiac form a perfect cross, both on the plane of the Galactic Equator, and on the plane of Ecliptic; call it the Galactic Cross.

These are those planes and directions through which the Galaxy actually exerts its influence and through which this influence is redistributed:

- as the Sun at a cardinal point defines the start of the respective season of the Terrestrial year, so does the Galactic Centre when it comes to a cardinal point of the Solar Zodiac, but for the Solar System as a whole. Note, that now it is only 3° off SZ's Equinox Z (and the TZ's Winter Solstice as they coincide);

- the projection to the Ecliptic (viz. the Ecliptic longitude λ) of the significant points from the Celestial sphere presents, as the millennia of astrological experience acknowledge, almost the same significance as these points themselves, and therefore these projections are used.

Meanwhile, although the GCC takes place four times a Platonic year, the importance of the current event may probably be the largest since both the Galactic Centre (the "Sun" for our Solar System) and the Solar Apex longitudes, apart from a series of nebulae are allocated in the close vicinity of the cardinal point 0° Capricorn = 270° whereas the latter point of the TZ presents the "Birth of the Sun", or the origin of the Tropical year. For this reason it may be considered as the Origin of the Platonic year.

Now, the principal question arises, whether it is the point Z or Z' that have to be taken for the Origin of the SZ. It is the northern hemisphere that provides dominant influence over the Earth. But the Sun's toroidal field and the Solar System as a whole might be likened to a flat circular aerial which is tuned to both Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

However, with respect to the Principle of Hierarchy, the Sun, as the heart and brain of the Solar System must first be oriented to its Hierarch, to the Galactic Centre. Since the Sun is located above the Galactic Equator, the Solar System is observed to be North from the GC, relative to the Galaxy's North Pole. Besides, physical observations show definite dominance of the Southern direction in the Space influence.

This fact, as well as the concentration of the principally important objects (GC, Solar Apex. etc.) in the close vicinity of the SZ's Equinox point Z allows us to suppose that namely this Equinox point should be taken for the "Vernal" point that is for the Origin of the SZ.

As the universal cycle, any Zodiac allows division by the different key numbers – 4 (elements), 12 (presenting the Signs as 30°-arcs), etc. However, as far as the number 12 presents a universal importance, we can divide the SZ into a 12 signs as well. But whatever number of signs we use, or do not use, the SZ’s cardinal points remain orthogonal and retain their principal significance. For this reasons the correspondence between the cardinal points of the TZ and SZ remains correct, whatever SZ's division is used.

Last, but not least is the following. Relative to the point of observation in the Galaxy’s North Pole, the visible traffic direction of the Galactic Centre around the Sun along the Galactic Ecliptic ES is clockwise, while the visible traffic direction of our Sun around any planet is anticlockwise. Therefore, in the TZ and SZ the longitudes are incremented in the opposite directions.

What Influence does the SZ Exert on the Earth?

In compliance with the conventional astrological approach, the coming of the point of Aries (TZ) to the cusp of a Zodiacal sign means starting of the Age named by this sign.

Since the cardinal points of the SZ and TZ has coincided in May 1998 with respect to (1), or have to coincide in the current Era of GCC, (2) within the Age of Transformations (3), we may conclude that transfer to a New Age is under way, but for what Age? The bringing of the SZ into correlation with the TZ shows, that the situation is much more surprising than coming to the Age of Aquarius; it rather forced us to submit the following three hypotheses.
Hypothesis SZ-1: The vernal points Aries (SZ) and Aries (TZ) are symmetrically completing their way through the Sagittarius signs (viz. Aries (SZ) through the TZ Sagittarius, and Aries (TZ) through the SZ Sagittarius). This brings us to the end of the Age of Sagittarius, not the Age of Pisces.

Hypothesis SZ-2: The forthcoming age is the Age of Capricorn, since the vernal points Aries (SZ) and Aries (TZ) are symmetrically approaching both the TZ and SZ Capricorn signs, and so, the transfer to the New Age is taking place now – with the coming of the new millennium!

Hypothesis SZ-3: The sign of Aquarius takes on special significance for the Earth, since both the Tropical and the SZ’s signs of Aquarius overlap. This situation might be interpreted as the undistorted (and, hence, magnified) passing of Aquarian energies to Earth, enhanced by the present influence of Uranus.

In general, they demonstrate a synchronism of the Change-of-Ages Concepts and include both astrophysical and historical analysis, as well as esoterical and astrological considerations. In particular, it is shown how the comets arrive in unison with the Solar cycles, and the latter ones – with the oscillation of the hypernova Eta Carinae.

The orthogonality of the SZ and TZ axes at the GCC has evidently caused a change in both the flux and polarities of the energies radiated from the Galaxy to the Earth. To clarify this point, just think what happens when you stick your hand out of the window of a driving car. When you hold your hand orthogonal to the direction of travel of the car, you will get the maximum flux of the wind energy that will be experienced as drag, but when hold your hand parallel to the direction of travel, almost no drag is experienced. This is also why we align a solar panel perpendicular to the solar rays to get the maximum flux and the highest efficiency. This is what’s been happening on a Galactic scale with the Earth, the ‘solar panel’ has been aligned such that we’re experiencing a different Galactic energy flux radiated from the GC.

We surmise that a relation may also exist between the GCC and global warming. Research starts to reveal that carbon dioxide emissions are not the root cause of global warming but extraterrestrial influences from Space. Also both the overall and Earth-directed effects of Solar activity have increased in intensity in the past decade. On Earth these energetic changes are reflected in the change of weather patterns and upsurges in volcanic and seismological activity; By using the Sun and cardinal points of TZ as a lens, the Galactic energies may be causing a rise in global political instability, increase in wars and a growing polarization between clashing religions. Research strongly suggests a direct relation between the years of Solar maximum and an upsurge of violence on the planet.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Post by lizzie » Sun Jan 30, 2011 1:32 pm

Precession of the Equinoxes
A consequence of the precession is a changing pole star. Currently Polaris is extremely well-suited to mark the position of the north celestial pole, as it is about a half degree away from it and it is a moderately bright star (visual magnitude is 2.1 (variable).

On the other hand Thuban in the constellation Draco, which was the pole star in 3000 BC is much less conspicious at magnitude 3.67 (one-fifth as bright as Polaris); today it is all but invisible in light-polluted urban skies.

The brilliant Vega in the constellation Lyra is often touted as the best Northstar, when it fulfilled that role around 12000 BC and will do so again around the year AD 14000. In reality it never comes closer than 5° to the pole.

When Polaris will be the north star again around 27800 AD, due to its proper motion it will be farther away from the pole then than it is now, while in 23600 BC it came closer to the pole.

To find the south celestial pole in the sky at this moment, one is less lucky, as that area is a particularly bland portion of the sky, and the nominal south pole star is Sigma Octantis, which with magnitude 5.5 is barely visible even under a properly dark sky. However that will change in the 80th to 90th century, when the south celestial pole travels through the False cross.

It is also seen from the starmap that the south pole, nicely pointed to by the Southern cross for the last 2000 years or so, is moving towards that constellation. By consequence it is now no longer visible from subtropical northern latitudes as it was in the time of the ancient Greeks.
The Platonic Year
It takes 25,800 years for the Earth’s axis to complete one wobble, sway, or clockwise circle. We call this 25,800-year cycle of our planet the Platonic year.

When we take an imaginary line off the Earth’s North Pole axis and extend it into the heavens, we find that the line points at a star that we call Polaris, our “North Pole” star. The cycle of the Platonic year causes the line off the North Pole to scribe a circle in the heavens approximately 25,800 years long

Polaris will reach the point at which it comes closest to aligning with the North Pole axis of our Earth in the year A.D. 2095. In two thousand years, because of the effects of the Platonic year, there will be no pole star, as there was no pole star two thousand years ago.

The next North Pole star after Polaris will be Al Deramin around the year A.D. 7500; later, Deneb will hold that position. Thirteen thousand years from now, the bright star Vega will be the North Pole star again, as it was the North Pole star nearly thirteen thousand years ago.

As the precession continues, Alpha Draconis, which is also known as the Dragon Star or Thuban, becomes the next North Pole star after Vega around the year A.D. 21600.

Alpha Draconis aligns closer to the North Pole axis of our Earth than all of the other pole stars in a Platonic year. It is also the only pole star in a great year to be in the exact position to shine down the Descending Passage of the Great Pyramid of Giza, because the Descending Passage is in true alignment with the North Pole axis of our planet.

In his book The Great Pyramid Decoded, E. Raymond Capt says, “the most precise alignment of the Dragon Star and the Great Pyramid occurred on the Vernal Equinox of the year 2141 B.C.”

The imaginary line off the North Pole axis of the Earth moves away from Alpha Draconis as it continues to scribe its 25,800-year circle in the heavens. Around the year A.D. 27900, our North Pole axis will once again point at Polaris, where it is at this time in history.
The Pole Stars ... 1.aspx?p=2
It takes about 25,770 years to complete Earth's precession cycle. During that time, the pole of the Earth's rotation will follow a circular path across the celestial sphere. In that circular path, it passes near several prominent stars. At the present time, the pole star is Polaris.

So while Polaris is today considered the North star there have been others and the mantel will be passed on over time.

Thuban (located in the constellation Draco) was the pole start around 3000 BC and will be pole star again in around 20346 AD.

Vega (located in the constellation Lyra) was the pole star around 12000 BC and will be the pole star again around 14000 AD.

Gamma Cephei (a binary star in the Cepheus Constellation) will become the pole star around AD 3000.

Iota Cephei (located in the constellation Cepheus) will become the pole star around AD 5200.
Because of the precession of the equinoxes, the position among the stars of the celestial pole--the pivot around which the celestial sphere seems to rotate--traces a circle every 26,000 years of so. The celestial pole is now quite close to the pole star Polaris, but it will not be so in the future, and wasn't in the past. The ancient Egyptians regarded as pole star the star Thuban or "Alpha Draconis," the brightest star (=alpha) in the constellation Draco, the serpent.
THUBAN (Alpha Draconis): Thuban is one of the fainter stars that carries a proper name, almost certainly because of its immense historical role as a result of its position in the northern sky. Its importance is further highlighted in that it is the Alpha star of Draco (the Dragon) even though it is not close to being the brightest of this long and rambling constellation, easily exceeded in visibility by Gamma, Beta, and even Eta Draconis.

Among the most famed stars of the sky is Polaris, the north star, its prominence the result of its position close to the north celestial pole, the star showing the way north to within about half a degree. It was not always so, however. The Earth's rotational axis undergoes a slow, 26,000 year wobble around the perpendicular to its orbit around the Sun. As a result, the position of the sky's rotational pole, around which all the stars seem to go, constantly changes.

Around the time of the Greek poet Homer, Kochab in Ursa Minor was a (rather poor) pole star. Among the best ever, however, was our Thuban, which was almost exactly at the pole in 2700 BC. It remained better than Kochab up to around 1900 BC, and was therefore the pole star during the time of the ancient Egyptian civilizations. Even though the star is in the Dragon's tail, its name confusingly derives from an Arabic phrase meaning "the Serpent's head," having been borrowed from the name for another star.

ALDERAMIN (Alpha Cephei): Though Cepheus (the King) is famed in mythology as father to Andromeda, it is far from being one of the sky's more prominent ancient constellations. It brightest star, Alderamin, is just barely second magnitude (2.44).

Alderamin's celestial prominence arises not so much from its being the luminary of Cepheus, but from its closeness to the precessional path of the North Celestial Pole, which wobbles in a circle 23.5 degrees across over a period of 25,800 years. As a result our pole stars change.

Now near Polaris in Ursa Minor, the north celestial pole pointed to Thuban in Draco in 2700 BC and more or less to Kochab (also in Ursa Minor) about the time of Homer. A wait of 5500 years will bring Alderamin within three degrees of the pole, not as good as Thuban or Polaris, but not too bad either (it was last there in 18,000 BC).
DENEB (Alpha Cygni): One of the truly great stars of our Galaxy, a class A (A2) supergiant, Deneb serves a three-fold role among the constellations. Its very name tells the first. "Deneb" is from an Arabic word meaning "tail," as this first magnitude (1.25) star, the 19th brightest as it appears in our sky, represents the tail of Cygnus the Swan, a classical figure seen flying perpetually to the south along the route of the Milky Way. As the constellation's luminary, the star is also Alpha Cygni.

The reversal of Cygnus makes the asterism of the Northern Cross, with Deneb now at the top, the cross seen rising on its side in early northern summer evenings, standing upright in the west in early northern winter after sunset. Deneb also makes the western apex of the famed Summer Triangle, which also incorporates Vega and Altair.

