The Mythical Interpretations in the TBP

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Re: The Mythical Interpretations in the TBP

Unread post by Norman » Sat Mar 12, 2016 10:40 am

Subject: The Milky Way names and descriptions, in a discussion here - ... 74#p112077
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Re: The Mythical Interpretations in the TBP

Unread post by comingfrom » Sat Mar 12, 2016 11:52 pm

Thank you, Norman.

Maybe it is because I am in the southern hemisphere I don't see it.


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Re: The Mythical Interpretations in the TBP

Unread post by Norman » Sun Mar 13, 2016 1:28 am

comingfrom wrote:Thank you, Norman.
Maybe it is because I am in the southern hemisphere I don't see it.
I think most of the Milky Way informations goes on the northern hemisphere, simply because of the cultural population and the scholarly and academic interest for astronomy and mythology. But even the southern hemisphere cultures have the same amount of informations about the Milky Way, or even more because of the important location of the Milky Way center on the southern hemisphere.
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Re: The Mythical Interpretations in the TBP

Unread post by Norman » Sun Mar 13, 2016 8:23 am

Subject: "EV Cochrane on Milky Way issues".

Qoutes from Lloyd´s post here - ... 75#p112077
The Milky Way
by Ev Cochrane, Aeon IV:4 (Apr 1996)

[In this paper Cochrane shows that the myths associated with the Milky Way in earliest times referred to a former polar column extending from Earth's northern horizon to the former northern "pole star". Earliest myths indicate that the pole star was a conjunction of Saturn, Venus & Mars. Later myths did too, but with more confusion due to misinterpretation of tradition.]
... Only by comparing traditions from around the world is it possible to discover archetypal patterns of historical significance and avoid being misled by local, artificial accretions. ... We begin our reconstruction with the ancient traditions surrounding the Milky Way.

[Most ancient cultures regarded the Milky Way as several of the following objects, none of which include a boat or ship of heaven; after the list is Cochrane's explanation that these objects formerly referenced the polar column in the Saturn model:]
- Wind: whirlwind in sub-lunary zone, "wind skein", "beam of sky"
- River: "Stream of Heaven", "Sky River", "Water of Life", "River", "river of sky", "Winding Waterway", great river, celestial stream, deep body of water, stream, or rapids, 'Fire-Stream', Stream of Death
- Serpent: great python, Fer-de-lance (pit viper), "River of Snake", "Path of Snake", serpentine
- Rope: "stars combining as rope", giant rope, cord uniting heaven and earth, "road suspended in sky" (as large rope, now vanished, that fed ancient rulers), vanished forever rope of heaven
- Road: "White Road", "frightful road" (to underworld), "Street of Stars", "road that crosses sky", former path of Sun, road of Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl, path of Heracles' cattle, "cattle track" (of brother of creator), path of warriors' cattle, path of spilled grain, road of Sun
- Way of Spirits: "road of souls to spirit world", path for ghosts to Valholl, "road from earth to world of spirits", "road of spirits", "lofty road to great Thunderer (god)", road of souls to otherworld, way of souls, ghost's road to Land of Dead, "Pathway of Departed Spirits", spirits' dwelling places between incarnations