Deneb, among the most magnificent stars you can see with the unaided eye, was a halfway decent pole star (standing 7 degrees off the North Celestial Pole) 18,000 years ago, and will be again around the year 9800.

Vega is an interesting star because it has many features that attract professional astronomers to it as well as amateurs. Because it is the fifth brightest star in the sky it is easily visible. Its position makes it one of the polar stars, it resembles our Sun with the Kuiper belt because it has a dust cloud surrounding it; and it is one of the stars in the Summer Triangle. It is sometimes referred to as the Harp star.
VEGA (Alpha Lyrae). One of the most famed stars of the sky, Vega is the luminary of the exquisite constellation Lyra, the Lyre, which represents the harp of the great mythical musician Orpheus. Its name derives from an Arabic phrase that means "the swooping eagle." Vega is one of three brilliant stars that divide the northern heavens into rough thirds, the others Arcturus and Capella, and with Altair and Deneb forms the great Summer Triangle, lying at its northwestern apex. At magnitude zero (0.03), it is the sky's fifth brightest star, falling just behind Arcturus and just ahead of Capella. It is also one of the closer stars to the Earth, lying just 25.0 light years away.
Vega (Alpha Lyrae
Vega (Alpha Lyrae): The brightest star in the constellation Lyra, the brightest star in the northern summer sky (forming the northwestern apex of the Summer Triangle), and the fifth brightest star in the whole sky. Its name derives from an Arabic phrase that means "the swooping eagle." Vega is a main sequence A star that has the distinction of being the first star ever to be captured on a photographic plate (1850). At one time, Vega was the pole star and will be so again in about 11,500 years.

In 1983, based on observations by the Infrared Astronomy Satellite (IRAS), Vega became one of the first stars to be discovered with a large luminous infrared-radiating halo that suggests a circumstellar cloud of warm dust. Since Vega seems to be rotating with its pole directed toward Earth, the dust cloud probably represents a face-on disk that may not be unlike the disk surrounding the Sun and that contains the planets.
The Summer Triangle ... angle.html
Three brilliant stars form this stellar right triangle making it our best heavenly landmark in the August night sky. Vega high above and its western point appears the brightest of the three. Deneb, also high above and to the east of Vega, appears the dimmest. Altair shines below in the south, forming the most distant point of this great triad.

These three stunning stars are an unofficial star group or asterism that link the three constellations ... Lyra, Cygnus the Swan and Aquila the Eagle. This Summer Triangle lies high above, over the Milky Way which now sweeps across the heavens from north to south.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Post by lizzie » Sun Jan 30, 2011 1:44 pm

Pole Star
A pole star is a visible star, especially a prominent one, that is approximately aligned with the Earth's axis of rotation; that is, a star whose apparent position is close to one of the celestial poles, and which lies approximately directly overhead when viewed from the Earth's North Pole or South Pole.

The term "the Pole Star" usually refers to Polaris, which is the current northern pole star, also known as the North Star. The south celestial pole currently lacks a bright star like Polaris to mark its position. At present, the naked-eye star nearest to this imaginary point is the faint Sigma Octantis, which is sometimes known as the South Star.

At the present time, the northern pole star, or North Star, is Polaris, which lies about three-quarters of a degree from the north celestial pole, at the end of the "bob" of the Little Dipper asterism in the constellation Ursa Minor. A common method of locating Polaris in the sky is to follow along the line of the so-called "pointer" stars, the two stars farthest from the "handle" of the Big Dipper.

Currently, there is no South Star as useful as Polaris. σ Octantis is the naked-eye star closest to the south Celestial pole, but at apparent magnitude 5.45 it is too faint to serve as a useful pole star. Its angular separation from the pole is about 1° (as of 2000). The Southern Cross constellation functions as an approximate southern pole constellation, by pointing to where a southern pole star would be. At the equator it is possible to see both Polaris and the Southern Cross.

Although the south Celestial pole currently lacks a bright star like Polaris to mark its position, slow changes over time (due to the effects of precession) mean that other stars will become southern pole stars.

The Celestial south pole is moving toward the Southern Cross, which has pointed to the south pole for the last 2,000 years or so. As a consequence, the constellation is no longer visible from subtropical northern latitudes, as it was in the time of the ancient Greeks.

In the next 7500 years, the south Celestial pole will pass close to the stars Gamma Chamaeleontis (4200 AD), I Carinae, Omega Carinae (5800 AD), Upsilon Carinae, Iota Carinae (Aspidiske, 8100 AD) and Delta Velorum (9200 AD). From the eighteenth to the ninetieth centuries, the south Celestial pole travels through the False Cross.
Why is there no South Pole star? ... -star.html
There is no visible star to point out the celestials or heavenly South Pole. Mariners south of the equator use a constellation called the Southern Cross to point out the south direction. It is four bright stars arranged in a graceful cross. One of the brightest tips the northern arm and the other tips the foot of the starry cross.

These two stars are pointer stars. A line through them points out the south direction much as a line through the pointer stars in the Big Dapper points out the north direction. The line from the Big Dipper points toward Polaris. The line from the Southern Cross pointers ends in a patch of velvety space.

The sailor must figure the length of this imaginary line to figure the exact south direction. He measures sky distances in degrees. The distance from the Southern Cross to the celestial South Pole is about 40 degrees'. Columbia S.C. is plumb on latitude 34 degrees north. Hence Polaris over Columbia shines 34 degrees above the horizon. The south celestial pole, then, is a little further from its pointer stars than Polaris is above the horizon in your patch of sky.

North of the equators Polaris stands almost though not quite over the North Pole. Sailors need only adjust their figures a little to find the true north direction from our North Stars. However, this happy state of affairs is not permanent. The Earth’s axis, which ends in the poles wobbles a bit through the ages. This wobbling is called precessing. It takes about 26000 years to complete each wobbly circle.

During that time sometimes the northern axis points to one part of the sky and sometimes to another. Several stars near the celestial North Pole take turns at being the Pole Star. In the heyday of ancient Greece some 3000 years ago, the bright star Alpha Draconis (Thuban) in the Dragon constellation was the Pole Star. In 14,000 A.D, the Earth’s North Pole will point directly at the beautiful star Vega in Lyra and Vega will become the North Pole star for a few thousand years. At that time, the dazzling Southern Cross will be seen all over the United States and even parts of Canada.
Southern Cross ... ern-cross/
The International Astronomical Union has defined 88 modern constellations to completely map the northern and southern skies – and of these 88 – Crux, or what most people call the Southern Cross, is the smallest.

To southern sky gazers, it is the first clear grouping of stars to become visible after sunset – along with the closely associated Pointer stars – or Alpha and Beta Centauri – which are of course part of the larger adjacent Centaurus constellation.

Now this brings me to a key point about constellations. The apparent association of different stars in a constellation is generally pure coincidence.

Alpha Crucis, or just A-Crux, is the brightest star of the Cross with an apparent magnitude of 0.8. Remember this is the somewhat non-intuitive magnitude scale which establishes an averagely bright star as zero (which by the way used to be the star Vega, except now Vega’s magnitude has been recalculated at 0.03) –anything brighter than zero has a negative magnitude.

In reality, A-Crux is 320 light years away (which is lot further than Vega) and it is actually a collection of stars including two huge B class stars orbiting each other at a distance of only 1 AU (the distance between the Sun and the Earth) – and both of these are big enough to go supernova later in their life – which should be a show and a half.

If you can picture in your mind, the Southern Cross as kite-shaped, then A-Crux is the tail of the kite. Proceeding clockwise the next star is Beta Crucis, or B-Crux, which has an apparent magnitude of 1.3, which of course means is not as bright as Acrux, nor is it as bright as Vega for that matter. B-Crux is about 350 lights years distance and another B class binary system.

Next is Gamma Crucis, a single M class red giant and hence, not in itself, intrinsically bright. Its mild apparent magnitude, at 1.59, is largely due to it being only 88 light years away.

Delta Crucis – which doesn’t even make it into the top 30 brightest star list and has an apparent magnitude of 2.8, is another B class star at 360 light years away – but it’s near the end of its main sequence, not big enough to go supernova and is instead developing into a red giant, which is why it’s not all that bright.

In any case, the Southern Cross does have some practical uses. A line through Alpha and Gamma Crucis – which is the long axis of the kite shape, points towards the Southern Celestial Pole. If you draw another line perpendicular to the midpoint of the two Pointer Stars, this also points towards the pole – and the intersection of these two lines from the Cross and from the Pointers? Yes, that is the Southern Celestial Pole. Point at that spot in the sky and then drop your hand straight down to the horizon and you’ll pointing almost due South.

Historically, this has made the Southern Cross a handy year round navigation aid, since below latitudes of 34 degrees south of the equator – the Southern Cross is circumpolar – meaning that it never dips below the horizon, but just circles around and around the pole the whole year through.

One last point, Crux was actually visible to the Ancient Greeks, around 1000 BC. However, the precession of the equinoxes gradually lowered it below the European horizon. By AD 400, most of the constellation was no longer visible above the horizon from Greece and today it is only visible up to a latitude of 25 degrees north of the equator, which excludes nearly all of Europe and of North America.

The precession of the equinoxes is a 26,000 year cycle – the result of a certain wobble in the Earth’s spin that means that the current site of the Southern Celestial Pole, not to mention the Northern Celestial Pole currently cited near Polaris, are just temporary arrangements.

Back when the ancient Greeks where enjoying their view of the Southern Cross, the Southern Celestial Pole was somewhere in the vicinity of the little known constellation Reticulum. In 10,000 years, when it’s estimated that people will be calling Vega the northern pole star, people maybe also be calling the star Pi Puppis a roughly approximate southern pole star. Until then though, the Southern Cross will be becoming even more southerly and in just three to four thousand years it will be invisible to anyone north of the equator as the Southern Celestial Pole makes it way across the Milky Way through the constellation of Carina.

The False Cross
At the lower edge of the Milky Way, about half way between the Southern Cross and Canopus is the "False Cross in Argo" which stands up at almost the same angle as the Southern Cross itself. It is somewhat larger than and not quite as shapely as the Cross proper, from which it may be distinguished by the presence of two clusters of fine stars, one directly below the foot and the other to the right of the right arm. Parts of the Milky Way between the two crosses provide some of the most beautiful telescopic views in the sky.
Southern Cross, False Cross & Diamond Cross ... rosses.htm
The Southern Cross constellation is sometimes confused with to other nearby asterisms which also resemble a cross, these are the 'Diamond' cross and the 'False' cross. The Southern Cross can be distinguished by using the two 'pointer' stars, alpha and beta Centauri.
The False Cross
The False Cross is an asterism formed of the stars δ Velorum and κ Velorum and ι Carinae and ε Carinae. It is so called because it is sometimes mistaken for the Southern Cross, causing errors in astronavigation.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Post by lizzie » Sun Jan 30, 2011 1:59 pm

Edgar Cayce's Axis Pole Shift
Astronomers believe the axis wobble (like a spinning top slowing) has been occurring for ages and causes the North Pole to point to different Pole Stars or North Stars. According to other worthy sources the wobble changes the Pole Star about every 24,000 to 26,000 years. In Hinduism a full day and night in the Brahma equals roughly 24,000 years, a Kali-kalpa.

Cayce states that the ancient Egyptians knew of these shifts and the Great Pyramid of Giza was built so as to point to the Axis or Pole Star.

Edgar Cayce gave a reading that spoke of a change in the Pole Star of Earth. He explained that the Great Pyramid of Giza represented the various ages we have been going through. He said, "At the correct time accurate imaginary lines can be drawn from the opening of the great Pyramid to the second star in the great Dipper, called Polaris or the North Star." He must be using the word "great" as an adjective of importance because Polaris is in the Little Dipper, but it is, as Cayce said, "the second star."

The north pole of Earth's spinning axis points to a star, considered the Pole Star. According to Edgar Cayce, we are about to see a change in our Pole Star, from Polaris to Vega. In Ancient Egypt, the Pole Star was Thuban. This marks a move into a new era, new age.

Cayce said, "This indicates it is the system toward which the soul takes its flight after having completed its sojourn through this solar system. The Dipper is gradually changing, and when this change becomes noticeable - as might be calculated from the Pyramid - there will be the beginning of the change in the races [he's speaking of root races not color races].

There will come a greater influx of souls from the Atlantean, Lemurian, La, Ur, or Da civilizations."
He then explained that this pyramid was built in this manner by Ra and Hermes and many others who "sought to bring to man a better understanding of the close relationship between the Creative Forces and that created, between man and man, and man and his Maker."