Ladder to Heaven
... Egyptian language ... provides a wealth of clues to the original nature of the celestial "Way." The Egyptian ladder ... enabled the deceased to ascend to heaven -- as depicted in the Papyrus of Ani.
... Egyptian civilization [had] an obsessive preoccupation with death and ... immortality.... (A)n overriding concern of the ancient Egyptian Pyramid and Coffin Texts was the king's survival of death and transmigration to the stars.
... One of the most prominent themes in these texts makes the king mount a ladder, stair, or some other contrivance in order to reach the heavenly river which leads to the kingdom of the sun. ... "Stairs to the sky are laid for him that he may ascend thereon to the sky." ... "A ladder to the sky shall be put together for you and Nut will extend her hands towards you, you shall navigate on the Winding Waterway and sail in the eight boat." ... "I ascend on this ladder which my father Re made for me." ... (T)he king was ... identified with a star, particularly in the form of Horus as Morning Star. It is as a star that the king is implored to mount the ladder in order to join Re: "The King is a star in the sky among the gods; ... bring to the king the ladder which Khnum has made that the King may ascend on it to the sky and escort Re in the sky."
... The idea of a soul-ladder stretching from earth to heaven ... is apparently universal in extent. ... The most familiar example of such a sky-ladder, perhaps, is the account in Genesis: "And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth and the top of it reached the sky, and behold the angels of god ascending and descending upon it." As Cumont has documented, "Among the ancient Egyptians the firmament was conceived as being so close to the mountains of the earth that it was possible to climb up to it with the aid of a ladder." ... Numerous peoples conceived of the Milky Way as a giant ladder, stairway, or pillar spanning the sky. To this day, many Europeans still refer to the Milky Way as "Jacob's Ladder." The ancient Laps compared the Milky Way to a stairway, [where] souls were said to take on the appearance of birds ... migrating to heaven.
... A clear indication that something is amiss with the conventional understanding of Egyptian concepts of the Milky Way is the statement that the Winding Waterway is to be found in the northern part of the sky -- in the circumpolar region, no less -- a region seldom frequented by the Sun. "A stairway to the sky is set up for you among the Circumpolar Stars."
... Confronted with the various attributes of the Milky Way -- River of Heaven; Dragon; Road of the Sun; Path of Lost Souls; North Wind; etc. -- scholars have typically offered their best guess at an interpretation, seldom attempting to account for more than a single theme at a time. ... (T)here is no logical explanation why peoples would view the Milky Way as a soul-ladder leading to the Sun.
... Saturn Kronos -- whom Plato called Helios.
... Kronos was intimately associated with [the] Elysian Fields to whence the souls departed upon death.... The concept of the Elysian Fields, as Cook documented, goes back to ancient traditions of a "way" from earth to heaven along which souls might pass. The word Elysian, in fact, comes from the word elysie, "way." ... Various authorities speak of a ladder or stairway associated with the kingdom of Kronos/Saturn. ... Akkadian hymns ... associate a ladder or stairway with the domain of Shamash/Saturn. ... (T)he ancient texts [also] mention a "road" associated with [Saturn](Samas). Indeed it was upon this road that Gilgamesh traveled when performing his heroic exploits. Ancient astronomical omens from Babylon ... associate this "roadway" with the planet Saturn.
... The Twin Mountain -- Akkadian Mashu -- is the sacred mountain upon which the ancient sun-god was wont to rise and set. ... When confronted with a universal tradition such as that of a mountain presiding over sunrise and sunset, or of a mountain, tree, or ladder joining heaven to earth, the simplest and most logically sound position is to consider the possibility that the ancients were not mentally deficient or predisposed to absurd flights of fancy -- that, in fact, they were describing a real phenomenon in matter of fact language. ... A decisive clue is presented by the recurring theme of the World Mountain or Milky Way as a zone of communication between heaven and earth, a theme otherwise associated with ancient conceptions of the World Axis.
... Shaman-rites from both the Old and New Worlds feature a symbolic ascent to heaven by means of a pole, ladder, tree, or cord. In more than one culture, the climbing pole is addressed as the "road to the sky." ... As Eliade and others have documented, such rites have as their express purpose an attempt to recreate the conditions which once prevailed during the Golden Age, when a pillar to the sky actually existed and communication between the two worlds was [thought] possible. Eliade's summary of these rites is as follows: "If we try to achieve a general view of all the myths and rites just briefly reviewed, we are struck by the fact that they have a dominant idea in common: communication between heaven and earth can be brought about ... by some physical means (rainbow, bridge, stairs, ladder, vine, cord, 'chain of arrows', mountain, etc., etc.). All of these symbolic images of the connection between heaven and earth are merely variants of the World Tree or the axis mundi."

Cochrane's paper has much more info, but I haven't reviewed the rest of it yet.
My quotes and replies - ... 90#p112103

Hello Lloyd,
Thank you for this great summary work. :D

I would though be pleased to read the full articles of Ev and read the mythical context and his arguments. Maybe you can link us to this/these articles.

It is astonishing how many ancient information’s from all over the world we can find about the Milky Way and I think these information’s should be much more included in the interpretation of the myths.

When one is familiar with the looks and daily and annual motion of the MW-contours, one can imagine all kinds of celestial images, and it is a huge task to comment on all your notes.
[Most ancient cultures regarded the Milky Way as several of the following objects, none of which include a boat or ship of heaven; after the list is Cochrane's explanation that these objects formerly referenced the polar column in the Saturn model:]
I think the heavenly ship really is described and ascribed to the crescent MW-figures in several cultures, but it is scholarly misinterpreted as the “solar barque” in connection with the also misinterpreted “Sun-god”. Link - ... ical_ships
... One of the most prominent themes in these texts makes the king mount a ladder, stair, or some other contrivance in order to reach the heavenly river which leads to the kingdom of the sun. ... "Stairs to the sky are laid for him that he may ascend thereon to the sky." ... "A ladder to the sky shall be put together for you and Nut will extend her hands towards you, you shall navigate on the Winding Waterway and sail in the eight boat." . . . ascend on this ladder which my father Re made for me...
In my mytho-cosmological understanding, the Nut goddess resembles the MW-contours on the southern hemisphere and the “Winding Waterway” of course then represents the MW-spirals. The “eight boat” then is logically connected to the MW contours as well.

When “my father Re” is the maker of the MW-ladder, this deity cannot logically be the Sun, but he then represent the central MW-Light from where everything in the Milky Way is created, according to the Egyptian Story of Creation in the Ogdoad - Link - ... _mythology - (The northern hemisphere MW-contours are of course also a part of the Winding Waterway imagery with all its celestial looks and motions).

Regarding the “Circuit of Life”:
Maybe if we have the EU theory of electromagnetism and magnetic circuits in mind, we also better can understand the ancient mythical contexts?

As the Solar System is an integrated part of the galactic rotation, it is likely also an integrated part of the galactic formation and when we connect the ancient text of birth and dead explanation to this circuital formation in the MW, we can understand the ancient text like this:

Everything in the MW is primarily formatted in the MW-center (Z-Pinch-Light) from where it is dispersed out in the galactic surroundings and from where it returns to the center in the galactic electromagnetic circuit. An explanation which should fit very to this problematic issue:
... Confronted with the various attributes of the Milky Way -- River of Heaven; Dragon; Road of the Sun; Path of Lost Souls; North Wind; etc. -- scholars have typically offered their best guess at an interpretation, seldom attempting to account for more than a single theme at a time. ... (T)here is no logical explanation why peoples would view the Milky Way as a soul-ladder leading to the Sun. .
The problem lays in the generally interpretation of the concept of “light” as representing “the Sun” instead of to the Central Light of the Milky Way, which is the logical explanation. When climbing the nocturnal MW-ladder, this leads you logically to the Central Light/First Light in the Milky Way galaxy and not to the Sun.

More on The Ladder:
... The idea of a soul-ladder stretching from earth to heaven ... is apparently universal in extent. ... The most familiar example of such a sky-ladder, perhaps, is the account in Genesis: "And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth and the top of it reached the sky, and behold the angels of god ascending and descending upon it.
The descending and ascending of “the angels of god” i.e. “the forces of creation” flows in a circuit as described above.
... [Problem]
... A clear indication that something is amiss with the conventional understanding of Egyptian concepts of the Milky Way is the statement that the Winding Waterway is to be found in the northern part of the sky -- in the circumpolar region, no less -- a region seldom frequented by the Sun. "A stairway to the sky is set up for you among the Circumpolar Stars.
I don´t think this I a problem in itself. The Winding Waterway can be observed all around the Earth on both hemispheres, (The Ouroboros Serpent) and the stairway describes the MW-contours as an observed vertical standing ladder, which revolves together with the circumpolar stars and star constellations.

(But the explainable problem of course still exist if interpreting the nocturnal “Light of the MW-deities” as matters which deals with the Sun and ”solar”-deities)
Various authorities speak of a ladder or stairway associated with the kingdom of Kronos/Saturn. ... Akkadian hymns ... associate a ladder or stairway with the domain of Shamash/Saturn. ... (T)he ancient texts [also] mention a "road" associated with [Saturn](Samas). Indeed it was upon this road that Gilgamesh traveled when performing his heroic exploits. Ancient astronomical omens from Babylon ... associate this "roadway" with the planet Saturn.
If the ladder to heaven is constituted by the Milky Way and it is the domain of Saturn(us)/Samas, your first investigational thoughts logically shouldn´t concern planet Saturn, but the very looks and motions of the Milky Way which can be imagined as a “great whitish man in the night Sky”. The “planet Saturn” interpretation is a retrospective idea of the Roman naming of the planets from their ancient pantheon of primary deities of creation, which specifically didn´t dealt with other planets besides the Earth itself.
When confronted with a universal tradition such as that of a mountain presiding over sunrise and sunset, or of a mountain, tree, or ladder joining heaven to earth, the simplest and most logically sound position is to consider the possibility that the ancients were not mentally deficient or predisposed to absurd flights of fancy -- that, in fact, they were describing a real phenomenon in matter of fact language. ..
Of course our ancestors described real phenomenon´s in matter of fact language, namely images which the human mind puts on both physical observations and spiritual visions of the Entire Creation in our local part of the Universe. This is exactly why the cultural Myths of Creation are so similar all over the world.