Let's examine the relationship of the entrance to the Great Pyramid and the shifting Pole Stars. In the diagrams accompanying this article you will see the three main Pole Stars for our little blue planet: Thuban, Polaris, and Vega. During the age of ancient Egypt, Thuban was the North Star, i.e., at midnight above the North Pole, Thuban would have been the northernmost star. Of course, today the North Star is Polaris. However, Vega will be the North Star in the future. But this would require our little blue planet to roll over dramatically!

Illus2. Viewing from the North Pole: The shift from Thuban to Polaris would have been about 26°. The shift from Polaris to Vega would be about 51°, a much more significant pole shift.

If one draws an imaginary line from the entrance of the Great Pyramid on the Spring Equinox (about March 22-25) in 4000+ B.C., 2000 A.D., and 10000 A.D., it points directly to the northern star of each age: Thuban, Polaris, and Vega, respectively. Hermes, Ra, and all the others involved sure knew what they were doing when they built that magnificent monument.

Illus3. At the Spring Equinox during ancient Egyptian times Thuban is the Pole Star of the Pyramid.

Since Polaris indicates "the system towards which the soul takes flight," could the change to Vega indicate a new flight pattern? Vega is a blue-white star and the fifth brightest star in the sky. It is in the constellation Lyra, the Harp or Lyre of the musician Orpheus. It was said that when Orpheus played this instrument, neither mortal nor god could turn away (Orpheus also introduced reincarnation into Greek mythology, a key concept in Cayce’s teachings as well). Interestingly, Vega marks the approximate direction toward which our sun and all its planets are traveling through space.

Illus4. At the Spring Equinox during our present time, Polaris is the Pole Star of the Pyramid.

In order to have shifted from Thuban as the Pole Star to Polaris, the Earth would have shifted its northern axis pole about 26°, not a drastic shift. However, in order to shift from Polaris as the Pole Star to Vega, the Earth will have to shift its northern axis pole a whopping 51°! But, if it is done gradually, over a very long period of time, as Cayce indicated it would, then we should not be expecting a dramatic pole shift in the next few years. It's enough to know that the present age is ending and a new age is beginning.

Illus5. At the Spring Equinox of the future, Vega will be the Pole Star of the Pyramid.

As many of you know, Cayce said that during this new age we will regain the powers we had in our earliest incarnations into this world during the age of Atlantis and Lemuria or Mu. This was prior to our souls becoming as encased in matter as we are today and back when we had godly powers to solve our material needs more easily. Of course, Cayce warned that we did not handle these powers well, leading to the destruction of these ancient lands.

When asked what the New Age means to humanity, Edgar Cayce replied:"the full consciousness of the ability to communicate with the Creative Forces and be aware of the relationships to the Creative Forces and the uses of same in material environs. This awareness during the era or age in the Age of Atlantis and Lemuria or Mu brought what? Destruction to man, and his beginning of the needs of the journey up through that of selfishness."


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Post by lizzie » Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:01 pm

The Whirling Mountain of the Navajos ... age-2.html
These four figures are called Sky People, and are equated to Dawn, Blue Sky, Yellow Evening Light (Dusk), and Darkness. These are indeed the Four Cardinal Directions: Orient (or East), Occident (or West), Noon (or South) and Darkness (North). More exactly, they correspond to the Four Corners of the World.

As in India, the idea is that the Whirling Mountain represents the Polar Mountain, placed at the exact center of the world, directly under the Pole Star. In fact, this universal allegory which makes sense nowhere but in India is an esoteric reference to the Tara-milas (the Dravidas or Tamils), a name that means "People of the Pole Star". The reason for that name derives from the fact that the Dravidas identified their Supreme God Shiva Sthanu, the Pillar of the World with the Pole Star (Canopus), which they utilized in their Celestial navigations in Atlantean times.

The Pole Star in question was the Southern Pole Star of the epoch, Canopus, which the Greeks identified with Atlas and the Egyptians with Osiris as the Djed, the "Pillar of the World". The placement of the Holy Mountain of Paradise Mt. Atlas or Meru or the Whirling Mountain, etc. directly under the Pole Star is a mere allegory, a purely symbolic representation of its association with the Tara-milas or Dravidas, and with their great god, the alias of the Pole Star.

The Pole Star was often equated with the Morning Star. More exactly, we then had Twin Pole Stars, one the North Star (Vega) and the other the Southern Star (Canopus). These were represented as the Twins of all mythologies and, in particular the Twins of Navajo traditions. In Egypt, for instance, the Twin Pole Stars of Atlantean times, Vega and Canopus, were identified as Hathor and Horus (the Elder), or, also with Isis and Osiris.

In later times, after the fall of Atlantis, these twin gods were also equated to Sirius and Orion. In Greece, the Twins were often identified to Atlas and Hesperus, themselves identified to the Morning and the Evening Stars and, more exactly, to the Twin Pole Stars of Atlantean times, Vega and Canopus. These Twins, as those of the Navajos and other nations, personified the two primordial, destroyed Paradises, Atlantis and Lemuria.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Post by lizzie » Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:18 pm

Vega (Alpha Lyrae)

The brightest star in Lyra, the brightest star in the northern summer sky (forming the northwestern apex of the Summer Triangle), and the fifth brightest star in the whole sky; its name derives from an Arabic phrase that means “the swooping eagle.” Vega is a main sequence A star that has the distinction of being the first star ever to be captured on a photographic plate (1850). At one time, Vega was the pole star and will be so again in about 11,500 years.

In 1983, based on observations by the Infrared Astronomy Satellite (IRAS), Vega became one of the first stars to be discovered with a large luminous infrared-radiating halo that suggests a circumstellar cloud of warm dust. Since Vega seems to be rotating with its pole directed toward Earth, the dust cloud probably represents a face-on disk that may not be unlike the disk surrounding the Sun and that contains the planets. Observations carried out by Helen Walker of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, England, and associates, using the Infrared Space Observatory, have shown that the Vegan disk contains particles 200 microns across, or 200 times larger than a typical interstellar dust grain.

In 2002, astronomers announced that two prominent peaks of dust emission around Vega, one offset 60 AU to the southwest of the star, and the other offset 75 AU to the northeast, could be best explained by the dynamical influence of an unseen planet in an eccentric orbit. A massive planet in an eccentric orbit within an in-spiraling dust cloud doesn't create a simple ring like the Earth. Instead, calculations show that an eccentric planet traps dust in two main concentrations at different distances from the star, at positions outside the planet orbit that are generally not in line with the star. Computer simulations show that this effect appears over a wide range of planet masses and orbital eccentricities. It isn't seen in our Solar System because the orbits of the Sun’s planets don't have large enough eccentricities. Since quite a number of known massive extrasolar planets follow highly eccentric orbits, asymmetric dust concentrations may be common features of extrasolar planetary systems. Physical scenarios other than the resonant interactions of a planet might create a dust peak, like the recent collision of very large asteroids. For two such major collisions to happen on opposite sides of Vega at nearly the same time is extremely unlikely, but it can't be ruled out with the current data.

Vega (Alpha Lyrae) has a disk of dust and gas around it, discovered by the IRAS satellite in the mid 1980s. This either signifies planets or planets that may soon form. The protoplanetary disk, as can be guessed from its name, is believed to be a precursor to the formation of planets but can persist long after planets have been formed if there are no gas giant planets such as Jupiter.

In about 14,000 AD, Vega will take over from Polaris as the North Star, owing to the precession of the equinoxes. See Polaris for more information.

A beacon in orbit around Vega was the source of the radio message picked up by the SETI team in Carl Sagan's novel Contact. See stars, brightest.

Lyrae is the original star of the Nordic type aliens.

Lyrae was invaded by the saurian type aliens, and the Nordics escaped to Orion, Tau Ceti, the Pleiades, Procyon, Antaries, Alpha Centauri, Barnard Star, Arcturus, Hyades, and Vega as well as dozens of other solar systems. In this solar system, the refugees colonized the planet now called Mars. At that time, it was the third planet in the solar system. A world called Maldek was the fourth planet in this solar system, and was also colonized.

Lyssa Royal says: "The remnants of the Draco attack on Lyrae are still seen by today's scientists. In 1985, a newspaper article stated that scientists are able to observe remnant waves of a blast that fan outward, and emanate from a central part of this galaxy. They believe this blast to be several million years old and of such intense proportions that the wave is still traveling toward the edge of the galaxy before dissipating. They claim not to have any idea of what created the blast."

One major wormhole portal exists in the constellation of Lyrae. Most humanoids inhabiting our corner of the galaxy are descendants of the seven-feet-tall Nordics which came through this portal many millions of years ago. (Earth humans have become shorter as a result of a dramatic increase in the planet's level of gravity, since the end of Atlantis.)

A theory proposed by Bible scholar I.D.E. Thomas asserts that the race of the "Nephilim" (meaning Giants and/or fallen ones), mentioned in Genesis 6:4 and Numbers 13:33, closely resemble the alien race of the blond Pleiadian Nordics, reported to be eight to nine feet tall. The Nazis attempted to revive this mystical Aryan race in the 1930's and 1940's. Mr. Thomas believes that a hybrid offspring culminated from relations between the Nephilim and the "daughters of man" resulting in increased wickedness upon the earth; and thus evoking God's wrath in the form of the "Great Flood".
Who then does the First Horseman of the Apocalypse represent? The seal of the Knights Templar depicted two knights riding a single horse. However, a single horseman riding on a white horse is the logo of the Council on Foreign Relations. This logo appears in the CFR magazine, Foreign Affairs

Compounding his error, Kennedy further identifies the First Horseman of the Apocalypse with Sagittarius whose name, Nun-ki, is said to mean "Prince of the Earth" in Akkadian. Kennedy does not inform his readers that this language is Babylonian-Assyrian or that Nun-ki really means "son of Enki". "In the Merovingian Dragon tradition, "the importance of Cain was that he was directly produced by Enki [Satan] and Ava [Eve], so his blood was three quarters Anunnaki." (Laurence Gardner)

"Sumerian texts repeatedly state that the Anunnaki came to Earth. The Anunnaki were four great Gods who created man: An ['Sky', the source of rain and most powerful of the gods]; Enlil ['Lord Wind', the power in 'Growing Weather']; Ninhursaga ['Lady of the Stony Ground', mother of wildlife]; and Enki [rival of Ninhursaga]. The term 'Anunnaki' literally means 'from or of the sky.' The Annunaki are regarded by some as the Sumerian ‘fates’. They are spoken of in the Bible as the 'Anakim' and 'Anak' or 'Nefilim' (nephilum). 'Nefilim' (nephilum) in Hebrew means 'giants' or 'those who have fallen'."

The Anunnaki were actually the Nephilim of Genesis 6, fallen angels who mated with human women. The Centaur, therefore, represents a hybrid man and devil!

Contrary to pagan mythology, the Anunnaki did not create mankind but instead produced the demonic race of giants which God judged with a great flood. The son of Enki, Nun-ki — whom D. James Kennedy erroneously identifies as 'The Prince of the Earth' who 'depicts Christ'— was, in fact, sired by Satan.

The Gates of the Sun are the two points on the Zodiac where it is believed that souls enter or leave the material world. Before the present Age of Pisces, the Gates of the Sun were Cancer and Capricorn. By this is meant that, in the preceding age of Aries, Cancer was in the Milky Way and, when the Sun passed through Cancer, souls from other star systems were able to incarnate into matter (Earth) to assist mankind (the Microcosm) to ascend to the Universal Soul (the Macrocosm) where they became gods. The latter could only take place when the Sun was in Capricorn, the sign opposite Cancer, which also intersected with the Milky Way during the Age of Aries. Due to the precession of the equinoxes, the 'Gates of the Gods' became Gemini and Sagittarius for the Age of Pisces. By 'precession of the equinoxes' is meant that, due to the earth’s wobble, the North Pole moves backward one zodiacal sign every 2,000 years. Albert Pike explains this astrological hogwash in Morals & Dogma:

"The Galaxy, Macrobius says, crosses the Zodiac in two opposite points, Cancer and Capricorn, the tropical points in the sun's course, ordinarily called the Gates of the Sun. These two tropics, before his time [Aries], corresponded with those constellations, but in his day [Pisces] with Gemini and Sagittarius, in consequence of the precession of the equinoxes; but the signs of the Zodiac remained unchanged; and the Milky Way crossed at the signs Cancer and Capricorn, though not at those constellations.

"Through these gates souls were supposed to descend to earth and re-ascend to Heaven. One, Macrobius says, in his dream of Scipio, was styled the Gate of Men; and the other, the Gate of the Gods. Cancer was the former, because souls descended by it to the earth; and Capricorn the latter, because by it they re-ascended to their seats of immortality, and became Gods."

Occultists understand that the Macrocosm is a euphemism for the Underworld, which their adepts and masters have convinced them is Paradise. Ancient Egyptians and the Constellations describes Sagittarius as the portal or birth canal leading to the Underworld in the present Age of Pisces. As the 'Galactic Stellar Womb' or Mother, Sagittarius will be impregnated by the Sun, the father, when it passes through this constellation, and this union will produce the New Age, the Age of Aquarius. That's right. The constellation Sagittarius is the Galactic Stellar Womb that will be impregnated by father Sun.

The constellation of Sagittarius: This aspect of the Great Conjunction is of paramount importance because Sagittarius is the gateway to the centre of our galaxy. (This is the opening or portal to the Netherworld in mythology.) The galaxy to which Earth belongs is called the Milky Way. It is a flat, spiral galaxy except for at the centre where it bulges. You can actually see this bulge formed by the internal dotted lines of the Milky Way where the Sun is rising in the Constellation of Sagittarius on the computer simulation. This is the Galactic Stellar Womb from which the rest of the galaxy was conceived and born. Today the Womb is estimated to contain 200 billion suns! Sagittarius can be equated with the entrance to the birth canal of the galaxy. When the Sun is in Sagittarius as part of the Great Conjunction, it is fathering a New Age.


The first decan, or minor constellation, in Sagittarius is Lyra, which astrologers have cast in the shape of a lyre or harp. Astrologers, including D. James Kennedy and E. W. Bullinger, combine the lyre with an eagle rising.

"We now come to the three decans, or minor points, which exist in Sagittarius. The first one is Lyra, The Harp, or lyre, meaning 'Praise for the Conqueror.' Lyra is shown as a harp combined with an eagle or an eagle rising with a harp."

The rising eagle is extraordinarily similar to the symbol on the Great Seal of the United States, which we learned in the Scorpio section symbolized the rebirth of mankind after its annihilation. Note that the Great Seal even incorporates Lyra's harp, albeit camouflaged with the American stripes.

What is the symbolism of the lyre or harp in the Great Seal and Lyra, the Harp as interpreted by astrology? In the pre-flood world, musical instruments were invented by the descendants of Cain.

"As pointed out by Laurence Gardner in 'Genesis of the Grail Kings', the biblical Tubal-cain (who is revered in scientific Freemasonry) was the great Vulcan of Mesopotamia during the reign of Egypt's King Narmer (c.3200 BC). He was a prominent alchemist and the greatest metallurgist of his age, while his step-brother Jubal was said to be 'the ancestor of all who handle the lyre and pipe' - whence the word Jubilee, meaning 'a blast of trumpets' or 'to lead with triumph or pomp'. The ritual connection in pleasing the gods with brass horns and trumpets is very apparent in this era and a later association between angels and the medieval buisine (long trumpet) probably originates from this time."

Vega: The Real Stargate

The brightest star in the constellation of Lyra, the Harp, is also a second magnitude star in our galaxy. Vega is described by E.W. Bullinger as a most glorious star which means 'He shall be exalted'.

Rev. Kennedy agrees with Rev. Bullinger.

"A very bright star in [Lyra] is Vega, a glittering gem in the night sky, and means 'He Shall Be Exalted'. Vega has been this star's name down through antiquity. It is the name which God Himself gave to it that He should be exalted—that Christ has come forth conquering and to conquer. What should be our response to that? Our response should be: He shall be exalted! It is interesting that this term is found in the song of Moses, after God overthrew the forces of Pharaoh in the Red Sea: 'I will sing unto the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloriously' (Exodus 15:1).

Contrary to this false teaching, Vega does not mean 'exalted' but precisely the opposite. This Arabic word means "falling." As a matter of fact, it means 'falling eagle'—as in Lucifer, symbolized by the eagle, falling from heaven!

Kennedy, Bullinger, et al, do err in identifying Vega as a symbol of Christ, the Exalted One, for it is obvious that the Christ symbolized by Vega is Lucifer, the Fallen One! Vega's placement in the constellation of Lyra, the Harp, is most Biblical. Lucifer was created as the most brilliant of all of the angels and occupied an exalted position in Heaven, below the Godhead alone. Before his rebellion, Lucifer appears to have led the worship of God in musical ways, being the chief musician of Heaven.

According to The Fixed Stars, the star, Vega, gives the appearance of being pale sapphire. Ezekiel 28:13 (above) states that, prior to his expulsion from heaven, Lucifer was covered with precious stones, and among these gems is mentioned the sapphire. Occult sources correctly describe Vega as a 'falling vulture'. The Fixed Stars states that the Vega vulture is based on the Greek myth of Orpheus, who was the greatest of all musicians and the first rock star!

Lucifer Rising

It becomes apparent that eagle on the Great Seal of the U.S. represents, in fact, the Masonic delusion of Lucifer rising from the ashes of defeat to 'be exalted' as God, a status formerly denied him (and will elude him once again). Lucifer's former estate is allegedly reflected in the fact that Vega was once the Pole Star, the closest star to the Northern Celestial Pole, which, in astrology, is regarded as the throne of God. Note in the following profile of Vega the exalted titles of this star, which correspond to the titles of Lucifer and his emissaries.

In Babylonian astronomy, Vega, alpha Lyra, is identified with Dilgan, the 'Messenger of Light', a name also applied to other stars. At one time Vega/Wega was the Pole-star called in Akkadian Tir-anna 'Life of Heaven', and in Assyrian Daya-same ('Judge of Heaven'), as having the highest seat therein; but fourteen millenniums have passed since Wega occupied that position. In Egypt it was Maat, the Vulture-star, when it marked the pole. This was 12,000 to 15,000 BCE, and it was the orientation point of some of the temples at Denderah, probably 7,000 BCE, one of the oldest dates claimed in connection with Egyptian temple worship, because of the precession of the equinoxes, it is no longer the Pole Star; 'the still point in the turning world'. The Indians called this star Abhtlit, 'The Victorious One'. This was a star of good omen signaling the defeat of the Asuras by the gods (the triumph of good over evil). The Arabs called part of this constellation (alpha, eta and zeta) Al Naar al Waki, the swooping "Stone Eagle of the Desert". The word Vega, derives from this Arab name and means the "Plunging One".

Ominously, Vega (aka Lucifer) is regarded as the 'Judge of Heaven', which Richard Hinckley Allen identifies with Ma'at in Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning. Ma'at was last seen in the section on Libra as the 'Scales of Justice'. "The Egyptians also saw in Libra, a set of Scales, called 'the Scales of Maat', one in which the human heart was to be weighed after death." ('Libra') The reader will recall that Ma'at was 'the spirit of Freemasonry;' indeed, Ma'at, the judge of mankind, is Freemasonry. It appears the Freemasons have appointed themselves the judges of mankind!

Vega is positioned at the Apex of the Sun's Way. The opposite point in the heavens, the Sun's Quit, lies between the stars Sirius and Canopus, also in the Milky Way. These two important points on the Milky Way—Vega in Sagittarius and Sirius-Canopus in Gemini—are the Gates of the Sun for the Age of Pisces.

Recall that Sagittarius is the Gate of the Gods, where the gods incarnate into matter. This is an important clue to the significance of Vega, as well as the fact that Vega rises at twilight on May 1, the high feast of Beltane, the Druidic New Year.

The vernal equinox, on or about March 21, marks the beginning of Spring. It also marks the sign of Aries, when, according to Aleister Crowley, the Great World of transforming humanity begins.

"Aleister Crowley taught that the Great Work [is] the 'transformation of humanity'. . .we are told that the Great Work 'may only be begun in the spring, under the signs of Aries, Taurus, and Gemini. . . it was May 1st when the ancient druids honored their great Sun God and Goddess with an uninhibited festival complete with initiations, sex orgies, drunken revelry, and human sacrifice."
The Fall of Star Vega (Abhijit) ... hijit.html
Maharshi Vyas has recorded in Mahabharat, Vana Parva (Chap.230, Verses 8-11), a dialoge between Indra and Skanda where-in it is stated that:

"Contesting against Abhijit (Vega), the constellation Krittika (Pliedes) went to "Vana" the Summer Solstice to heat the summer. Then the star Abhijit slipped down in the sky. At that time Dhanishta was given the first place in the list of Nakshatras. Rohini was also the first some time back. Now you decide what to do," said Indra.

This dialogue shows that when Indra went to Summer Solstice, Vega started falling down. Many scholars have ridiculed this idea of Star Falling; but now it is proved by modern astronomy that it was a true fact that 12,000 years B.C., Vega had really come down to the horizon from the heights of the sky, to become a pole star.

Krittikas were at the Summer Solstice between 21,800 and 20,840 years B.C. At this time Dhansishta was at the vernal equinox and hence was given the first place in the Nakshatras. From this period, the sages noticed the gradual fall of Abhijit. Falling steadily, it is assumed the position of the Celestial Pole at 12,000 B.C., when Indra met Skanda to think on the problem of time-reckoning. The story shows that the Indian sages were observing the stars and constellations at least from 23,000 years B.C.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Post by lizzie » Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:35 pm

White Dwarfs, Neutron Stars, And Black Holes ... dwarf.html
Between the years 1834 and 1844, the German astronomer Friedrich W. Bessel performed a series of careful observations of Sirius, the brightest star in our sky. Sirius, sometimes called the Dog Star, is about twice as massive as our own Sun, 25 times brighter, and is about nine light years away in the constellation Canis Major.

Bessel's careful observations revealed a wobble in the motion of Sirius across the sky, indicating the presence of a hidden companion. However, nobody was able to locate the hidden companion until 1862, when the telescope maker Alvan Graham Clark spotted it while he was testing out a new large refracting telescope. The companion became known as Sirius B, or just the Pup, while the Dog Star itself became technically known as Sirius A.

However, Sirius B was about 10,000 times fainter than Sirius A. Since it was very bright per unit of surface area, the Pup had to be much smaller than Sirius A, with roughly the diameter of the Earth.

The faintness, of course, was one of the reasons that Sirius B took decades to find, even though astronomers knew roughly where to look. Sirius A was so much brighter than Sirius B that looking for the Pup was like looking for a lit match next to a searchlight beam. In fact, one of the main reasons the Sirius B was discovered in 1862 was because it had moved in its mutual orbit with Sirius A so that its angular separation as seen from Earth was over three times greater than it had been when the search began in 1844.

Analysis of the orbit of the Sirius star system showed that the mass of the Pup was almost the same as that of our own Sun. This implied that Sirius B was thousands of times more dense than lead. As more white dwarfs were found, astronomers began to discover that although the Pup might be bizarre, it was hardly unique. White dwarfs are common in our Galaxy.

In the 1920s, led by the brilliant Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington, astronomers began to understand the processes of stellar evolution. Eddington's landmark 1926 book on the interiors of stars laid down basic concepts that evolved into our current understanding of stars.

Eddington suggested that the high densities of white dwarfs were due to the complete ionization of the atoms in their interiors. With all the electrons stripped from all the nuclei, the nuclei could pack much more closely together, resulting in the extraordinary densities observed. However, the energetics involved in this process were puzzling and contradictory, at least by the rules of the physics Eddington had available to him.

In 1967, a graduate student at Cambridge University in the UK named Jocelyn Bell discovered an interesting radio source in the constellation Vulpecula that emitted a sharp, intense pulse of radio energy on a period of every 1.33728 seconds. The period was extremely precise, with a variation of no more than 1 part in 10 million.

The initial reaction in the astronomy community was one of surprise, since no such regular sources had ever been discovered before. Some speculated that the sources might actually be beacons set up by a distant civilizations and so the sources were initially known in some circles as "LGMs", for "Little Green Men".

However, the radio bursts were over a broad range of frequencies, which would have made the emitter an inefficient artificial beacon, and before long three more such sources were found in widely separated regions of the sky. The sources clearly seemed to be of natural origin, and were named "pulsars".

Bell's academic advisor, Anthony Hewish, wrote a careful analysis of pulsars. The sharpness of the radio pulses emitted by the pulsars suggested very small objects, maybe about 15 kilometers in diameter. If the object were larger, radio waves emitted from more distant regions of the object would arrive after those emitted from nearer regions, spreading out the pulse.