I would also like to link to my perception and descriptions of the basic Symbols of Creation here - ... 07#p111933

OK for now – As said above, it´s a huge task to comment on all issues provided here but if there are any questions about a specific text or problem, just ask or comment on my reply.

Lloyd, if you wish to provide links to EV´s full articles, I´ll be very pleased.
Re: Evidence of Ancient Global Cataclysm

Postby Norman » Sun Mar 13, 2016 6:04 am
Read also about the scholarly perception and interpretation of the "solar barque" and "sun chariot" here - ... un_chariot

The very idea of "a ship transporting the sun" is impossible. No one can logically get this idea if watching the Sun. The MW-ships or chariots are constituted by the crescent contours of the MW and the frequently shown star above the ship, represents the celestial pole star.

Subsequently all references to a "sun-god" is out of the mythical and astronomical order. The same goes for the "Female Ship", which is scholarly ascribed to the crescent Moon instead of to the crescent MW- contours on the southern hemisphere, where the Mother Goddess resides in the "Under-World", but up in the Sky. Link - ... and_female
I thought Lloyd were interested in some explanation and remarks to his post on the Milky Way issues, of Ev Cochrane, but he was/is clearly not:
Re: Evidence of Ancient Global Cataclysm - ... 90#p112108

Postby Lloyd » Sun Mar 13, 2016 7:18 am
Norman, I'm not interested in your interpretations. You don't believe in ancient global cataclysms, so claiming that there were none is off-topic in this thread. People have the right to discuss topics without having to be barraged by nay-sayers. You have your own thread to do your nay-saying in. So please leave this thread alone as long as you have nothing to share about Evidence of Ancient Global Cataclysm.
I thought I was very supportive on several basic EU-issues AND constructively critical on others, but Lloyd didn´t recognize this. His idea of discussing a topic is apparently to agree fully on the unproven dogmas.
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Re: The Mythical Interpretations in the TBP

Unread post by john666 » Mon Mar 14, 2016 3:23 pm

A question for Norman(or anybody else who can answer it);

We know that the more south you go, the more space the Milky Way occupies in the night sky.
But I would like to know, how much more exactly?

At the equator for example, is it 1/4 of the night sky, or what?

Does anybody know?

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Re: The Mythical Interpretations in the TBP

Unread post by Norman » Tue Mar 15, 2016 1:29 am

john666 wrote:A question for Norman(or anybody else who can answer it);

We know that the more south you go, the more space the Milky Way occupies in the night sky.
But I would like to know, how much more exactly?

At the equator for example, is it 1/4 of the night sky, or what?

Does anybody know?
Galactic Bulge.jpg
The Milky Way contours can be observed running all around the Earth, but the contour on the southern hemisphere of course fills more and is more luminous because of the galactic center in the Sagittarius star constellation.
Galactic and Solar system Planes
Galactic and Solar system Planes
Edit: In the cultural Myths of Creation, the galactic center have some significant mytho-cosmological symbols:
First Light - Enclosed Light - Cosmic Mound - Cosmic Womb and the entire contours of the southern hemisphere resembles the Great Mother Goddess.
Southern Milky Way contours.
Southern Milky Way contours.
Southern.04.jpg (21.63 KiB) Viewed 15004 times
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Re: The Mythical Interpretations in the TBP

Unread post by Norman » Tue Mar 15, 2016 4:28 am


You referred to the Nuit Goddess invocation in your former reply.

I wish to link you to some Native Tribe videos, which deals with this important message of the Intuitive Female Wisdom, which is very much needed in the male dominated modern world.

The Sacred Feminine: An Oral Teaching by Aleutian Elder, Larry Merculieff. -

Enjoy :D
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Re: The Mythical Interpretations in the TBP

Unread post by Norman » Tue Mar 15, 2016 3:13 pm

Subject: Analysis of mythic text of Dwardu Cardona - ... 84#p112175
The Cosmic Origin of the Swastika by Dwardu Cardona
From - ... 7cosmc.htm
Since Prometheus was the first man created by the gods, he can be considered to have been the Greek Adam, identified by David Talbott as a prototype of the Heaven Man.
I agree in this.
To Talbott, the Heaven Man was the personification of the primeval Saturn. This assertion is given substance by the Babylonians whose "first man", that is Adam, was Belus, "who is Kronos" and therefore Saturn.
I also agree in this.
This also accounts for the belief that the primordial light, which I have elsewhere described as the light shed by Saturn's primeval flare-up, was actually shed by Adam's countenance.

I also agree in this.

Why do I agree in all this? Because PLANET Saturn is not mentioned at all. And because the primeval Saturn is the Roman god Saturnus who resembles the northern hemisphere contours of the Milky Way

The Mythical Swastika Fire Drill - ... -Block.jpg - Swastika´s are mytho-cosmological symbols of galaxies.
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Re: The Mythical Interpretations in the TBP

Unread post by Norman » Wed Mar 16, 2016 4:05 am

Subject: Overlooking/ignoring factual written mythical texts

Quotes and remarks from - ... 98#p112198

Re: Evidence of Ancient Global Cataclysm
Postby Norman » Wed Mar 16, 2016 3:54 am
Cargo wrote:

Lloyd wrote:
I'd really like to not be interrupted with frequent or long messages here that deny the point of this thread

Could you do a quick TL/DR for those trying to decide if this is just more science/religion conflict.
IMO this is not really a conflict between religion and science - or at least it shouldn´t be, because if interpreting the religious/mythological Myths of Creation in their full specific context, these very nicely support the basic ideas in the EU and PC.

One has to differ between the factual mythical context which describes the "everything´s good in creation" and factual geological disasters.

Geological facts of disasters shouldn´t be that difficult to discover, but when including the Myths of Creation, this demands interpretative skills which of course shall include the full extend of ancient knowledge, which is based on both physical and spiritual observation skills.

Cherrypicking in the mythical texts in order to support planetary upheavals is of course illogical when myths de facto speaks of and describes the connection to the Milky Way, and written texts can be found to support this.

Two significant exsamples are:

The Milky Way Goddess Hathor (equal to goddess Venus) - ... nd_symbols
The Ancient Greeks sometimes identified Hathor with the goddess Aphrodite, while in Roman mythology she corresponds to Venus.

Hathor, along with the goddess Nut, was associated with the Milky Way during the third millennium B.C. when, during the fall and spring equinoxes, it aligned over and touched the earth where the sun rose and fell. The four legs of the celestial cow represented Nut or Hathor could, in one account, be seen as the pillars on which the sky was supported with the stars on their bellies constituting the Milky Way.
Female and Male Milky Way Deities
Female and Male Milky Way Deities
All kinds of qualities and attributes references to the Milky Way Goddess Venus, can logically not be ascribed to planet Venus and used in planetary catastrophe theories.

The Milky Way Mount(d)) -
Mount Meru is a sacred mountain with five peaks in Hindu, Jain and Buddhist cosmology and is considered to be the center of all the physical, metaphysical and spiritual universes.

Mount Meru of Hindu traditions has clearly mythical aspects, being described as 84,000 Yojan high (which is around 1,082,000 km (672,000 mi), or 85 times the Earths's diameter), and having the Sun along with all its planets in the Solar System revolve around it as one unit.
Disregarded the accuracy of the noted distances, the last sentence without any doubts speaks of the Milky Way center, a mytho-cosmological knowledge which of course should be included in the overall ideas of the EU and PC when interpreting the myths.

Why aren´t these mytho-cosmological facts in written texts included in the overall mythical interpretation in the TBP?
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Re: The Mythical Interpretations in the TBP

Unread post by Norman » Sat Mar 19, 2016 4:35 am

Subject: The Dwardu Cardona Video, "Order Out of Chaos" | EU2015 - - (Presented by Wal Thornhill in the absence of Dwardu Cardona).