The pulse period indicated that the object was spinning rapidly, with radio "hot spots" coming into view with each spin. The rate of rotation implied an object of stellar mass, as anything lighter would simply tear itself apart. The only thing that could meet such constraints was a neutron star. Hewish later won the Nobel Prize for this discovery.

Once astronomers knew what to look for, they studied the Crab Nebula again and found a pulsar at its center, emitting bursts of radio energy at a rate of about 30 times per second. Precise measurements of the rotation rate of this pulsar showed that it was slowing down ever so slightly as it radiated away energy.

Another pulsar was found in a much closer supernova remnant in the constellation Vela. The Vela supernova occurred a few thousand years ago and this pulsar has lost much of its energy and slowed down, emitting radio bursts about 12 times a second. Over a thousand pulsars have now been identified, with periods ranging from ten seconds to a peculiar family of pulsars with periods on the order of a millisecond.

As had been suggested decades before and was clearly indicated by the Crab Nebula and Vela pulsars, a neutron star is the remnant of a supernova explosion, specifically from the collapse of a star with a mass of from 8 to 15 Suns.

The neutron star that results from such a catastrophe has a number of interesting characteristics. First, conservation of angular momentum as it collapses means that the young neutron star spins very fast, at a rate of about 50 times a second.

Second, for reasons not clearly understood the supernova explosion often does not occur symmetrically, giving the neutron star a "kick" that sends it out of its birthplace at velocities of more than 1,000 kilometers a second, fast enough in some cases to eject it from the Galaxy entirely. This is why some clearly young pulsars are not directly associated with supernova remnants.

Third, the young neutron star is also very hot, up to a 100,000 or a million K. The surface area of the neutron star is very small relative to its mass, and so the energy trapped during its formation can radiate away only very slowly.

Fourth, the young neutron star has an extraordinarily intense magnetic field. Since a moving magnetic field generates an electric current through a conductor, and since a young neutron star is a big powerful magnet spinning very fast, it sets up an immense flow of electrons, positrons, and ions over its surface and scatters them into space. This flow of charged particles is known as the "pulsar wind", analogous to the "Solar wind" emitted by our Sun.

The intense magnetic field and the flow of charged particles accounts for the radio pulses as well. The particles trapped in the magnetic field are focused by poorly-understood processes into focused floods of radiation from these two "hot spots". The magnetic poles are not necessarily aligned with the spin axis of the neutron star, and since the star is spinning rapidly the hot spots swing past like the searchlight beam on a lighthouse.

The pulse beams of young neutron stars, like the Crab Nebula or Vela pulsars, radiate energy all along the electromagnetic spectrum, from radio waves to gamma rays. As the pulsar ages and loses energy, however, the neutron star cools off and only radio emission occurs.

The rate at which the spin of a pulsar slows down indicates its rate of energy emission, and even though the beams are intense they only account for a small fraction of the energy emission of the pulsar. Most of the rest of the energy emission is likely in the form of the pulsar wind and other unseen radiation.

After about ten million years, the pulsar slows down and no longer has enough energy to emit pulses. The pulsar now becomes invisible to Earth observation, unless it is part of a star system and can be detected by its gravitational effects.

As the conditions in a neutron star are very difficult to duplicate on Earth, nobody is exactly sure just how big a neutron star can be. One indirect argument is based on the fact that as a neutron star becomes more massive, it must become stiffer to maintain itself and the speed of sound through the star increases accordingly. Above six solar masses, the speed of sound exceeds that of light, which is ruled out by Einstein's theory of relativity.

Six solar masses is only an upper bound on the size of a neutron star. More practical calculations estimate the upper limit as three solar masses. No objects confirmed as neutron stars are known that are larger than two solar masses.
Last edited by lizzie on Sun Jan 30, 2011 3:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Post by lizzie » Sun Jan 30, 2011 3:05 pm

Delta Velorum (δ Vel, δ Velorum) is a star system in the constellation Vela. It is approximately 79.7 light years from Earth. It is sometimes given the name Koo She, Chinese for 'Bow and Arrows', along with ω Velorum and stars in Canis Major.

The system appears to be composed of two sets of binary stars. The brightest of the four stars, δ Velorum A, is a white A-type main sequence dwarf with an apparent magnitude of +2.02. Its binary companion, δ Velorum B, has a magnitude of +5.1 and is separated from the A component by 2.6 arcseconds.

The second binary system is 69 arcseconds away. It is composed of the 11th magnitude δ Velorum C and the 13th magnitude δ Velorum D, which are 6 arcseconds apart.
The False Cross
Vela is a constellation in the southern sky. Its name is Latin for the sails of a ship, and it was originally part of a larger constellation, the ship Argo Navis, which was later divided into three parts, the others being Carina and Puppis.

The brightest star in the constellation, γ Velorum, is a bright 1.75m supergiant star. The star is actually quintuple, and the primary component is famous for being the brightest Wolf–Rayet star in the sky. γ Velorum is also sometimes called Regor, which is Roger backwards.
κ Velorum is also called Markeb.

The False Cross is an asterism formed of the stars δ Velorum and κ Velorum and ι Carinae and ε Carinae. It is so called because it is sometimes mistaken for the Southern Cross, causing errors in astronavigation.
Delta Canis Majoris ... _Catalogue
Delta Canis Majoris (δ CMa, δ Canis Majoris) is a star in the constellation Canis Major. It has the traditional name Wezen or Wesen. It is a yellow-white F-type supergiant with an apparent magnitude of +1.83.

δ Canis Majoris is the third brightest star in the constellation after Sirius and Adhara, with an apparent magnitude of +1.83, and is a white or yellow-white in colour. Lying about 10 degrees south southeast of Sirius, it only rises to about 11 degrees above the horizon at the latitude of the United Kingdom. The open cluster NGC 2354 is located only 1.3 degrees east of Delta Canis Majoris. As with the rest of Canis Major, Wezen is most visible in winter skies in the northern hemisphere, and summer skies in the southern. It theoretically makes up the Great Dog's hind quarter.

The traditional name, Wezen, is derived from the medieval Arabic وزن al-wazn, which means "weight" in modern Arabic. The name was for one of a pair of stars, the other being Hadar, which has now come to refer to Beta Centauri. It is unclear whether the pair of stars was originally Alpha and Beta Centauri or Alpha and Beta Columbae. In any case, the name was somehow applied to both Delta Canis Majoris and Beta Columbae. Richard Hinckley Allen muses that the name alludes to the difficulty the star has rising above the (northern hemisphere) horizon. Astronomer Jim Kaler has noted the aptness of the traditional name given the star's massive nature.

In Chinese, 弧矢 (Hú Shǐ), meaning Bow and Arrow, refers to an asterism consisting of δ Canis Majoris, η Canis Majoris, c Puppis, ZI 674, ο Puppis, κ Puppis, ε Canis Majoris, κ Canis Majoris and π Puppis. Consequently, δ Canis Majoris itself is known as 弧矢一 (Hú Shǐ yī, English: the First Star of Bow and Arrow.)

In the catalogue of stars in the Calendarium of Al Achsasi Al Mouakket, this star was designated Thalath al Adzari, which was translated into Latin as Tertia Virginum, meaning the third virgin.[9] This star, along with ε CMa (Adhara), η CMa (Aludra) and ο2 CMa (Thanih al Adzari), were Al ʽAdhārā, the Virgins ... 525#p39707
But there is another possibility I'd like to mention here. It's 'emme ya'/'Sirius C' - claimed by the Dogon to exist but not yet confirmed by scientific observation. According to the Dogon tradition, this star "throws out two pairs of radii (beams)" and it's "the only star which emits these beams which have the quality of solar rays" ('Sirius Mystery', pp 44-45). These descriptions remarkably match the characteristics of a pulsar! What other celestial bodies "throws pairs of beams" besides pulsars? Furthermore, 'emme ya/Sirius C is called the 'sun of women', 'a little sun', and it is said to be accompanied by a satellite called the 'star of Women'. And this 'star of women' is represented by the sign of a 'cross', which correlates with the astrological 'grand cross' of Aug. 18, '99 (also the date for Cassini-earth 'crossing') and the cross of Christianity, the Knights Templar, etc. - all relevant to Sirius.
Champollion (1790 - 1832) unraveled the secrets of Egyptian writing but so far nobody has demystified Egyptian beliefs. Astrophysics is the key. 11,650 year ago, a supernova (Vela?) exploded close to Earth in the direction of Orion's Belt. It became the god Osiris who donated metals and resembled a scarab beetle (expanding nova). Twenty-eight years later the binary star Sirius B (the god Horus) exploded, sending a plasma tongue looking like a fiery dragon or winged serpent (Seth) speeding towards Earth. The northern hemisphere was devastated; the Ice Age ended abruptly and many animal species became extinct. Surviving humans realised their fate was determined by stellar explosions - new suns in the night coming and going as though they had inherited the spirit of the sun (Ra). The idea that Osiris assumed the essence of the sun, later passing it on to his son Horus (whose mother was Isis, the surviving binary star Sirius A) gave rise to the idea of resurrection. This solution also enables us to understand many of the enigmatic passages in the Bible, such as Revelation 12 and core myths from all other ancient civilisations.
According to many, the great pyramids were built to commemorate and observe a supernova explosion that occurred in the year 4000 BC. Dr. Anthony Hewish, 1974 Nobel Price winner in physics, discovered a rhythmic series of radio pulses which he proved were emissions from a star that had exploded 4000 BC.

The Freemasons begin their calendar from A.L., “In the Year of Light,” found by adding 4000 to the modern year. Thus 1990 + 4000 is equal to 5990 A.L. George Michanowsky wrote in “The Once and Future Star” that “the Ancient Sumerian cuneiform described a giant star exploding within a triangle formed by Zeta Puppis, Gamma Velorum and Lambda Velorum located in the southern sky. (An) accurate star catalogue now stated that the blazing star that had exploded within the triangle would again be seen by man in 6000 years.” According to the Freemason’s calendar it will occur around 2000 and indeed it will. "Behold a Pale Horse" – William Cooper – page 72
Are we describing two events here -- The Vela supernova explosion and then the later implosion of Sirius B? If so, then are we speaking of a particular location in the heavens?

Sirius, Columba, Argo Navis and Centaurus all have stars called Wezen (Wazn), the weight

1) Columba: Phaet and Wazn. Muliphein is recognized as comprehending the two stars called Had'ar, ground, and al-wezn, weight. Is Phaet the same as Phaeton? Does the “reappearance of Columba the Dove” represent the return of the Phoenix (a red dwarf flare star)?

2) Argo Navis: lambda Argo Navis (Alsuhail) (Vela) - The Vela supernova explosion - “The Ancient Sumerian cuneiform described a giant star exploding within a triangle formed by Zeta Puppis, Gamma Velorum and Lambda Velorum located in the southern sky.

3) Centaurus: alpha Centaurus (Rigil Kent) – Chiron, Ophiuchus – Jupiter kills Chiron with a “thunderbolt”. Was Chiron a moon of Saturn?
There are three stars associated with the name “wazn” (“wezen”) or weight

Delta (δ) Canis Major, Wezen, (Sirius)
lambda Argo Navis (Alsuhail) (Vela)
alpha Centaurus (Rigil Kent) (Centaurus)

However, there were two stars “usurped” from Canis Major (Sirius) when Bayer created the constellation called Columba.

The part thus usurped was called Muliphein from al-muhlifein. These two stars are now alpha and beta Columbae (Phaet and Wazn). Muliphein is recognized as comprehending the two stars called Had'ar, ground, and al-wezn, weight.

Phaet and Wazn are considered to be a “ground” and a “weight” which is the same association Phillip Coppens made between Sirius (the arrow) and Canopus (the plumb line)
Or are we talking about just one star?
Robert Temple, author of the aforementioned "Sirius Mystery", has exhaustively explained the deeper connection between the Argo (the Ark) and Sirius. Most interesting is his discussion of the deep (hidden?) relationship between the true nature of the companion to Sirius, Sirius B -- the amazing white dwarf -- and a little known visible star (Sirius C?) in the same constellation of Canis Major, called by the Arabs, "Al Wazn" -- "Weight" -- so-called (according to a leading Arabic astronomy expert) because "the star seems to rise with difficulty from the horizon." The Arabic expert, Ideler, called this "an astonishing star name."

What Temple did not know (or did not report, because he considered it irrelevant for his discussion) was that when Bayer "stole" some of Canis Major's stars to compose the new constellation, "Columba," in 1603 -- one key star of the new constellation was this same "Al Wazn" the "Weight" -- the same star that Temple, just under 400 years later, identifies with a "secret" degenerated knowledge of the Sirian system itself.