In this video, this "first something of light" in the representation of the cultural Creation Myths, is hypothezised to be "proto-Saturn" i.e. the coming planet Saturn, but can that really be the fact? Is planet Saturn the first object/entity to be made in the creation? Is it planet Saturn which creates everything in the creation? Not very likely.

If planet Saturn was the first to be created (in our Solar System, or in our Milky Way galaxy) there was logically no Earth to stand on watching and witness a planet Saturn. Something is very inconsistent in this idea and the interpretation of the creation stories must be connected to other and more logical ideas.

Such more logical ideas are already described in ancient texts in the telling of the Egyptian goddess Hathor who is connected to the Milky Way and also to the Egyptian god, Ra, who is the first fiery entity to be created in the Egyptian story of creation, the Ogdoad.

Subsequently Ra represent the central and enclosed light in the Milky Way center and of course NOT planet Saturn. This is a huge underestimation and misinterpretation of the ancestral mytho-cosmological knowledge.

Read more in this thread: ... 28#p111928
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Re: The Mythical Interpretations in the TBP

Unread post by comingfrom » Sat Mar 19, 2016 3:20 pm

Norman wrote:If planet Saturn was the first to be created (in our Solar System, or in our Milky Way galaxy) there was logically no Earth to stand on watching and witness a planet Saturn. Something is very inconsistent in this idea and the interpretation of the creation stories must be connected to other and more logical ideas.
No matter which creation myth, whatever was the first thing to be created, there was no witnesses to witness it (except, maybe, the Creator Himself).


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Re: The Mythical Interpretations in the TBP

Unread post by Norman » Sun Mar 20, 2016 5:56 am

Hello Paul,
No matter which creation myth, whatever was the first thing to be created, there was no witnesses to witness it (except, maybe, the Creator Himself).
This is the funny and most underestimated part of it all.

IMO, all Creation Myths are intuitive inspirations and visions of the creation itself - and as we all are a part of the creation, all humans can get those inspirations, hence the similarity of these cultural stories. These spiritual inspirations combined with physical observations of the celestial motions and imageries are the very essence of these Stories of Creation.

In this way, we all and STILL can be witnesses to the story of creation, and I can assure you that planet Saturn was not the first entity to be created in our local part of the Universe, our Milky Way, as it is concluded in the video of Dwardu Cardona -

The Central Light in the Milky Way is named Ra in the Egyptian story of creation, and it has nothing to do with planet Saturn, but it has lots to do with the Roman Saturnus God, who is the first "son of the central light" in the Milky Way -
Saturn the planet and Saturday are both named after the god.
Subsequently and evidently planet Saturn is logically not a god.
The Roman Milky Way God Saturnus on the northern hemisphere - This crescent Milky Way contour resembles the prime male deity in numerous cultural Myths of Creation all over the World.
The Roman Milky Way God Saturnus on the northern hemisphere - This crescent Milky Way contour resembles the prime male deity in numerous cultural Myths of Creation all over the World.
Northern Hemisphere.04.jpg (22.42 KiB) Viewed 14896 times
Planet Saturn is evidently not a god which can be directly connected to the stories of creation, but it is assumed to be so, of those who believe in "planetary catastrophe theories" and of those who believe on "a former polar configuration of planets". All because of lack knowledge of the Milky Way Mythology.
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Re: The Mythical Interpretations in the TBP