So, there is an undeniable connection (through this star) between the "Sirian Complex" of the Dogon myth and mythos of Canis Major and the "new" constellation of Columba, "the Dove."

The other strong connection to Temple's Sirius Mythos comes with Columba's association with "Argo" -- the Southern Constellation representing (loosely) "Noah's Ark" -- and its classic use as an escape from a great planetary flood/disaster.

So it's clear that the "secret" creation of a visible new constellation called "the Dove" (Columba) in 1603, out of some Canis Major stars, linked with Argo and the entire Sirian Complex, was not accidental. It was, instead, secretly emblematic at that precise time of the transposition of the terrestrial Egyptian "meridians and parallels" into the sky.
The centre point at Al Wadjih represents Sirius C, a hidden star of Sirius, (al Wazan, weight) thus creating a trinity the ancients called 'Hebola': the name of the power triangle formed in Sirius by these 3 stars. In most ancient Egypt this Sirian trinity was also represented by the Royal Family of Osiris (Father-God: Sirius A), Isis (Mother-Goddess: Sirius B) and Horus (Son-Christ: Sirius C).
America: the ultimate "Columba" marker to the celestial ticking clock that only can be understood from this unique New World when time runs out again.

The sudden astronomical appearance of the "dove" of Columba in sky charts, circa 1603 indicates the need to determine the exact lat/long of "God's Longitude" in the New World, to accurately predict the next catastrophe ergo the "hidden multi-leveled symbology" of "the Dove." And that is exactly how Columba can be used today as the "clock" just south of Orion, to indicate (together with Sirius) exactly how much time we have left and measured from where (the United States) until "Noah" happens again.

And even more, this "rogue society" must have understood the danger to their plans if the truth ever came out about the significance of the 33-year cycle calendar. Because, of course, the 33-year calendar is based not on "the life of Christ" at all; it is based, instead, on a major secret held close by the Masonic order itself, and on the curious geometry of some very old things in another old "Atlantis" ... literally on another world ... at a place called Cydonia.
Were this still considered to be a single constellation, it would be the largest of all, being larger than Hydra. When Argo Navis was split, its Bayer designations were also split. Carina has the Alpha, Beta and Epsilon, Vela has Gamma and Delta, Puppis has Zeta, and so on. The constellation Pyxis occupies an area which in antiquity was considered part of Argo's mast. However, Pyxis is not now (usually) considered part of Argo Navis, and in particular its Bayer designations are separate from those of Carina, Puppis and Vela. ... 365#p45230

In the Dogon's idea, Sirius A is symbolized with an X and it is inclusive in an ellipse that it would represent the orbit of Sirius B. Since this symbol is the same, we can deduce that Kolob and Sirius A are the same.

“A deeper study of Sirius shows us several interesting things. In Mr. Temple’s first chapter he states that the hipocephal disks that I saw in the museum were seven or eight. I took some pictures but they didn't come out very good. Nevertheless, one of them was the exact reproduction to facsimile 2 in the Pearl of Great Price. In the middle of the picture there is a rectangle in which is possible to see three characters. In the middle an explanation is given that the number one, which is clearly visible in the middle, is an X which is the same symbol used by the Dogons to represent the star Sirius A. The two baboons that are to the right and to the left of the character in the middle are explained as representing two stars.

Therefore, near Kolob there should be two stars. One is no doubt Sirius B. The other one could possibly be another star (Sirius C) which was discovered by two astronomers in 1995. Kolob being the creation nearest to God could be a doorway to the dimension of God.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Post by lizzie » Sun Jan 30, 2011 3:48 pm ... 375#p37362

From Exhibit 2) Joscelyn Goodwin (Arktos: The Polar Myth)

“The 11,500 years of which you speak are the result of a calculation on the Brahminical astronomical cycles. And, after the cycle concerned, maritime Europe, as our geographers know it, will have the same fate as [Ultima Thule and] Atlantis about a dozen centuries from now.

The law of this cycle is inherent in the fact of a FOURTH TERRESTRIAL MOVEMENT, AS YET UNKNOWN TO SCIENTISTS. The fact and its law are the consequence of a spiritual Principal of beneficence and general order, violated from age to age by the perversity of the dominant races. This principle, divine in its nature, tends to maintain or restore the Earth to equilibrium, i.e. with its axis coinciding with that of the heavens, and hence in the planet’s normal biological state.

"Now, the deviation in the human substance brought about that of the entire planetary substance—of the whole planet: the rapid mobilization of the magnetic meridian in little cycles, ending with a cycle of eighteen years; the inclination of the Poles (third large-scale movement); and finally the POLAR SUBVERSION AND RECENSION, SENDING CAIN TO THE LAND OF NOD, precipitating the summit from its zenith to its nadir; in a word, BURYING BENEATH THE SEAS THE IMPIOUS RACE AND ITS CONTINENT.

Keep to yourself, dear Sir, these redoubtable secrets of the ancient university of the Patriarchal Church, A TERRIBLE SECRET among many others, also known to the Prophets and disciples of Our Lord Jesus Christ. More than ever, the truth must be kept from the profane; not only for love of the truth, but also out of charity towards those who would desecrate it.” Page 213.

This amazing passage by Saint-Yves gives tantalizing clues of a subterranean “impious race” that was buried due to a cataclysmic pole shift. A secret even Jesus Christ himself knew about. Throughout my papers I’ve argued the only way a pole shift can occur is from the passing of a near-by planetary body such as Nibiru. The first century Roman Philosopher Lucius Annaeus Seneca also hinted of a pole shift: See below:

“A time will come in later years when the Ocean will unloose the bands of things, when the immeasurable Earth will lie open, when seafarers will discover new countries, and [Ultima] ‘Thule’ will no longer be the extreme point among the lands.” – Quote from Seneca’s “Medea”

"The law of this cycle is inherent in the fact of a FOURTH TERRESTRIAL MOVEMENT, AS YET UNKNOWN TO SCIENTISTS" -- is this a reference to the cyclical passage of Nibiru through our Solar system and the ensuing "earth changes" it brings? Does Nibiru travel independently or is it accompanied by a "dark star" companion (Mithras)?

There are "the four ages of man;" Is each age approximately 3,600 years long. Multiply it by 4 = 14,400 years and this is approximately half of a precessionary cycle. A full precessionary cycle would be approximately every 28,800 years; does a full precessionary cycle represent one octave or "one dimension" ... 450#p38165
The oft-controversial Chiron was discovered in 1977. This “asteroplanecomet” is often referred to the wounded healer of the zodiac. It has its own orbit and moves quite slowly through the various signs. Perched between Saturn and Uranus it could be part of the planet, “Fenix” often referred to as “Maldek.” Out of Fenix/Maldek, Chiron was ejected. It’s the largest surviving chuck of the former planet.
The destruction of Maldek, Malona, Nibiru, the Twelfth Planet, Lucifer, Phaeton, Tiamat, the Original Atlantis (all the same), between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, was the single greatest catastrophic event to occur in the history of this solar system.
In pre-modern Astrology Mercury was also given rulership over the sign Virgo and the sixth house. Many Astrologers give it co-rulership with other 'planets', but there is no consensus on the other co-ruler. Some say Chiron, some say Transpluto [called Vulcan, Persephone]. I use the asteroid Vesta as the ruler, on the theory that the planet that formed the asteroid belt [called Maldek] was the natural ruler of Virgo. Vesta was the center of that planet and her symbolism fits Virgo perfectly. ... 450#p38166
Approximately 13,000 years ago the Atlantean's were facing almost identical trials and tribulations as we are today. Their choice: Nuclear Holocaust or human utopia. They were aligning with Ophiuchus - the lost 13th sign of the zodiac - which symbolizes alignment with the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, - and the choice of ascension for mankind. There are radioactive isotopes that look like cluster bombs in northern Scandinavia and the northeastern United States that date back to Atlantean times - and many have theorized that this was an ancient nuclear war between the Atlanteans and rival factions - which ultimately resulted in their annihilation.
This constellation is unique among all others. It is the only one, which consists of two parts: Serpens Caput, the Head of the Serpent and Serpens Cauda, the Tail of the Serpent. Between both parts lies the constellation of Ophiuchus, the Serpent Holder. Although Serpens Caput and Serpens Cauda are really separated, they count as one constellation.
Quaoar was discovered in the constellation of Ophiuchus. Chiron, Ophiuchus and Quaoar form an interesting triangle; handling, bridging and manifesting original intent.

It was through the occurrence of a Nova in the constellation of Ophiuchus that the Aristotelian axiom of the incorruptibility of the Heavens was 'lethally wounded'. The Nova was observed by Johannes Kepler. The Nova is called Kepler's Star, and was observed in Ophiuchus on October 10, 1604.

Ophiuchus is a Knower of the Secrets of Life and is becoming a Master of Life and Death. According to Lucius Annaeus Seneca, the Serpent was once identified with Tiamat, the Sea Monster, who eventually was struck by Marduk (Jupiter). Tiamat represent Chaos from which all other things come. Marduk is the Sun god who eventually killed Tiamat for these reasons, thus bringing a sense of order or control to Creation.

Just as Ophiuchus is the 13th sign, breaking the perfect harmony of the 12 zodiacal signs, so we find an introduction of a disturbing element into a static environment with Ophiuchus.

Ophiuchus is also known as Aesculapius, who was taught the arts of medicine and healing by the Centaur Chiron. Eventually Aesculapius got so good at his craft that he could restore the dead to life. This threatened Pluto, the lord of the underworld, who then complained to Jupiter. Jupiter then sent Aquila, the Eagle to kill Aesculapius with one of his thunderbolts.

It comes as no surprise that the 5th Ray Master Hilarion numerologically reduces to the number 5. But also, it is interesting to find that Quaoar have been given the asteroid number 50000, which of course also reduces to the number 5. When counting clockwise from the Vernal Point, we actually find that Ophiuchus is the 5th constellation along the ecliptic. When counting in the anti-clockwise direction we find Leo as the 5th zodiacal sign. This is of course the creatively expressive sign par excellence, governing the fires of creation.

The Master Hilarion is Aesculapius, the healer of Orion, he is 'Master HealOrion'; the one to 'Heal Orion'.
Every year between November 22, and December 25, the Sun passes through the constellation of Ophiuchus, from our perspective here on the Earth.

Ophiuchus is that it is the only constellation in human form that resides in the direction of the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. In galactic astrology, the center of the Galaxy is analogous to the Higher Self or the Jungian Self. It is only by transcending the "wheel of twelve" and allowing energy to spiral, resonant with the number thirteen, that we as humans, access and maintain a conscious connection to our Higher Self.

The last Age of Ophiuchus was from about 4500 BC to 2500 BC. Now that the Serpent Holder has returned, we have the opportunity to "remember" and once again access ancient wisdom from that time and specifically wisdom related to "serpent energy".

Since the late 1930s, all the planets have astrologically passed through Ophiuchus' area of the sky. All but one, that is. The planet Pluto began its journey through Ophiuchus and the Serpent around the start of the 1990s. Pluto will complete its journey through Ophiuchus around 2012, the date many of us recognize as the end of an over 5000-year long Mayan calendar cycle. The Mayan calendar is based on galactic astrology cycles. These are cycles involving the stars, such as the Pleiades. ... 450#p38170

The photograph and the constellations can be examined in detail to demonstrate that the Mesoamericans were not hallucinating. They were recording what they saw, so that others could go see for themselves. There is no more perfect way to establish an empirical relationship with other individuals and the cosmos; this is "Sacred Science."

Two things become apparent with the photographs that were not visible with astronomy software. First, the prominence of the galactic center, and the fact that it could easily be identified with the entrance/exit a cosmic birth canal through a cosmic cervix. Second, the relationship of Ophiuchus to the "celestial" image of birth is unmistakable. Ophiuchus can be seen on the photograph, standing with one leg on the cosmic cervix, and drawing the umbilical cord (Serpens) out through the birth canal at the "dark rift," where Quetzalcoatl waits to be reborn.

First Father: The "one legged" aspect of Ophiuchus has long been a concern of research. Now, with the photographic evidence it is clear that the primordial First Father of the Maya was symbolized in the birth process which surrounds Ophiuchus at the galactic center. He can be visualized as being photographed in the cosmic birth process (creation) as if it were a single frame of an eternal moving film. On his one leg, he swirls the hurricane of the cosmos, and the result is history (his story).

When the material photographic evidence is enhanced by the proper dot-to-dot connections, the stele on the cover of Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 showing First Father coming out of the mouth of First Mother is a clear representation of what is shown in the stars at the center of the galaxy.

The next event of importance is the establishment of the "Daykeepers," Xmucane (Virgo) at the top of the galactic disk, and Xpiyacoc (Sculptor) at the bottom of the galactic disk.

They represent the axis through the galactic (cosmic) plane, and via precession, they mark time. They give birth to Hun Hunahpu and Seven Hunahpu, (Ophiuchus and Sagittarius), who give birth to Hunahpu and Xbalanque (Gemini, Auriga and Perseus), with the help of a Xibalban mother by the name of Blood Moon (Andromeda). The arms of Hun Hunahpu and his son Hunahpu mark the ecliptic and galactic intersections of the cosmic world axis. The Sun Boat (Argo Navis) of the Maize God (Bootes) and the skull (Cepheus) in the cosmic tree define the third axis of the galaxy at right angles to the intersection axis and to the central axis. The Maya creation story describes the three orthogonal axes of the galaxy, and it provides the Maya people with a reference for time and space in the whole universe as perceived from earth; as above, so below. ... e09#p37932

He also stated that in a vision Elijah Mohammed saw that in the future the arrival of the UFO would take place upon the discovery of a second star or companion to our sun. He mentions a blue star or darker star appearing next to a red fiery star.

When I speak of serpent ropes I take the term form the ancient writings of the Maya and the biblical references to the arrival of a Black Sun. The Black Sun was originally thought to be a reference to an eclipsed sun.

Coming from the dark mass were coronal ejections that appeared to be like fiery ropes or snakes. These coronal storms would find their way to earth and create devastating earthquakes, tsunamis and weather changes. At the time of the Black Sun’s appearance it was believed that the earth was about to end its cycle and with that cyclical end would come the deluge of fire.

The Black Sun was and still is a symbol of power in many darker secret societies. The societies claimed that this sacred symbol created an infinite beam of light which though invisible to the human eye existed in anti–matter.

The Black Sun symbol had several other meanings as well. It represented the Dark star, the Death Star or the fallen star or the dark moon. Hitler became a member of the Black sun society a secret group within the Thule society. Thule beliefs were based in the writings of Theosophist Madame Blavatsky.

Blavatsky wrote in her book Isis unveiled that the return of the Black Sun or death star would be evident when the 13th house of Mazzaroth is active from the core of Ophiuchus. The 13th house is the Serpent holder and from it will come the Black Sun.

Blavatsky wrote, “The sudden star, though seen by all of the Earth, does not elicit the fear it should even as fire begins to stain the Northern skies. But, when Mars retreats from Ophiuchus, and the blue light separates from the green, know that war and sudden destruction is at hand as the Black Sun rises once again.”

Ophiuchus is new to many people. I have mentioned it before in many of my shows because it is important to know about it when trying to figure out secret societal language. The accepted knowledge within the mainstream narrative is that our Sun travels through only 12 constellations in the Zodiac or Mazzaroth. They are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

However, it is a little known fact that the Sun spends only about nineteen days in this 13th house known as Serpentarius. As far as Astrologers were concerned, the Sun traveled from the constellation Scorpius and then proceeded directly into the sign of Sagittarius. The Sun, for 19 days of the year, travels through the star constellation ‘Ophiuchus’ before entering Sagittarius from Scorpius.

What is exactly in the area of Ophiuchus that is so secret? Many believe that the portal to God can be found there. Many say that it is the home of the Nemesis. The Nemesis of course is also reference to “Vulcan” the partner to a hypothetical binary star system idea, Nibiru the popular name of the 12th planet in the solar system and ‘Planet X” which is supposed to return from a wide elliptical orbit in 2012.

According to the Mayans the end of the creation cycle commences on October 28th, 2011. It is a time where we move into an area of the Zodiac that at one time was devoted to a character who was known as the “serpent bearer” or the “serpent god”. Many others call this area of the zodiac the “dark rift.” The Dark rift is home to the Death Star. The dark rift is in Serpentarius (Ophiuchus), the home of the serpent gods it has also been called “zero point” or the point of creation.

Ophiuchus and some of the fixed stars in it were sometimes used by astrologers in antiquity as extra-zodiacal indicators in determining the times for cataclysms. It is interesting to note that the meanings of the crossing of the “Dark rift” Dark Star, Black Sun, or zero point is often associated with “Judgment” or “day of Judgment.”
From October 28th, 2011 to December 21, 2012 astronomers tell us that the sun’s path will visually intersect with the Galactic equator something that happens once every 26,000 years and that the Mayans identify this as rising of The Sacred Tree of life.

This forms a kind of celestial crossroads where the sun in Autumnal equinox and Winter Solstice converges with the center of our galaxy. Ophiuchus leads into Sagittarius, and Sagittarius’ spear points directly into the head (eye) of the “serpent” that is wrestled in Ophiuchus’ arms.

It seems that what is written in the books of the apocalypse is purely an echo of the cyclical nature of the serpent holder or the cyclical appearance of Nemesis or Planet X.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Post by lizzie » Sun Jan 30, 2011 7:29 pm

Set is depicted as having red hair. Thus Set should be a red star. Sirius C is supposed to be a red dwarf. So Sirius C should be the “cosmic body” Set/Satan/Santur/Lucifer – the star that fell from the sky. ... t=15#p9620

The myth of the 'Black Sun' displays similarities with the Tibetan Rahu myth from the Kalachakra Tantra, can be traced to the inspiration of Karl Maria Wiligut (“Himmler’s Rasputin”) and his milieu among others. In a commentary on Wiligut’s runic writings, a pupil, Emil Rüdiger, mentions an invisible dark planet, Santur by name, which is supposed to influence human history and to be able to be microcosmically linked with the energy body of an adept.

Santur is interpreted as a burnt-out Sun that was still visible at the time of Homer. Rüdiger speculates that this was the center of the solar system hundreds of millennia ago, and he imagines a fight between the new and the old Suns that was decided 330,000 years ago. Santur is seen as the source of power of the Hyperboreans. ... 375#p37409
The name 'Sothis' seems to naturally fit the intents and the magical inclinations of the Lodge: Sothis/Sirius B is the dark star of Set, the ancient stellar body mysteriously 'discovered' more than 5000 years ago by the Dogons of Mali, and from which the darkest currents of magic emanate.

Sothis is connected to Emme Ya (Sirius C), a bizarre star that constitutes the closest astronomical match to the concept of Black Sun, and from which Atlantean Lore says that many of the entities and intelligences today known in Pantheons sprang from. So, Sothis stands as the stellar, pulsating centre of the Draconian Current and of the energies that move the opposite side of creation - Sothis as 'Astrum Nigrum' (Black Star), soul of Black Isis and cosmic vehicle of Set.
When I speak of serpent ropes I take the term form the ancient writings of the Maya and the biblical references to the arrival of a Black Sun. The Black Sun was originally thought to be a reference to an eclipsed sun.

At the time of the Black Sun’s appearance it was believed that the earth was about to end its cycle and with that cyclical end would come the deluge of fire.

The Black Sun was and still is a symbol of power in many darker secret societies. The societies claimed that this sacred symbol created an infinite beam of light which though invisible to the human eye existed in anti–matter.

The Black Sun symbol had several other meanings as well. It represented the Dark star, the Death Star or the fallen star or the dark moon. Hitler became a member of the Black sun society a secret group within the Thule society. Thule beliefs were based in the writings of Theosophist Madame Blavatsky.

Blavatsky wrote in her book Isis unveiled that the return of the Black Sun or death star would be evident when the 13th house of Mazzaroth is active from the core of Ophiuchus. The 13th house is the Serpent holder and from it will come the Black Sun. ... b46#p43396
So, since we can now prove that Maldek did indeed explode, we then need to stretch our imaginations just a bit more. Indeed, part of Van Flandern’s research concerns the amazing blast impacts that are visible on the neighboring planetary and lunar bodies closest to the Asteroid Belt. Many of them appear to have sustained far more damage on one half than the other half, including Mars, which now appears to have been one of the exploded planet’s moons.

Therefore, when Maldek exploded, there were extremely damaging effects created in the entire harmonic structure of the Solar System, disrupting the natural harmonic smootheness of the planetary orbits. We can easily see that the other planets would get knocked out of their positions. Since Jupiter and Saturn are both beyond the Asteroid Belt, the explosion would blow them further away from the Sun. All it would take would be for one or both of them to be close to Maldek in their orbit pattern, and the extra 54 days could easily be accounted for. ... b46#p43756
An esoteric neo-Nazi sect headquartered in Vienna, Austria called the Tempelhofgesellschaft, founded in the early 1990s, teaches a form of Gnosticism called Marcionism. They distribute pamphlets claiming that the Aryan race originally came to Atlantis from the star Aldebaran. They maintain that the Aryans from Aldebaran derive their power from the vril energy of the Black Sun.

We read from various sources that approximately 50,000 years ago a certain planetary body in our own solar system was mysteriously destroyed. This body has been called Tiamat, Phaeton, Lucifer, Marduk, Maldek, Rahab, and even Luna. It was believed to have existed between Mars and Jupiter and was referred to as the “second sun”.
There is even scientific evidence that this story is rooted in the historical occurrence of a “falling star”, or meteorite that plunged into the Earth, cracking its crust and disfiguring its face, then buried itself deep within the center of the Earth where it remains as our planet’s inner core. This is, perhaps, the “12th Planet” that Zecharia Sitchin is always referring to. And it must also be the “stone that fell from Heaven”, supposedly chipped from Lucifer’s crown, which according to legend is called “the Grail.”

Recall, then, that the Grail is the treasure said to be buried at Rennes-le-Chateau. Also, rumors persist that Rennes-le-Chateau contains an entrance to the underworld. The event of this falling star may itself be commemorated by a symbol that was used at least as far back as ancient Sumeria where it was known as the “Ar”, the Plough Sign. That sign is the pentagram, associated with both Satan and the planet Venus, as well as with Rennes-le-Chateau. In fact, the prefix in the word “Quinotaur” – Quin – means the number five in Latin, and some have suggested that the word is in fact a reference to the pentagram at Rennes-le-Chateau – that perhaps each man-made mountain conceals the “head” of some enormous subterranean sea monster which our ancestors considered to be their God, and in fact, their ancestor as well.
Big Dipper
The Plough or the Big Dipper or the Saptarshi is an asterism of seven stars that has been recognized as a distinct grouping in many cultures from time immemorial. The component stars are the seven brightest of the formal constellation Ursa Major.

The Big Dipper is significant because the North Star (Polaris), the current northern pole star on Earth can be found using it. Polaris is part of the "Little Dipper", Ursa Minor.
The Master of Speech
The Master of Speech was also symbolized by the red dwarf star, Sirius C. The Jackal, on the other hand, was symbolized by the white dwarf star, Sirius B. The colours red, for the Master of Speech, and white, for the Jackal, also appear in the Celtic religion as red and white dragons and in later secret societies as red and white roses.
Star Majik
Roots of Star Magick lie in West Africa. The Sirius Mystery speaks of the Dogon tribe of Mali with its complex mythology of pre-eval contact with extraterrestrial beings from the binary star-system, Sirius. Sirius, which figures importantly in Aleister Crowley's own traffic with transmundane intelligences: Amalantarah, Aiwass, Abul-Diz, LAM; Sirius, the Dog-Star, Star of the Dark God Set, which also figures importantly in the magickal writings of Kenneth Grant.

In Hecate's Fountain, Kenneth Grant speaks of the planet Emme Ya in the Sirius star-system as the origin of the Loa Voudoo goddesses and gods, the Orisha in Yoruba tradition who are "presently concerned with infiltrating the aura of earth". The Dogon know Emme Ya, Star of Women, as the planet of the primal goddess, the Orisha Yemoja. Mother of all African goddesses and gods, Her name, Mother of Fish, recalls ancient tales of the amphibious Nommos, powerful beings of god-like stature who brought civilization to earth from the star system of Sirius, and whom the Babylonians knew as the Musari.

Egyptians temples were oriented to the rising of the star Canopus in the Constellation Argo. Another name for Canopus, which forms the rudder of the constellation Argo (which is an ark, or boat) is Kahi-Nub. In Coptic Egyptian, Kahi-Nub means Golden Earth. Canopus was considered a star of Osiris. Canopus has the root syllable "can" which means dog. The Alfonsine Tablets tells how the designation of Canopus as heavy was once applied to another star near Orion (obviously Sirius), but fled to the south (Argo is south of Orion and Sirius in the sky).

Again, Temple takes this to be another instance in which references to the invisible Sirius B became attached to a visible star - this time Canopus.

Typhon is identified with Apap. Typhon incarnates in Apap and devours souls.