Unread post by Norman » Tue Mar 22, 2016 4:00 am

Subject: Goddess Venus confused for Planet Venus

Quotes from -
Goddess Venus is the Roman goddess whose functions encompassed love, beauty, sex, fertility, prosperity and desire. In Roman mythology, she was the mother of the Roman people through her son, Aeneas, who survived the fall of Troy and fled to Italy. Julius Caesar claimed her as his ancestor. Venus was central to many religious festivals, and was revered in Roman religion under numerous cult titles.
Goddess Venus is one of the numerous cultural Mother Goddesses of Creation, so logically all kinds of fertility qualities and attribures are ascribed to this goddess, and as a mother goddess of creation, we all can claim this goddess to be our female ancestor.
The Romans adapted the myths and iconography of her Greek counterpart Aphrodite for Roman art and Latin literature. In the later classical tradition of the West, Venus becomes one of the most widely referenced deities of Greco-Roman mythology as the embodiment of love and sexuality.
As said, goddess Venus is equal to the Green goddess Aphrodite - and to the Egyptian goddess Hathor who is associated with the Milky Way contours (on the southern hemisphere). Subsequently goddess Venus is also a Milky Way mother goddess.
In myth, Venus-Aphrodite was born of sea-foam. Roman theology presents Venus as the yielding, watery female principle, essential to the generation and balance of life. Her male counterparts in the Roman pantheon, Vulcan and Mars, are active and fiery.
There is NO WAY anyone can explain the birth of goddess Venus without having knowledge of the Milky Way River Mythology. Just like Hathor and Aphrodite, she resembles the foamish-waters-looks of the Milky Way which constitutes/"gives birth" to her, and she is also born out of the "primeval waters" of the pro-creation.
The long haired Milky Way Goddess born out of the Milky Way River foam.
The long haired Milky Way Goddess born out of the Milky Way River foam.
Southern.04.Goddess Attributes.jpg (21.64 KiB) Viewed 14855 times
Just like the Egyptian goddess Hathor is connected to the Egyptian "fiery and first entity god of creation", Ra, goddess Venus also have a similar fiery connection to god Vulcan/Mars. As mother goddess of creation, connected to the Milky Way, this primeval "fiery vulcanic light" connection can only represent the central fiery light (The Enclosed Light on the Primeval Mound) in the Milky Way from/in where everything in our galaxy is created.

The "fiery/vulcanic" center is located in the "womb area" on the female looking Milky Way figure in the Sagittarius constellation. This center of creation is mythically mentioned as "The Cosmic Womb".

Planet Venus
Is named AFTER the Roman pantheon Goddess Venus, but because of lack of the Milky Way Mythology knowledge, many scholars uses myths of the pantheon goddess to "explain" different planetary theories of disasters and "once another ancient polar configuration of several planets".
The long haired Milky Way Goddess born out of the Milky Way River foam.
The long haired Milky Way Goddess born out of the Milky Way River foam.
Southern.04.Goddess Attributes.jpg (21.64 KiB) Viewed 14855 times
Modern observations claims planet Venus to show a comet tail as described here - - but the long haired attribute of Milky Way goddess Venus was alredy used by the proponents of planetary catastrophism in order to describe planet Venus as "an ancient comet with a tail" which once supposedly caused upheavals, awe and human panic on the Earth.

Even the fiery/vulcanic/"earthquake" attribute of the Milky Way goddess as mentioned above, is used in order to support the catastrophe theories, but in fact these qualities "just" represents the fiery and forcefull creation in the Milky Way center.

Goddess Venus and Planet Venus has nothing obvious to do with each other. Ascribing qualities and attributes and celestial location of the Milky Way Mother Goddess Venus residing and revolving on the southern hemisphere, to a planet which moves on the ecliptic, is of course a huge distortion of both the myth and the astronomical facts.
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Re: The Mythical Interpretations in the TBP

Unread post by jacmac » Tue Mar 22, 2016 9:03 pm

Norman said:
Goddess Venus and Planet Venus has nothing obvious to do with each other. Ascribing qualities and attributes and celestial location of the Milky Way Mother Goddess Venus residing and revolving on the southern hemisphere, to a planet which moves on the ecliptic, is of course a huge distortion of both the myth and the astronomical facts.
The ecliptic is the plane of the earth orbit.
Venus orbit is inclined to the ecliptic 3.39*


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Re: The Mythical Interpretations in the TBP

Unread post by Norman » Wed Mar 23, 2016 3:12 am

Norman said:
Goddess Venus and Planet Venus has nothing obvious to do with each other. Ascribing qualities and attributes and celestial location of the Milky Way Mother Goddess Venus residing and revolving on the southern hemisphere, to a planet which moves on the ecliptic, is of course a huge distortion of both the myth and the astronomical facts.

The ecliptic is the plane of the earth orbit.
Venus orbit is inclined to the ecliptic 3.39*
Thanks for this. It should of course have been "on the orbital plane" - which is somewhat indifferent to my point of confusing a Milky Way goddess, positioned and revolving around the celestial pole on the southern Sky, to count for the "wandering star", planet Venus.
Southern.04.Goddess Attributes.jpg
Southern.04.Goddess Attributes.jpg (21.85 KiB) Viewed 14817 times
If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; but if you really make them think, they'll hate you.


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