Much of this information on Typhon comes down to us by way of ancient Greece and Rome. Typhon is said to be a lower aspect or shadow of Osiris, but also his brother; i.e., of the divine body of Osiris, but lower. Typhon battles the God of Wisdom (Thoth) who has authority over all other gods. ... =45#p44800

Lucifer is first described as a shining angel, a bright light, light bearer, light bringer and the morning star. Created in the heavenly realms of Shemi Hashamyim, Lucifer and the other angels inhabited the planet Rahab (Maldek) and its satellites Mars and Venus, and were given reign and dominion over many worlds of the material kingdoms in the initial configuration of the Solar System. Ancient Bible scriptures and codes reveals the eruption of a major war in the Heavens, following Lucifer's rebellion, that destroyed Rahab, splintering it into the debris that currently formulates our Asteroid Belt. Lucifer and the other fallen angels found sanctuary on a planet orbiting the star Sirius C in the Sirius Star System during one of its cyclic convergence with the Solar System. From Sirius and the constellation of the Pleiades, a mysterious supernatural and occult agenda was created against the creations and works of the Divine Creative Consciousness.

Sirius is a trinary star system in the eye of the constellation of Canis Major (the Big Dog), and is called the Great Dog Star (God Star) or Orion's Dog. The Dogons believed that Sirius B was the oldest of the stars and was the creative organizing source and force of the world, producing a sacred energy of Eloptic Black Light from the stream of ionized hydrogenous essence of Sirius A. Though, not yet confirmed by scientist, "The Little Sun" Sirius C, exhibits similar characteristics to that of Sirius B.

Sirius C, Emma Ya Tolo, is hard to observe, since its small faint stellar field is masked by the great brightness of Sirius A. It is a red Dwarf Star or Pulsar and is called the "Sun of Women." According to the Dogon, Sirius C lies at the centre of the Sirius Star System constantly emitting red solar rays - a Blazing Star transmitting its essence towards Sirius A and B from its orbital position. Sirius C is also accompanied by a spiraling satellite called Nyan Tolo, the "Star of Women." Sirius A, B, and C constitutes the Solar Trinity. The Sirius Star System is considered as the hidden, secret and spiritual Sun and is seen as the Eye Goddess and Tree of the Dragon. Sirius is also symbolized as Iron, Silver Star, the Magician, the Phoenix and the Pentagram.

The Sirian Trichotomy hieroglyph takes us to Chapter 3 of the book of Genesis, in the Bible, where Lucifer is introduced as the Serpent and where the occult agenda starts with the temptation of the woman Eve into eating from the tree of knowledge. A figurative resonance of mankind's genetic engineering with the birth of Sirius C (Horus, the star) from the union of Sirius A (Isis, the dome) and Sirius B (Osiris, the obelisk).

The Black Rite was and is the essential astronomical and occult knowledge of the existence and transformational effects of the three stars of the Sirius Star System, the Orion constellation and the Pleiades.

Let us take this even further, the occult number for Sirius is 23 within the Law of Fives, since 5 is its root numerological number. Sirius rises in the Constellation of Orion, from behind the Sun on July 23rd. The "Dog Days" of summer begins on July 23rd. Sirius A has a luminosity of 23.5. Sirius A shines at 23 times more brilliantly in the sky, than our Sun. Sirius B revolves 23 times per minute and completely orbits Sirius A every 50 years (2+3=5).

Sirius C also orbits Sirius A every 50 years at a different trajectory, since it is four times lighter. The sidereal day for Sirius is 23 hours and 56 minutes, since it rises 4 minutes earlier each night. According to the ancient text, July 23rd was considered as the highest of Egypt's Holy Days. The Dogon characterizes the number 23, as magical. Sirius' rise commences the Sumerian, Egyptian and Dogon New Year on July 23rd. The extraterrestrial Nommos from Sirius first contact with the Dogons was 5,000 years ago. It is believed that the multi-star system of Sirius actually consists of 5 stars - Sirius A, Sirius B, Sirius C, Sirius D, and Sirius E.
The great star Sirius, our cosmic friend, is approaching us
I learned that Sirius B must have been a red giant star not long ago, and then exploded, some “thousands of years ago”. It was then reduced to its current white dwarf stage. Now, this makes perfect sense with the Egyptian story. Osiris, is Isis husband, and he was “killed” by some other “god”, and then Isis gathered his pieces together and took them back into the sky. Now, if Sirius B did explode, its parts could be captured by the gravity of Sirius. It’s not known what cosmic body “Set” is.

According to new theories based on good evidence, our star very likely has a solar companion in a twin-star system. About 80 percent of stars have a companion star; they are part of a larger system, not solitary. Author’s like Walter Cruttenden, Robert Bauval, Graham Hancock, Andy Lloyd, and John Anthony West have done wonderful work in this area.

It has been said by ancient astronomers that Sirius is our binary companion in a long 24,000 year cycle. I believe this is true. As we get close to each other, civilization on earth gets more and more incredible for thousands of years. Light and cosmic rays from the Sirius system bathe our whole solar system. At its closest approach to our sun, human beings get access to incredible light, extra energy, health, inspiration, and wisdom. Then after our closest approach, both stars return in the opposite direction for a long time while civilization declines.

Many believe that the great pyramids all around the world, and other fine carved temples, were put there by immensely wise beings, to demonstrate the amazing capacity of human beings, a message to carry us through the dark ages, full of teachings for us. Sirius brings new light into our system, and for a long time it will continue to approach us, along with its companion. If this is our long lost solar twin, her increasing light will continue for around another 11,000 years. As she approaches, she appears blue, but when she recedes we see her as reddish. There is a small Sirius C star as well, not visible to the naked eye.

t just so happens that our sun is entering, or is in, what is called the galactic equatorial plane, a band of supremely high energy that circles our galactic center like the bands of Saturn. This is a normal part of its huge orbit that takes around 26,000 years. The last time the sun moved through this band was around the end of the last glacial period, when hundreds of species of animals went extinct, mammoths frozen instantly because whole sheets of ice slid across the earth.

Most stars, around 80 percent, are binary. They have a tiny brown dwarf sibling, AND, some of those smaller suns have planets going around them as well, plus moons and other debris. Our sun probably has a sibling that we can’t see because it shines in infrared.

The Sumerians said they knew about it, and they called it the destroyer. They called the period of its arrival “the crossing”, an event that occurs every 3,700 years or so. Doing the numbers, in a 26,000 period of our sun’s major cycle, there would be 2 crossings of the galactic ecliptic, plus about 6 passages of the brown dwarf companion system, a total of 8 huge events in 26,000 years. Plus, many other things, like comets and asteroids, volcanoes, earthquakes, and other earth-shaking events.

Why don’t we see our solar companion? It’s far away, shines in light we can’t see, and comes close (millions of miles) to our sun only rarely, once ever 3,600 years or so. Its passage is dramatic, but we only have ancient stories to go by, and people argue about them instead of investigating them.

Countries around the world are spending huge sums of money trying to find brown dwarfs, distant planets, comets, and asteroids because they know things come this way. An international team is now permanently in the Antarctic operating the Infrared South Pole telescope. They’re looking for something that shines infrared. Governments are being kind of secretive about it, too. Just recently, another special satellite has been launched to do a wide area search for infrared objects and other cosmic debris.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Post by lizzie » Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:31 pm

Is there a cyclical Sirius-Solar Convergence? Was Sirius B ancient Saturn?

I am not in accord with author Zecharia Sitchin's thesis concerning Nibiru. I am absolutely certain that he describes Venus before it entered the orbit that we know today.
In my appendix to Ádam Genisiš, NEB-HERU, The Morning Star, I bring numerous new elements that explain that there existed a planet between Mars and Jupiter which I name Mulge (the Black Star).

I saw at the time that I received knowledge of this history that Venus was then its satellite. The war that brought the Anunna against their opponents exploded Mulge more than 10,000 years ago. When Mulge exploded, its satellite (the future Venus) was ejected and roamed in the solar system for several thousand years.

I speak of it in my appendix. I am thus on this point in accord with the work of Immanuel Velikovsky (Worlds in Collision). ... =45#p44800

Lucifer is first described as a shining angel, a bright light, light bearer, light bringer and the morning star. Created in the heavenly realms of Shemi Hashamyim, Lucifer and the other angels inhabited the planet Rahab (Maldek) and its satellites Mars and Venus, and were given reign and dominion over many worlds of the material kingdoms in the initial configuration of the Solar System. Ancient Bible scriptures and codes reveals the eruption of a major war in the Heavens, following Lucifer's rebellion, that destroyed Rahab, splintering it into the debris that currently formulates our Asteroid Belt. Lucifer and the other fallen angels found sanctuary on a planet orbiting the star Sirius C in the Sirius Star System during one of its cyclic convergence with the Solar System. From Sirius and the constellation of the Pleiades, a mysterious supernatural and occult agenda was created against the creations and works of the Divine Creative Consciousness.

Sirius C, Emma Ya Tolo, is hard to observe, since its small faint stellar field is masked by the great brightness of Sirius A. It is a red Dwarf Star or Pulsar and is called the "Sun of Women." According to the Dogon, Sirius C lies at the centre of the Sirius Star System constantly emitting red solar rays - a Blazing Star transmitting its essence towards Sirius A and B from its orbital position. Sirius C is also accompanied by a spiraling satellite called Nyan Tolo, the "Star of Women." Sirius A, B, and C constitutes the Solar Trinity. The Sirius Star System is considered as the hidden, secret and spiritual Sun and is seen as the Eye Goddess and Tree of the Dragon. Sirius is also symbolized as Iron, Silver Star, the Magician, the Phoenix and the Pentagram. ... 135#p36044

The ancient Hebrew Kabbalists spoke of “The Four Seraphim”. The Seraphim are the four heavenly luminaries comprising the multiple or binary star system of which we belong. Originating with Sirius B, Dark Star or nearly invisible point of light; this tiny cosmic nucleus was called “Sifr” (ar. ‘zero’) the secret ‘cipher’ of our local universe or (gk) “Oion”. The trinitary stellar Seraphim, Stars Sirius A, Sirius C and Sirius D (our Sun) were called in Hebrew “Saphar”, “Sepher” and “Siphur”.
Planet Xylanthia in the Sirius Star System
The planet Xylanthia is located in the Sirius Star System, which is comprised of three stars; Sirius A, B and C. Sirius A and B orbit around Sirius C. Planet Xylanthia orbits around Sirius C, which is a black dwarf star. Xylanthia is the home-planet of the extraterrestrials that visited Earth and founded Atlantis.

Sirius A and B orbit around Sirius C which is their center of gravity. This configuration causes Xylanthia to have no night.

The Dogon knew that Sirius was not just one star. Their ancient records revealed that Sirius was a three-star complex. They referred to Sirius C as the “woman planet.” Xylanthia, orbits around Sirius C. ... 525#p39707

The three stars in Orion's Belt do not merely represent an alignment with the three pyramids on the Giza Plateau. All of these represent the Sirian Trichotomy (Osiris, Isis and Horus), being the three stars: Sirius A, B and C (technically or Sun, Sol), which, contrary to conventional science, were formerly unified into the Osirian Trinary Stellar System, our former system composed of these three stars and eleven planets. The Constellation of Orion acts as a 12,000-year time clock to gauge the periodic arrival of the Sirius Binary in a great transversion, the Sirian-Solar Reconvergence, an extinction level event precipitated when the two halves penetrate through each other.
Bizarre Hexagon Spotted On Saturn ... opic=10415
Technically, the god Saturn (Cronus, Osiris) is the star Sirius B, which was our original paternal star, and the hexagonal construct on the planet Saturn is caused by an electromagnetic stellar arc influence from the approaching binary star system Sirius that was formerly unified with our Solar System. Sirius consists of Sirius B and Sirius A. These stars where originally within our former Osirian (Cronian) Stellar System and were “personified” into deities and worshipped by past human civilization as gods. Sirius A was the outer “encompassing” star that orbited the “body” of the whole system.

The children of Saturn, Sirius B, are the Sun (technically Sirius C), which is technically Sirius C and the 10 planets. Sirius A is the “Great Mother Goddess of the Gods”, the mother of these 11 celestial members called the “Brood of Tiamat”. Hence, Saturn/Kronos, the Hidden God, comes to devour the planets and our Sun (his children) by fire. Sirius B is the “Hidden God” because it is a White Dwarf Star that is virtually non-ocular (invisible). This coming extinction level event I have identified as the “Sirian-Solar Reconvergence” (a 12,000-year recurrent event).


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